Surfactant Adsorption and Surface Solubilization - American Chemical

of Axx> A Y Y , AZZ» gxx» gw» gzz were used in this estimate. Clearly appropriate values for CTAB in water are desirable, and we are currently addr...
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Chapter 9

Downloaded by UNIV MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST on October 14, 2012 | Publication Date: May 5, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0615.ch009

Application of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy to Surfactants on Surfaces 1

Martin G. Bakker, Dexter D. Murphy , and Brandon Davis Department of Chemistry, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0336

The application of various EPR experiments to the study of surfactants adsorbed on surfaces from aqueous media is described. Published work using TEMPO and doxyl stearic acid spin-probes is critically reviewed, and new work utilizing spin-labeled cetyltrimethylammonium bromide is discussed to illustrate the use of 100% spin-labeled material to study surfactant aggregation, and the use of paramagnetic broadeners to study surfactant aggregate structure.

Surfactant adsorption on surfaces and solubilization on surfaces result from the interactions of individual surfactant molecules or aggregates of molecules with the surface (7). The vast majority of studies of surfactant adsorption on hydrophilic surfaces in aqueous media have focused on measurements of macroscopic properties such as surface area, adsorption isotherm, contact angle and zeta potentials. These provide a macroscopic, average picture of the interaction between the surfactant and the surface, but can not provide details about such questions as the type of binding, the extent of surfactant aggregation, the orientation of the surfactant molecules on the surface and the dynamics of binding and aggregation. Theoretical studies of surfactant adsorption on surfaces however are increasingly considering the effects of the 'microscopic' nature of surfactant adsorption. That is the size and structure of the surfactant aggregates and the details of the interaction of individual surfactant molecules with the surface. At one extreme Gu and co-workers (2), in what they call the small surface aggregate model, postulate surfactant adsorption as occurring through binding of individual surfactant molecules on the strongest binding surface sites followed by growth of surfactant aggregates around these molecules. The model first proposed by Fuerstenau and Somasundaran (5-5) postulates adsorption of individual surfactant molecules at low surfactant 1

Current address: Department of Natural Science and Mathematics, Mail Stop 7, Livingston University, Livingston, AL 35470

0097-6156/95/0615-0153$12.00/0 © 1995 American Chemical Society In Surfactant Adsorption and Surface Solubilization; Sharma, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

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concentrations, formation of hemi-micelles at higher concentrations and bilayers at still higher surfactant concentrations. More recently Schechter and Scamehorn (6) and later Schechter and HarwellHarwell (7,8) have proposed that bilayered surfactant aggregates called admicelles (8) might be important under some conditions. The microscopic details needed for a fundamental understanding of surfactant adsorption on surfaces requires spectroscopic techniques. The spectroscopic techniques that have the required sensitivity and have been applied to the study of surfactants on surfaces are Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) spectroscopy (9,10), Resonance Raman (77), Fluorescence (12-14) and EPR (15-22). Each technique has different advantages and disadvantages when applied to the study of surfactant aggregates on surfaces (23,24). The number of EPR studies of surfactant adsorption is rather small. This is somewhat surprising given the great interest in the structure of these surfactant aggregates and the impact that EPR has had on analogous problems in biochemistry. The purpose of this contribution is to critically review the existing literature, to report preliminary results illustrating a number of different types of EPR experiment that we are currently developing, and suggest a variety of other EPR experiments possibly applicable to the study of surfactants on surfaces. The combination of such experiments has the potential to give a detailed picture of the structure of the adsorbed surfactant aggregates. The application of EPR to surfaces in general has been recently reviewed in comprehensive fashion by Martini (25). As with a number of other spectroscopic techniques, EPR requires introduction of a probe of some form, ideally as part of the molecule to be studied. This is the approach we have taken with analogs of stearic acid and cetyl trimethylammonium bromide on silica. Failing this the probe molecule added should have properties as similar as possible to those of the surfactant being studied. This was the approach taken by Somasundaran and co-workers (15,22) who used stearic acid labeled with a doxyl spin probe to study the behavior of sodium dodecyl sulfate adsorbing on alumina. EPR Using 100% Labeled Surfactant: Application to Shear-Flocculation Most EPR experiments use only a small amount of spin-label diluted down with unlabeled surfactant. This is not surprising given the expense of the spin-label. If instead 100% spin-labeled surfactant is used EPR gives information on the extent of surfactant aggregation. When significant amounts of the surfactant are present as individual molecules a three line spectrum will be observed (see Figure la). As surfactant aggregation occurs spin-exchange and dipolar broadening lead to a single broad line with a linewidth of approximately 15 Gauss (Figure lb & c). This effect has been previously reported for surfactant aggregates in solution (26) and has more recently been observed for doxyl stearic on alumina (22) and on silica (20). The composite spectra can be fitted and by numerically doubly integrating each component the relative amounts of surfactant present as aggregates and as individual molecules (or possibly as very small aggregates) can be determined (20,21).

