Synthesis and in Vitro and in Vivo Antitumor Activity of a Series of

Isomerization of Platinum-Coordinated Iminoethers Induced by Spectator Ligands: Stabilization of the Z anti Configuration. Daniela Giardina-Papa , Fra...
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J . Med. Chem. 1995,38,3016-3024


Synthesis and in Vitro and in Vivo Antitumor Activity of a Series of Trans Platinum Antitumor Complexes Lloyd R. Kelland,* Christopher F. J. Barnard,t Iona G. Evans,? Barry A. Murrer,' Brian R. C. Theobald,+ Sandra B. Wyer,t Phyllis M. Goddard, Memyn Jones, Melanie Valenti, Alexander Bryant, Paul M. Rogers, and Kenneth R. Harrap CRC Centre for Cancer Therapeutics, The Institute of Cancer Research, Belmont, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5NG, United Kingdom, and Johnson Matthey Technology Centre, Sonning, Reading, United Kingdom Received February 14, 1995@

The synthesis of a series of platinum complexes of trans coordination geometry [centered around plus corresponding the general formula, trans-ammine(amine)dichlorodihydroxoplatinum(IV) tetrachloroplatinum(IV) or R(I1)counterparts] is described as part of a drug discovery program t o identify more effective platinum-based anticancer drugs, particularly targeted toward the circumvention of resistance to cisplatin. Complexes have been evaluated for antitumor activity using in vitro and in vivo tumor models. In vitro against a panel of cisplatin-sensitive and -resistant human tumor cell lines (predominantly ovarian), many of the trans platinum complexes studied (e.g., 1,R = cyclohexyl) exhibited comparable potency to cisplatin and also overcame acquired cisplatin resistance, where resistance was due mainly to either reduced drug uptake or enhanced platinum-DNA adduct removal. Moreover, 14 trans complexes showed significant in vivo antitumor activity against the subcutaneous murine ADJPCG plasmacytoma model; all were platinum(IV) complexes, 13/14 possessing axial hydroxo ligands the other possessing axial ethylcarbamato ligands. Where tested, all of their respective platinum( 11)or tetrachloroplatinum(IV) counterparts were inactive. Notably, three dihydroxoPt(IV)complexes (18,29, 34) (R = c-hexyl, c-heptyl, and 1-adamantyl) retained some efficacy against a cisplatin-resistant variant of the ADJPCG. Compounds 18 {trans-[PtC12(0H)zNH3(RNHz)]} R = C-c~H11,22, R = Me&, 27, R = n-CGH13, 28, R = PhCH2, and 36 {trans[PtBr2(0H)2NH3(c-C6Hl1NH2)]}also produced evidence of antitumor activity ('5 days growth delay) against subcutaneously grown advanced stage human ovarian carcinoma xenografts. These data demonstrate that a series of trans-ammine(amine)dichlorodihydroxoplatinum(IV) complexes are active in vivo against both murine and human subcutaneous tumor models and represent potential leads to a new generation of platinum-based anticancer drug. Introduction

Since the successful introduction of cisplatin into oncology practice over 20 years ago, many analogs have been synthesized in attempts to either overcome the particularly toxic side effects of the parent drug (especially nephrotoxicity) or to broaden its clinical spectrum of antitumor activity. Our previous studies have led to the introduction of the less toxic analog, diammine-1,lcyclobutanedicarboxylatoplatinum(II),carboplatin,l and, more recently, the first orally administrable platinum drug, bis(acetato)amminedichlorocyclohexylamineplatinum(IV), JM216,2 into clinical practice. As tumor resistance to cisplatin and carboplatin commonly limit their clinical efficacy, our current efforts are focused on the urgent need to discover new platinum-based agents capable of overcoming resistance. There is compelling evidence to suggest that both cisplatin and carboplatin (which both possess cis-ammine carrier ligands) exert their antitumor effects through binding to DNA to produce a similar spectrum of monofunctional and bifunctional (both intra- and interstrand) adduct^.^,^ In addition, since enhanced removal of cisplatin (and carboplatin)-induced DNA adducts has been shown to contribute to tumor cell resistance to these a logical strategy aimed at the circumvention of resistance might be to rationally Johnson Matthey Technology Centre. @Abstractpublished in Advance ACS Abstracts, July 15, 1995. +

design novel platinum complexes which interact with DNA in a manner distinct from that of the parent drugs. One platinum agent that is known to possess DNA binding properties distinct from those of cisplatin is its trans isomer, transplatin.6-s However, early structureactivity relationship studies of platinum-based coordination complexes showed that transplatin (as well as other trans platinum isomers studied), is inactive as an antitumor agent.g Regardless of this finding, in recent years there has been renewed interest in attempts t o obtain activity for the trans geometry of platinum comple~es.l~-~~ Our recently reported studied4 have identified JM335 [compound 18;trans-amminedichlorocyclohexylaminedihydroxoplatinum(IV)l as a promising lead to the further development of active trans platinum complexes. This study reports the synthesis and comparative in vitro and in vivo antitumor activity (against murine ADJPCG and human ovarian tumor models, both sensitive and resistant to cisplatin) of a novel series of over 25 trans platinum complexes, including JM335 (18). Comparison has been made with cisplatin and transplatin and various cis congeners. Chemistry

The synthesis of trans isomers of platinum(I1) complexes (see Figure 1)followed a well-established route15 which utilizes the difference in the trans effect of halide and amine ligands in platinum(I1) complexes to achieve

0022-262319511838-3016$09.00/0 0 1995 American Chemical Society

Synthesis and Activity of Trans Platinum Antitumor Complexes Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1995, Vol. 38, No. 16 3017

As for the preparation of the platinum(I1) complexes, the reaction conditions for oxidation must be altered t o take account of the hydrophilicity of the platinum compounds. N,N-Dimethylacetamide is generally a more suitable solvent than water for the hydrophobic complexes of the higher amines. N H3



OH 1 C1



C I ~ ~ ~ ~ N H ~ R


~ ; N H,R

Figure 1. Synthesis of Trans Platinum Complexes.

selective substitution and thus control of stereochemistry. Variations in the experimental conditions established for trans-[PtCl2(NH3)21are required, however, due to the low water solubility of the higher amines and their platinum complexes. Thus, while purely aqueous methods work satisfactorily for c1-c6 amines, mixed aqueouslorganic systems were more successful for C7Clo amines. For secondary amines and for bis-amine complexes, reaction in a polar organic solvent such as N,N-dimethylacetamide proved necessary. The oxidation of platinum(I1) complexes with hydrogen peroxide yields platinum(IV) complexes in which the stereochemistry of the platinum(I1) complex is retained and trans hydroxo ligands are added.16-ls The isomeric structure of the reaction product was confirmed by X-ray crystallography for [PtC12(0H)2(NH3)2l.l8 While the to isomerization of trans,trans,trans-[PtC12(0H)2(NH3)21 cis,cis,trans-[PtC12(0H)2(NH3)2] on heating in aqueous solution was reported in that study, there is no evidence for isomerization of the amine ligands in such complexes under mild conditions. Distinction between the two trans amine isomers is difficult in the absence of both compounds but, as the majority of platinum(IV) complexes prepared for this study were isolated directly from peroxide solution, it is believed that they have alltrans stereochemistry. This is supported by evidence from reaction of 18 with acetic anhydride. The assignment of the cis,cis,trans stereochemistry to 40 is supported by IR and Raman spectral data (IR 358, Raman 367, 359 cm-l symmetric Pt-C1; IR 301, Raman 301 cm-l asymmetric Pt-C1) which suggest cis chloride ligands. Chromatographic analysis of the reaction liquor during the course of the reaction indicates that the all-trans isomer of 40 is formed as the initial product and subsequently rearranges. As the reaction of 18 with acetic anhydride is not expected to lead to any change in stereo~hemistryl~ this supports the assignment of alltrans stereochemistry to 18 and the related compounds.

