Sweetness and Sweeteners

Figure 5.2. Morphology and taste cell specific immunoreactivity of cultured taste cells andfoliate papillae obtained from rat tongue. Rat taste cell c...
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Figure 5.2. Morphology and taste cell specific immunoreactivity of cultured taste cells andfoliate papillae obtainedfrom rat tongue. Rat taste cell cultured on rat tail collagen type 1 coated plates were imaged after 2 days (A) Individual, bud-type and cell clusters were observed in short term culture. Double immunofluorescence labeling indicates cultured taste cells immunoreactive with BrdU (green; mouse anti-BrdU 1:100, Sigma B-2531) and gustducin (red; rabbit polyclonal, 1:500, Santa Cruz,) (B); and PLCβ2 (red; rabbit polyclonal, 1:500, Santa Cruz,). Goat anti-mouse Alexa 488 (green; 1:500, Molecular Probe) and goat anti-rabbit Alexa 633 antibodies (red; 1:500, Molecular Probe) were used as secondary antibody for BrdU and Gustducin and PLCβ2, respectively. (C). Labeling with BrdU and a taste cell marker indicates proliferation and differentiation in vitro. A small number of taste cells were immunoreactive with NCAM antibody (mouse monoclonal, 1:500, Sigma C9672) suggesting the presence of type III cells. Goat anti-mouse Alexa 488 (1:500, Molecular Probe) was used as secondary antibodyfor NCAM staining (D). Σχαλε βαρσ = 50μτη (À) and 80 μηι (B-D)

Figure 6. 1. a) Diol configurations and their sweet taste, b) The putative interaction with chloroform c) One of several AH-B interactions possible o monosaccharide.

Figure 12J. .a) Concentration- intensity curveforNa-Saeckarm (second tasting), blue line indicates bi pink line sweetemss. n=14subjects. Inset shows the correlation of bitterness with sweetness for Na-s b) Water-taste intensity measured after exposure to different concmtratwmofNa-Sœcharin. Adapted by permissionfromMacmillan Publishers Ltd: Nature [7], copyright 2006.

Figure 12.5. Concentration intensity curves of sucrose (control-blue line) and mixtures of sucrose with 50m MNa-Saecharin (burgundy line), a) normal space, intensity measured on a gLMS, b) log-log space, linear regression analysis. Error bars indicate SEM, n=J5.

Figure 12,6. a) Weber's fractions for sucrose (blue) and sucrose + Nasaccharin (green). Standard concentration =400 mM sucrose, b) individual Weber *sfractionsfor sucrose and sucrose (blue) + Na-saccharin (green). Error bars indicate SEMfor 3 replicates.

Figure 12.9. Human sweet (ΤlR2(blue)-TlR3(purple)) andumami (TlRl(gray)T1R3 (purple)) taste heteromer receptor schematics: Inhibition of sucrose's (red) sweet taste by the compound lactisole (aqua) (A & B); inhibition of monosodium glutamate 's (MSG) (green) umami taste by lactisole (C & D); and modulatory effects of 5 'ribonucleotides, such as inosine monophosphate (IMP) (yellow), on MSG binding and IMP s blockade of lactisole's inhibition (E&F). Reprinted by permission from Oxford University Press: Chemical Senses, [18] copyright 2006.

Figure 13.3. Overview of the response profiles of 51 CT single fibers. The stimuli were arranged along the X- axis in order of salt, sour, bitter and sweet. The fibers were arranged along the Y- axis in groups: NaCl, acid, Quinine hydrochloride and sucrose bestfibers.MSG denotes monosodium glutamate; GMP, guanosine 5'-monophosphate.

Figure 13.4. Overview of the response profiles of 33 NG single fibers stimuli and fibers were arranged as for the CT.

Figure 13.5. Comparison between human psychophysical and monkey electrophysiological results for brazzein, brazzein mutants, monellin, single chain monellin and water.

Figure 13.6. Comparison between human psychophysical and monkey electrophysiological results for denatonium benzoate, denatonium benzoate dérivâtes and water.

Figure 20.11. Factor Analysis of Correspondences :supra-threshold experiments I (A) and II (B and C, two different views rotating around the 3 axis). Examples of correlations: rgly-tbb: 0.6, tbb-2nba: 0.7, 2nba-dul: 0.7, dulper: 0.7; suc-dul: 0.5, suc-per: 0.6, sue tbb: 0.5, suc-2nha: 0.4; sac abz: 0.7, sac-nsa (sweet-bitter): 0.4, nsa-abz (bitter-sweet): 0.8, nsa-2nba (bitter-sweet): 0.66; cyc-caf: 0.13, sac-pic: 0.22. Continued on next page. rd


Figure 20.11. Continued.

Figure 20.17. Factor analysis of correspondences, experiment I. Figures: correlation coefficients

Figure 32.7. Stability ofNeotame and Aspartame in Cola (pH 3.1)

Figure 32.11. Descriptive taste profile of neotame at various concentrations in water

Figure 32.12. Taste profile of neotame at various concentrations in cola

Figure 32.13. Comparative temporal profile of neotame vs sucrose and aspartame at isosweet concentrations in water

Figure 32.14. Descriptive test results of cola beverages ~~100% High Fructose Corn Syrup

Figure 33.3. Temporal properties of neotame (NTM) compared with aspartame (APM) and sucrose [from (1)J

Figure 33.5. Diagram of the cross-adaptation paradigm

Figure 33.6. The sweet receptor dimer (T1R2 and T1R3) along with probable binding sites for various sweeteners and modifiers

Figure 33.7a. Cross-adaptation of neotame paired with aspartame (APM)

Figure 33.7b. Cross-adaptation of neotame paired with sucralose

Figure 33.7c. Cross-adaptation of neotame paired with sucrose

Figure 33.7d. Cross-adaptation of neotame paired with glucose

Figure 33.8. Comparison of sensory profile of 100% HFCS and 80/20 HFCS55/NTM blend.

Figure 36J. Backbone ribbon diagram and the surface representation of th brazzein extractedfromfruitwith positions of disulfide bonds are shown a determined by solution-state H NMR spectroscopy (17). 1

Figure 36.3. Hydrogen-bonds in wild-type brazzein deducedfromtramhydrogen-bond-couplings detected by NMR spectroscopy. Wild-type braz and two mutants with enhanced sweetness show a common pattern of hy bonds, whereas all three variants with reduced sweetness have common hydrogen-bonding patterns shown in dotted arrow lines (31).

Figure 36.2. Surface representation of wild-type brazzein showing a summary of key mutations that change sweetness. Mutations that abolished sweetness are shown in dark blue, whereas those that enhance sweetness are shown in gray. Mutations that slightly intermediate decreased sweetness are shown in lighter blue. Note that the side chains proposed constitute the primary sweet sites (Loop43 and N- and C-terminal regions) are on the same face of the molecule (22, 24, 25).