Surface Water Quality in the Delta of Mississippi - ACS Publications

to explain. The entire concept of what defines a healthy aquatic ecosystem begs to be re-examined. Seasonality is a major feature of water quality in ...
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Chapter 3

Surface Water Quality in the Delta of Mississippi Karrie L. Pennington

Downloaded by PURDUE UNIV on November 17, 2016 | Publication Date: April 13, 2004 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2004-0877.ch003

Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Stoneville, MS 38776-0127

Land use, hydrologic modifications, changes inriparianareas, point, and nonpoint source pollution have influenced water quality in the slow moving, warm-water, streams of the Mississippi Delta. Understanding the extent and character of nonpoint inputs is fundamental to finding solutions. The United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resource Conservation Service conducted monthly surface water quality sampling on the major interior Delta streams from 1993 through 1997 at 22 sites for varying lengths of time. Sediments, nitrogen forms, and total phosphorus were major inputs into all streams. Seasonality of these inputs, relationships between nutrients and sediments, and the potential effectiveness of management practices were key foci. This paper examines implications for water quality improvement and conservation implementation.

A friend of mine, a child of the Delta, tells the story of a first grade art lesson. The teacher told the class to draw a picture of a stream. My friend took crayons in hand and rendered his first grade version of the stream near his home. The water was brown. His teacher scoffed at his effort and holding it up for the class to see said, "everyone knows water is blue". He remembers to this day his frustration, because in all his seven years, he had never seen blue water. The flatlands of the Mississippi Delta, with slopes of 0.2 meters per kilometer (1 foot per mile), have streams with water that is neither crystal clear nor blue, not


U.S. government work. Published 2004 American Chemical Society

Nett et al.; Water Quality Assessments in the Mississippi Delta ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

Downloaded by PURDUE UNIV on November 17, 2016 | Publication Date: April 13, 2004 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2004-0877.ch003

31 cold except in the dead of winter, and often in recent years only flowing in response to a soaking rain. These warm-water, slow-moving streams have not been as extensively studied as other riverine systems. Very little stream restoration work deals with systems where the water does not flow. Biological indices do not fit and patterns of traditional water quality indicators are difficult to explain. The entire concept of what defines a healthy aquatic ecosystem begs to be re-examined. Seasonality is a major feature of water quality in the Delta. Winter rains fall on bare, tilled ground. The soil moves in rivulets of silty brown mud from the edges of fields to bare dirt ditches picking up more sediment while making its way to the nearest bayou or stream. Winter in the Delta has long been the time of erosion; the loss of the fertile soils makes her waters brown. Springtime brings warm moist air laden with the heady scents of jasmine, magnolia, honeysuckle, and soil mingling in the mind with images of freshly plowed, planted fields and brown water. Stained with the tannins of organic matter decay, green with phytoplankton, and with the murky underpinning of colloidal materials that seldom completely settle out, Delta waters are either clear green to black in summer and early fall. The land is covered by vegetation and the rains soak into cropland before moving across fields and into now-grassed ditches, settling much of the sediment load before it reaches a stream. The Mississippi Delta is not a true delta, but an alluvial floodplain. Geologists propose that the Mississippi River on the west and the Ohio on the east flowed freely flooding this land for perhaps two million years. The rivers cut crescent lakes and bayous and deposited layers of gravel, sands, and fertile soils. Then the Ohio's route changed from south to west leaving the Yazoo River system and the bluff hills as the eastern border of this floodplain. Periodic flooding from the Mississippi and the Yazoo rivers continued to be the main force shaping the Delta landscape until the 1800's. Settlers constructed the first levees in 1803 along the high banks of the Mississippi River (I). Non-riverine streams flowing through the Delta also deposited heavy loads of soil during the high waters of winter and spring. Larger streams built the high natural levees by flooding and depositing coarser materials along their banks, allowing the fines to settle out more slowly as water spread over the land. The famed Mississippi "Deer Creek soils" or "ice cream lands" are excellent examples of these well drained, coarser soils. No more beautiful cotton ground exists than on the banks of Deer Creek near Hollandale and Onward, Mississippi. Rice fields and catfish ponds are preferentially located on the heavy clay "gumbo" or "buckshot" soils of the land further from the stream edges. Bands of soils seem to run almost parallel to one another following river or stream courses. The Delta's soil building process no longer follows this pattern. A l l the major Delta streams and rivers parallel the Mississippi River, confined by 274