In Vitro Growth Inhibitory Properties. The effect of each trans-dihydroxoplatinum(1V)complex (plus some comparative data for corresponding cis isomers, truns-tetrachloro-Pt(IV)counterparts, cisplatin and transplatin) on the in vitro growth inhibition of a panel of human ovarian carcinoma cell lines is shown in Tables 1 and 2. This panel contains examples of tumor cells possessing either intrinsic ( W 6 2 and SKOV-3) or acquired (41McisR, CHlcisR, and A2780cisR) resistance to cisplatin and has been used previously in attempts t o identify novel platinum complexes capable of circumventing resistance to cisplatin.2J2,20,21 Results (Table 1)show that while transplatin (mean IC50 of 127 pM) was an average of over 40-fold less potent than cisplatin (mean IC50 of 3.1 pM), the remaining four trans complexes (1,18, 21,221 showed growth inhibitory potencies similar t o cisplatin. Moreover, compounds 18, 21, and 22 were generally more potent than their corresponding cis isomers, especially against the two intrinsically cisplatin-resistant W 6 2 and SKOV-3 cell lines [the Pt(I1) complex 1 was less potent than its cis isomer]. For example, 22 (the mean IC50 of 1.9 pM) was 28- and 7-fold more potent than its cis isomer (mean IC50 of 13.8 pM) against the W 6 2 and SKOV-3 cell lines, respectively. In addition, the four active trans complexes showed a similar pattern of response against the three cell lines possessing acquired cisplatin resistance; no cross-resistance was observed to 41McisR, partial cross-resistance was observed t o CHlcisR, and relatively high levels of cross-resistance were observed to A2780cisR. Table 2 contains examples of analogous Pt(I1) and Pt(IV)(dihydroxo or tetrachloro) complexes. While, in general, the in vitro growth inhibitory potency of Pt(I1) and Pt(IV) counterparts was similar (e.g., 10 uersus 27, R = hexyl; 11 uersus 29, R = cycloheptyl; 13 versus 32, R = N-methylcyclohexyl),in two instances (7 uersus 24, R = diethyl and 12 versus 31, R = quinuclidine) the Pt(11)complex was inactive (IC50 > 50 pM). Interestingly, the tetrachloro-Pt(IV) counterpart within the quinuclidine series (39) showed a flat IC50 response across all

Table 1. In Vitro Growth Inhibition of Some Cis,Trans Pairs of Platinum Complexesa cell line (ICbo,pM) compound m 6 2 SKOV-3 41M 41McisR CH1 CHlcisR A2780 A2780cisR 12.6 i 2.9 4.4 i 3.1 0.26 f 0.078 1.2 i 0.4 (4.7) 0.11 f 0.02 0.71 i 0.2 (6.4) 0.33 i 0.1 5.2 i 1.3 (15.7) cisplatin transplatin 245 i 45 255 i 77 57 i 16 70 i 13 (1.2) 30 f 3.8 68.5 f 11(2.3) 32 i 8 260 i 46 (8.1)

C~S-[P~C~~(NH~)(C-CGH~~NH~)I 2.0 2.1 1

cis-[PtClz(OH)2(NH3)(c-CBHIINH~I 18

cis-[PtClz(OH)z(NH3)(MezCHNHdI 21


4.1 30 f 2.7

0.28 (1.1) 1.5 (0.9) 3.2 i 0.2 (0.9)


0.38 (5.7) 3.3 (3) 0.57 i 0.05 2 i 0.3 (3.5) 1.1

0.083 1.2 0.8 f 0.27

0.4 (4.8) 5.7 (4.7) 1.9 f 0.1 (2.4)

4.4 f 0.5 6 i 0.9 50 30.5

1.3 f 0.13 3.9

1.4 i 0.12 (1.1) 1.1f 0.33 9.2 (2.4) 1.4

2.1 f 0.2 (1.9) 4.9 (3.5)

0.42 i 0.07 0.99

3.0 i 0.26 (7.1) 7.2 (7.3)

14 50

9.2 34

3.2 4.5

4.6 (1.41 8 (1.8)

2.4 1.1

5.5 (2.3) 3.4 (3.1)

0.54 0.8

4.7 (8.7) 8.5 (10.7)



0.9 (0.8)


1.62 (2.2)


4.2 (20)



0.26 7.2 1.7 16.6 f 0.8 3.5 f 0.3

Values are IC50 in pM (96 h drug exposure). Values are means from at least two experiments. Values in parentheses are resistance factors (RF: IC50 resistant line/ICso parent line). Where indicated, errors = SD, n = 3. a

Kelland et al.

3018 Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1995, Vol. 38, No. 16 Table 2. In Vitro Activity of Some Trans Platinum(I1) and Platinum(IV) Complexes" cell line (Ic50,pM) compound W62 SKOV-3 41M 41McisR CH1

7 10 11 12 13 15


50 4.8 4.2 > 50 2.2 0.8 10.9

> 50

'50 7.1

4.5 2.4


250 3.9 1.5 11.5

'50 0.78 0.49 4

(A) Pt(I1) Complexes > 50 >50 4.1 (0.9) 4 1.7 (0.7) 4.3 '50 250 0.48 (0.6) 0.38 1.2 (2.4) 0.21 3.2 (0.8) 4

CHlcisR > 50

4.4 (1.1) 4.7 (1.1) > 50 1.1(2.8) 0.43 (2) 5 (1.2)

A2780 50 2.3 1.3 26 0.46 0.4 1.9


'50 4.8 (2.1) 4.6 (3.4) > 50 3.6 (7.8) 1.4 (3.6) 5.4 (2.8)

(B)Pt(IV)Complexes 110 19 42 20 23 100 3.3 24 10.2 25 12.5 26 14.2 27 10.2 28 3.4 29 5.6 30 31 40 4.1 32 1.3 33 1.2 34 6.9 35 36 3.2 4.4 37 11 38 39 23 3.1 40 14 41 Values are IC50 in pM (96 h

72 45 47 12.1 7

5.4 9.4 26


5.5 4.6 1.3 1.3 1.4 14.4 2.3 0.48 0.84 0.8 2.1 3.1 5.3 16.5 1.3 6.2

1.8 1.1

10.3 8.2 3.9 4.4 27 6.9 1.8 2.5 2.5 4.7 9.3 14.5 29 4.8 19

33 (6.1) 13.3 (1.4) 54 (2.1) 0.76 (0.4) 1.3 (1.2) 4.3 (0.8) 4.4 (1) 1.3 (1) 1.4 (1.1) 1.5 (1) 9.5 (0.7) 1.6 (0.7) l(2.1) 1.3 (1.5) 1.2 (1.5) 1.7 (0.8) 4.1 (1.3) 4.1 (0.8) 16 (1) 1.2 (0.9) 4.3 (0.7)

