SYLOID® Silicas turn liquids into powders, but there's more... - C&EN

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SYLOID Silicas turn liquids into powders, but there's more... High porosity SYLOID conditioning agents pro­ liquids can be turned into easily handled free flowing vide efficient earners for active organic ingredients. powders. SYLOID silicas are odorless, tasteless, finely They can absorb internally up to three times their divided amorphous powders. Industrial grades are weight of many liquids, which can later be released available as well as the FP grades which meet the when exposed to moisture vapor or liquid water. Thus, requirements of both USP and FCC. All grades meet the highest standards of product quality to insure consistent high performance in varied applications. Anti-Caking or Free Flow. SYLOID silicas provide moisture adsorption plus the coating and sep­ arating of individual grains of powder to provide free flow. Excellent as an in-plant processing aid or for on-shelf product protection. Thickening. SYLOID silicas are effec- Λ tive for creating gels, ^ ^ ^ _ ^ . . , ^ ^ ^ „ , creams or paste ^ from liquid media. Moisture Protection. SYLOID silicas remove the trace quantities of moisture to provide greatly increased product stability. Tabletting. SYLOID silicas provide multifunc­ tional properties to aid in direct compression or wet granulation tabletting as well as pan coating and "slugging" or dry granulation. For the complete application story or the fast answer to a specific problem, call (301) 659-9010 or write: ι


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A DIVISION OF W.R. GRACE & CO. We've got the chemistry to make good things happen. JV. Lilt \„iit.iiiioti y LVJ ιιιαινι, gv^v^vj. i i u u g o παμρν,ιι.


Jan. 5, 1981 C&EN