Nett et al.; Water Quality Assessments in the Mississippi Delta ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

32 miles of man-made Mississippi River main-stem levee on the west and the bluff hills to the east. Internally, man-made channels, cutoffs, straightened sections of streams, and miles of drainage ditches and small levees developed for flood control have changed the natural meandering and seasonal flooding of most Delta streams and rivers. A series of cutoffs, levees, and gates channel them into the Mississippi at a single point, near Vicksburg, MS. Virtually all the waters of the Delta enter the Mississippi commingled. Increased use of the Mississippi River Alluvial Aquifer has also decreased stream baseflows particularly in the Sunflower River and the Bogue Phalia. Hundreds of millions of dollars, decades of back-breaking labor, countless tons of soil and rock moved, and still the fight continues to preserve an agricultural area that has sparked the imagination of Americans looking for that perfect bit of land. The "best use' of land is historically determined by the needs of the people at the time the decision is made. Land clearing for cities and towns, dam building, forest harvest, agriculture land forming, river manipulation, are all examples of land use that reflect the needs of modem times. A river isolated from its floodplain can not function as it did in its unrestrained condition. The seasonal cycles of brown water may not be eliminated, but sediment loading can be greatly reduced. Conservation practices can be implemented to keep productive soils in place thus reducing erosion and the subsequent over fertilization of Delta waters. Wetland restoration, stream rehabilitation, and riparian zone enhancements can be done with the cooperation of landowners and funding institutions. These measures would ensure restoration of habitat for wildlife as well as fisheries, improvement in overall water quality, and yet maintain a good quality of life and healthy economy for the people of the Delta.

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Current Water Quality USDA NRCS began a Mississippi Delta-wide study in 1992 (Delta Study), at the request of the Yazoo Mississippi Delta Joint Water Management District (YMD), to find alternative water supplies for irrigation and environmental quality maintenance during low flow periods. Existing Delta surface water quality needed to be monitored in order to determine how best to address supply and quality concerns. NRCS staff conducted monthly surface water quality sampling on the major interior Delta streams starting in 1993 with Deer Creek and expanding by 1994 to the Sunflower River, Bogue Phalia, Coldwater River, and Quiver River. Data were gathered through 1997 at 22 sites for varying lengths of time (Figure 1) (2).

Nett et al.; Water Quality Assessments in the Mississippi Delta ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

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Figure I. NRCS water quality sampling sites from major Delta streams.

About 1,215,000 of the Mississippi Delta's 1,620,000 hectares are in agricultural production. Agriculture is essential to the economic viability of this area. The opportunities for sediment and nutrient control are plentiful. The NRCS study concluded that the technology is available to address the Delta's environmental concerns. The current challenge is to find the funding and, using watershed planning, implement these practices in sufficient numbers in strategically located areas to achieve the area's water resource goals.

Water Quality Data Discussion The Delta Study documented sediment and nutrient enrichment of surface waters from nonpoint source runoff (Table I).

Nett et al.; Water Quality Assessments in the Mississippi Delta ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.


Table h Sunflower River Seasonal Data for Nutrients and Turbidity Parameter Season Avg. Max Min

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ppm (mg/L) Total Ν


Geo Count Mean 25th





3.67 0.36






523 0.67




2.09 2.75 0.96






4.14 0.40






222 036






Low Flow


222 0.01








1.61 0.08




0.51 0.61



2.39 0.06




0.62 0.91



1.75 0.14




0.37 0.61

ppm (mg/L) Total Ρ



1.00 0.01




028 0.42

Low Flow


0.69 025




0.25 0.40

NTU* Turbidity Winter

342 2120








535 2318














204 2248










Low 88 Flow *NTU nephelometric units








Nett et al.; Water Quality Assessments in the Mississippi Delta ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

Downloaded by PURDUE UNIV on November 17, 2016 | Publication Date: April 13, 2004 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2004-0877.ch003