12.5 10.3 17.3 3.3 1.1

4.8 3.7 1.1 1.1

1.4 10.2 1.3 0.36 0.44 0.55 1.6 3.9 4.7 15.5 1.1 4.6

30.5 (2.4) 14 (1.4) 28.3 (1.6) 4.5 (1.4) 1.9 (1.7) 4.8 (1) 5.4 (1.4) 1.9 (1.7) 1.7 (1.5) 1.7 (1.2) 14.3 (1.4) 2.9 (2.2) 0.55 (1.5) 0.62 (1.4) 0.6 (1.1) 2.8 (1.7) 4.7 (1.2) 4.8 (1) 15.5 (1) 1.5 (1.4) 5.6 (1.2)

6.2 4.5 10.9 1.9 0.95 2.7 1.9 1.1

0.61 0.25 3.2 1.3 0.4 0.49 0.8 1.4 1.5

3.2 14 0.3 3.2

64 (10.3) 26.5 (5.9) 47 (4.3) 11.6 (6.2) 5.2 (5.5) 5.7 (2.1) 6.4 (3.3) 4.2 (4) 2.5 (4.2) 3 (12) 16 (5) 5 (3.7) 2.2 (5.5) 1.6 (3.3) 3.2 (4) 3.6 (2.5) 5.3 (3.4) 5.6 (1.7) 16 (1.1) 3 (10) 10.6 (3.3)

drug exposure). Values in parentheses are resistance factors (RF: IC50 resistant linelIC50parent line).

Table 3. I n Vivo Antitumor Activity of Some Cis and Trans Pairs of Platinum Complexes Using a Single ip Administration against the Murine ADJPC6 sc Plasmacytoma LD5o EDw thera eutic compound (mgkg) (m&g) inXex 11.3 1.6 7.1 32 13 17.5 1.4 35 17.5 1.4 12.5 0.76 11.6 8.8 3 11.6 35 1.7 18 10.5 4.9 7.2 35.5 35 4.7 7.4 a - = 90% tumor inhibition not obtained. -0

eight human ovarian carcinoma cell lines with no crossresistance to all three acquired cisplatin resistant cell lines. For the cyclohexylamine series, 1 [dichloro-Pt(II)I,17[dibromo-Pt(II)],18 [dichlorodihydroxo-Ptt(N)I, 36 [dibromodihydroxo-Pt(N)l, and 37 [tetrachloro-Pt(IV)]mean IC50 values were generally similar: 3.2,5.7, 2.4, 2.6, and 4.5 pM, respectively. Typically, the trans complexes exhibited in vitro IC50 values in the low micromolar range and showed no cross-resistance for 41McisR, a low level of cross-resistance for CHlcisR (resistance factor of around 1.5), and a higher level of cross-resistance for A2780cisR. In Vivo Antitumor Activity. The in vivo antitumor activity of the pairs of isomers described in Table 1 is shown in Table 3 for a single intraperitoneal administration to animals bearing the murine ADJPC6 plasmacytoma subcutaneous tumor model. As shown previously, transplatin was toxic to the animals but did not produce any antitumor effect even at a toxic dose.g As expected, all of the cis complexes including cisplatin

exhibited activity against this highly cisplatin-sensitive tumor model. However, the three trans-dihydroxo-Pt(N) complexes, 18, 21, and 22, all showed in vivo antitumor activity. Compound 18 (R = cyclohexyl) showed a similar toxicity to cisplatin and its cis isomer and an ED90 of less than 1 mgkg; compound 22 (R = tert-butyl) was less toxic and less active (higher EDgo) than 18; compound 21 (R= isopropyl)was less effective (therapeutic index, TI, LD5dEDgo of 1.7). The corresponding Pt(I1) complex to 18 (compound 1) did not exhibit any efficacy. Table 4 summarizes the in vivo ADJPCG data for a further 22 trans platinum complexes. Eleven of these complexes showed in vivo antitumor activity. Notably, 10 of these active complexes were dihydroxo-Pt(N) compounds, the exception being the ethylcarbamato-Pt(N)complex 41 (R = cyclohexyl). As for the Pt(I1) and Pt(IV) counterparts 1 and 18 described in Table 3, 13 was inactive while its Pt(N) counterpart 32 (R = N-methylcyclohexyl) was active (TI of 3). In addition, the tetrachloro-Pt(IV) (37) and bis(acetat0)-Pt(IV)(40) counterparts of 1 and 18 were inactive. However, not all of the dihydroxo-Pt(IV) complexes were active; generally, where R = a short aliphatic chain, there was a loss of in vivo activity (e.g., 19 R = methyl; 20 R = ethyl; 24 R = diethyl). In addition, activity was lost where R = morpholino (23), pyridine (261, and quinuclidine (31). From Tables 3 and 4, a total of 14 active trans complexes has been described; those possessing alicyclic R substituents (cyclopentyl,25; cyclohexyl, 18, 36; and cycloheptyl, 29) were most active (ED90 of ( 3 mgkg and a therapeutic index '5). A number of trans complexes have also been evaluated in vivo against an acquired cisplatin resistant subline of the ADJPC6 plasmacytoma.22 Notably, three

Synthesis and Activity of Trans Platinum Antitumor Complexes Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1995, Vol. 38, No. 16 3019 Table 4. In Vivo Antitumor Activity of Some Trans Platinum(I1) and Platinum(IV) Complexes Using a Single ip Administration against the Murine ADJPC6 sc Plasmacytoma compound

LD50 (mgkg)



ED90 (mgkg)

therapeutic index

(A) WII) -a

(B) Dihydroxo-Pt(IV)

19 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39



50 82 35 15

42 > 100

71 42 17.5 7.4 29 29 115 > 100 17.5


94 -








39 22 2.9 4.9

> 2.6

9.4 9.6 22 40 2.7

3 3 5.2 >2.5 6.5


3.2 14.5 3.6


(C) Tetrachloro-Pt(IV) 14.5 > 100





(D)Bis(acetat0)-Pt(IV) 35


(E) Bis(ethylcarbamat0)-Pt(IV) 465 185


- = 90% tumor inhibition not obtained.

complexes (again all dihydroxo-F't(IV) compounds, 18, R = cyclohexyl; 29, R = cycloheptyl; 34, R = l-adamantyl) retained activity against this cisplatin-resistant tumor (Table 5 ) . In addition, several trans Pt(IV) complexes have been evaluated against examples of our previously described panel of cisplatin-sensitive or -resistant advanced stage human ovarian carcinoma ~ e n o g r a f t s .As ~ ~for the ADJPC6 data, the only compounds which exhibited any marked antitumor activity (e.g., growth delay of ' 5 days) were dihydroxo-F't(IV) complexes; compound 39 (tetrachloro, R = quinuclidine) was inactive. In particular, compound 18 (R = cyclohexyl) exhibited i n vivo antitumor activity against a broad spectrufn of human ovarian carcinoma xenografts with growth delays ranging from 5.4 days for the acquired cisplatin resistant PXN/lOST/CC (the in vivo counterpart of the CHlcisR cell line) to 64 days for the cisplatin-sensitive PXN/lOO. In addition, indications of xenograft activity were apparent for 22 (R = tert-butyl), 27 (R = hexyl), 28 (R = benzyl), and 36 (R = cyclohexyl, dibromo).