In Surfactant Adsorption and Surface Solubilization; Sharma, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

Downloaded by UNIV MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST on October 14, 2012 | Publication Date: May 5, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0615.ch009


Application of EPR to Surfactants on Surfaces


We have recently applied this approach to the study of shear-flocculation (20,21). Shear-flocculation is a process in which fine particles ( A Y Y , A Z Z » gxx» gw» gzz were used in this estimate. Clearly appropriate values for CTAB in water are desirable, and we are currently addressing this problem. 9






Even for these relatively short correlation times it is still advisable to simulate the EPR spectra, this is especially so when the spin-probe being used may partition between two or more environments. The necessity for this can be clearly seen in Figure 4 which shows CTAB adsorbed onto silica. The unusual form of the spectrum is due to CTAB being in two different environments with two different correlation times, coupling constants and g-factor. The narrower lines must correspond to CTAB undergoing free rotation, presumably in solution. The broader lines, which are particularly evident in the high and low field components, must be due to CTAB undergoing slow rotation, presumably due to aggregation. When simulation of this spectrum was attempted using only a Lorentzian or a Gaussian lineshape only very poor agreement with the experimental spectrum could be achieved. When the

In Surfactant Adsorption and Surface Solubilization; Sharma, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

Downloaded by UNIV MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST on October 14, 2012 | Publication Date: May 5, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0615.ch009


Application of EPR to Surfactants on Surfaces







Magnetic Field /mT

Figure 3. EPR Spectra of 1:100 Spin-labeled:Non-labeled CTAB in aqueous solution (a) 10" M total CTAB, (b) spectrum fitted using values in text, (c) 10" M total CTAB, (d) fitted spectrum, (e) 10" M total CTAB & 2 wt% silica, (f) fitted spectrum 4



In Surfactant Adsorption and Surface Solubilization; Sharma, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


Downloaded by UNIV MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST on October 14, 2012 | Publication Date: May 5, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0615.ch009



unresolved hyperfine structure was explicitly taken into account the excellent simulation in Figure 4b was obtained. The spectra may not always be as clearly resolved as in this example and it is only when an attempt to fit the shape of the EPR peaks fails that the existence of more than one component may become apparent. For doxylstearic acids in aqueous media the very low solubility of the stearic acid in water will normally result in strong inclusion into the surfactant aggregates. For TEMPO there is likely to be partitioning between the aqueous and non-aqueous phases, resulting in two overlapping spectra. Even if the two components can not be resolved it is still possible that significant line broadening will occur. This is likely to be most noticeable for the high field line. For example in a spectrum for TEMPO in sodium 4-[2-heptafluoroisopropyl-l,3-bis(trifluoromethyl)-butenoxy]benzene sulfonate reported by Esumi et al. (33) in 1991 broadening and asymmetry of the high field can be seen, indicating that two species are present. Careful analysis of this spectrum can give both the partition co-efficient and the desired correlation times. Using only the line heights and linewidths to estimate the rotational correlation times is likely to lead to significant error. If the rotational correlation times are too long for the approximate forms (above) to be used qualitative information can still be obtained. A good example of this is the work by Chandar et al. (75) where various doxyl stearic acids were used to probe the adsorption of sodium dodecyl sulfatefromaqueous solution onto alumina. It could be seen clearly that as the spin-label was placed closer and closer to the headgroup the rotational motion became more and more restricted. A more quantitative analysis of such spectra requires detailed simulation of the spectrum using a program such as that of Freed and Schneider (38,39). Use of Paramagnetic Broadeners An EPR based technique which has been successfully applied in the biochemical area is the use of paramagnetic broadeners. A common, and often inadvertent example of this is failing to remove oxygenfromsamples, leading to an increase in the linewidth. Other common broadeners are transition metal complexes and other spin-labels (e.g. N labeled spin-labels). Broadening can occur through either a spin-exchange mechanism or due to dipolar-dipolar interactions. For transition metals in isotropic solution spin-exchange is the dominant term, but requires the broadener to collide with the spin-label (40). Therefore if the broadener is selected so that it is confined to one part of the system (e.g. aqueous solution), then from the absence or presence and the extent of broadening, the position of the spin-label can be inferred. Berner has written a detailed description of a number of different cases that can be encountered, and applied these methods to study the adsorption of stearic acid onto latex (41). Some care must however be exercised when applying this method to surfactants adsorbed on surfaces, it is not sufficient that the broadener does not affect the extent of surfactant adsorption. The polarity of the surface, surfactant and broadener must all be considered and how the broadener partitions between the aqueous and surfactant phases must be explicitly determined to avoid erroneous conclusions. 1 5

In Surfactant Adsorption and Surface Solubilization; Sharma, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


