Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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TECHNICAL PROTEIN COLLOIDS . . . offer five possible keys to improved sizings and coatings


F I L M F O R M I NG-Swift's are strong film formers.


Technical Protein Colloids

S P E C I F I C A D H E S I O N - r / j e s e protein offer strong specific adhesion to various fibers.


n n n S O L U B I L I T Y - S w / f t ' s Technical Protein Colloids are U U u insoluble in practically all solvents except water—may be cross-linked to reduce water solubility.

COLOR —These film-forming colloids are light in color and do not yellow with age. They are free of dirt and other impurities. DISPERSION —Swift's Technical Protein Colloids may act as excellent dispersing or emulsifying agents for most coating and sizing ingredients. FURTHERMORE —Swift & Company can assure you a reliable supply of this quality product, being the only producer having four plants strategically located for your convenience. We suggest you take advantage of the cou­ pon below to investigate the product improvement and cost reduction potential of Swift's Technical Protein Colloids —products of Swift Research in Industry World-Wide.

SWIFT & C O M P A N Y , Industrial Colloid Dept. No. 29 Genera! Offices: 115 WEST JACKSON BLVD., CHICAGO 4. ILLINOIS In Canada: Swift Canadian Co., Limited, Toronto, Ontario In Great Britain: Swift & Co., Ltd., Ashford, Middlesex, England

Γ' SWIFT & C O M P A N Y , Industrial Colloid Dept. No. 29 115 WEST JACKSON BLVD., CHICAGO 4 , ILLINOIS Please send me data on Swift's Protein Colloids for (please describe needed or intended usage)

Company. (please print)


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