Discussion The original structure-activity rules for platinumbased antitumor complexes indicated that, where in vivo antitumor activity occurred, this was only found in cis rather than trans isomers; e.g., cisplatin versus translat tin.^ However, in recent years, we14 and others1°-13 have shown that activity is achievable for the trans geometry of platinum coordination complexes, especially in terms of in vitro growth inhibition of tumor cells. Since these complexes should bind to DNA in a manner distinct from that of cisplatin (and carboplatin), they provide potentially attractive leads to the discovery of new platinum drugs capable of circumventing resistance

Table 5. Trans Compounds Exhibiting Additional in Vivo Antitumor Activity (A) Against the Acquired Cisplatin-Resistant ADJPC6 Plasmacytoma (ADJPCGcisR) LD50 ED90 therapeutic compound (mgkg) (mgkg) index cisplatin 11 C~S-[P~C~Z(OH)~(NH~)(C-C~H~~NH~)I 8.8 18 10.5 5.6 1.9 29 29 18 1.6 34 140 46 3 (B)Against Various Human Ovarian Carcinoma Xenografts compound dose (mgkg)" tumor growth delay6 (days) 2 m110 25.5 18 PXN/109T/C 2 17 18 2 PXN/ 109T/CC 18 5.4 12 2 OVCAR-3 18 16.8 4 OVCAR-3 18 23.9 2 PXN/lOO 18 PXN/lOO 63.7 4 18 7 4 SKOV-3 18 PXN/109T/C 13.4 22 10 (x2) PXN/109T/C 3.4 24 24 (x2) PXN/109T/C 8.8 27 40 PXN/lOST/CC 4.5 27 50 10.4 SKOV-3 27 60 ( x l ) 8.3 PXN/109T/C 20 28 1.1 PXN/lO9T/CC 32 8 1.8 PXNIlO9TICC 35 50 PXN/lOST/C 16 (x2) 36 10.7 3.0 36 8 4 0 39 Doses administered ip weekly for 4 weeks unless otherwise indicated in parentheses. Growth delay = difference in time required for treated versus control tumors to double in starting volume.

to cisplatin (perhaps, particularly, where resistance is mediated through enhanced removal of cisplatininduced adducts on DNA). This study has investigated the comparative structure-activity relationships for both in vitro growth inhibition and in vivo antitumor activity for a series of over 25 novel trans platinum complexes. The majority of the novel trans complexes investigated exhibited potent in vitro growth inhibition against a panel of human ovarian carcinoma cell lines, typically in the low micromolar range as observed for cisplatin. This was in contrast to transplatin which was over 40fold less potent than cisplatin. Where pairs of cis and trans isomers were investigated (Table 11, the trans platinum(IV1 complexes 18, 21, and 22 were more potent than their corresponding cis isomers and, moreover, appeared to confer some selective antiproliferative effect in two cell lines, W 6 2 and SKOV-3, previously described by our studies to be intrinsically resistant to cisplatin.20 At present, the mechanistic basis of this interesting observation is unclear. In general, the trans complexes all showed a similar response against the three examples of acquired cisplatin resistance used in this study; no cross-resistancewas observed for 41McisR, a low level of cross-resistance was observed for CHlcisR, and partial to full cross-resistance was observed for A2780cisR. Our previous mechanism-based studies have revealed that resistance to cisplatin in 41McisR is mediated predominantly through reduced platinum a c c ~ m u l a t i o n and ~ ~ , in ~ ~CHlcisR through enhanced removal of platinum-DNA adducts combined with an ~~,~~ increased tolerance to such DNA a d d u ~ t s . Acquired

3020 Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1995, Vol. 38, No. 16

Kelland et al.

that three of the trans dihydroxo-Pt(IV) complexes resistance in A2780cisR appears to be multifocal, having studied herein (18,R = cyclohexyl; 29, R = cycloheptyl; been ascribed t o reduced drug accumulation and inand 34, R = l-adamantyl), exhibited at least some i n creased levels of glutathione14 and increased DNA vivo activity against an acquired cisplatin-resistant sequence-specific repair of platinum-DNA adducts.26 subline of the ADJPCG plasmacytoma. While the Thus, it appears that the trans complexes exhibiting therapeutic indices for 18 and 29 were lower for animals potent in vitro growth inhibitory properties may be bearing the acquired resistant subline compared to the capable of circumventing acquired cisplatin resistance parent ADJPC6 tumor, notably, the activity of 34 was due to reduced drug accumulation and, interestingly, similar against both tumors. Within a platinum drug exert some effects against acquired cisplatin resistance discovery program performed over many years and due to enhanced DNA repaidenhanced tolerance. involving > 200 novel complexes, these are among very Although all of the novel trans complexes except two few platinum complexes which have shown activity platinum(I1) complexes (7, R = diethyl; 12, R = quinuagainst this cisplatin refractory tumor model which clidine) were potent inhibitors of a t least some human exhibits complete cross-resistance t o carboplatin, iproovarian carcinoma cell lines in vitro, clear structureplatin, and tetraplatin. Our mechanism-based studies activity requirements for in vivo antitumor activity were with this pair of murine tumors suggest that acquired apparent. While no Pt(I1) or tetrachloro-Pt(IV) comcisplatin resistance is probably mediated through enplexes were active against the cisplatin-sensitive ADJI hanced removal of DNA-platinum adducts and/or enPC6, 13 among a series of 19 dihydroxo-Pt(IV) comhanced tolerance t o such adducts.29 plexes exhibited in vivo antitumor selectivity. The most Five of the novel trans complexes also exhibited active (highest therapeutic indices) were those comactivity against one or more members of our panel of plexes where R = alicyclic substituent; cyclopentyl, (25) human ovarian carcinoma xenografts, thus providing cyclohexyl(l8,36), or cycloheptyl(29). Our preliminary additional evidence of in vivo antitumor efficacy. Somedata indicate that these marked differences in in vivo what disappointingly, however, activity was generally antitumor effects may relate to their respective stabililess than that observed for cisplatin against these ties in tissue culture growth medium at 37 "C. For tumors; typical growth delays in days for cisplatin (4 example, half times (in hours) for the disappearance of mgkg, q7dx4 schedule) are PXNlOST/C, 35; PXNlOST/ parent complex (measured by HPLC) for three of the CC, 8; PXN/lOO, >80; HX/110,50; OVCAR-3,40;SKOVpairs of isomers in Tables 1 and 3 were as follows: 3, 3.23,30In addition, where evaluated, the trans comcisplatin, 4.5; transplatin, 1.25; CiS-[PtCla(NHa)(C-CsH11NH2)1, 4.5; 1,2; cis,trans,cis-[PtClz(OH)2(NH3)(~-CsH11-plexes did not appear t o confer marked activity against either the acquired cisplatin resistant counterpart of the NHz)], >96; and 18,24. Thus the inactivity of transplaCHlcisR cell line (PXN/lOST/CC) or the intrinsically tin and the Pt(I1)complex 1may relate to their chemical cisplatin-resistant SKOV-3. As a weekly ip dosing instability precluding the delivery of active compound schedule was used in these experiments (in keeping to the distant subcutaneous tumor site following in vivo with our previous evaluations of novel platinum-based ip administration. The additional stability of the dihydrugs) future efforts will investigate whether multiple droxo-Pt(IV)counterpart 18 appears to be sufficient to (i.e., daily) or chronic continuous dosing provides adconfer i n vivo antitumor effects against a variety of ditional antitumor efficacy against these human ovarian tumor models. Pharmacokinetic and metabolism studcarcinoma xenografts. Nonetheless, the five trans ies are underway to further support these observations. platinum compounds exhibiting activity (growth delay However, in support of this hypothesis, the platinumof > 5 days) against these advanced stage subcutaneous (IV)tetrachloro complex, tetraplatin (Ormaplatin; tetxenografts (compounds 18, 22, 27,28, and 36) are the rachloro(l,2-diaminocyclohexane)platinum~IV)), has been trans platinum-based complexes to be defirst such shown t o be rapidly and completely biotransformed to scribed. the platinum(I1)reduction product within a few minutes In summary, contrary to the structure-activity rules in the plasma of drug-treated rats27whereas another established by earlier studies of platinum compound^,^ clinically used platinum(IV) drug, iproplatin (CHIP, cisa series of trans platinum(IV1 complexes has been dichloro-trans-dihydroxy-bis( isopropy1amine)platinumobtained which possesses significant antitumor activity. (IV)), has been shown to be reduced to the platinum(I1) A number of these complexes have potent in vitro species cis-dichloro-bis(isopropylamine)platinum(II)but growth inhibitory properties and are capable of circumwith much slower kinetimas venting some forms of acquired cisplatin resistance i n The 14 trans complexes exhibiting antitumor antituvitro. In particular, a series of trans platinum(IV) mor activity against the ADJFC6 [ 13 dihydroxo-Pt(IV) dihydroxo-based complexes exhibit significant in vivo complexes and the ethylcarbamato-Pt(IV)complex] are antitumor efficacy against a variety of preclinical tumor the first series of trans complexes to demonstrate models. These complexes represent potential leads to unequivocal in vivo antitumor activity by ip administraa new generation of platinum-based anticancer drugs. tion to animals bearing distant, advanced stage (20 days following implantation) subcutaneous tumors. While a Experimental Section trans-(imino etherlplatinum(I1) complex has also exhibChemical Methods. Infrared spectra were recorded as ited in vivo antitumor activity,13this was achieved using KBr disks using a Perkin-Elmer1720X spectrometer. Raman ip administration within one day of ip implantation of spectra were recorded as KBr disks using Innova 70 CRL AI-+ P388 leukemia cells. This complex also retained borand 90 CRL Kr+ lasers with a Spex Ramalog 5 instrument. derline activity against an ascitic P388 leukemia subline All organic reagents used in synthesis were obtained from possessing acquired resistance t o cisplatin (increase in Aldrich and used without further purification. Cisplatin,cislife-span of 133%compared to 170%against the parent [PtClz(NH&],was prepared by the Dhara method31and used without recrystallization. tumor). However, of particular note was the observation