Application of EPR to Surfactants on Surfaces



Figure 5a shows the EPR spectrum of 10" M CTAB with 5 wt% silica present. The three narrow lines from surfactant in solution are prominent because a 1:8 doping ratio was used. Figure 5b is the EPR spectrum when 10" M of Fe(CN)6 " broadener has been added. A substantial increase in linewidth is readily apparent accompanied by a substantial decrease in peak height. The peak marked * is due to an intrinsic quartz signal and the two spectra were normalized relative to this peak. Part of the decrease in amplitude may be due to the added broadener increasing surfactant adsorption and aggregation. There is some hint of a broad peak in the lower spectrum. This possibility can be tested by determining the relative concentrations of surfactant in solution by doubly integrating the peaks. When a similar broadening experiment is carried out using 1:100 doped CTAB the effect is even more dramatic. Figure 6 show the EPR spectrafromCTAB adsorbed on a silica surface. In Figure 6b 2 x 10" M broadener was added, with almost total loss of the EPR spectrum. The surfactant would be expected to adsorb onto the surface with the headgroup down. If the broadener remains in the aqueous phase then no broadening would be expected for the spin-label in contact with the surface. That broadening occurs and that it is sufficient to cause the spectrum to totally disappear implies that the broadener must be adsorbed onto the surface amongst the surfactant headgroups. This is despite the broadener having the same charge as the surface. This type of co-adsorption has been previously postulated by Harwell and Bitting (42) based on adsorption isotherm, zeta potential measurements and pH dependence. It appears that use of other, neutral paramagnetic broadeners would avoid the problem encountered above of the broadener including amongst the headgroups. It should then be possible to study the orientation of the surfactants and determine if at a given concentration the surfactants are present as a monolayer/hemi-micelle or in a bilayer structure, and how much of each form might be present. Because broadening could also be produced if the broadener is adsolubilized care needs to be taken to ensure that this does not occur. Depending upon the type of broadener used the extent of broadening could range from only a Gauss or less to so large that the EPR lines effectively disappear. In the lower range exact simulation of the EPR spectra will be required to allow the broadening to be explicitly determined. In the upper range an apparent decrease in EPR intensity would be seen, this would require accurate quantitation to be carried out, preferably against an internal standard. However in the case of hemi-micelles no broadening would be expected from a broadener in the aqueous phase. Labeling of the surfactant at the tail rather than the head group, coupled with a broadening experiment is then desirable.

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Aggregation Number One experiment that to the best of our knowledge has not yet been attempted for surfactant aggregates is a determination by EPR of the aggregation number. Only a handful of determinations have been carried out using fluorescence for sodium dodecyl sulfate on alumina by Somasundaran and co workers, and for a number of non-ionic surfactants on silica by Levitz and co-workers. If such a determination can be carried out by EPR it would help to fill a void in the literature.

In Surfactant Adsorption and Surface Solubilization; Sharma, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

Downloaded by UNIV MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST on October 14, 2012 | Publication Date: May 5, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0615.ch009







Magnetic Field /mT

Figure 4. EPR Spectrum of 1:100 Spin-labeled CTAB on High Surface Area Silica. 10- M CTAB, 2 wt% silica, aqueous solution. 4

r -V-V-V 322.0



328.0 330.0


Magnetic Field/mT

Figure 5. Effect of Paramagnetic Broadener on the EPR Spectrum of Spinlabeled CTAB in aqueous solution, (a) 1:8 Spin-labeled:Non-labeled CTAB, lO- M , 5 wt% silica, aqueous solution, (b) with 10" M K F e ( C N ) broadener added. 4



In Surfactant Adsorption and Surface Solubilization; Sharma, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


Downloaded by UNIV MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST on October 14, 2012 | Publication Date: May 5, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0615.ch009


Application of EPR to Surfactants on Surfaces


324.0 326.0 328.0 330.0 Magnetic Field /mT



Figure 6. Effect of Paramagnetic Broadener on the EPR Spectrum of CTAB Adsorbed on Silica (a) 10" M total CTAB, 1:100 doped, 10 wt% silica (b) ca. 2 x 10- M K Fe(CN) M broadener added. 4




A number of determinations of surfactant aggregation number in micelles have been reported (43,44) these both involve determination by EPR of the fraction of label in a micelle and present as monomers in solution. A Poission distribution is then assumed, and from the total amount of label and surfactant present the average aggregation number can be determined. This clearly requires being able to distinguish between the two surfactant environments, and having sufficient signal-to-noise to be able to accurately quantitate both components. Because of the very low concentrations at which surfactant aggregation on surfaces begins (in the case of CTAB on silica, 10" M) this is problematic. It is possible that by using particles of very high surface area, higher surfactant concentrations could be used with an ensuing improvement in signalto-noise. This approach does assume that the labeled and un-labeled surfactant incorporate equally into the surfactant aggregate. Our experience with TEMPO labeled CTAB is that there are differences between the labeled and un-labeled forms. We carried out shear-flocculation experiments using both and found about a 7% difference in final mean-particle size. This is something of a worst case, but does indicate that this factor does need to be considered. An alternative approach which appears more promising is to vary the ratio of labeled to unlabeled surfactant and use the line-broadening to determine the aggregation number. We are not aware of any case in which this approach has been used. 4

Acknowledgment This work was supported by the School of Mines and Energy Development at the University of Alabama (MGB) and by a graduate fellowship from the U.S. Bureau of Mines (DDM). Our thanks to Jeff Harwell at the University of Oklahoma for his ideas on the implications of our CTAB/Fe(CN)6 broadening experiments. 3-

In Surfactant Adsorption and Surface Solubilization; Sharma, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



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Application of EPR to Surfactants on Surfaces

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In Surfactant Adsorption and Surface Solubilization; Sharma, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.