Surface-Induced Polymer Crystallization and the Resultant Structures

Jan 10, 2011 - Huihui Li is currently Associate Professor in the College of Material Sciences and Engineering at Beijing University of Chemical Techno...
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Macromolecules 2011, 44, 417–428


DOI: 10.1021/ma1023457

Surface-Induced Polymer Crystallization and the Resultant Structures and Morphologies Huihui Li and Shouke Yan* State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China Received October 13, 2010; Revised Manuscript Received December 27, 2010

ABSTRACT: The dependence of properties on the structure and morphology of semicrystalline polymers offers an effective way to tailor the properties of these materials through crystal engineering. For purposeful control of the structure and morphology, and therefore the physical and mechanical properties, a full understanding of the crystallization habits of polymers under different environments and conditions is essential. This has stimulated a mass of research work on polymer crystallization. Considering that these materials are frequently in contact with some kinds of solid surfaces in a variety of applications, surfaceinduced crystallization of polymers has attracted considerable attention during the past decades. This Perspective provides the context as to how the solid surface influences the crystallization behavior of polymers and what kinds of unique crystal structure and morphology of the polymers can be fabricated. We hope that this will afford useful information for polymer processing in different application fields and promote the technical development of new methods of preparation of polymeric materials for advanced applications.

*To whom all correspondence should be addressed: e-mail skyan@; Tel þ86-10-6445 5928; Fax þ86-10-6445 5928.

provide another most important key factor in regulating the property and/or even functionality of a polymer. For this aspect, poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) provides an excellent example. While its R-form crystals, composed of helical chains, can be used only as general thermoplastics, its β-form crystals, composed of planar zigzag chains, exhibit exceptional piezo- and pyroelectric properties.7 It is examples such as these that result in the study on the crystallization of semicrystalline polymers under various conditions being an everlasting research topic. The crystallization of polymers is generally divided into two stages, i.e., nucleation and crystal growth. The nucleation can take place homogeneously or heterogeneously when it is induced by the presence of heterogeneities. Surface-induced crystallization of polymers is a typical case of heterogeneous nucleation. It is also quite frequently encountered, since the polymers are deposited on various types of substrates in many scientific and technical applications.8-11 In the fiber-reinforced polymer systems, induced crystallization of the matrix polymers at the fiber surfaces is also an unavoidable phenomenon. Therefore, the study of surface-induced polymer crystallization is of particular interest from both practical and scientific points of view. It is now well documented that the existence of a foreign surface can alter the crystallization kinetics, as well as the resultant crystal structure and morphology of a polymer, and therefore provides an efficient way for fabricating special structure with desired property or/and functionality of the polymeric materials. The purpose of this Perspective is to provide context as to how the foreign surface may influence the crystallization process of polymers rather than to summarize all of the work to date on the issue of surface-induced polymer crystallization. After a brief introduction on the possible influences of foreign surfaces on the crystallization kinetics of the polymers, we will focus on the resultant unique crystal structure and morphology of polymers in contact with different surfaces. The advantages of surfaceinduced polymer crystallization to fabricate polymeric materials with improved property or enhanced efficiency will be described with some examples.

r 2011 American Chemical Society

Published on Web 01/10/2011

1. Introduction Polymers offer many advantages for modern technologies, which lead to a permanent place of polymeric materials in many sophisticated applications. This has been generally correlated to their low cost, easy fabrication (e.g., there is no need for special clean-room and/or high-temperature processes), low density (which is one of the most important factors when choosing polymeric materials for a specific application), and so on. Of course, the effective utilization of polymeric materials is related not only to the above-mentioned factors but also to the most important fact that the properties of the polymeric materials can fulfill the requests of specific applications. Actually, polymeric materials offer a great potential to meet the requirements from the market better than other materials since their physical and chemical properties can be easily tailored by their structures at different scales. On the one hand, the chemical structure at molecular scale determines the essential property and/or functionality of a polymer. A subtle manipulation of the chemical compositions, functional groups, and chain architectures may give rise to completely new polymeric materials with dramatically different properties. On the other hand, the multiscale morphologies of the polymeric materials in the condensed state also exhibit pronounced influences on the mechanical and physical properties of the polymers. As examples, the stiffness and strength of highly oriented polymeric materials can exceed those of their isotropic counterparts by orders of magnitude,1,2 while an increase of more than a factor of 100 has been reported for the electrical conductivity of doped and aligned conjugated macromolecules compared with their nonoriented counterparts.3-5 Among many others, further examples of improved performance of oriented polymeric materials are the enhanced thermal conductivity, optical transparency, and piezoelectric properties.6 For crystalline polymers, the crystalline structure and crystal orientation


Macromolecules, Vol. 44, No. 3, 2011

Li and Yan

2. Crystallization Kinetics

Huihui Li is currently Associate Professor in the College of Material Sciences and Engineering at Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT). She earned her M.S. from Shandong University in 1998 and her Ph.D. in Polymer Science at the Institute of Chemistry, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICCAS), in 2004 under the guidance of Prof. S. Yan. After completing her graduate studies, she became an Assistant Professor at the ICCAS. She joined BUCT in 2009. Her current research focuses on the crystallization and multiscale structure manipulation of crystalline/crystalline polymer blends.