Synthesis and Activity of Trans Platinum Antitumor Complexes Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1995, Vol. 38, No. 16 3021 NJV-dimethylacetamide (100 mL) a t ca. 80 “C for 30 min. The Platinum(I1) Complexes. trans-A”inedichloro(cyclohexy1amine)platinumO. [trans-[PtCla(NHs)(c-CsH~~-dark solution was treated with activated charcoal and filtered. A small amount of pale yellow solid which was deposited on NH2)], 11. A suspension ofcis-[PtCl~(NH3)~1(5.0 g, 16.7 mmol) cooling was removed by filtration, and the bulk of the pale in water (50 mL) was treated with cyclohexylamine (3.3g, 33 mmol). The mixture was stirred and heated a t 70 “C until a clear pale yellow solution was obtained and then brought to reflux. After the solution was allowed to cool to room temperature, hydrochloric acid (12 M; 17 mL) was added and the solution heated to reflux for 6 h. After cooling in an ice bath, the product was collected by filtration and washed with water: yield 5.1 g (80%);IR 332 cm-’ (Pt-C1). Anal. (CgH16N2C12Pt) C, H, N, C1. The following compounds were obtained in a similar manner with the indicated variations. trans-amminedichloro(2-pro-

yellow product was precipitated from the filtrate by the addition of water (50 mL): yield 4.4 g (62%);IR 339 cm-’ (PtCl). Anal. (C4H14NZClzPt)C, H, N, C1.

