Sustainable Consumer Choices: An Outreach Program Exploring the

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Sustainable Consumer Choices: An Outreach Program Exploring the Environmental Impact of Our Consumer Choices Using a Systems Thinking Model and Laboratory Activities Kathleen C. Murphy,* Meghna Dilip, Joseph G. Quattrucci, Susan M. Mitroka, and Jeremy R. Andreatta

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Department of Chemistry, Worcester State University, Worcester, Massachusetts 01602, United States S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: A summer workshop was offered to inner-city high school students to explore the sustainability of their consumer choices using a systems thinking model. Students learned about related environmental or health issues due to the manufacturing, use, or disposal of common household products. Then, in the laboratory, they performed experiments to investigate the concern, analyzed data, made conclusions about the environmental hazards of the product, and were introduced to a “green” alternative. Off-campus field trips allowed students to further explore more sustainable options. Exit surveys indicated that these activities helped shape the way the students think about purchases and they have a better understanding of the greener alternatives.

KEYWORDS: High School/Introductory Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Hands-On Learning/Manipulatives, Public Understanding/Outreach, Inquiry-Based/Discovery Learning, Green Chemistry, Systems Thinking, Sustainability


choices. Some considerations before a purchase are displayed in Figure 1. Previous publications have discussed the role of chemistry as a discipline for teaching sustainability and other relevant social and policy issues.10−13 Now more than ever, it is imperative to support scientific education within our schools to produce students who are capable of understanding the environmental issues and concepts of green chemistry and sustainability. The students of today will be involved in decision-making policies and regulation of tomorrow. If sustainable behaviors are adopted at an early age, then they may become habit. Several outreach programs have focused on supporting high school teachers and students to gain a better understanding of environmental issues and the importance of sustainability.14−20 They used hands-on activities to investigate relevant issues which have been shown to promote students’ conceptual understanding21−23 and develop their enthusiasm and awareness.24 Some additional objectives of these programs included recruitment of students into higher-education STEM fields, designing modules to support high school curriculum or

e are a society of increasing commoditization, and our consumer decisions affect sustainability.1,2 However, more environmentally friendly purchases could be made if consumers considered a holistic systems thinking approach when buying (ref 3, p 1): Systems thinking approaches emphasize interdependence of components of dynamic systems and their interaction with other systems, including societal and environmental systems. Systems thinking considers the interconnection between the biosphere, the environment, and human and animal health.4−6 For example, if using systems thinking when making a purchase, the consumer would read labels to identify what chemicals the product contains, know where and how these chemicals were resourced, understand possible transformation of the chemicals, and be aware of potential human and environmental hazards from use or disposal of the product. Only 30% of all consumers are concerned about the environment. However, even these buyers have difficulty making sustainable choices.7,8 So, given the small percentage of conscientious shoppers and that as a society we are going to continue to buy, there is an urgency to educate people about the concepts of green chemistry and its connection to their products. Using systems thinking in the classroom supported a deeper and advanced understanding of the concepts.9 Possibly, if consumers reflect upon systems thinking before making a purchase, they would realize how many interconnected systems are affected and may be inclined to make more sustainable © XXXX American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc.

Special Issue: Reimagining Chemistry Education: Systems Thinking, and Green and Sustainable Chemistry Received: April 23, 2019 Revised: July 31, 2019


DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.9b00400 J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical Education


and were able to commit to attending all days of the workshop. Since many students relied upon public transportation to and from the campus, bus passes were provided. Prior to arrival on campus, parental or guardian permission was given allowing students to fully partake in the workshop performing laboratory experiments, eat at the dining hall, have their picture taken, and be transported to off-site field trips. The nominated participants reflected the extremely diversified Worcester population and included an even gender distribution. The outreach workshop has been offered at the end of June for 6−8 days when the students were on summer break and the laboratory space on our university campus was not in high demand. Every day, breakfast and lunch were provided in the campus dining hall. An undergraduate chemistry student assisted with preparation of laboratory activities and was available to answer students’ questions during the workshop. On the morning of the first day of the workshop, a lecture was given to explain the concepts of green chemistry and sustainability. To introduce systems thinking, students reflected upon the usefulness and necessity of plastics in our society but then considered the manufacturing process and the environmental issues caused by their resistance to biodegradation. Then, that afternoon, pipetting and preparing solutions were practiced for upcoming experiments. Each of the remaining days started with a short PowerPoint lecture introducing an environmental issue related to a consumer product considering systems thinking. To supplement the lecture, short articles describing the plight caused by the consumer product were read and discussed. The participants then performed a laboratory activity designed to investigate the consumer choice and collect data. As a group, the data was analyzed and its relevance to the environmental issue discussed. For every consumer product that was investigated, its chemical content was evaluated, potential human and environmental hazards were discussed, and a more green and sustainable alternative consumer option was introduced. Table 1 contains the schedule of a typical day.

