Surface characterization - ACS Publications - American Chemical

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Anal. Chem. 1983, 55 233 R-245 R I

Ai r Pol111 tion Donald L. Fox" and Harvey E. Jeffrles Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 275 14

This review covers the literature from late 1980 to December 1982. The major source of information was Chemical Abstracts Selects: Pollution Monitoring. In addition, journals in the air pollution and analytical chemistry fields were surveyed. The organization consists of two major divisions: gaseous methods, which have single letter designations after reference numbers, and aerosol and particulate methods, which have two letter designations after the reference numbers. It was not possible to have subdivisions for every compound and only the most important species were discussed by techniques used for their analynis. This somewhat arbitrary division was not mutually exclu13ive;therefore, material on sulfur, for example, appears in several sections in GASES, in Sulfur Speciation, and in several of the technique sections in AEROSOLS.

GASES Books and Reviews. Thain ( I A ) published a book on monitoring techniques for toxic gases in the atmosphere. Compiled papers on quality assurance in air pollution measurement were published in (2A). Reviews included three general reviews ( 3 A d A ) , luminescence techniques (6A) spectroscopy (7A, 8 A ) organic compound methods (9A-I4A), personal monitoring (15A17A), electron capture techniques for halocarbons (IRA) preparation of gaseous mixtures (19A)nitrogen dioxide (20A) collection techniques ( H A ) and detectors using piezoelectric crystals (22A). Calibration Methods. An evaluation of various ozone calibration procedures found the UV photometry method was the most dependable and accurate. This method has been designated a replacement procedure for the original ozone calibration method by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (IB). Known concentrationsof O3 have been prepared from electrical discharge of O2in a closed flask and used for the absolute calibration of UV photometers (2B). Permeation tubes have been developed for HF (3B),haloMe3N, carbons (4B),MH3, SO2 (5B,6B)and MeNH2,Me2", and MeSH (6B).A dynamic calibration system was developed to generate 3 different concentration levels simultaneously at controlled humidities (7B). Fluorocarbon film is used to make bags for preparing gaseous mixtures for calibration purposes. Bufalini et a1 have found high levels of contaminants liberated from fluorocarbon bags (8B). Procedures have been published for preparation of Certified Reference Materials (CRM) gas cylinders traceable to NBS standard reference materials (9B). Ozone. A novel chemiluminescence technique was described based on the reaction of ozone with oil coated cellulose filter paper. The prototype O3 monitor and a conventional monitor agreed to within h0.005 ppm for daily ambient readings (IC). Ferrari et al. describe the design, construction and performance of an absolute W photometer for calibration of ozone monitors (2C). Hagemeyer and Ainsworth have shown the weak line contribution to absorption in a UV photometer is less than 1% for most operating conditions (3C). Lambert et al. have investigated quantitative reflectance measurements as a basis for monitoring O3 and NO, (4C). IR differential absorption (5C-7C) and UV differential absorption (8C) have been used to measure O3 from aircraft platforms. Nitrogen Oxides and Acids. Nitric oxide (NO) has been measured by a new method of sequential 2-photon-laser-induced fluorescence. Results from the prototype system suggest a 0.3 pptv limit of detection under atmospheric conditions (ID).Differential absorption has been used to measure NO

over a path length in the atmosphere. Atmospheric water vapor absorption was found to be a problem ( 2 0 ) . A gas chromatographictechnique involving the reaction of NO with aromatic amines in the presence of Cu(I1) halide was reported. The aryl halide formed from the reaction was measured by electron capture detection ( 3 0 ) . Laser-induced-fluorescence has also been applied tot nitrogen dioxide (NO,) ( 4 0 ) . Laser photoacoustic detection of NOz was also reported. Agreement with conventional techniques was excellent (50). Poizat and Atkinson detected ]NO2 concentrations as low as 2 ppb and found the photoacoustic signal was linearly dependent on the NOz pressure over -6 orders of magnitude (60). Photothermal detection of NOz was also reported ( 7 0 ) . 8-Hydroxyquinolineand Na arsenite in NaOH has been used as a new absorbing reagent for NO2 (8D). Nitrous acid (HN02)has been measured in the ambient atmosphere by UV differential absorption spectroscopy (!?I)). A study of the transmission of nitric acid (HN03) through various materials revealed Teflon and stainless steel had >95% efficiency whereas glass, rubber, polyethylene, and Tygon absorbed significant quantities ( 1 0 0 ) . McClenney et al. have reported on the use of HzW04 coated tubes (as a preconcentrator of HN03 and NH3. Thermal desorption of these materials and detection with a standard chemiluminescence analyzer showed detection limits as low as (0.07 ppb for 40-min collection and analysis cycle (110, 120). Nitroso and Other Nitrogen Compounds. A ground based solar viewing IR heterodyne radiometer has been used to measure the vertical distribution of NH3 (IE). Reproducible measurements of >0.12 ppb ambient NH3 have been reported with an NH3 scrubbing collection system followed by derivatization vvith o-phthalaldehyde and detection with fluorescence spectroscopy (2E). Kashihira et al. have coulpled a chemiluminescent detector to a gas chromatograph. Cohunn effluent was pyrolyzed on a hot catalyst to form NO. They reported test results for NH3 and amines (3E). Hardy and Knarr reported improvements in Pt catalyst converter13by lowering the pressure (4E). Hydrogen cyanide has been measured by ion chromatography. HCN was trapped in an alkali solution and quantitatively converted to Na formate (5E). Lonneman et al. reported a calibration procedure for PAN based on its thermal decomposition in the presence of nitric oxide (6E). Concentrations of hydrazine as low as 0.05 ppm can be measured in the field by a sampling and colorimetricanalysis procedure described by Suggs et al. (7E). A method for measuring N-nitrosamines was improved by photochemically oxidizing N-nitroamines to their colrresponding nitroamines with subsequent detection of picogram uantities by gas chromatography with an electron capture jetector (8E). ThermoSorb/N cartridges were used to colllect N-nitrosamines followed by analysis with gas chromatography-thermal energy analyzer. Detection limits for Nnitrosodimethylaminewere -0.1 ~ g / m by ~Marano et al. 19E) and -0.03 pg/m3 by Rounbehler et al. (IOE). Ambient measurements of trimethylamine at 0.01 ppm (5M. For field desorption mass spectroscopy, Lehmann found the general tendency was a decrease in sensitivity with increasing amounts of inorganic contaminants (6M. A selective thin-coating gas sensor for the qualitative and quantitative determination of gaseous hydrocarbons baaed on a WO,, semiconductor was reported ( 7 N . A quartz crystal piezoelectric device was proposed for measuring organic gaseous pollutants (SM. Remote Sensing and Other Spectroscopy. Methods and applications of remote aircraft and satellite monitoring of pollution, specific pollutants, and point sources were summarized by McNelis (IF'). Schweiter reviewed the criteria and limitations of mounting instrumentation in aircraft (2P). Differential absorption lidar (DIAL) has been developed for remote sensing of trace gases in the atmosphere. DIAL techniques may use the UV or the infrared spectrum depending on the type of laser. Baumer and Rothe have investigated the use of DIAL systems for measurements of three-dimensional distributions of pollutants. A short laser ulse was emitted into the atmosphere and the backscattered gght was recorded as a function of time. The concentration