trans -A”inedichloro(N-methylcyclohexy1amine)platinum(I1) t r a n s - [ P t C 1 ~ ( N H s ) ( c - c 6 H l l ~131. e ) l ,NMethylcyclohexylamine(3.75 g, 33 mmol) and cis-[Ptcl~(NH~)~l (5.0 g, 17 mmol) were heated to boiling in NJV-dimethylacetamide (50 mL). The solution was filtered t o remove some decomposition products and concentrated HC1 (5 mL) was added. The mixture was reheated until a clear solution was pylamine)platinum(II)[trans-[PtCl~(NH~)(Me~CHNH~~l, obtained and then added to water (150 mL). The mixture was 41: yield 56%; IR 331 cm-l (Pt-Cl). Anal. ( C ~ H ~ Z N ~ C C,~ Z P ~stirred ) in an ice-salt bath t o precipitate the crude product. H, N, C1. trans-A”inedichloro(2-methyl-2-propylamThis was extracted with acetone and the extract evaporated )platinum(II),[trans-[PtClz(NH3)(Me3CNHz)],51: yield 48%; under reduced pressure. The residue was recrystallized from IR 329 cm-l (Pt-Cl). Anal. (C4H14NzC12Pt) C, H, N, C1. dilute hydrochloric acid (1M; 250 mL): yield 1.5 g (23%); IR trans-A”inedichloro(cyclopenty1amine)platinum338 cm-’ (Pt-Cl). Anal. (C7HleNzC12Pt)C, H, N, C1. (ID,[tr~ns-[PtCl~(NH~)(c-C5HeNH2)1, 81: yield 82%; IR 331 trans-A”inedichloro(quinuclidine)platinum(II) cm-’ (Pt-Cl). Anal. (CsH14NzClzPt) C, H, N, C1. [trans-[PtCl~(NH3)(NC,H19)1, 121. The complex cis-[PtCltrans-amminedichloro(pyridine)platinum(II), [trans(NH3)2(quinuclidine)](NO~) was prepared as described by Hol[PtClZ(NHs)(C5H5N), 91: yield 71% IR 338 cm-’ (Pt-Cl). lis.32 The complex (2.83 g, 6.5 mmol) dissolved in water (50 Anal. (C5HeN2C12Pt)C, H, N, C1. mL) was passed through a column of ion exchange resin trans-A”inedichloro(cyclohepty1amine)platinum(Dowex 1-X8, 20-50 US mesh, chloride form) to obtain the (II), [trans-[PtC12(NH3)(~-C,HlsNH2)1,111. Crude 11 isochloride salt. The eluent was freeze-dried t o yield cis-[PtCllated from hydrochloric acid was purified {from [PtCl(NHs)(c(NH3)z(quinuclidine)]Clas a white solid. This was suspended C7H13NH2)2]C1} by extraction with acetone and evaporation in hydrochloric acid (6 M, 50 mL) and heated t o reflux for 1 of the extract, yield 44%. The complex may also be prepared 112 h. The mixture was cooled using an ice bath and filtered in hydrochloric acid by heating C~S-[P~(NH~)~(C-C~H~~NH~)~IC~Z and the yellow product washed with water: yield 2.16 g (85%); (1M) in N,N-dimethylacetamide and precipitating the product IR 331 cm-I (Pt-Cl). Anal. (C7H16NzCl2Pt)H, N, C1; C: calcd, by dilution 1:3 with water, IR 330 cm-I (Pt-C1). Anal. 21.32; found, 20.85. (C7H18NzClzPt)C, H, N. trans-dichlorobis(~clohe~l~e)plati) [transtrans-A”inedichloroheKylamineplatinum(I1)[trans[PtClz(c-CsH11NH2)21,161. Potassium tetrachloroplatinate[PtC12(NH3)(n-CeH13NH2)],103 was prepared by heating cis(11) (8.4 g, 20 mmol) was dissolved in water (100 mL) and [Pt(NH3)2(n-CsH13NH2)2]C12 in hydrochloric acid (1M) in N,Ncyclohexylamine (7.9 g, 80 mmol) added. The mixture was dimethylacetamide and precipitating the product by dilution boiled for 10 min. The pale brown solid formed was collected 1:3 with water: yield 58%; IR 326 cm-l (Pt-Cl). Anal. by filtration and resuspended in N,N-dimethylacetamide (100 (C6HlsN2C12Pt)c, H, N, c1. mL) and further cyclohexylamine added. The mixture was trans-A”inedichloro(ethylamine)platinum()[transboiled for 10 min. The pale brown solid formed was collected [PtC12(NH3)(EtNH2)],31. The intermediate cis-[Pt(NH&by filtration and resuspended in N,N-dimethylacetamide (100 (EtNH2)2]C12 was heated to reflux in a saturated sodium mL) and further cyclohexylamine added. The mixture was chloridehydrochloric acid (1 M) mixture for 6 h, and the heated to reflux, giving a brown solution to which was added product was precipitated by cooling the reaction mixture with hydrochloric acid (12 M; 25 mL). The mixture was heated a t an ice-salt bath: yield 40%; IR 328 cm-’ (Pt-Cl). Anal. reflux for a further 4 h and then allowed to stand overnight. (C2HloN2C12Pt)C, H, N, C1. The dark solid precipitated was collected by filtration and The following compounds were prepared in the same manextracted with acetone (3 x 50 mL). The extract was treated ner. with water (250 mL) t o precipitate the pale yellow product: trans-A”inedichloro(methylamine)platinum(II) yield 1.1g (12%);IR 331 cm-’ (Pt-CI). Anal. (C12H26N2C12[trans-[PtC12(NH~)(MeNH2)1, 21: yield 75%; IR 343 cm-l Pt) C, H, N, C1. (Pt-Cl). Anal. (CH8NzC12Pt)C, H, N; C1: calcd, 22.61; found, trans-A”inedibromo(cyclohexy1amine)platinum23.36. (11) [~~U~S-[P~B~~(NH~)(C-C~H~~NHZ)I, 171. Lithium bromide trans-A”inedichloro(morpholine)platinum)[ trans(1.16 g, 13.4 mmol) and 1 (1.28 g, 3.35 mmol) were stirred in [PtC12(OH)m3(NHCfiO)l, 61:yield 85%; IR 338,330 cm-’ acetone (100 mL) a t ambient temperature for 8 days. After (Pt-Cl). Anal. (C4H12N2C12Pt)C, H, N, C1. evaporation under reduced pressure, the residue was washed trans-A”inedichloro(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutine)to remove the lithium salts, yield 1.16 platinum(II), [ ~ ~ u ~ s - [ P ~ C ~ ~ ( N H ~ ) ( M ~ ~141. C C H ~ Cthoroughly ~ ~ N HAnal. Zwith ) Iwater , g M(74%). (C~H16N2Br2Pt)H, N, Br; C: calcd, 15.29; Tetrahydrofuran (30 mL), water (20 mL), 1,1,3,3-tetramethfound, 15.93. ylbutylamine (2 g, 16 mmol), and cis-[PtCl2(NH&l (1.0 g, 3.3 Platinum(IV) Complexes. a-Ammine-b,d-dichloro-fmmol) were mixed, and the suspension was purged with (cyclohexylamine)-c,e-dihydroxoplatinum(IV) [transnitrogen. The mixture was heated under reflux for 6 h. The [P~C~Z(OH)ZNH~(C-C~H~~NH~)~, 181. 1 (8 g, 21 mmol) was solution was evaporated under reduced pressure until a suspended in water (130 mL) and hydrogen peroxide (30% wlv; copious white precipitate formed. The solution volume was 26.7 mL, 235 mmol) added. The mixture was stirred and made up to 200 mL with aqueous hydrochloric acid (6 M) and heated a t 70-80 “C for 2 h. After cooling, the product was the solution heated under reflux for 2 h. The pale yellow collected by filtration as a pale yellow solid and washed with product was isolated after cooling: yield 0.49 g (36%); IR 330 water: yield 7.0 g (80%);IR 3528 (0-H), 552, 537 (Pt-OH), cm-’ (Pt-Cl). Anal. (C8H22N2C12Pt)H, N, C1; C: calcd, 23.30; 352 (Pt-C1) cm-’. Anal. ( C ~ H I ~ N Z O Z Cc, ~Z ~ ) c1. H,P N, found, 23.80. The following compounds were obtained in a similar manner trans-(l-Aminoadamantane)a”inedichloropwith the indicated variations. a-ammine-b,d-dichloro-f(11)[trancr-[PtCl~(NH~)(C~oH16NH2)1,15]: preparation as for (ethy1amine)-c,e-dihydroxoplatinum(IV)[trans-[PtClz14;yield 34%; IR 327 cm-’ (Pt-Cl). Anal. (CloH2oN2Cl2Pt) (OH)ms(EtNHz)],201:yield 40%; IR 3480 (0-H), 565 (PtC, H, N, C1. OH), 330 (Pt-C1) cm-l. Anal. (CzH1zN2C1202Pt)C, H, N, C1. trans-A“inedichloro(diethylamine)platinum(II) a-Ammineb,d-dichloro-c,e-dihydroxof-(2-pmpyla1nine[trans-[PtCl~(NH3)(Et2NH)l, 71. Diethylamine (2.92 g, 40 )platinum(IV) t r a n s - [ P t C l ~ ( 0 H ) ~ N H ~ ( M e ~211: C~~)l, mmol) and cis-[PtClz(NH&] (6 g, 20 mmol) were heated in

3022 Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1995, Vol. 38, No. 16 yield 75%; IR 3541,3521,3521(0-HI, 558 (R-OH), 347 (PtC1) cm-l. Anal. (C3H14NzC1202Pt) C, H, N, C1.