Shouke Yan is Professor in the College of Material Sciences and Engineering at Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT) in Beijing. After receiving a B.S. from Qufu Normal University in 1985, he completed his M.S. in Polymer Science at the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CIAC-CAS), under the guidance of Prof. Enle Zhou. After completing his M.S. study, he joined the CIAC-CAS as an Assistant Professor and then earned his Ph.D. in Polymer Science at the CIAC-CAS under the joint guidance of Prof. Decai Yang and Prof. J. Petermann (Dortmund University, Germany) through a sandwich program between the CAS and the Max-Planck-Society. He then took a position on the research staff at Dortmund University under the direction of Prof. J. Petermann. In 2001, he returned to China through the Hundred Talents Program to become full Professor at the Institute of Chemistry, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICCAS). He has been recognized with several honors, including the Excellent Hundred Talents Award and an NSFC Outstanding Youth Fund. His current research involves surfaceinduced polymer crystallization, orientation-induced polymer crystallization, and phase transition of crystalline polymers.

It is well-known that the specific interaction between the substrate and the polymer can strongly affect the physical properties of the polymers, including glass transition temperature12-19 and molecular mobility,20-23 which in turn influence the crystallization kinetics of the polymers.24-26 Frank and co-workers have done systematic researches on the above-mentioned issues.13,25-31 The influence of foreign surfaces on the crystallization kinetics is multifarious, depending on the polymer used, the film thickness, and the interaction between the substrate and the polymer melt. Generally, owing to the enhanced nucleation ability induced by the presence of heterogeneous surfaces, the overall crystallization rate will be increased remarkably, especially for those with difficulty in homogeneous nucleation. For example, isotactic poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) is one of the polymers with extremely slow crystallization rate.32-34 The temperature for its maximum crystallization rate has been reported to be 120 °C, at which temperature the bulk crystallization takes tens of days.35 The crystallization of PMMA from the glassy state on oriented polyethylene (PE) surfaces is, however, much faster. It takes only tens of hours for a complete crystallization.36 The enhanced nucleation and crystallization rates of polymers induced by a foreign surface can also be best revealed by the formation of transcrystalline layers in the fiberreinforced polymer systems. On the other hand, in some cases, the situation for thin or ultrathin polymer films on a substrate with strong interaction may be quite different. It was reported that there is a substantial decrease in the lateral diffusion coefficient of polymer films thinner than 150 nm.37 This will unambiguously reduce the crystal growth rate and therefore slow down the overall crystallization rate.24,26,29 Actually, for some particular polymers in extreme cases, the work to cultivate crystallinity in thin or ultrathin films becomes impossible. As an example, the crystallization of poly(di-n-hexylsilane) is prohibited in ultrathin films less than 15 nm in thickness.27 Another example is the inhibition of the crystallization in ultrathin films of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB),38 which provides a way to produce in-vivolike amorphous PHB.39 The above is a brief description about the possible influences of foreign surfaces on the crystallization kinetics of polymeric materials, which can provide useful information for processing. The most important part of surface-induced polymer crystallization rests actually on the influence of foreign surface on the crystal structure and morphology of the polymers since they are the key factors in tailoring the property and even functionality of the polymeric materials. Therefore, we hereafter focus our attention on the surface-induced structure and morphology of polymers at different surfaces. 3. Flat-Surface-Induced Polymer Crystallization Crystallization of polymer thin films on a flat surface can be encountered in many application fields, such as coating, electronics, and optoelectronics. The existence of the interface can affect both the crystal structure and the crystal orientation, depending on the film thickness, the crystallization temperature, and the interfacial interaction. Reiter and co-workers have performed excellent work on thin and ultrathin film crystallization of polymers.40-47 Experimental results indicate that thin polymer films of tens to hundreds of nanometers crystallized at relatively lower supercoolings encourage a specific orientation of the typical thin lamellar crystals; in such thin films, the molecular chains lie normal to the substrate (i.e., the lamellae lie “flat-on” against the substrate.48-64 Figure 1 presents AFM height and amplitude images showing regular flat-on single crystals of syndiotactic polypropylene (sPP). The inserted electron diffraction pattern demonstrates an upright chain orientation. On the contrary,


Figure 1. AFM height (left) and amplitude (right) images of sPP crystallized on a mica surface at 125 °C. The inset presents the electron diffraction pattern of the single crystal, which indicates an upright chain orientation. The single layer of the crystal is about 15 nm in thickness.

Figure 2. Transmission electron micrograph showing the edge-on lamellar structure of isotactic polystyrene crystallized on a carbon surface at 160 °C. The film thickness is about 50 nm.

when crystallizing a polymer thin film at higher supercoolings, spherulites made up of radially arranged edge-on lamellae (chain axes oriented parallel to the substrate) are generally observed,65-69 This is seen in Figure 2, which shows the spherulitic structure of isotactic polystyrene composed of edge-on lamellae grown at 160 °C.69 The different crystal orientation depends naturally also on the features of the substrate surface. Recent dynamic Monte Carlo simulation indicates that, at high temperatures, thin polymer films on a slippery wall exhibit dominantly edge-on lamellar crystals, while on a sticky wall they show mainly flat-on lamellar crystals.40 3.1. Crystallization of Polymers on Flat Crystalline Surface with Unique Interaction. The above describes only a general phenomenon of thin film crystallization of polymers on different surfaces at different temperatures. It does not reflect any kind of peculiar interaction between the substrate and the polymer, although such interactions actually exist between many substrate/polymer systems. For example, when crystallizing a polymer on a crystalline substrate, peculiar interactions at the molecular scale originating from the well-organized substrate molecules often exist. The existence of the unique interaction usually results in the crystallization of a polymer on the substrate in an unexpected manner and therefore leads to the formation of unique crystalline structure and morphology of the crystallizing polymer, a phenomenon known as epitaxy. Epitaxy, meaning “on arrangement”, is most generally defined as the crystals of one phase (guest crystal) growing on the surface of a crystal of another phase (host crystal) in one or more strictly defined crystallographic orientations.70 The epitaxial crystallization phenomenon was first recognized by mineralogists in various natural minerals,71 and the study on polymer epitaxy was started in the 1950s with the pioneer work of Willems and Fischer.72,73 It has been well documented that polymer epitaxy could be realized on inorganic,74-78