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used Tenax-filled adsorbent traps for sampling of chlorocarbons in the atmoaphere with a detection limit of 0.01 ppb and overall precision of 30% (17L). Namiesnik and Lozlowski determined the brekthrough volumes for ten sorbents using 15 volatile organic compounds (1RL). Harris et al. compared the retention and recovery performance of XAD-2, XAD-7, Tenax-GC, Ambersorb X E 340 and Florisil for emission sampling (19L). Tenax-GC, Porapak R, and Ambersorb XE340 materials were placed in series for sampling 20 potential atmospheric carcinogens (20L). Hunt et al. reported high levels of organic contaminants in certain polymeric resins including alkyl derivatives of C& styrene, naphthalene, and biphenyl (21L). Hydrocarbons/GC. The papers in this section are organized by detector type, nonmethane volatile organic carbon (NMVOC), and portable GC's, and compound. An ion mobility spectrometer was interfaced with a GC to reduce the loss of chromatographic resolution in the detector. This was done by increasing the efficiency with which neutral sample species are removed from the ionization region (1.44). A three-detector gas chromatographic system with an electron capture detector (ECD), photoionization detector (PID), and flame ionimtion detector (FID) was used to identifv specific organic compounds haxd on response ratios of sampk components from different detectors (2M). Kuster et al. modified a GC/ECD system for use on aircraft or balloon platforms where changes in ambient pressure and gas composition occur. The modification involved enclosing the plumbing of the chromatograph in a sealed chamber (3M). Cowen and Baynes calculated theoretical distribution coefficients from vapor pressure and aqueous solubility data, then compared the expected head space concentration with the detection h i t s for flame ionization, Hall, and electron capture detection ( 4 M ) . A dual detector PID/ECD system was used for C,X,o hydrocarbons. The technique used a 60-m SE-30fused capillary column and subambient temperature programming. Retention time and normalized response data were presented for 143 compounds including alkanes, alkenes, aromatics, aldehydes, ketones, and CI- and S-containing hydrocarbons (5M). GC/PID systems were used to measure rrg/m3 levels of mercaptans (6M. Kapila and Vogt developed a low volume gas-tight photoionization detector for use in series with a h e ionization detector (7M) McCarthy et al. reported on glass capillary gas chromatography with simultaneous FID and Hall element-specific




was evaluated by performing measurements at different wavelengths (3P). Browell described a ground based DIAL system used for measuring SOz in plumes and a DIAL system mounted in an aircraft which measured SOz, water vapor and NOz. He also described the feasibility of a DIAL system on the NASA space shuttle to measure tropspheric gases from space (4P). HCHO, HNOZ,03,NOz, and SOz were measured at four sites in western Europe by differential absorption (5P). Other applications of DIAL spectroscopy included ethylene (6P) and NOz and SOz (7P). The uses of Fourier transform IR spectroscopy (FTIR) for characterization of both organic and inorganic species were reviewed by Barbour and Jaksbsen (8P). Zachor et al. studied the limitations of an FT-IR spectrometer for remotely detecting trace gases in a localized plume. They reported that detection is based on the degree to which the observed IR spectral radiance contrast between the plume and adjacent background is correlated with a computed reference spectrum (9P). Hernet reDorted on the use of a mobile FT-IR svstem to measur; plume concentrations of NO, CO, COz, NH;, HF, and SOz (IOP,11P). Hanst used FT-IR to measure the rise and fall of NH,. CO. HCHO, HCOOH, MeOH, "OB, NO, NO2, 0 , PAN,"alkyl nitrates and various hydrocarbons in Los Angejes smog over a 2-day period (12P). FT-IR spectroscopy was used in a kinetics study of OH reactions with toxic substances (13P). HOzNOz was continuously monitored by IR chemiluminescence of its decomposition product HOz in HC/NO, photochemical studies (14P). Gurka et al. coupled a GC with an FT-IR spectrometer to measure toxic substances. They found the GC/FT-IR system exhibited its greatest sensitivity to aliphatics and aromatics with carbonyl or other oxygenated functional groups and its poorest sensitivity to alkyl halides and aromatic compounds (15P). Photoacoustictechniques based on a COPlaser was reported for the measurement of ethylene (16P) and other toxic industrial compounds (17P). The use of an optogalvanic technique has been suggested for primary wavelength calibration of tunable laser sources (18P). Multiphoton ionization spectroscopy was described as an ultra sensitive technique for measuring trace gases. The ultimate detection limit was estimated to be -lo4 molecules cm3 (19P). Ot er. Calo et al. investigated problems associated with cryogenic trapping of whole air samples (IR, 2R). Harsch evaluated a gas sampling container for halocarbons (3R). Farmer and Dawson developed a condensation sampling technique for soluble atmospheric trace gases (4R). Individual tetraalkylated species in air were measured by GC and atomic absor tion spectroscopy. Concentrations ranged from 0.3 ng/m 2in a rural environment to 400 ng/m3 near a gasoline station (5R). Ion content of humidified air was measured by electrical conductivity (6R). Mercury vapor collected by a passive gold wire sampler was measured by atomic fluorescence spectroscopy. The detection limit was 3.6 pg/m3 (7R). Changes in a nondispersive infrared (NDIR) analyzer improved the sensitivity, zero drift and operating temperature tolerance (8R). An automated gas chromatographic determination of CO was developed to measure atmospheric CO sources. The sensitivity was 1 ppb and the precision was 2.5% (9R).