Kelland et al.

to room temperature, the yellow solid was collected by filtration and washed with water, ethanol, and diethyl ether.

a-A"ine-b,d-dichlor-c,e-dihydroxo-f-(morpholine)The solid, truns-[PtC12(NH3)(PhCHzNHz)](5 g, 12.9 mmol), was suspended in water (7mL), hydrogen peroxide (30% w/v; platinum(IV) [trans-[PtCl~(OH)a(NHC~O)l, 231:yield 7 mL, 62 mmol), and heptane (15 mL). The mixture was 75%; IR 3531 (0-HI, 559 (Pt-OH), 347 (R-Cl) cm-'. Anal. heated to reflux for 2 h. After cooling, the mixture was filtered (C4H14N2C1203Pt)C, H, N, C1. a-Ammine-b,d-dichloro-f-(cyclopentylamine)-c,e-dihy- to yield a yellow solid, which was washed with water and methanol: yield 1.35 g (19%); IR 3549 (0-H), 549 (Pt-OH), droxoplatinum(n3~trans-~PtC1~~0H~~NH~~c-C~HsNH2~1, 347 (Pt-C1) cm-l. Anal. (C7H14N2C1202Pt) H, N; C: calcd, 251: yield 75%; IR 3541 (0-H), 557 (Pt-OH), 348 (Pt-C1) 19.81;found, 20.46;C1: calcd, 16.74;found, 17.37. cm-'. Anal. (CbH1&C1202Pt) C, H, N, C1. a-A"ine-f-(e~o-2-aminonorbornane)-b,d-dichloro- a-Ammine-b,d-dichloro-c,e-dihydroxo-f-(quinuclidine311. 12 c,e-dihydroxoplatinum(n3[trans-[PtClz(NHs)(ero-C,H11- )platinum(n3 [~~U~S-[P~C~Z(OH)Z(NH~)(NC'IHIS)J, NHz)], 301. The complex trans-[PtCl2(NH3)(exo-C7HllNH2)1 (2.16 g, 5.5 mmol) was suspended in water (6 mL) and hydrogen peroxide (30% w/v; 6 mL, 53 mmol). The mixture was prepared by the method described for 1 and oxidized as was heated t o 70 "C for 2 1/2h. The mixture was reduced in described above: yield 42% from cis-[PtCl2(NH3)2];IR 3528 (0-H), 563 (Pt-OH), 338 (Pt-C1) cm-'. Anal. (C7Hl~N202volume under reduced pressure to obtain the yellow product. This was collected by filtration and washed with water: yield

ClzPt) C, H, N, C1.

a-A"ine-b,d-dichloro-c,e-dihydroxo-f-(N-methylcy- 0.7g (29%); IR 3576 (0-H), 558 (Pt-OH), 341 (Pt-C1) cm-'. clohexylamine)platinum(IV) [trans-[PtClz(OH)~3(c- Anal. (C7HlaNzC1202Pt) C, H, N, C1. a,f-Dichloro-b,d-bis(cyclohexylamine)-c,e-dihydroxoC&1NHMe),] 321;heated at 90 "C for 30 min; yield 46%; IR 3534 (0-H), 557, 547 (Pt-OH), 346 (Pt-Cl) cm-'. Anal. platinum(IV) [trans-[PtCl~(OH)z(~-CsH1INH2)21, 351. 16 (0.75g, 1.6 mmol) was dissolved in NJ-dimethylacetamide (C7H2oN2C1202Pt)C, H, N, C1. a-Ammine-b,d-dichloro-c,e-dihydroxo-f-(l,l,3,3-tetra-(20 mL) and hydrogen peroxide (30% w/v; 10 mL, 88 mmol) added. The solution was warmed to ca. 70 "C until the solid methylbutylamine)platinum(W hydrate [trans-[PtClzdissolved t o give a pale brown solution. There was significant (OH)~NH~(M~~CCHZCM~&I-IZ)-H~O,~~I: yield 47%; IR 3498 (0-HI, 541 (Pt-OH), 344 (Pt-Cl) cm-'. Anal. (CaH26N2C1203effervescence, and a yellow solid was deposited. After the mixture was cooled to room temperature, the solid was Pt) C, H, N, C1. a-(1-Amin0adamantane)-f-ammine-b,d-dichloroc,e-di- collected by filtration and washed with water: yield 0.58 g hydroxoplatinum(IV)[trans-[PtClz(OH)2NEls(CloHlsNHz)l, (72%); IR 3532 (0-H), 552,540(Pt-OH), 349 (Pt-C1) cm-'. 341:solvent 2:lwater: NJ-dimethylacetamide; yield 65%; IR Anal. (C12H~,N2C1202Pt) C, H, N. 3528 (0-HI, 546 (€%-OH), 344 (Pt-C1) cm-'. Anal. (C10H22N2a-Ammine-b,d-dichloro-f-( diethylamine)-c,e-dihydroxoplatinum(IV) [trane-[PtCl~(OH)zNH3(Et~NH)l, 241. 7 (1 C1202Pt) C, H, N, C1. a-Ammine-b,d-dichloro-c,e-dihydroxo-f-(pyridine)plat- g, 2.8 mmol) was stirred in N,N-dimethylacetamide (10mL) and hydrogen peroxide (30% w/v; 10 mL, 88 mmol) at room inum(IV)[ t r u n s - [ P t C l z ( O H ) ~ ~27C1.~ 9 ~ (2.0 l , g, 5.5 temperature for 5 days. The yellow solution was extracted mmol) was oxidized with hydrogen peroxide (30% w/v; 6.2mL, with diethyl ether (2 x 100 mL) and dichloromethane (2 x 55 mmol) in NJV-dimethylacetamide (20 mL) at ambient 100 mL) and the remaining aqueous phase diluted with temperature over 14 days. The yellow crystalline product was washed with ethanol: yield 11%; IR 3530,3505 (0-H), 558, acetone (250mL). The product was obtained as yellow crystals on cooling to ca. 5 "C overnight: yield 0.54g (48%);IR 3532, 538 (Pt-OH), 348 (Pt-C1) cm-l. Anal. (C5HloN2C1202Pt)H, 3517 (0-H), 556, 531 (Pt-OH), 345 (Pt-C1) cm-l. Anal N; C: calcd, 15.15;found, 14.68;C1: calcd, 17.93;found, 18.45. a-Ammine-b,d-dichloro-f-(cyclohepty1amine)-c,e-di(C4H16N2C1202Pt)C, H, N, C1. hydroxoplatinum(IV) [truns-[PtClz(OH)~NH~(c-C?Hls-a-Ammine-b,d-dibromo-f-(cyclohexylamine)-c,e-dihydroxoplatinum(IV)[trans-[PtBrz(OH)2NEls~~-CsH11NH2)1, NHz)], 291. 11 (1.7g, 4.4 mmol) was dissolved in NJV361. The oxidation was carried out as described for 18 with dimethylacetamide (25mL) and hydrogen peroxide (30% w/v; 5 mL, 44 mmol) added. The solution was heated to 90 "C for an equal volume of heptane being added to the oxidation mixture to minimize foaming: yield 32%; IR 3549 (0-H), 549 30 min. The product crystallized on cooling: yield 46%; IR 3545 (0-H), 553 (R-OH), 349 (Pt-Cl) cm-l. Anal. (C7HzoNz(Pt-OH), 347 (Pt-Cl) cm-'. Anal. (c&I1~N~Br202Pt) C, H, C1202Pt) C, H, N, C1.