Figure 1. Systems thinking approach to consumer purchases.

outreach education,15,16 modeling the collaborative nature of research,16−19 or supporting project-based learning.18,20 Herein is a description of our workshop that was designed to have students explore the sustainability of their consumer choices through a systems thinking approach. Consideration was given to what chemicals were present in the product and their origin, potential health and environmental hazards from use of the product, and where the chemicals ended up after disposal. Students investigated the sustainability of their consumer choices using laboratory activities and then were introduced to other “green” alternative products. We chose to focus on individual consumer choices rather than previously cited environmental outreach programs where the students were learning about pressing global environment issues caused by society as a whole. We have run this workshop over three consecutive years. The workshop has three overarching objectives: • Through systems thinking and laboratory activities, explore sustainable consumer choices • Provide more sustainable and green alternatives to typical consumer choices • Recruit and prepare higher-education STEM students

Table 1. Typical Day



8:30−9:00 am 9:00−10:00 am

Arrival and light breakfast Introduce environmental issue related to consumer choice with lecture and articles Laboratory experiment Lunch at the campus dining hall Complete experiment and analyze data Discussion of data and introduction of alternative and more sustainable consumer option Reflection and dismissal

10:00−12:15 pm 12:25−1:00 pm 1:00−2:30 pm 2:30−3:00 pm

OVERVIEW OF WORKSHOP To educate local high school students about the environmental impact of their consumer habits, a workshop was developed. A systems thinking model was used, allowing the students to investigate how their purchases are interconnected to the environment and human health. Demographically, of the 185,000 Worcester residents, 22% are considered to be living in poverty, and 34% are non-English speaking. Worcester public schools serve approximately 25,000 K−12 students who speak over 80 different languages.25 Science classes within the district often contain 25 students or more, and laboratory space and resources are limited. Private sources of funding have supported this program for three consecutive years. The five high schools in Worcester were invited to select students to attend the workshop. Each year, attendance varied between 11 and 15 students. Consideration was given to those who had taken at least one year of chemistry, could be responsible within the laboratory,

3:00−3:10 pm

For two of the consumer choice topics, field trips allowed participants to fully experience a more sustainable consumer choice. One afternoon participants harvested and planted in a nearby community garden, and then on another day, they made jewelry from recycled metal at the Worcester Center for Crafts. The last day of the workshop was used for reflection and celebration. First, an exit survey was given to have participants comment on the topics, the practiced laboratory techniques, and the suggested “green” consumer choices. Then, students created posters to be displayed in their schools that explain one of the environmental issues and promote sustainable consumer choices. In the afternoon, they made ice cream from liquid B

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.9b00400 J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical Education


Table 2. Laboratory Activities Investigating Environmental Issues Related to Consumer Products Laboratory Activity

Environmental Issue with Consumer Choice

Heavy Metal Jewelry

Pb and Cd in jewelry; Land destruction from mining

Handmade with recycled and renewable sources

Flame atomic absorption

Pipetting; Solution preparation; Standard curves; EXCEL; Calculations to ppm (μg/g)

Phosphates in Detergents

Eutrophication of surface water

Phosphate-free detergents

Visible spectroscopy

Beer’s law; Pipetting; Solution preparation; Standard curves; EXCEL; Calculations to ppm (μg/mL)