AEROSOLS Books and Reviews. Books on aerosol measurements include a new offering discussing the properties and behavior of airborne particles as well as their measurement (IAA),and a text on techniques for measuring and analyzing emissions for industrial sources (2AA). In addition, proceedings were published on the establishment of a size specific standard for particulate matter (3AA),another on the revision of the SO, and particulate matter air quality standard in the United States (4AA),and finally a monograph on the relationship of aerosol sources and subsequent air quality considerations which includes measurement techniques (5AA). A review of papers presented at the Third Symposium on Advances in Particle Sampling and Measurement describes the results of recent research efforts on techniques applicable to source and near source particle measurement (6AA). A 236R


55; NO. 5, APRIL 1983

review of research on chemical analysis of aerosols and airborne particles cited in NTIS from 1977-1980 includes 206 references (7AA). Techniques for measurement of diesel emission particle sizes was completed by Bradow (8AA). A review of the chemical identifical of secondary organic aerosols was reported by Grosjean (9AA). Three reviews on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons appeared. Becker reviewed glass capillary gas chromatography (IOAA). Hunt et al. reviewed pulsed positive-negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry (11AA). Fishbien reviewed carcinogenic and mutagenic aromatic amines (12AA). Schroeder presented a review of techniques for sampling and analysis of mercury in the atmosphere (13AA). Nitrates. Sampling of particulate nitrate species in the ambient atmosphere is complicated by the presence of gaseous nitrate in the form of NN03 and other acidic components,i.e., HzS04and HCl. Two studies discuss the positive and negative errors associated with formation and loss of nitrate from filter surfaces in field sampling programs. Glass-fiber filters exhibited positive artifact nitrate formation in 24-h hi-vol samples (IBB). In the laboratory, inert filters have been found to lose nitrate when exposed to strong acids (2BB). The use of HN03 denuder systems was reported by several research projects. Appel et al. (3BB)observed nitrate loss from filters by analyzing the nitrate collected by a denuder downstream of the collection filter. Gaseous HN03 and particulate nitrate were measured by a parallel filter pack system, one with an upstream denuder (4BB). A denuder in series with a NazC03-impregnated filter was used for atmospheric nitrate measurements (5BB). Sulfur Speciation. Sulfur is present in many forms in the atmosphere. The material has been subdivided into the following categories: aerosol generation, sulfur, sulfate, HzS04, S(IV), and strong acid determination. Kim et al. reported on a generator system for several different sulfate salts and sulfuric acid aerosol based on an ultrasonic nebulizer approach. The system exhibited M% stability for size distribution, mass concentration, chemical composition, and crystal structure for periods upto 6 h continous operation (ICC). A laboratory sulfuric acid generator for simulating S gas streams upto combustion conditions was developed and evaluated (2CC). Several reports of techniques for the measurement of total particulate sulfur are presented below. Total particulate sulfur has been determined by flame photometric detection (FPD) techniques with prior removal of the gaseous sulfur species by denuder systems. Lower limits of detection of -5 pg/m3 have been reported by several groups (3CC-5CC). Increased sensitivity and lower limits of detection (-0.5 pg m3) were achieved by S addition to the H stream (6CC). PD techniques were also used to measure total sulfur by determining HzS released from the reduction of particles washed from glass fiber filters (7CC). Canelli and Husain reported a rapid pyrolysis-mircocoulometric method for total sulfur in ambient samples (8CC). A simple manual procedure was develo ed for the determination of water soluble inorganic S O P extracted from atmospheric samples. The turbidimetric method uses a BaClz-gelatin reagent (9CC). Klockow and Techentrup describe a simple procedure for simultaneous sampling, but The filter is impregnated separate analysis of SO2 and SO the absorbed SO2 as with HgC14 solution which sulfite which can be separated by a microdiffusion step. Both species are determined by isotope dilution analysis (IOCC). The relative amounts of primary and secondary sulfates have been estimated from measurements of the stable isotope ratios (11CC). Determination of HzSO4 is complicated by the presence of NH3 at some time during sample collection because of possible neutralization of the free acid. An ammonia denuder with total flow rates of up to 20 L min was able to removed more than 95% of the gaseous N d 3 without appreciable particle loss (12CC). Improvements in measurements of NH3 and H2S04 was reported by Richards and Johnson (12CC). Continuous monitoring of vaporized acid aerosol with a mass spectrometer has been reported for concentrations >1pg/m3 (14CC). X-ray fluorescence (XRF) has been used as the basis for a technique for H2S04measurement. The reaction between HzSO4 and KC1 releases volatile HCI. The change in the Cl/K ratio before and after sampling is related to the