35 Monthly concentrations of total nitrogen, nitrate plus nitrites, and total phosphorus follow similar patterns at all sample locations and did, at some time during the year, exceed Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) target levels for waters designated as fish and wildlife streams. Turbidity, total solids, and total phosphorus in the Delta reached maximum levels during winter and early spring runoff. Concentrations of total phosphorus in 131 of 343 samples or 38 percent of the samples (3) exceeded the 0.3 ppm target standard suggested by MDEQ for waters designated as fish and wildlife streams (4). Sampling and testing methodologies have been detailed in the proceedings of the 26th Mississippi Water Resources Conference (Reference 3). This discussion will be limited to data analysis. Data were grouped across all sites by month and averaged. Table I organizes data for the Sunflower River into seasons. Geometric means of total nitrogen data do not fall to below 1 ppm except during the low flow season. Total phosphorus falls to a geometric mean of 0.25 ppm during fall and the low flow season. This illustrates that even when sediments have settled, the water remains very fertile. Levels of nitrogen and phosphorus this high are usually associated with eutrophic or hypereutrophic streams (5) Ai is probable that stopping the constant influx of new sediments and nutrients into the river will allow its nutrient load to decrease as plants cycle the nitrogen and phosphorus. Linear regression analyses were run using monthly averages for the dependent variables total phosphorus, total kjeldahl nitrogen, and the independent variables total solids, total suspended solids, and turbidity. The relationship between turbidity and total suspended sediments was also determined (Table II). Data collected for the Sunflower River at the town of Sunflower were used to estimate parameter loads because long-term stage data were available to calculate flow volumes per month. Water quality and flow data were grouped by month for load calculations. Loads for a range of "acceptable" parameter concentrations, based on available published data for water quality standards, were calculated using the same equations. Linear regression analysis of data averaged by month, as concentrations (1-7) or loads (8-9), for all sites are listed in Table II. Regressions showed a strong correlation between all three indicators of sediment concentration and concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen in these waters. Total phosphorus coefficients of determination (r ) were approximately 0.8. This indicates that all measures of water borne sediment were good predictors of total phosphorus concentration. Interestingly, the ί values for total kjeldahl nitrogen were approximately 0.9, suggesting an even better predictive ability. This is probably because soil organic matter makes up part of the total solid load and most nitrogen in the soil is in an organic form. Erosive losses from fields are potentially having a negative impact on soil productivity through the loss of soil, organic matter, and associated nutrients. 2

Nett et al.; Water Quality Assessments in the Mississippi Delta ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

36 2

Turbidity was strongly correlated to total suspended sediment load, r =0.99. Turbidity is an easy to perform field measurement which, due to its correlation to nutrient and sediment concentrations, could serve as a monitoring tool.

Table H Regression Analysis for Monthly Average Parameter Concentrations (1-7) and Parameter Loads (8-9) 1

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2 3 4 5

6 7 8


Parameters Total Phosphorus to Total Solids Total Phosphorus to Total Suspended Sediment Total Phosphorus to Turbidity Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen to Total Solids Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen to Total Suspended Sediment Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen to Turbidity Turbidity to Total Suspended Sediment Τ Phosphorus to TSS Sunflower River @ Sunflower Τ Kjeldahl Nitrogen to TSS Sunflower River @ Sunflower


Equations TP = (0.0014 *TS)-0.0225

r 0.78

TP = (0.001 *TS) +0.2026


TP = (0.0007 * TS) + 0.2669


TKN = (0.0048 * TP) - 0.1214


TKN = (0.0036 * TP) + 0.6825


TKN = (0.0025 * TP) + 0.9298


Turbidity = (1.4266 * TSS) - 93.869


TP = (0.001 * TSS) + 14.5922


TKN = (0.003 * TSS) + 31.5782


Examination of the monthly changes in total phosphorus, total solids, turbidity, total kjeldahl nitrogen, and total suspended solids reaffirmed the seasonal variations in water quality in the Mississippi Delta (Tables I & III). Higher concentrations of all five parameters occurred when the soil was bare and were lowest when there was good canopy cover. There is a clear change in concentration of all parameters between June and July corresponding to the appearance of crop canopy cover, decreased monthly rainfall, and the development of the low flow season. The highest influx of sediments and nutrients occurred during winter and spring, periods of highest monthly rainfall and the largest extent of bare ground (Table III).