a-A"ine-b,d-dichloro-f-(hexylamine)-c,e-dihydroxoplatinum(IV) [trans-[PtClz(OH)2NEls~n-CsH13NH2)1,271:as described for 29;yield 46%; IR 3523 (0-H), 559 (Pt-OH), 344 (Pt-C1) cm-'. Anal. (C&&Cl202Pt)

C, H, N, C1.

a-A"ine-b,d-dichloro-c,e-dihydroxo-f-(methylamine)platinum(IV)[trans-[PtCl~(0H)~(NH3)(MeNH~)l, 191. 2 (1.5g,4.8mmol) was added to a mixture of hydrogen peroxide (30% w/v; 2.7 mL, 24 mmol) and heptane (10 mL). The mixture was stirred at ambient temperature for 6 days. The yellow product was collected by filtration: yield 1.4g (84%); IR 3519,3499(0-H), 554 (Pt-OH), 356 (Pt-Cl) cm-'. Anal. (C1HloN2C1202Pt)C, N, C1; H: calcd, 2.87;found, 2.12. a-A"ine-b,d-dichloro-c,e-dihydroxo-f-(2-methyl-2propy1amine)platinumO Itrans-[PtClz(OH)zNHs(MesCNHZ)],221. The product crystallized from hydrogen peroxide

N, Br. trane-Amminetetrachloro(cyclohexy1amine)platinum(IV)[trans-[PtC4(NHs)(~-CaH11NHz)l, 371. 1 (1g, 2.6mmol) was suspended in water (30mL) and hydrogen peroxide (30% w/v; 1 mL, 8.8 mmol) added. The mixture was stirred and heated a t ca. 70 "C for 2 h. To this mixture was added hydrochloric acid (1M; 10.5 mL, 10.5mmol). The solution was stirred at ambient temperature for 6 h. The product was collected by filtration as a yellow solid and washed with water: yield 0.3g (25%);IR 348 (Pt-C1) cm-l. Anal. (CGH1a2C1&) C, H, N, C1.


[truns-[PtCL(NHs)(CsHsN)], 381. The filtrate remaining

from the isolation of 27 was treated with sufficient concentrated HC1 to bring the concentration t o 1 M HC1 and allowed to stand at ambient temperature. Crystals of the product were solution as a hemiperhydrate (confirmed by titration with slowly deposited. Anal. (C5HloN2C1202Pt) C, H, N, C1. permanganate and by elemental analysis). The hydrogen trans-A"inetetrachloro(quinuc1idine)platinumperoxide was removed by trituration with acetone: yield 62%; (IV)[trans-[PtC4(NHs)(NC7H13)1, 391. The complex cisIR 3533 (0-H), 554 (Pt-OH), 346 (Pt-C1) cm-'. Anal. [PtCl(NH3)~(quinuclidine)l(N03) was prepared as described by Hollis.32 This complex (2.5 g, 5.7 mmol) was stirred in (C4H17NzC1202Pt) C, H, N, C1. a-Ammine-f-(benzylamine)-b,d-dichloro-c,e-dihydrox- hydrochloric acid (6M, 30 mL) and heated at 80-90 "C for 4 oplatinum(IV) I~~u~~-[P~C~Z(OH)ZNH~(P~CHZNHZ~I, 281. h. The mixture was cooled using an ice-salt bath. The yellow product was collected by filtration and washed with water: A suspension of cis-[PtCl2(NH3)2l(5 g, 16.7 mmol) in water yield 2.26 g (84%);IR 341 (Pt-C1) cm-l. Anal. (C7H16N2C14(50mL) was reacted with benzylamine (3.93g, 36.7mmol) by heating the mixture at reflux for 1 3/4h. To this mixture were Pt) C, H, N, C1. added saturated sodium chloride solution (50 mL) and cona,b-Bis(acetato)-c-ammine-d,f-dichloro-e-(cyclohexycentrated HCl(6 mL, 70 mmol). The solution was heated to lamine)platinum(m [cis,cis,trans-[PtCl~(OAc)~NH~(creflux for a further 4 h. After the mixture was allowed to cool C~HIINHZ)], 401. 18 2.0 g, 4.8 mmol) was stirred in acetic

Synthesis and Activity of Trans Platinum Antitumor Complexes Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1995, Vol. 38, No. 16 3023 anhydride (10 mL, 106 mmol) a t ambient temperature for 5 days. The cream-colored product was washed with diethyl ether: yield 1.72 g (72%); IR 695 (OZCCH~), 358 (symmetric Pt-Cl), 301 (asymmetric Pt-C1) cm-l; Raman 367, 359 (symmetric Pt-Cl), 301 (asymmetric Pt-Cl) cm-’. Anal. (C16InN2C1204Pt) C, H, N, C1. a-Ammine-b,d-dichloro-f-( cyclohexylamine)-c,e-bis(ethy1carbamato)platinumO [cis,cis,truns-[PtC12(02CNHEt)~NHs(c-CsH11NHdI, 411. 18 (2.0 g, 4.8 mmol) was stirred with ethyl isocyanate (10mL) in a stoppered flask a t ambient temperature for 8 days. Water was added to precipitate the crude product. This was recrystallized from methanol: yield 0.89 g (33%); IR 353 (Pt-C1) em-’. Anal. (C12HzsN4C1204Pt)C, H, N, C1.

Biological Methods. In Vitro Studies: (A) Cell Lines.

difference in time required for control and treated tumors to double in volume) were then determined. Statistical Analysis. Where appropriate, statistical significance was tested using a two-tailed Student’s t test.

Acknowledgment. This study was supported by grants to the Institute of Cancer Research from the Cancer Research Campaign (UK),the Medical Research Council, the Johnson Matthey Technology Centre, and Bristol Myers Squibb Oncology. We are grateful to Professor W. P. Griffith, Imperial College, London, for assistance in obtaining and interpreting Raman spectra used for stereochemical assignment.

Five “parent” human ovarian carcinoma cell lines have been References used: SKOV-3, A2780, W 6 2 , CH1, and 41M as described previously.2120In addition, three pairs of human tumor cell (1) Harrap, K. R. Preclinical studies identifymg carboplatin as a lines (parent line and derived subline with acquired resistance viable cisplatin alternative. Cancer Treat. Reu. 1985,12(suppl. t o cisplatin) have been used: 41M/41McisR, CHl/CHlcisR, A), 21-33. (2) Kelland, L. R.; Abel, G.; McKeage, M. J.; Jones, M.; Goddard, P. A2780/A2780cisR, as described p r e v i o ~ s l y . ~ J *The ! ~ ~parent M.; Valenti, M.; Murrer, B. A,; Harrap, K. R. Preclinical 41M and A2780 lines were derived from previously untreated antitumor evaluation of bis-acetato-ammine-dichloro (cyclohexylpatients. amine) platinum (IV)(JM216): an orally active platinum drug. All lines grew as monolayers in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Cancer Res. 1993,53,2581-2586. 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