amount of H2SO4 collected (15CC). Ambient measurements of HzS04upto -10 fig/m3 were measured with a thermal analysis-FPD S monitor in St. Louis, MO (16CC). Levels of 2-11 pg/m3 were observed in Tokyo by a spectrophotometric method based on barium chloranilate (17CC). The benzaldehyde extraction technique measured upto 11 figf m3 of HzS04in Los Angeles (IBCC). Dasgupta et ~ 1developed . a complexometric spectrophotometric method for the determination of S(1V) (19CC). Formalin impregnated paper filters have been used to sample for S(IV) (2OCC). A titration variant for the determination of strong acid with Gran's plot method was proposed (21CC). A method was described for the separation and determination of HC1, "OB, and HzS04in air (22CC). Particulate Carbon. Considerable effort has been undertaken to develop methods for measuring the various forms of carbon found in the particulate phase in the atmosphere. Particulate carbon can be present in the following forms: elemental or graphitic carbon, inorganic carbonate, and condensed organic compounds. Methods have been developed to measure these forms concurrently. Photoacoustic detection of C02formed from carbon oxidation was the basis of a total carbon analyzer ( 1 0 0 ) . Total carbon was determined by y-ray analysis and elemental C by light reflectance ( 2 0 0 ) . The absorption properties of elemental carbon has been used to measure ita contribution in ambient samples in Denver ( 3 0 0 ) and other urban areas ( 4 0 0 , 5 0 0 ) . The separation of organic carbon and elemental carbon was accomplished by two-stage volatilization. Organic carbon was released at -360 "C and elemental carbon was released at -650 "C. As the carbon was released it was oxidized to CO,. Tanner et al. utied flash heating to minimize organic to elemental carbon conversion and used NDIR to measure the evolving COz ( 6 0 0 ) . Huntzicker et al. reduced the CO to methane with subsequent detection by FID. They used fiker reflectance measurements of elemental carbon to correct for organic to elemental carbon conversion during the heating process ( 7 0 0 ) . Cadle and Groblicki discussed the advantages of various methods for separating and measuring organic and elemental carbon collected on filters (800). Thermal analysis for separation and detection of all three forms of carbon from the same sample have been reported by several researchers. This approach has been applied to ambient samples in Los Angeles ( 9 0 0 , 1 0 0 0 ) . A combination of pyrolysis/gas chromatography/mass spectrometry has been used for partitioning carbon into various forms ( 1 1 0 0 ) . Two thermogas-analyzers have been used to measure C and S components of atmospheric aerosol samples ( 1 2 0 0 ) . Methods for condensed organic compounds include the use of high resolution mass spectrometry for analysis of organics vaporized inside the maw spectormetric vacuum system from filter samples ( 1 3 0 0 ) . GC-MS and pyrolysis-GC-MS have been applied to organic aerosol samples by Weschler (1401)). Fatty acids from octanoic acid to tetratriacontanoic acid were found in extracts of airborne samples by formation of esters, separation by GC and quantification by MS ( 1 5 0 0 ) . Artifact formation was observed in sampling of organic aerosols from photochemical cimogs. i3pecifically absorbed benzo[a]pyrene was converted to nitro derivatives and 0-containing products ( 16 0 0 ) . Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. In a comparison of sampling procedures for PAHs, polyurethane foam plugs were more efficient than glass fiber filters for the collection of selected hydrocarbons (1EE). Lao and Thomas concluded that the high-vol. sampling technique can be used without loss PAHs with higher molecular weights (2EE). Barton et al. found similar results in their study of high-vol. sampling but they also reported the oxidation of material on the filter by Os(3EE). The problem of chemical reactions occuring between the PAHs and NO and O3 has been found by Van Cauwenberghe let al. (4EEj and by Brorstroem et al. (5EE). Yamasakj et al investigated the effects of ambient temperature on sampling efficiency of PAHs (6EE). The use of ultrasonics for rapid extraction of high-vol. fiiters for benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) analysis has been substituted successfully for the 6 h Soxhlet extraction method (7EE). Beveridge and Duncan found porous polymer absorbent sampling superior to gas syringe sampling for naphthalene (BEE). Tu et al. developed techniques for the generation and characer-