Nett et al.; Water Quality Assessments in the Mississippi Delta ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

37 Table IIL Monthly Average Concentration Values for Selected Water Quality Parameters. Month

Total Phosphorus

Total Solids




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Total Total Kjeldahl Suspended Nitrogen A J^} f L ppm ppm 1.86 378 284 1.85 453 2.49 442 225 233 1.40 211 1.29 1.14 116 0.94 122 114 1.04 117 1.43 152 127 163 124

January February March April May June July August September October November December Avg. Jan.June Avg. JulyDec.

ppm 0.56 0.36 0.63 0.76 0.48 0.43 0.36 0.31 024 0.34 0.38 0.45

ppm 444 353 514 500 329 306 253 277 267 267 286 266

NTU 450 285 542 549 241 235 97 66 60 67 121 135













During a "typical" year in the Delta, crops are harvested by mid-September to early November. Weather permitting, this is also a time when soils are prepared for spring planting using several conventional operations from deep tillage to disking. Landforming can be done whenever weather permits, but late fall is often optimal for groundwork. These operations leave soil bare for the winter rains. Data in Table III indicate that by February there may be sufficient winter cover from natural weed growth to provide some protection from erosion. However, field preparation begins in earnest in March with corn planting and rice ground preparation again exposing bare soil to erosive forces. Crop canopies are well developed by July. They continue to grow through harvest in September and early November with dropped leaves providing some ground cover. Dry ground can decrease runoff events in early November and early December, but concentrations of sediment and nutrient parameters begin to increase in December peaking in January, repeating the cycle. One key to improved water

Nett et al.; Water Quality Assessments in the Mississippi Delta ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

38 quality appears to be implementation of conservation options that address the problems of winter and spring runoff.

An Analysis of Conservation Practices to Control Soil Erosion and Improve Water Quality

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Methods to limit sediment and nutrient loss from fields have varied efficiencies (Table IV). Conservation tillage and grass filter strips are two practices used in the Delta that could be expanded to many more acres. They are both effective year round and have sediment control benefits during the critical winter and springtime periods.

Table IV. Conservation Practice Efficiencies* Used for the Following Analysis. Practice Conservation Tillage Grass Filter Strip

Sediment 75 85

Nitrogen % Controlled 45 75

Phosphorus 55 50

NOTE: *Efficiencies are broad averages covering different soil types, plantings, and BMP characteristics. They are based on research and used by NRCS as best professional judgements, not as absolutes for all situations in which the practices might be used.

Applying the conservation practice efficiencies from Table IV to current Sunflower River total phosphorus, total kjeldahl nitrogen, and total suspended sediment loads determined the concentration of these parameters which would remain with either or both of these conservation practices in place. Total phosphorus could be reduced by either practice to a load equivalent to a concentration less than 0.3 ppm, a potential water quality standard, in all months except January, March, and April. Delta soils are high in native phosphorus. This indicates that even without added fertilizers, sediment inputs into streams will be likely to maintain total phosphorus concentrations at higher levels than in some other parts of the country. Neither conservation practice could, at any time during the year, lower total kjeldahl nitrogen load to a level less than a concentration of 1 ppm, also a possible water quality standard. However, the alternative standard of 2 ppm was met by either practice all year. These numbers emphasize the need to set water quality standards locally to accurately reflect local limitations. Setting an

Nett et al.; Water Quality Assessments in the Mississippi Delta ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

39 obtainable standard is essential to the success of a program such as the T M D L process.

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Determining Costs The implications of these results for surface water quality are straightforward. Reduce the sediment in the water and the nutrient load will be reduced. Implementation of both practices over the entire Sunflower River watershed, 345,218 hectares (852,390 acres), would control all of these parameters at the indicated levels for an estimated cost of 21 to 33 million dollars (Table V). Costs for the practices are those currently used by NRCS in the Mississippi Delta and reflect current market values.