Pesticide Residue on Food

Carbon footprint from transport; Pesticide residues

Gardening; Farmer markets; Purchase locally and seasonally


Sample preparation; Interpretation of spectra

Nail Polish Remover

Manicurist’s exposure to VOCs in nail polish

Low VOC nail polish or peelable nails


Interpretation of spectra

Light Bulbs

Design, efficiency, and disposal: LED, fluorescent and incandescent bulbs

LED most efficient

Emission spectra

Interpretation of spectra

Polymers: Biodegradable Fishing Lure

PVC and phthalates in typical fishing Biodegradable lures lures

Sustainable Alternative


Practiced Laboratory Skills and Concepts

Concepts of polymers and biodegradability

making jewelry from recycled material. After a short lecture about the toxicity of heavy metals, students read an article explaining that cadmium and lead are often added into jewelry as fillers because they are less expensive than gold and silver. Mouthing or ingestion of contaminated pieces allows these toxic metals to become bioavailable within young children which can result in acute or chronic adverse effects, including death. Jewelry labeled “lead-free” is not always free of lead.26 In this activity, several pieces of jewelry were digested with nitric acid and analyzed with FAA.27 After preparation of a standard curve, the levels of lead were converted to ppm (μg/g) and compared to the California state limits. Some pieces of jewelry in our activities exceeded the suggested California levels which was alarming. On another day, participants viewed the movie “River of Gold” which depicted the deplorable consequences of gold mining in the Amazon including massive destruction of the natural landscape, mercury exposure to those involved in mining, and dependency of the local economy on a corrupt black market. After the laboratory activity and viewing of the movie, jewelry being made from renewable resources was discussed. Later in the workshop, students spent a day at the Worcester Center for Crafts making jewelry from recycled materials. All the participants created beautiful pieces of jewelry and realized the many sources and uses of recycled metal (Figure 2).

nitrogen and received workshop themed t-shirts and various Worcester State University paraphernalia.

LABORATORY INVESTIGATION OF CONSUMER CHOICES The purpose of the workshop was to have students consider a systems thinking approach and realize through laboratory activities that the purchase and use of a consumer product can affect many other systems. The laboratory activities were designed to (1) investigate an environmental or health issue related to a consumer product, (2) reinforce and practice benchtop chemistry laboratory skills, (3) analyze and interpret data and (4) promote discussion of alternative sustainable consumer choices. Some of the activities utilized instrumentation that would not be available at the high school level such as flame atomic absorption (FAA), liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Students were given laboratory goggles, laboratory notebooks, scientific calculators, and nitrile gloves, and they had access to the computer lab for data analysis. With every activity, a brief lecture was given to outline the steps of the procedure and highlight safety protocol. At least two faculty members were present to assist while students performed the laboratory activities. Modifications were made to previously published procedures to be appropriate for our participants and time constraints. Table 2 contains an overview of the laboratory activities identifying (1) the laboratory activity, (2) environmental issue related to consumer choice, (3) sustainable alternatives, (4) instrumentation, and (5) practiced laboratory skills and concepts. Not every topic was discussed each year. The adapted procedures can be found in Supporting Information. Heavy Metal Jewelry

Most teenagers wear or have purchased jewelry. To have them make better jewelry purchases in the future, the following systems thinking concepts were discussed: (1) where and how metals are mined and consequential environmental and health issues from mining, (2) the presence of cadmium and lead in cheap costume jewelry, and (3) the sustainable option of

Figure 2. Student-made jewelry using recycled copper from roofing scraps. C

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.9b00400 J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical Education


prelaboratory lecture, students had seen dramatic pictures of eutrophication in lakes and streams. After analysis of detergents, everyone agreed that the chemical content of a product is important and that purchasing phosphate-free detergents would be a “greener” consumer choice. Also, the group mentioned that agricultural facilities should consider methods to reduce fertilizer runoff.

Hopefully, because students now realize how gold is mined and that some jewelry contains unwanted lead and cadmium, they will consider wearing or purchasing jewelry made from renewable or recycled resources. Phosphates in Detergents

All participants were familiar with detergents and fertilizers. To highlight the environmental impact of these products, the systems thinking concepts of what chemicals are in the product and the chemical migration and environmental impact after the intended use were examined. A PowerPoint presentation explained how detergents and fertilizers are responsible for excessive and detrimental levels of nitrates and phosphates in surface waters. Release of wastewater from treatment plants and runoff from agricultural facilities are the major contributors of this type of pollution. Although students may not see their role in this process, it was pointed out to them that their choice of soaps and detergents does matter because it ultimately ends up at the treatment plant and into the environment. In the presentation, students were introduced to eutrophication, the ecosystem’s response to these pollutants. There is rapid plant and algal growth resulting in depleted dissolved oxygen levels and eventually the loss of aquatic species. Federal and state governments spend billions of dollars a year to combat eutrophication and its effects.28 To demonstrate the effects of fertilizers on an ecosystem, water, along with plant life, from a local pond was gathered. It was divided among Erlenmeyer flasks with various amounts of a brand name fertilizer. One sample was used as a control and had no nitrates added to it. Over the two-week period, students were able to monitor the algae growth and the degradation of the plant life. The results are shown in Figure 3.