ization of condensation aerosols of benzo[a]pyrene (9EE). Bartel et al. described the factors influencingthe retention index of a planar polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon on ithe gas chromatographic phases OV-101, SE-52, and OV-17 (IOEE). A clean-up procedure PAHs collected on XAD-2 was developed. It was based on absorption chromatography on XAD-2 and stepwirie elution with various solvents (IIEE). Quantitative results for 2-to 4-ring PAHs were obtained with capillary columns (12EE). Lee et al. described methodologies for isolating clean fraction of PAHs for subsequent analysis by capillary-column GC (13EE). PAHs containing more than 3 rings were determined in airborne particulate matter by capillary column GC. Collection times were 1h or less to avoid secondary contamination (14EE). PAHs in diesel extracts were determined by GC/h4S. Samples were separated into clean fractions by adsorption chromatography (15EE). A combination of glass capillary gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography, and UV spectrometry has been applied to the analysis of PAHs in airborne particulate matter (16EE). Different clmses of PAHs were found to give strong or weak signals from an electron capture detector ( 1 7EE). The response of an ECD was enhanced by adding 0.20% 0 to the carrier gas of the IGC (DEE). High-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) has been used to measure PAHs in airborne particulate matter (19EE-23EE)and in diesel exhaust particulate samples (24EE, 25EE). Ogawa and Chriswell coupled HPLC fractionation techniques with GC/MS. They described a one-step solvlent extraction to isolate PAHs for introduction to the GC/IMS system (26EE). Thin-layer chromatographywith fluorescence detection was used to measure PAHs in air samples (27EE-3OEE). Studies of PAHs containing nitrogen included the following: o-phenylenediamine (31EE),arenes by GC ECD and GC/E'ID (32EE),nitrated PAHs by GC MS (33I!? E-3BEE) and GC ECD (39EE),and azaarenes by C (40EE) by GC/MS (412;I4 and by HPLC-GC/MS (42EE). Klimcak and Wessel described a two-photon photoionization detection system which had a detection limit for naphthalene of 5 X lo4 molecules/cm3 in a N buffer gas (43EE). Mass Spectrometry. Stoffels developed an inlet for airborne particles to enter directly into a surface-ionization mass s ectrometer. Following a capillary nozzle inlet, a skimrner iverts most of the air expanding into a vacuum. A collimator is used to focus the particle beam on a hot filament where vaporization occurs (lFF, 2FF). Further research with this type of system by Sinha and co-workers has determined the transmission efficiency of the particle beam generator as a function of particle size (3FF). Fatty acids from octanoic to tetratriacontanoic acid were measured by mass spectrometry in derivatized samples of airborne matter (4FF). Proton-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE). Quantitative analysis of nanogram quantities of 12-15 elements simultaneously in atmospheric aerosol samples by PIXE was described (1GG). Comparisons of Fe and Zn analysis from filter and impactor samples by PIXE demonstrated differences; in size distribution and collection efficiencies for these two heuw metals (2GG). X-ray Diffraction. X-ray diffraction techniques have been used with XRF methods to obtain auantitative analvsis of the major compounds ]present in atmbspheric aerosd samples ( l H H , 2"). Quantitative measurements of a-quartz in airborne samples by X-ray diffraction has been reported (3"). X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Procedures were described for making absorption corrections when silver filters were used for sample collection (1JJ). Johnson and co-workers used X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and scanning electron microscopy/X-ray emission spectrometry (SEM/XES) to colmpare chemical element composition of individual samples and the bulk sample. They have developed a method of computing the bulk elemental composition from individual particles (2JJ). Preparation techniques for calibration standards for XRF analysis showed >95% recovery of each heavy metall in the matrix (3JJ). XRF analysis has been utilized for rare earth aerosols with detection limits in the 10 g/filter range (4JJ). XRF has been designated an equivalent method for ambient P b analysis by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (5JJ).




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Other Multielement Analysis. Anodic stripping voltammetry was used to measure Pb, Cd, and Zn in particulate matter (1KK). Atomic emission spectrometry was used to detect 10 ng of Mn, Cr, Ti and Ni filter (ZKK). Arsenic was determined in atmospheric samp es by flameless atomic absorption (3KK). Multielement determinations were made by flame atomic absorption after digesting filter samples with HNO, and HC104at high temperatures in quartz tubes (4KK). Several inorganic sulfates and SiOz, Fe304,and A1203were identified by Fourier transform IR spectroscopy from fly ash samples (5KK). A gas-phase chemiluminescence technique based on the reaction of O3 with metal hydrides has been reported by Fujiwara and co-workers. The limiting detectable amounts reported were: As, 0.15; Sb, 10; Sn, 35; and Sc, 110 ng (6KK). Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry has been applied to the measurement of Al, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, M , Mn, Pb, Sr, V, and Zn in digested samples from cascafe impactors (7KK). Wolfe reported the use of forward scattering of a particles to measure very light elements H through F1 in particulate samples (8KK). Source Apportionment Techniques for Ambient Aerosol. A review with 61 references discussed the use of tracers to identify sources of airborne particles (ILL). Target transformation analysis has been used to perform source reconcilation for aerosol mass in the St. Louis, MO, area (2LL) and Boston, MA (3LL). Factor analysis was used to determine the major sources of fine particulates in Watertown, MA, and Topeka, KS (4LL). Principal component analysis has been applied to particulate sulfate in Salt Lake City, UT, and St. Louis, MO (5LL),and a rural area in the northeastern U.S. (6LL). The chemical mass balance technique has been applied to receptor data in Oregon (7LL) and St. Louis, MO (8LL). Visibility. Visibility measurements are obtained from a variety of approaches ranging from human observers to direct instrumental sensing of the atmosphere. Literature over the past 2 years has been put into the following subclasses: atmospheric haze studies, nephelometry, and optical absorption. A review on the use of satellites to detect regional air pollution episodes and to study pollution transport contained 22 references (IMM). Four reports discussed factors affectin visibility in the western U.S. Pitchford and co-workers ( 2 M d analyzed visibility parameters obtained from telephotometers and particle concentrations along with wind trajectories. Flocchini and co-workers used chemical composition data from a 40-site monitoring network to study the impact of fine particles on visibility and to relate collected samples with particulate sowces using factor analysis (3MM). Regional haze phenomena were investigated from aircraft measurements of light scattering coefficient and fine particulate elemental composition from impactor and fiiter samples (4MM). Particle extinction budgets were determined from aerosol chemical composition as a function of particle size. The largest contributions were from C and (NH4)2S04(5MM). Two commercially available integrating nephelometers were intercompared on the same aerosol. The expected differences for aerosols with different size distributions are calculated and experimental results were reported (6MM). In situ rapid response measurements of sulfuric acid/ammonium sulfate aerosols have been obtained by a combination of a three wavelength nephelometer, an electrical aerosol analyzer and a humidograph. The NH4+/S042-molar ratio exhibited a strong diurnal variation in rural Virginia (7MM). An integrating nephelometer was adapted to study the changes in light scattering coefficient due to orientation of nonspherical particles (8MM). The absorption component of extinction of light in the atmosphere has been the subject of several investigations. Gerber (9MM) reviewed four experimental techniques for measurement of light absorption by aerosols and previous experimental work on the measurement of the imaginary part of the refractive index. Clarke has developed a technique for determination of optical depths a as low as 0.0005 for thin layers of absorbing particles (IOMM). Mita and Isono investigated the effective complex refractive index of two aerosol mixtures: carbon soot/(NH4)S04and hematite/SOe_ by calculating the correct values of both extinction coefficient and the single-scattering albedo. Based on their calculations, the imaginary part of the refractive index is consistent with those reported for atmospheric aerosols ( 1I M M ) . Allegrini