Table V. Conservation Practice Costs for the Sunflower River Watershed. Practice Conservation Tillage Grass Filter Strip Total


Cost per ha $

Total Cost

345,218 345,218 345,218

42-79 17 59-%

$15 to $27 million $6 million $21 to $33 million

This is a significant investment covering only the Sunflower River Basin. It would be difficult to install conservation tillage or grassed filter strips on every farmed acre in the Sunflower watershed. Watershed planning to place practices on the most susceptible acres could produce significant benefits for the entire area without treating every farmed acre. There are many other conservation practices that should be considered from winter cover to nutrient management to water control structures with slotted board risers to the use of parabolic subsoilers that cause a minimum of surface disturbance. Some of these, such as conservation tillage and water control structures with slotted board risers, complement each other to produce additive benefits. The following is an example of load and cost calculations for one such combination of practices. The Sunflower River at the town of Sunflower could transport 84,510 tons of sediment annually and still meet a 100 ppm standard (Table VI). The estimated annual sediment transported in 1996 was calculated to be 384,544 tons. Therefore, the Sunflower River contained 300,034 tons (384,544 tons - 84,510 tons) of sediment that would need to be removed for the 100 ppm

Nett et al.; Water Quality Assessments in the Mississippi Delta ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

40 Table VL Monthly Suspended Sediment Load Calculated for the Sunflower River Watershed at the Town of Sunflower. 19941996 Avg. Monthly Flow

Monthly Total Suspended Solids

Calculate dl996 Sediment Load per Month

ppm (mg/L)



cubic ft/sec 1,320

Sediment Load at a 100ppm Water Quality Target* tonnes



























































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Annual Total Suspended Sediment



NOTE: * MS DEQ possible target 100 ppm total suspended solids tentative Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality standards to be met.

The Sunflower River watershed represents about one third of the total farmed acres in the Delta. Extrapolation, assuming similar landuse across die Delta, results in the determination that about 1.36 million tonnes of sediment would need to be controlled to reach water quality standards for total suspended solids in Delta steams. This extrapolation assumes a similarity of land use and land type that is probably acceptable for this inique area. More detailed calculations can be made as refinements in inputs for various land uses and

Nett et al.; Water Quality Assessments in the Mississippi Delta ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

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41 cultural practices come from the Mississippi Delta Management Systems Evaluation Area (MDMSEA) project. Field monitoring demonstrated that one of the most effective and cost efficient systems to control sediment in Delta farmland involved a combination of practices. These were permanent pads and levees, water control structures with slotted board risers, a water management plan to pond water in the winter months, and a land management plan, which included minimum tillage (6). This system reduced sediment loss by 5 tonnes/ha/year (2.25 tons/acre/year). The average cost per hectare was approximately $272.00. Treating to remove 1.36 million tonnes of sediment would involve an estimated 272,000-hectare (670,000 acres) (1.36 million tonnes/5 tonnes per hectare), which would require about $73 million. A l l farmed land would not receive this combination of treatments; however, this calculation does provide an interesting working number for a treatment system to meet target standards used in this example. Determination of sediment standard criteria has not been completed for Mississippi. Selection of a different standard would alter these calculations, as would refinement of inputs from other sediment sources. The Sunflower River is considered an agrading channel; the Corps of Engineers estimates that the channel has filled in approximately 1 meter since the 1960's. This, along with the fact that there has been no quantification of bank erosion or bedload, led to the assumption that the primary sediment inputs were from nonpoint sources, primarily agricultural lands. This would need to be verified because significant bank caving could occur in the Delta and the additional sediment input would dampen the ability to detect water quality changes due to installation of conservation practices.

References 1. 2.



Wanamaker, Jim. 2001. The Mississippi River Levee Board, Where People Come First brochure, Greenville, Mississippi 38701 Natural Resources Conservation Service. The Comprehensive, Multipurpose, Water Resource Plan, Study Phase Report, 1999. Pennington, K . L . . 26th Mississippi Water Resources Conference Proceedings, Mississippi Water Resources Research Institute, 1996; pp. 7886. Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ). 1992. Mississippi Water Quality Assessment, Public Health/Aquatic Life Concerns; Jackson, MS, pp 111-116.

Nett et al.; Water Quality Assessments in the Mississippi Delta ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

42 5.

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Newton, B.J.; Jarrell, W.M. In A procedure to estimate the response of aquatic systems to changes in phosphorus and nitrogen inputs. National Water and Climate Center.,USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. 1999. Manley, S. W.. Ecological and agricultural values of winter-flooded rice fields in Mississippi. 1995-1996 Annual Report. Mississippi State University, Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, 1996.

Nett et al.; Water Quality Assessments in the Mississippi Delta ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.