Symmetry through the Eyes of a Chemist (Hargittai ... - ACS Publications

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R. J. D. Tilley. Chapman 8 Hall: New York, NY, 1987. viii 236 pp. Figs. and tables. 15.5 X 23.6 cm. $69.95.


Chemistry A First Course, Second Edition Jacqueline I. Kroschwitz and Melvin Win* kur. McGraw-Hill: New York. NY. 1987. xvii 680 pp. Figs. and tables. 19.3 X 23.3 cm. $37.95.


Chemlstry for Today; General, Organic, and Biochemistry Spencer Seager and MichaelR. Slabaugh. West Publishing: St. Paul. MN. 1987. xxv


21.9 X 26cm.

introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry Sally Solomon. McGraw-Hill: New York, NY. 1987. xiv 845 pp. Figs. and tables. 20.8 X 26 cm. $38.95.


The aim of the hook is t o introduce newcomers to the subject of defect chemistry, particularly in respect t o nonstoichiometric crystals. The hook develops into a review of the complex and beautiful structures to he found in real nonstoichiometric compounds; current theoretical attempts t o account for these structures in terms of idealized ideas of point defects. A list of source hooks and additional reading appears a t the end of each chapter, including references t o the original literature. This hook is written for undergraduates and postgraduates in inorganic and physical chemistry, and for those in related disciplines who are working in this area of materi& science.

Cambridge Texts in Chemistry and Biochemistry, Some Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis, Third Edition W. Carruthers. Cambridge University Press: New York. NY. 1986. xii 526 pp. Figs. and tables. 15.7 X 23.5 cm.


Organic Chemistry Francis A. Carey. McGraw-Hill: New York, 1219 pp. Figs. and NY. 1987. xxviii tables. 21 X 26.1 cm. $43.95.


Principles of Descriptive inorganic Chemlstry Gary Wulfsberg. BrookslCole: Monterey. CA, 1987. xviii 461 pp. Figs. and tables. 18.8 X 24.6 cm. $35.45.


Understanding Organic Chemlstry M. K. Schumm. Macmillan: New York, NY, 1987. xix 634 pp. Figs. and tables. 21.1 X 24.2 cm.


The third edition of this textbook discusses some m d e r n methods used in organic synthesis and aims to show the value and scope of these methods and how they are used in the svnthesis of comolex molecules. The gensnl plan i,f the bmk follows thnt uf the s c n n d edition, i u t the i,pportunity has been taken t u briny the hmk up todatr. and t o take account of advances in knawledge and of new reactions which have come into use since publication of the earlier editions. Particular emohasis is nlaced on hiehly stereoselective reactions which f o r m a n important part of modern synthetic organic chemistry, including stereoselective alkylations, aldol reactions, oxidations, epoxidations, and reductions. New methods for the stereaselective formation of carhon-earhan double bonds, and modern applications of the Diels-Alder reaction and of 1.3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions arealso fully considered.

over the time span since the last edition,

provided a comprehensive and flexible system in both organic and inorganic chemistry, and i t continues to develop this system. On the practical side, the American Chemical Society has dewloped n nomrnclature similar 10 that of IIIPA(' but more suitable for rhr CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS e o m w t erized information retrieval system. These two svstems. toeether with IUPAC's recommended usage of tcrmim,l