NO. 5,

APRIL 1983

reported a method of measuring optical absorption based on the Kubelka-Munk theory of diffuse reflectance (12MM). In a different study, the relative contributions of light scattering and absorption to visibility degradation by aerosols changed between measurementstaken at a roadside level and a rooftop level. The absorption efficiency for freshly emitted particles from traffic b,/mass was estimated as -6 m2/g whereas at rooftop b,/mass was -2.5 m2/g (13MM). Nitrogen dioxide absorption effects have been calculated for combinations of NO2 and sulfate aerosol in power plant plumes (14MM). Asbestos. NBS Special Publication No. 619 (1982) contains several reports on the US Environmental Protection Agency provisional method for asbestos by electron microscopy. Methods for preparation of standard reference materials for each type of asbestos has been described (INN). Sample collection, handling problems and misidentification were discussed (2"). More information is needed to define what Finally sizes of particles and clumps are hazardous (3"). fiber identification and blank contamination problems in the provisional method were discussed (4"). Particle-Surface Analysis. Electron probe X-ray spectroscopy, electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and ion microprobe mass spectrometry are some of the techniques available for particle surface analysis. Natusch (IPP)presented a review of these techniques comparing the advantages and disadvantages of each technique applied to surface analysis. XPS analysis of ambient aerosols showed very little variation in surface composition as a function of particle size (2PP). Calafat and co-workers were able to use XPS to monitor P b as Pb2+and S as S042-from a continuous sampling stream (3PP). Cahill presented a review of ion beam analysis of particle samples (4PP). Buseck and co-workers have used a scanning electron microscope and microprobe to determine individual particle heterogeneity ( P P ,6PP). Myklebust and co-workers described techniques for correcting electron probe microanalysis results for different matrix effeds (7PP). Kelly and co-workers reviewed the use of scanning electron microscopy for fine particulate characterization. Collection and sample preparation, detection and measurement, and data evaluation were discussed with special emphasis on potential problems for each step (8PP). Optical Devices. The effect of particle shape and refractive index on response of an optical particle counter has shown dry spherical particles having smooth surfaces and irregular surfaces were on the same calibration curve even though the refractive index ranged from 1.34to 1.59. However, cubical dry NaCl particles exhibited less response than dry spherical particles. Metal halide salts had a smaller response in the saturated aqueous state compared to the dry state (1RR). Hirleman and Moon reported the response of a multiple-ratio single particle counter which uses a laser light-scattering technique. They compared the theoretical and experimental response as a function of refractive index, nonspherical particle shape, size-selective sampling bias and instrument resolution (2RR). A short pulse GaAs laser probe was used to obtain aerosol backscattering ulses from test aerosols. Computer algorthms were developezto deconvolutethe signal to give independent aerosol signatures (3RR). Straubel reported a technique for studying aerosol reactions based on characteristic diffraction patterns of droplets when illuminated by a laser beam (4RR). Attenuated total internal reflection (ATR) infrared spectroscopy has been coupled with an impactor sampling system. The prototype unit had a limit of detection of C0.5 pg for SO-: which is sufficient for a 5-min time resolution for ambient systems at a flow rate of 30 L/min. Advantages include elimination of time-comsuming sample handling and preparation procedures (5RR). Hindman et al. described techniques for generation, transport and characterization of aerosol particles with a wide range of light scattering properties (6RR). Sizing Devices. Flagan ( I S S )has investigated the theoretical performance of inertial impactors with Mach numbers as large as 1. If the impaction parameters used to predict the size cuts are defined in terms of the gas viscosity and mean free-path at the stagnation conditions above the jet entrance, the impaction parameter, \km,does not vary significantlywith the jet pressure ratio, Mach number, or the particle Knudsen number. Reischl(2SS) compared a low pressure impactor with


a differential mobility analyzer on a test aerosol. The mass mean diameter measurements showed a systematic deviation of 7% from the ideal curve. The absolute values of the mass concentrations by the two methods agreed within the experimental errors of -*lo%. A quartz crystal microbalance cascade impactor mounted in an aircraft has been used to measure mass concentration and size distribution of stratos heric aerosols (3SS). Six stage cascade impactor data showe a bimodal distribution of ambient aerosols in Hamburg, Germany (45’s). Bergametti and coworkers improved the collection efficiency of 6-stage cascade impactor by reducing the flow through the last filtration stage by one-third. This decreased flow variations caused by filter clogging and permitted more representative submicron aerosol capture over time (5SS). Scintillation counting of y-tagged diesel particles was used to determine interstage losses for three different impactors. Losses were reduced by coating impaction surfaces (6SS). A high temperature, high-pressure cascade impactor was designed, built, and performance tested. Methods were developed to calculate gas mixture viscosity, density and mean free-path at nonambient conditions and to predict impactor stage characteristics (7SS). A comparison study of four in-stack cascade impactors yielded a set of operational guidelines for selection of collection surface, flow rate, stage! loadings, handling of interstage losses, and treatment of size data (8SS). Results from simultaneousambient sampling by 11different dichotomous samplers showed agreement to better than lo%, for Zn, S, Pb which were primarily in the fine particle fraction (9SS). A comparison of mass, lead, sulfate and nitrate concentrations in a field study using dichotomous, size-selective, and standard hi-vol samplers revealed problems with artifact formation of NO,- and SO$- on filters (IOSS). A second comparison study with these three samplers collected ambient samples for 6 months and good agreement was achieved for sulfate but a large variation was observed for Ca, Fe, Mg, and K. This indicated differences in the coarse fraction sampling efficiency of these samplers ( I I S S ) . A modification to the standard hi-vol sampler has been developed to maintain a constant flow raik with different loadings on the filter (I2SS). A cyclone developed for size-selective sampling has been tested on laboratory geinerated aerosol. The particle size cutoff curve is comparable in sharpness to a cascade impactor (135’s). Martonen (I4SS) has developed formulas for prediction of operating conditions for aerosol-sizing centrifuges with different winnowing gases. A tandem filter package to collect particles and gases has been developed by Shaw and Stevens (15SS). Tufto and Willeke have investigated the dependence of particulate sampling efficiency on inlet orientation and flow velocities (165’8).


ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the U S . Environmental Protection Agency for partial financial support through CR809954 (D.L.F.) and CR-808881 (H.E.J.). The authors wish to extend special thanks to Phyllis Carlton and Donna Simmons for typing the bibliography.

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Aldehydes (1K) Dumas, T., “Determination of formaldehyde In air by gas chromatography”, J . Chromatogr ., 247(2), 289-5 (1982). (2K) Levine, S. P., Harvey, T. M., Waeghe. T. J.. Shapiro, R. H., ”O-alkyloxime derivatives for gas chromatographic and gas chromatographicmass spectromtrtric determination of aldehydes”, Anal. Chem ., 53(6), 805-9 (’1981). (3K) Ono, Katsuhir’o, Kayakawa, Tomokuni, “Determination of aldehydes in the atmosphere as their imidazolidlne derlvatives”. Taiki Osen Gakkaishi, 14(11/12); 479-82 (1979). (4K) Kennedy, Eugene R., Hili, Robert H. Jr.. ”Determination of formaldehyde in air as an oxazlolidine derivative by capillary gas chromatography”, Anal. Chem. 54(11). 1739-42 11982). (5Kj Neiizek, Volker,-Seilei, Woifgang, “Measurement of formaldehyde In clean air”, Geophys. Res. Lett., 8(l), 79-82 (1981). (6K) Kuntz. R., Lonneman, W., Namie, G.. Hull, L. A., “Rapid determination of aldehydes in alr analyses”, Anal. Lett., 13(A16), 1409-15 (1980). (7K) Lipari, Frank, Swarin, Stephen J., “Determination of formaldehyde and other aldehydes in automobile exhaust with an improved 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine method”, J . Chromafogr.. 247(2), 297-306 (1982). (8K) Grosjean, Daniel, Fung, Kochi, “Collection efficiencies of cartrldges and microimpingers for sampling of aldehydes In air as 2,4dinitropheny!hydrazones”, Anal. Chem.. 54(7), 1221-4 (1982). (9K) Maskarinec, M. P., Manning, D. L., Oidham, P., “Determination of vapor-phase carbonyls by high-pressure iiquld chromatography”, J . Liq . Chromatogr., 4(1), 31-9 (1981). (10K) Andersson, IC, Hailgren. C., Levin, J. 0.. Niisson, C. A,, ”Solid chemosorbent for sampllng sub-ppm levels of acrolein and glutaraklehyde In air,” Chemosphere, 10(3), 275-80,(1981). (11K) Grosjean, D., Kok, G. L., Interiaboratory comparison study of methods for measuring formaldehyde and other aldehydes in ambient alr”. CRC-APRAC-CAPA-17-80, 142 pp. (1981). (12K) Creech, G., Johnson, R. T., Stoffer, J. O., ”A comparison of three different high-performance liquid chromatography systems !or the determination of aldehydes and ketones In diesel exhaust. Part I.’ J . Chromafogr. Sci., 20(2),-67-72 (‘1982). (13K) Matthews, ‘r. G., Howell, T. C., ”Visual colorimetric formaldehyde screening anaiyiiis for indoor air,” J . Air Polluf. Control Assoc., 31(1 l), 1181-4 (19811. (14K) -Matthews,’T. G., Howeii, T. C., “Soiid sorbent methodology for formaldehyde monitoring”, Anal. Chem ., 54(9), 1495-8 (1982). (15K) Williams, R. G., “Determination of chloroacetaldehyde in alr by dlfferentia1 pulse polarography”, Anal. Chem., 54(12), 2121-2 (1982). (16K) Gelsling. K. L., “Impregnated filters for the determlnatlon of formaldehyde in Indoor environments”, Lawrence Berkeley Lab. LBL - 12927, 65 pp., (1981). Gas-Solld Sorptlon

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HydrocarbonslNonGC (1N) Levine, S.P., Skewes, L. H., "High-performance semipreparative liquid chromatography of diesel engine emission particulate extracts", J . Chromatugr., 235(2), 532-5 (1982). (2N) Aieksandrova, L. G., Kiisenko, M. A,, "Identification and determination of some urea, carbamate and thiocarbamate derivatives in air", J . Chromatogr., 247(2), 255-62 (1982). (3N) Suzuki, Y., Imai, S., "Determination of traces of gaseous acrolein by collection on molecular sieves and fluorimetry with o-aminobiphenyi", Anal. Chim. Acta, 136, 155-62 (1982). (4N) Umeda, H., "Determination of formic acid in the atmosphere", Talki Osen Gakkaishi, 15(3), 118-25 (1980). (5H) Reddish, J. F., "An analyzer for the continuous determination of acrolein in the atmosphere", J . Autom. Chem., 4(3), 116-21 (1982). (6N) Lehmann, W. D., "Effect of inorganic contaminants on field desorption mass spectrometry of organic compounds", Anal. Chem ., 54(2), 299-303 (1982). (7N) Treitinger, L., Volt, H., "Selective thin-coat gas sensor with high sensitivity and stability to detect and measure gaseous hydrocarbon pollutants in the air based on tungsten oxide semiconductors", Eur. Pat. Appl. EP 46,989 70 Mar 1982. (EN) Edmonds, T. E., West, T. S., "A quartz crystal piezoelectric device for monitoring organic gaseous pollutants", Anal. Chim. Acta, 117, 147-57 (1980).

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A I R POLLUTION Sulfur Speclatlon (1CC) Kim, C. S.,McDonald, R., Sackner, M. A., “Generation and characterlzation of sulfatn aerosols for laboratory studles”, Am. Ind. Hyg. AsSOC. J., 42(7), 521-8 (1981). (2CC) Walters, C. L., Cheney, J. L., “Design and performance of a laboratory sulfuric acid generator”, J . Air Pollut. Control Assoc., 32(10), 1058-81 (1982). (3CC) Mueller, P. K., Collins, J. F., “Development of a particulate sulfate analyzer”, fPRI-€A-7492 143 pp. (1980). (4CC) Cobourn, W. G., DJukicJusar, J., Husar, R. B., Kohll, S.,“Airborne in-situ measurement of particulate sulfur and sulfuric acld with flame photometry and thermal analysis”, Afmos. fnviron., 15(12), 2565-71 (1981). (5CC) Camp, D. C., !;teyens, H. K., Cobourn, W. G., Husar, R. B., Collins, J. F., Huntzicker, J. .I., Intercomparison of concentration results from flne particle sulfur monitors”, Atrnos. fnviron., 16(5), 91 1-16 (1982). (6CC) D’Ottavio, T., Garber, R , Tanner, R. L., Newman, L., “Determinatlon of ambient aerosol sulfur using a continuous flame photometrlc detection system. 1I. The measurement of low-level sulfur concentrations under varying atrnospheriic conditions”, Atmos fnviron ., 15(2), 197-203 (1981). (7CC) Godin, J., Gallet, J. P., Boudene, C., “Flame photometric measurement of atmospheric particulate sulfur”, Anal. Chim. Acta, 120, 389-93 (1980). (8CC) HusaWn, L., “Determlnation of total particulate sulfur at Whiteface Mountain, New York, by pyrolysls microcoulometry”, Afmos Environ ., 16(5), 945-9 (1982). (9CC) Wolfson, J. M., “Determlnation of microgram quantities of lnorganlc sulfate in atmospherlc particulates”, J . Air Pollut. Control Assoc ., 30(6), 688-90 (1980). (1OCC) Klockow, D., Teckentrup, A., “Sampling and analysis of sulfur dioxide and particulate sulfate in air using Impregnated filters”, Int. J . Envirorr. Anal. Chem., 8(2), 137-48 (1980). (1lCC) Holt, B. D., Kumar, R., Cunningham, P. T., “Primary sulfates in atmospherlc sulfates: estlmatlon by oxygen isotope ratio measurements”, Sclence, 217(4554), 51-3 (1982). (12CC) Hara, H, Kurhta, M., Oklta, T., “Ammonia denuder for field sampling of sulfuric acld partlcles”, Afmos. fnvirof,., 16(8), 1565-6 (1982). (13CC) Richards, L. W., Johnson, K. R., Ammonia and sulfate aerosol study”, CRC-APRAC-CAPA 73-76- 1-78 Avall NTIS P880-223977, 102 pp. (1979). (14CC) Thomson, B. A., French, J. B., “A new technlque for measuring sulfuric acid in air,” “Proc. Annu. Meet.-Alr Pollut. Control Assoc. 1981, 74th (Vol. 3). 14 pp, 1981. (15CC) Klockow, D., Niessner, R., Jablonskl, B. B., “Appllcatlon of the SUIfuric acid-halide salt reaction to the analysis of sulfuric acid contalnlng aerosols”, Anal. Lett., 13(Al6), 1397-408 (1980). (16CC) Cobourn, W. G., Djuklc-Husar, J., Husar, R. B., “Monitoring of sulfuric acid eplsodes in St. Louis, MO”, JGR, J . Geophys. Res., [Ser.] C,85(C8), 4487-94 (1980). (17CC) Matsumura, T., Hlguchl, E., Kametani, K., Utsuml, S., “Spectrophotometrlc determination of sulfuric acid aerosol in the atmosphere by uslng barlum chloranllate”, Nippon Kagaku Kalshi, 12, 1933-6 (1980). (l8CC) Appel, B. R., Hoffer, E. M., Tokiwa, Y., Kothny, E. L., “Measurement of sulfuric acid and particulate strong acidity in the Los Angeles basin”, Afmos. friviron., 16(3), 589-93 (1982). (19CC) Dasgupta, P. K., DeCesare, K. B., Brummer, M., “Determination of sulfur(1V) in particulate matter”, Armos. fnviron., 16(5), 917-27 (1982). (20CC) Fortune, C. FI., Dellinger, B., Stabilization and analysis of sulfur(1V) aerosols in environmental samples”, Environ . Sci. Technol., l6(l), 62-6 (1982). (21CC) Possanzini, M., Brocco, D., Cecinato, A., “Determination of strong acid in alrborne matter”, Anal. Lett., 13(A17), 1541-7 (1980). (22CC) Nlessner, R., Klockow, D., “A new approach to the determinatlon of atmospherlc strong acids”, J . Aerosol Sci., 13(3), 175-9 (1982).




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