Food: Its Origin and Pesticide Residues

The systems thinking concepts discussed regarding food were (1) where does the food originate, (2) the resources used for transportation of the food, (3) the sustainable practice of shopping at farmers markets or home gardening, and (4) the use of pesticides to produce the food and the consequential related environmental and health issues. First, students were given two green apples that had been purchased from a local grocery store, one organically grown and the other traditionally grown. Referring to the stickers on each piece of fruit, students identified where the apples were grown. The organic apples were from Brazil, and the traditional apples were harvested across the country in the state of Washington. While many students initially believed that organic fruit would be a “green” alternative to produce, many were shocked to learn that these apples had traveled many miles, maybe even thousands of miles to reach Massachusetts. Alternative strategies for decreasing excessive and unnecessary transportation and still eating a healthy diet were discussed, including gardening in a private or community space, attending local farmer’s markets, and eating produce in season. A field trip to a nearby community garden allowed students to plant and harvest summer vegetables, and for many students, this is a novel experience. They marveled at pulling up carrots and radishes from soil, plucking beans and peas off vines, and tearing mint and basil leaves from stems. A salad was prepared from the harvested garden vegetables. To support personal gardening, each student was given a potted sprig of mint to take home (Figure 4).

Figure 3. Flasks containing water, plants, and varying amounts of fertilizer. The control containing water and plants without fertilizer is located to the far left. The more concentrated fertilizer solutions to the right have more plant and algal growth.

In this portion of the workshop, the phosphate levels of different dishwasher and laundry detergents were tested, including name brands as well as a green alternative.29 The standard analysis method of the EPA yields a blue solution in the presence of phosphate. Using spectrophotometers, a standard curve was created and concentration of phosphate determined for the various samples. Sample concentrations were made that reflected the concentration that would be found in the typical use of a washing machine or dishwasher. As expected, the green alternative brand did not have detectable phosphate levels, and the other detergents had low but detectable ppm levels of phosphates. In the

Figure 4. Potted sprigs of mint sent home with the participants.

After completion of this portion of the workshop, we hope that students are aware of the fuel used to transport produce and that they will try to purchase food that is in season, locally grown, or grown in their own personal garden. In the laboratory to investigate pesticide residue, students used the Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe D

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.9b00400 J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical Education


dimmable or nondimmable, and brightness of light. The systems thinking concepts explored for light bulbs were (1) chemical content of product, (2) environmental and health issues from disposal, and (3) the energy resource requirement for use. A PowerPoint lecture explained the construction and light-producing mechanisms of three different types of light bulbs: incandescent, fluorescent, and light-emitting diode (LED). The emission spectra of each type of light bulb of similar wattage were observed, and that led to discussion of the light-producing mechanisms, efficiency, and disposal considerations. The vast amount of heat emitted from the incandescent was easily observed as students placed the palm of their hand near the lit bulb. The fluorescent bulb did not get as hot as the incandescent, but it took some time for it to reach maximum intensity. In addition, fluorescent bulbs contain mercury which requires proper disposal at a mercury collection center, and they are not to be placed in curbside trash. The LED bulb released the least amount of heat, and its design prevents accidental breakage and allows for several decades of use. On the basis of efficiency, design, and disposal, the students concluded that the LED was the most sustainable consumer choice.

(QuEChERS) method for extracting potential pesticides from two groups of apples: organic and traditional.30 Then, using LC/MS the extracts were assessed for boscalid, a common fungicide for apples. The standard of boscalid was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. By comparison of the spectra, it was obvious that the traditional apple did have more peaks than the organic. However, it was not possible to identify or quantify the spectra peaks, and it was rather a visual qualitative assessment. Nail Polish Remover: Can It Be Harmful?

For this consumer product, the focus was on the chemical content of the product and the human health impact due to its use. A PowerPoint lecture with supplemental newspaper articles was used to discuss the solvents and dyes of nail polish and the rise in health issues of manicurists.31 The number of nail salons located in New York City has tripled within the past decade. The young manicurists employed in these salons often work 10−12 hours a day, breathing the fumes that emanate from the polishes and other treatments. It is common for many of them to suffer from respiratory issues and skin irritations. Cosmetologists have a higher rate of Hodgkin’s disease, low birth rate, and multiple myeloma, a form of cancer. The laboratory activity focused on nail polish removers. Students first tested the efficacy of nail polish removers on various nail paints. Three removers of various chemical solvents were tested: acetone, ethyl acetate, and a soy-based nonvolatile formula. The three nail polish removers were then analyzed using infrared spectroscopy, and spectra were compared (Figure 5). A discussion ensued on “like

Polymers: What Makes a Plastic Recyclable and Biodegradable Lures?