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Figure 3. Bright-field (BF) electron micrographs and the corresponding electron diffraction patterns (insets of the BF images) of (a) PE/iPP and (b) PE/PTFE double-layered samples, which were heat-treated at 150 °C for 10 min and subsequently cooled to room temperature. The arrows show the chain directions of the corresponding substrate crystals.

organic,79-88 and polymeric89-115 substrates from solution, melt, and vapor phases. We will not summarize all of the work to date, as there are already several excellent reviews on these topics,116-119 but rather provide a context as to how the surface-induced epitaxy influences the crystal structure and morphology of polymers as shown in recent new developments. First of all, as described in the definition of epitaxy, the common features of the epitaxial systems are the fixed mutual orientation of the overgrowth materials with respect to the substrates. For polymer epitaxy, unlike the case without epitaxial ability, the epitaxial crystallization, if it takes place, leads always to an alignment of the polymer chains in the film plane, regardless of the film thickness and crystallization temperature. The chain orientation in the film can, however, be different, depending on the substrate. Two kinds of mutual chain orientations of the deposited polymers with respect to that of the substrates were manifested for polymer epitaxies. They are (i) the parallel chain alignment of epitaxial pairs110,120-124 and (ii) the deposited polymer chains at fixed angles from the substrate molecular chains.91,108,110,112,125 Parts a and b of Figure 3 present a most illustrative example of the different chain orientation of PE grown epitaxially on melt-drawn uniaxially oriented isotactic polypropylene (iPP) and friction transfer oriented poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) substrates, respectively. While the epitaxy results in the molecular chains of PE ( 50° apart from the chain direction of iPP substrate crystals, producing a crosshatched lamellar structure of PE, a parallel chain alignment is identified for the PE/PTFE system, which induces a parallel aligned lamellar structure of PE. These strictly defined unique crystallographic orientations may be adopted within the field of macromolecular engineering. For the crosshatched lamellar structure, as schematically depicted in Figure 4, the mechanical soft amorphous interlamellar regions of one phase are bridged by the crystalline lamellae of the other phase, which leads to a significant improvement of the mechanical properties.89,97 This can be utilized by stretching a blend of two components with this kind epitaxial relationship and then annealed at temperatures below the melting point of high melting component but above the melting point of the lower melting component. Moreover, for the composite materials, it is demonstrated that the adhesion between the polymer sheets with epitaxial crystallization can be enhanced remarkably. For example, by dipping the iPP sheets in a PE solution before thermal bonding, the adhesion between the laminae went up enormously.126,127 The parallel chain epitaxies can also find applications for fabricating functional polymeric materials. For example, organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) based on soluble conjugated polymers have attracted considerable attention. Enormous effort has been devoted to improve the key


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Figure 4. Schematic representation of epitaxially oriented lamellar crystals, in which the mechanically soft amorphous interlamellar regions of one phase are bridged by the crystalline lamellae of the other phase.

Figure 6. (a) Photoswitchers of aligned TA-PPE films, (b) photoswitchers of TA-PPE films without alignment, (c, e) photoresponse and photoswitch behavior of TA-PPE films with alignment, and (d, f) photoresponse and photoswitch behavior of TA-PPE films without alignment.136 Figure 5. Optical micrograph shows the epitaxial morphology of PTH on highly oriented PE substrate. The arrow indicates the molecular chain direction of PE.135

performance parameters of OFETs, such as carrier mobility, on/off ratio, and threshold voltage. Now excellent properties have been achieved by individual wires with single crystal structure.128,129 The performance of thin films is normally poor with respect to single crystal wires.128 To improve the performance of thin films, epitaxial crystallization can be used to fabricate thin films of the semiconducting materials with unique crystal orientation. In this field, Brinkmann and co-workers have recently done beautiful work in fabricating P3HT through the epitaxial way.130-134 Figure 5 shows an optical micrograph a large-area well-defined thin films with unique single crystal organization of a semiconducting material, which has been successfully produced by epitaxy on highly oriented PE thin film.135 The fabricated films demonstrate indeed a significant property improvement, as illustrated in Figure 6.136 Second, except for the above-described crystal orientation control through surface-induced polymer epitaxy, a number of epitaxial systems have demonstrated the ability to regulate both the structure and orientation of the deposited polymers, another advantage of the surface-induced polymer epitaxy.86,106,107,113,124,137-140 For example, poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) can be produced in its piezoelectric and pyroelectric β-form through epitaxial crystallization from the melt onto a potassium bromide surface at atmospheric pressure,137 while iPP is successfully crystallized from the melt onto γ-quinacridone and dicyclohexylterephthalamide in a biaxially oriented metastable β-phase via epitaxy.86 This is of great significance since even though the β-form iPP can be achieved by bulk crystallization with nucleation agents, oriented β-form iPP cannot be achieved by mechanical means due to the βR transition on stretching. The structure and orientation control was also found for the polymer-polymer

epitaxial systems. As an example, Figure 7 shows a transmission electron micrograph and electron diffraction pattern with a sketch indicating the diffraction indexing of poly(butylene adipate) (PBA) epitaxially crystallized on highly oriented PE thin film.124 The PBA, an aliphatic biodegradable polyester, has two different modifications designated as R and β,141,142 which exhibit different degradation rates.143 Experimental results indicate that the PBA normally crystallizes from melt in β-form at temperatures lower than 27 °C, while R-crystals are obtained at temperatures higher than 32 °C. Within temperature window of 27-32 °C, a mixture of R- and β-crystals of PBA was generally obtained. However, when crystallizing the PBA on an oriented PE substrate, oriented lamellae made up of β-PBA crystals are always observed, regardless of the crystallization temperature.124 Similar crystallization behavior of PBA on oriented iPP substrates is also identified, but with a different crystal orientation.113 In this case, unlike the case of parallel chain alignment with the PE substrate, a crosshatched lamellar structure of PBA with the molecular chain direction (50° apart from the chain direction of iPP crystals is obtained, as in the case of PE-iPP epitaxy. Third, for the mechanism, the epitaxial growth is generally based on the structural similarity between the substrate and overgrowth materials in the contact lattice planes. Therefore, epitaxy is often characterized in terms of some geometric matching. The matching may be accompanied by a match of crystallographic spacing such as a coincidence of unit-cell dimensions. The amount of mismatching is generally measured by the quantity Δ=100(do - ds)/ds, expressed sometimes also as disregistry or discrepancy in the form of a percentage, where do and ds are the lattice periodicities of overgrowth and substrate crystals, respectively. A 10-15% disregistry was considered as the upper limit for the occurrence of the surface-induced epitaxial growth.118 In reality, the structural similarity implies interactions at the molecular scale. The understanding of polymer epitaxy on such a level


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Figure 7. (a) Transmission electron micrograph, (b) the corresponding electron diffraction pattern, and (c) a sketch illustrating the mutual chain orientation of PBA crystallized from the melt onto a highly oriented PE substrate.124

Figure 8. Schematic representation of PE/iPP epitaxial relationship. The contact planes are (100)PE and (010)iPP.

Figure 9. Electron micrograph and its corresponding diffraction pattern of iPP epitaxially crystallized from the melt on the uniaxially oriented PE substrate. The arrow represents the molecular chain direction of PE substrate film.

has indeed been reached by the elaborate work of Lotz et al.86,88,92,144,145 For example, the epitaxial crystallization of PE on an iPP substrate has been explained in terms of a chain-row matching by parallel alignment of PE chains in the (100) lattice plane along the methyl group rows in the [101] direction of iPP with a mismatch of only about 2%92 (see the sketch in Figure 8). The unique interaction between the polymer pairs infers the epitaxial crystallization a reversible process. As presented in Figure 9, when crystallizing the iPP on a uniaxially oriented PE substrate from the melt, the same mutual orientation but with iPP chains (50° apart from the chain direction of the PE substrate is observed (compare Figure 9 with Figure 3a).146 On the basis of the specific molecular interactions, different contact planes and chain orientations of one polymer can be achieved by epitaxial crystallization on different substrates.92,99,105,109 A good illustrative example is the epitaxial crystallization of PE on iPP and sPP, respectively. The (100)PE plane in contact with iPP produces an orientation of PE chains 50° from the iPP chain direction, while the (110)PE plane in contact with the sPP results in an orientation at 45° to the helix axis.99,105

Moreover, as epitaxyial crystallization is a surface-induced process, it starts unambiguously at the interacting interface. This may lead to different structures of the overgrowth polymer in the contact plane as compared to that at the top surface. Tracz et al. have indeed demonstrated the formation of highly ordered, unusually thick PE lamellae in contact with atomically flat solid surfaces.147-149 Our recent experimental results on the epitaxial crystallization process of polycaprolactone (PCL) on an oriented PE substrate show that the PCL at the interface exhibits an ultrahigh melting temperature (close to the equilibrium melting point) compared with the PCL at top surface (see Figure 10).150,151 This also indicates the formation of unusually thick PCL lamellae in contact with PE surface as confirmed by the AFM observation. As illustrated in Figure 10a, the increase and shift of the high-temperature melting peak, which associates to the PE-induced broad PCL lamellae, with time indicate an increment in amount and a further thickening of the PE substrate-induced PCL lamellae. For sufficient time, the appearance of only one melting peak at even higher temperature confirms the propagation of the induced PCL crystals from the interface toward the top surface.150 Also an epitaxial chain orientation prior to the crystallization was recognized by infrared analysis.151 3.2. Crystallization of Polymers on Flat Amorphous Surface with Peculiar Interaction. The above describes the crystallization behavior of polymers on flat crystalline surfaces, which exhibit some kind of unique interaction. It was also well established that surface topography of an amorphous substrate can also influence the orientation of the overgrowing material, a process known as graphoepitaxy or artificial epitaxy.152-158 It was generally believed that the occurrence of graphoepitaxy depends mainly on the topology of the surface relief with pattern symmetry. Of course, the interaction existing between the substrate and the polymer melt at the interface plays a very important role. This has been clearly demonstrated by the investigations on the meltrecrystallization behavior of oriented polymer thin films with vacuum-evaporated amorphous carbon layers.159-165 Presented in Figure 11 are transmission electron micrographs with corresponding electron diffraction patterns of vacuum carbon-evaporated PE oriented thin films before and after subsequent melting followed by crystallization (melt-recrystallization). The same chain orientation of pristine and recrystallized PE films can be easily identified. With careful inspection, even an improved orientation of the recrystallized PE film can be recognized. As sketched in Figure 11 (the insets), while the pristine PE thin film exhibits only a uniaxial c-axis orientation, a biaxial orientation with both b- and c-axes in the film plane and highly oriented is obtained after melt-recrystallization. One may want to associate this simply to the occurrence of graphoepitaxy. This is not the case, since besides the preserved chain axis orientation, both the crystal structure and the morphology of the polymers are some times


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Figure 10. DSC heating scan of the PCL/PE samples: (a) heat-treated at 85 °C for 15 min, cooled to and kept at 60 °C for different times as indicated, and finally cooled to room temperature; (b) heat-treated at 85 °C for 15 min, cooled to and kept at 60 °C for 14 days, and finally cooled to room temperature. The heating rate is 10 °C/min. The high-temperature melting peak comes from the PE-induced thicker PCL lamellae.150

Figure 13. Electron micrographs and corresponding electron diffraction patterns (insets) of an oriented PVDF thin film with a vacuumevaporated carbon layer before (a) and after (b) heat treatment. The heat treatment was performed by heating the sample to 200 °C for 10 min and then cooled with a rate of 2 °C/min to room temperature. The arrow represents the chain direction of the PVDF crystals.

Figure 11. Electron micrographs and corresponding electron diffraction patterns of an oriented PE thin film with a vacuum-evaporated carbon layer before (a) and after (b) heat treatment. The heat treatment was performed by heating the sample to 150 °C for 15 min and subsequently crystallization isothermally at 120 °C for 2 h. The arrows in the picture represent the chain directions of the PE crystals.

Figure 12. Electron micrographs and corresponding electron diffraction patterns (insets) of an oriented PB-1 thin film with a vacuumevaporated carbon layer before (a) and after (b) heat treatment. The heat treatment was performed by heating the sample to 150 °C for 15 min and then cooling to room temperature. The arrow in the picture represents the chain direction of the PB-1 crystals.

altered after the melt-recrystallization. For examples, polybutene-1 changes from highly oriented extended-chain crystals in hexagonal form into oriented folded-chain crystals in tetragonal form (Figure 12),162 whereas the PVDF transforms from oriented R-crystals into oriented β-crystals by melt-recrystallization, which normally promotes the β to R phase transition of PVDF (Figure 13).161 Sophisticated experimental work demonstrates the existence of a strong fixing effect of the vacuum-evaporated carbon layer on the surface polymer chain segments via covalent bonding.165 It is

a strong fixing effect that has retarded the relaxation of the polymer chains at the spot and, therefore, preserves the original orientation of the polymer stems at high temperature, which in turn derives the recrystallization of the polymer chains in an oriented structure. The above-described oriented recrystallization behavior of polymers with controlled crystalline structures is also of great significance. Through this process, micropatterned polymer thin films with well-defined oriented and nonoriented structures, even in different crystalline modifications, can be simply prepared by selective carbon coating with the help of a mask and subsequent melt-recrystallization of the preoriented polymer films.164 These patterned polymer thin films exhibit at least exceptional anisotropic optical properties and may potentially find applications such as in the field of nanometer- and/or micrometer-sized structures for optoelectronics and optical applications.166,167 It should be pointed out that in the thus-prepared micropatterns only the orientation and the crystal structure of the carbon-decorated regions can be well manipulated. A fully crystal structure and orientation control at every corner of the polymer thin film can be realized by the combination of epitaxy and carbon decoration.168 4. Crystallization of Polymers at Fiber Surfaces There are a number of interesting and technologically important features when fibers are used to induce crystallization. As illustrated in Figure 14, the well-known transcrystalline structure often emerges after polymer crystallization in fiber-reinforced polymer systems. In such cases oriented polymer layer close to the fiber surface is produced, with the polymer chains generally parallel to the fiber axis. The formation of this specific structure is a result of a high density of active nuclei at the fiber surface, which hinder the lateral development of spherulites and therefore


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Figure 14. Optical micrograph (left) shows the growing transcrystalline zone (indicated by a white arrow) of iPP at the carbon fiber (center black part) surface, and a sketch (right) illustrates its nucleation and crystal growth processes.

force the crystal growth unidirectionally normal to the fiber axis. From Figure 14, it is clear that the transcrystallization is a nucleation-controlled process and that the enhanced nucleation at the fiber surface is the key factor for the formation of a transcrystalline morphology. The exact mechanism of the enhanced nucleation remains still not quite clear, despite extensive work since 1950s. The situation for polymer transcrystallization around fibers is somewhat more complicated than the aforementioned flat surface-induced polymer crystallization. There are a number of factors that can control the occurrence of polymer transcrystallization. (1) First of all, the intrinsic surface characteristics of the fibers play a very important role in generating polymer transcrystallization. For example, high-modulus carbon fibers are able to induce the transcrystallization of iPP, while their high-strength counterparts hardly exhibit an effect on the crystallization of iPP.169 It was demonstrated that high-energy surfaces can increase the density of nuclei at surface and result in the formation of transcrystals in the interfacial region.170,171 Also, the chemical composition of the fiber surface is important. Strong interactions between the fiber and polymer molecules were found to be in favor of transcrystallization. (2) Second, the presence of interfacial stresses or a temperature gradient at the interface also encourages the formation of transcrystallization layer.172,173 (3) Third, it has been confirmed that the presence of a flow field, which is unavoidable during many processing procedures, is also an important factor affecting the nucleation of polymer at the fiber surface and the degree of polymer chain orientation near the fiber. It is noteworthy that the transcrystallization of polymers at fiber surfaces will always take place under shearing conditions, regardless of the fiber used. This has been best revealed by the crystallization of iPP in PP/fiber systems with the fibers being pulled along their long axes, a process developed by Varga et al.174-178 For example, it has been demonstrated that Kevlar 49 fiber exhibits no nucleation ability toward iPP in a quiescent environment (see Figure 15a), resulting in the formation of iPP spherulites in its monoclinic R-form. However, oriented iPP column structures were always observed in the vicinity of the Kevlar 49 fiber whenever it was pulled along its axis (see Figure 15b,c), even though the induced column structures may be different, depending on the fiber pulling rate or/and pulling time. As illustrated in Figure 15b,c, when the Kevlar 49 fiber was pulled at a rate of 30 μm/s for 20 s, an oriented R-iPP column structure was obtained (see Figure 15b). On the contrary, if the Kevlar 49 fiber was pulled at a rate of 30 μm/s for 60 s, an oriented β-iPP column structure was observed (see Figure 15c). This has been unambiguously confirmed by the selective melting of the β-iPP crystals at 158 °C, as presented in Figure 15d.179 Moreover, if the fiber is in the crystalline state, as in the case of surface-induced polymer epitaxy, lattice matching between the

Figure 15. Optical micrographs show the interfacial morphologies of iPP/fiber (Kevlar 49) composites. The samples were heat-treated at 210 °C for 5 min and then quickly cooled to 137 °C for isothermal crystallization after fiber pulling. The fibers were pulled at a rate of 30 μm/s for (a) 0, (b) 20, and (c) 60 s. Part (d) displays the selective melting of (c) at 158 °C.179

Figure 16. (a) Optical micrograph showing the growing transcrystalline layer of iPP on an iPP fiber surface and (b) a magnified scanning electron micrograph showing the interfacial structure on a lamellar scale. The samples were prepared by introducing the iPP fiber into the supercooled iPP matrix at 138 °C and then isothermally crystallizing for 6 h.

polymer and fiber crystals provides another favorable situation for transcrystallization. For example, the existence of excellent matching of nylons and iPP with high-modulus graphitic carbon fibers has led to the transcrystallization of nylons and iPP around the carbon fibers.180 Taking this into account, the case in which both fiber and matrix are of the same polymer (single polymer matrix/fiber composites) is most conducive to surface-induced transcrystallization due to the identical chemical composition and perfect lattice matching.181-186 As an example, Figure 16 presents the morphologies of iPP crystallized around iPP fibers.182 Comparing Figure 16a with the left part of Figure 14, one can easily find the different nucleation densities of iPP formed on carbon and iPP fiber surfaces. While individual nucleation sites can be recognized at the carbon fiber surface with careful inspection, the nucleation and crystal growth of iPP at the iPP fiber surface seem to start simultaneously from every place on the fiber surface. As a result, the oriented transcrystallization layer of the former case is caused by the restricted crystal growth in the direction parallel to the fiber axis, whereas that of the latter case originates from the induced crystallization of each crystalline lamella by the presented fiber. The high-magnification scanning electron micrograph has confirmed the above conclusion.183 As shown in Figure 16b, one can clearly see the growth of individual iPP lamellae from the iPP fiber surface, producing parallel aligned lamellae with their long axes perpendicular to the


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Figure 17. Optical micrographs show the interfacial transcrystalline layers of single polymer iPP composites, which have been prepared by introducing the iPP fibers into an iPP matrix melt at (a) 173 and (b) 168 °C and then crystallizing isothermally at 138 °C for 6 h. The R and β in (b) denote the R and β transcrystalline regions, respectively.

fiber axis. In this case, the crystal structure of the induced transcrystalline layers is generally the same as the solid fiber due to the epitaxial mechanism. The transcrystals of iPP shown in Figure 16 are attested indeed to be in the R-form. This is reasonable, since the iPP fibers exist only in the R-form, due to the βR transition on stretching. For single polymer composites, if the fiber is partially surface molten, which may happen owing to the close melting points of both the fiber and matrix, the situation can be quite different. Our recent experimental results show that, in the single polymer iPP systems, oriented β-iPP lamellar structures are most frequently produced whenever the introduced iPP fibers are partially surface molten.182-186 Figure 17a shows an optical micrograph of an iPP homogeneity matrix/fiber composite, which has been prepared by introducing the iPP fiber into its matrix melt at 173 °C and then crystallized isothermally at 138 °C for 6 h. In this case, the iPP fiber is clearly molten to some extent (compare Figure 17a with Figure 16a), and the induced transcrystalline zone was confirmed to be the β-iPP, indicating that melting of iPP fiber to a certain extent favors β-iPP crystallization. The molten fiber surface-induced β-iPP crystallization is more clearly illustrated by Figure 17b, where different supermolecular structures of iPP matrix are generated at different places of the same iPP fiber. At the top part, evident fiber surface melting results in the formation of β-iPP transcrystalline layers, while the solid fiber at the bottom part induces the crystallization of iPP principally in its R-form. This is in good agreement with the findings that oriented melt encourages the formation of β-iPP. It should be noted that due to the amazing characteristics of nanofibers and nanotubes, such as extraordinary mechanical and electrical properties coupled with very large surface area to volume ratio, polymer-based composites with nanofibers and nanotubes have attracted great attention in recent years.187-192 Taking the high aspect ratio into account, nanofiber- or nanotube-induced polymer crystallization could be totally different from traditional fiber-induced polymer crystallization. Therefore, the crystallization behavior of polymers around nanoscale fibers or tubes is another aspect deserving comment. In this field, the majority of work has been concerned with carbon nanotubes (CNT), as reviewed by Thostenson et al.,192 while iPP was the most frequently used polymer matrix, owing to its wide applications. As an example, Figure 18a shows a micrograph of an iPP/ CNT ultrathin composite film.193 One can clearly see that while common crosshatched lamellar structure is observed in the intact area (see upper left corner of Figure 18a), the iPP grown at the CNT surface forms transcrystals, indicating the high efficiency of CNT in nucleating iPP. It should be pointed out that, unlike the carbon-fiber-induced iPP crystallization, where edge-on iPP lamellae propagated outward from the fiber surface with the molecular chain parallel to the long axis of the fiber were obtained (see Figure 16b), the iPP in the CNT-induced transcrystalline zone grows in flat-on form with molecular chains oriented

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Figure 18. (a) Bright-field transmission electron micrograph of an iPP/ CNT composite thin film nonisothermally crystallized from the melt during cooling at 5 °C/min; scale bar: 500 nm.193 (b) Representative select area electron diffraction pattern of the transcrystalline grown iPP crystals around the CNTs in an ultrathin film.194

Figure 19. Bright-field transmission electron micrographs of SWNTs periodically patterned with PE lamellar crystals produced by crystallization of PE on SWNTs at 104 °C in p-xylene for 0.5 h. The PE and SWNT concentrations are (a) 0.01 and (b) 0.002 wt %, respectively. SWNT bundles can be seen in NHSK as shown in (b).198

perpendicular to the long axis of the CNT (see Figure 18b).194 Moreover, it has once been reported that the CNT could induce the growth of the less-preferred β-form of iPP, even though it has not been confirmed by others.195 It has been confirmed that CNT exhibits high nucleation efficiency toward a number of polymers, promoting the formation of transcrystals of the semicrystalline polymers, even though with different orientation depending on the polymer used, as reviewed in ref 196. In this field, Li et al.197-199 have done very nice work on the crystallization of polymers from solution at the surface of CNT. With controlled crystallization conditions, disklike edge-on lamellar crystals surrounding the CNT have been successfully produced. Figure 19 shows two representative transmission electron micrographs of the PE crystallized from solution on the single wall CNTs.198 Similar structures are also obtained when crystallizing polymers in supercritical CO2 on the CNTs.200-204 In those structures, lamellar single crystals of polymers were formed and periodically spaced along entire CNTs with an orthogonal orientation between polymer lamellar surface


Figure 20. Electron micrographs of UHMWPE shish-kebabs by fieldemission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM).205

and the long axis of CNTs. The periodicity of the polymer lamellar single crystals can be well controlled through regulating the crystallization conditions of the polymers, such as solution concentration, crystallization temperature, and solvent, etc. The mechanism of CNT-induced polymer crystallization rests most likely on the epitaxial growth of the polymer on the CNT surface, a situation like the traditional graphitic-carbon-fiberinduced polymer crystallization. On the other hand, taking the small diameter of CNT into account, it has also been suggested that the CNT itself serves as a macromolecule, leading to the preferred alignment of polymer chains along its long axis.197 Whatever the mechanism is, the morphologies presented in Figure 19 closely resemble the shish-kebab structure of polymers formed in elongated or sheared melts (see Figure 20).205-207 Actually, the formation of shish-kebab structures is also a kind of surface-induced polymer epitaxy, in which a stack of folded chain lamellae form around a prealigned long chain central part. This has been well explained through simulation work as performed by Hu et al.208 5. Outlook and Challenges The straightforward dependence of properties on the crystal structure and morphology of semicrystalline polymers provides an opportunity to tailor the properties of these materials through crystal engineering. Therefore, a full understanding of the crystallization habits of polymers under different environments and conditions is essential for purposeful control of their structures and morphologies. This has stimulated a mass of research work on polymer crystallization since the 1920s. Considering that polymeric materials are directly in contact with some kinds of solid surfaces in a variety of applications (such as microelectronic devices and composites, etc.), surface-induced crystallization of polymers has attracted considerable attention during the past decades. It has been shown that solid surfaces most generally accelerate the crystallization of the polymers. Moreover, they can in some cases also promote the crystallization of polymers in unexpected manners and lead to the formation of unique crystal structure and morphology, e.g., the polymer epitaxy and transcrystallization as summarized in this Perspective. It should be pointed out that, to date, most of the work in this field focuses mainly on the mechanisms of the unusual crystallization behavior and the resultant special structure and morphology. Through sophisticated studies, understandings of some of these phenomena on a molecular level have been reached, for example the molecular epitaxies of polymers. On the other hand, although the positive effects of the resultant specific structures and morphologies on the mechanical and physical properties have clearly been demonstrated (e.g., the improved photoresponse characteristics136 and the improved mechanical properties of fiberreinforced polymer systems170,172), the use of these techniques to design and fabricate the polymeric materials with properties matching specific product requirement has not been well developed. Therefore, further challenges in this field are how to utilize the induced unusual crystallization behavior of polymers for preparing advanced polymeric materials.

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Figure 21. Sketch showing an ideal configuration of high-efficiency photovoltaic devices.

In the field of polymer thin film crystallization induced by flat surfaces, we take the polymer epitaxy as an example. As presented in the text, the strict mutual orientation between the polymer and the substrate results in the growth of the deposited polymers in unique crystalline modification and with unique crystal orientation, producing polymer thin films with anisotropic character. In addition, a significant improvement of the mechanical and physical properties has been demonstrated. All of these could undoubtedly widen the application of polymeric materials. Beyond the structural and morphological control of single polymer systems, technical development in the field of morphological manipulation of multiphase and multicomponent polymer systems can also be of importance for advanced applications. For example, polymeric solar cells, which allow fabrication onto flexible substrates using high throughput processing techniques, have emerged as attractive candidates for renewable energy sources. However, the best available polymer solar cells still lag behind that of conventional silicon devices in their efficiencies.209 On the basis of the close relationship between microstructure of such polymeric devices and their final properties, the optimal design and implementation of the polymer structures in the devices may offer an effective approach for getting high-efficiency photovoltaic devices. It is reported that, for the devices with layered lamellar donor and acceptor materials sandwiched between two electrodes, a perpendicular orientation of the donor and acceptor layers, as depicted in the left part of Figure 21,209 exhibits the highest efficacy. Of course, the length scale of separated donor and acceptor phases is another crucial factor influencing the photovoltaic efficiency. It is evident that only the excitons generated within a layer of ca. 10 nm from the donor-acceptor interface can contribute to the generation of charge carriers. It is highly possible to produce this kind of configuration by a parallel epitaxial crystallization of one component with controlled interlamellar phase separation of a blend,210 as presented in the right part of Figure 21, in which the lamellar thicknesses are tailored to match the length scale requirement of a high-efficiency device. This kind of phase-separated structure has actually already been realized for block copolymer as reported by De Rosa, Lotz, and Thomas et al.211 For fiber/polymer systems there is still controversy about the influence of the interfacial structure on the mechanical properties of the composites. Some experimental results have demonstrated that the transcrystalline microstructures effectively improve the mechanical properties of the composites,170,173 while some experiments did not show this effect.212 Therefore, further studies for clarifying this issue are clearly warranted. Moreover, taking the excellent mechanical properties of highly oriented fibers into account, single polymer composites could become significant in the context easy recycling of strong materials. For example, single polymer composites with different crystalline modifications can be prepared by the partial melting of fibers of the same polymer. As in the case of iPP single polymer composites, by introducing the R-iPP fiber mat into its melt matrix under optimal condition, β-iPP sheet with R-iPP fiber backbones can be obtained through surface melting of the fibers. In this configuration, the mechanical


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properties of the β-iPP sheet are expected to be improved remarkably by the nonmolten part of R-iPP fibers. This kind of β-iPP sheet is desirable for producing microporous battery separators.213 In summary, the existence of a solid surface can greatly influence the crystallization behavior of semicrystalline polymers. This behavior is manifested by accelerated crystallization kinetics as well as the resultant unique crystal structure and morphology. This clearly indicates that the surface-induced crystallization of polymers supplies an efficient pathway to regulate the crystal structure and morphology of polymeric materials. Because of the direct linkage of structure and properties of semicrystalline polymers, the induced special crystal structure and morphology means unparalleled physical and mechanical properties of the polymers compared with their bulk crystallized counterparts. Therefore, with an in-depth understanding of surface-induced crystallization of polymers, novel technological pathways for preparing polymeric materials for advanced applications can be expected. Acknowledgment. A portion of this material is based on the research supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 50833006, 20974011, and 50973008. References and Notes (1) Ciferri, A.; Ward, I. M. In Ultra-high Modulus Polymers; Applied Science: London, 1979. (2) Smith, P.; Lemstra, P. J. Mater. Sci. 1980, 15, 505. (3) Oh, S. Y.; Akagi, K.; Shirakawa, H. Synth. Met. 1989, 32, 245. (4) Gagnon, D. R.; Karasz, F. E.; Thomas, E. L.; Lenz, R. W. Synth. Met. 1987, 20, 245. (5) Andreatta, A.; Tokito, S.; Smith, P.; Heeger, A. J. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 1990, 189, 169. (6) Lovinger, A. J. Science 1983, 220, 1115. (7) Wada, Y. Electronic Properties of Polymers; J. Wiley & Sons: New York, 1982. (8) Klein, J. Science 1990, 250, 640. (9) Green, P. F.; Palmstrøm, C. J.; Mayer, J. W.; Kramer, E. J. Macromolecules 1985, 18, 501. (10) Brown, H. R.; Char, K.; Deline, V. R.; Green, P. F. Macromolecules 1993, 26, 4155. (11) Liu, F. P.; Gardner, D. J.; Wolcot, M. P. Langmuir 1995, 11, 2674. (12) Keddie, J. L.; Jones, R. A. L.; Cory, R. A. Europhys. Lett. 1994, 27, 59. (13) Frank, C. W.; Rao, V.; Despotopoulou, M. M.; Rease, R. F. W.; Hinsberg, W. D.; Miller, R. D.; Rabolt, J. F. Science 1996, 273, 912. (14) Forrest, J. A.; Dalnoki-Veress, K.; Dutcher, J. R. Phys. Rev. E 1997, 56, 5705. (15) DeMaggio, G. B.; Frieze, W. E.; Gidley, D. W.; Zhu, M.; Hristov, H. A.; Yee, A. F. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1997, 78, 1524. (16) Forrest, J. A.; Mattson, J. Phys. Rev. E 2000, 61, R53. (17) Fryer, D. S.; Nealey, P. F.; de Pablo, J. J. Macromolecules 2000, 33, 6439. (18) Torres, J. A.; Nealey, P. F.; de Pablo, J. J. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2000, 85, 3221. (19) Kim, J. H.; Jang, J.; Zin, W. C. Langmuir 2001, 17, 2703. (20) Zheng, X.; Sauer, B. B.; van Alsten, J. G.; Schwarz, S. A.; Rafailovich, M. H.; Sokolov, J.; Rubinstein, M. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1995, 74, 407. (21) Zheng, X.; Rafailovich, M. H.; Sokolov, J.; Strzhemechny, Y.; Schwarz, S. A.; Sauer, B. B.; Rubinstein, M. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1997, 79, 241. (22) Russell, T. P.; Kumar, S. K. Nature 1997, 386, 771. (23) Lin, E. K.; Kolb, R.; Satija, S. K.; Wu, W. L. Macromolecules 1999, 32, 3753. (24) Reiter, G.; Sommer, J.-U. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1998, 80, 3771. (25) Despotopoulou, M. M.; Frank, C. W.; Miller, R. D.; Rabolt, J. F. Macromolecules 1996, 29, 5797. (26) Sch€ onherr, H.; Frank, C. W. Macromolecules 2003, 36, 188. (27) Despotopoulou, M. M.; Frank, C. W.; Miller, R. D.; Rabolt, J. F. Macromolecules 1995, 28, 6687. (28) Sch€ onherr, H.; Frank, C. W. Macromolecules 2003, 36, 1188.

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