Plastics have become an integral part of our lives, and a lecture was designed to introduce polymers and related topics of recycling and biodegradability. The lecture and discussion focused on (1) origin of raw material, (2) manufacturing processes to produce product, and (3) environmental and human health issues related to use and disposal of the product. To begin, students were reminded that all plastics contain hydrocarbons originating from fossil fuels. The recycling codes of various plastic waste streams were identified and discussed as well as limitations of plastics recycling. Students were then tasked to list all the different plastic recycling codes they could identify in their own homes. In the laboratory, two hands-on activities were performed. First, students made slime from poly(vinyl alcohol) and sodium borate solutions. This experiment provided an introduction of the cross-linkers (borate) and how they affect the plastics and potential leaching concerns. Then, a discussion of bisphenol A (BPA) ensued. Despite it being safe for use in food containers, BPA leaches out of the polymer upon heating/cooling and makes “BPA-free” plastics desirable. In a second activity, biodegradable fishing lures were made using glycerol and gelatin.34 Students observed how the lures disintegrated over time in an aqueous environment. Traditional lures are made from plastisol which contains polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a compound that is not biodegradable. If biodegradable plastics were used as a replacement, these lures would decompose with little to no harm to the local wildlife. In addition, many plastic lures also contain phthalates which have been associated with public health risks. From a systems thinking approach, students realized that traditional lures are detrimental to the aqueous environment and a better choice would be biodegradable lures.

Figure 5. IR spectrum of a sample of nail polish remover.

dissolves like” and how the functional groups of the various removers were identical. Further, students analyzed ethyl acetate in nail polish remover quantitatively using standard addition NMR techniques.32 Referring to the material safety data sheets (MSDS), students identified the LD50 values and then calculated the amount of nail polish remover needed to kill an average size adult. The necessary amount of ethyl acetate to cause death was a very large quantity, but perhaps manicurists who are exposed for many hours a day may suffer from chronic exposure. The ethics of boycotting the nail salons were discussed, and the systems thinking concept of purchasing a product that obviates the need for removers, such as peelable nail polish,33 was identified.


To assess the students’ experience, an exit survey was given at the end of the workshop. Responses were based on the Likert scale of 1−5. Because the workshop content and number of students both moderately varied each year, so did the exit survey questions and number of student responses. Table 3

Light Bulbs: Which One To Purchase?

Purchasing a light bulb can be overwhelming because there are so many decisions to be made: which type, how many watts, E

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.9b00400 J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical Education



Table 3. Summary of Exit Survey Responses Statements for Response As a consumer you are more likely to read labels before purchasing You believe green and sustainable chemistry is a good idea You improved your pipetting skills You improved solution preparation skills You better understand how to use EXCEL when making graphs

Number of responses




Kathleen C. Murphy: 0000-0001-9203-1848 Meghna Dilip: 0000-0003-3773-5396 Joseph G. Quattrucci: 0000-0001-7363-7625




30 30 30

4.9 4.7 4.5

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Financial support from Greater Worcester Community Foundation, Fred Harris Daniels Foundation, Worcester State Foundation, Worcester Center for Crafts, Digital Federal Credit Union, Worcester Regional Transit Authority, and the American Chemical Society, Central Massachusetts Local Section.


Responses scored as strongly disagree = 1, disagree = 2, neutral = 3, agree = 4, strongly agree = 5.

summarizes some of the overlapping questions from within the three years and the student responses. In summary, the participants felt they gained a deeper understanding of the effects of their consumer choices; they became aware of alternative and more sustainable consumer options, and they had improved their laboratory skills. When given the opportunity to make suggestions on how to improve the workshop for next year, some suggested hosting the workshop for more days and others requested that participants stay overnight in the dormitories. A few of the first year workshop participants are now attending Worcester State University as science majors. Participating in the workshop is not the sole reason they have returned to our campus, but they admit that the workshop experience was very positive and it allowed them to envision themselves easily adapting and pursuing a degree on our campus.

CONCLUSION We feel we accomplished the objectives of this workshop. Using a systems thinking model and laboratory experiments, students explored the environmental impacts of many consumer products and became aware of alternative and more sustainable options. We hope that, with future purchases, they will read labels and be aware of the chemical content of their product and consider potential environmental or health issues. We expect the students to share their knowledge within their school and with their peers. Students became more confident with laboratory skills and used specialized instrumentation for analysis. They enjoyed their time on our campus and may have more enthusiasm and confidence to pursue a college degree within the sciences. Some students from our first year workshop are currently enrolled in a science program at Worcester State University. Some participants asked if they could return and attend next summer’s program and inquired if we could extend the days of the program.


S Supporting Information *

The Supporting Information is available on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.9b00400. Procedures for laboratory activities (PDF, DOCX) Exit surveys (PDF, DOCX)


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Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. F

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DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.9b00400 J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX