Synthesis and properties of .pi.-bonded olefin and acetylene

Oct 1, 1979 - Synthesis and properties of .pi.-bonded olefin and acetylene complexes of ruthenium(II). Crystal and molecular structure of the pentaamm...
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Ludi et al.

/ [(NH~)SRU(C~H~O~)~S~O~.~HZO

(NH3)4(0H2)L2+complexes is 5 3 nm: R. E. Shepherd and H. Taube, Inorg. Chem., 12, 1392 (1973); S. S.lsied and H. Taube, ibid., 15, 3070 (1976). H. Taube. private communication, 1979. (30)It must be recognized that there is an excellent correlation between the positions of the MLCT bands and the extent of metal to ligand K bonding: J. M. Malin, C. F. Schmidt, and H. E. Toma, Inorg. Chem., 14, 2924

(1975). (31) F. Hirayama, J. Chem. Phys., 42, 3163 (1965). (32)E. M. Kosower and Y. Ikegama, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,89,461(1967);M. ltoh and E. M. Kosower, ibid., 90, 1843 (1968). (33)N. J. Leonard, T. G. Scott, and P. C. Huang, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,89, 7137 (1967):D. T. Browne, J. Eisinger, and N. J. Leonard, ibid., 90, 7302

(1968). (34)E. A. Chandross and C. J. Dempster, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 92, 3586 (1970). (35)An approximate calculation of the relative stabilities of closed vs. open forms can be made by using the equations for estimating outer-sphere association constants: A. J. Miralles, R. E. Armstrong, and A. Haim, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,99,1416 (1967).Using distances of closest approach of 7.0 X lO-'and 13.0X IO-* cm for the closed and open forms, respectively, we estimate that the closed form is more stable than the open form by a factor of 4 . (36)However, it must be pointed out that the difference in sensitivity between


the two types of systems is less than that claimed.6 Thus, for the DMPB and 6.1X s-', system at 0.40and 1.0 M CF3COOH, ket = 5.5X respectively. Under the same conditions, values of ket for the BPA system and 1.32 X s-', respectively. are 1.18X (37)In fact. the ionic strength effects on the rate constants for dissociation are perplexing. For the reactions of the BPA and BPE complexes, kddecreases with increasing ionic strength, whereas an increase would have been anticipated since the activation process for the dissociation reactions involves charge separation. (38)D. R. Eaton in "NMR Paramagnetic Molecules: Principles and Applications", G. N. LaMar, W. De W. Horrocks, Jr., and R. H. Holm, Eds., Academic Press, New York, 1973,Chapter 5. (39)R. Hoffman, Acc. Chem. Res., 4, l(1971). (40)A. J. de Gee, J. W. Verhoeven, W. J. Sep, and T. J. de Boer, J. Chem. SOC., Perkin Trans. 2,579 (1975). (41) H. E. Toma and J. M. Malin, J. Am. Chem. SOC..12, 2080 (1973). (42)L. A. Oliveira. H. E. Toma, and E. Giesbrecht, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 22,269

(1977). (43)A. Haim, Inorg. Chem., 9,426 (1970). (44)I. Amdur and G. G. Hammes, "Chemical Kinetics", McGraw-Hill, New York, 1966,p 63. (45)This is the average of the distances of closest approach on the NH3 and pyridine sides of Co(NH3)5BP3+.

Synthesis and Properties of 7r-Bonded Olefin and Acetylene Complexes of Ruthenium( 11). Crystal and Molecular Structure of the Pentaammineruthenium(11) Fumaric Acid Complex, [(N H ~ ) ~ RC4H404)]S206*2H20 u( H. Lehmann,Ia K. J. Schenk,lb G . Chapuis,Ib and A. Ludi*la Contributionf r o m the Institut f u r Anorganische Chemie, Unicersitat Bern, CH-3000 Bern 9, Switzerland. and the lnstitut de Cristallographie, Unicersit: de Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland. Receiced March 16, 1979

Abstract: Alkenes and alkqnes react with the pentaamminemonoaquoruthenium(l1) ion to form complexes containing the K bonded unsaturated organic molecule as a ligand. Syntheses and spectroscopic properties of the complexes with ethylene, iso-

butene, 1,4-cyclohexadiene, fumaric acid, acetylene, phenylacetylene, and 3-hexyne are reported. The electronic spectra are dominated by an intense band at about 220 nm ascribed to a r ( d ) + r * ( L ) charge transfer. The coordination of the multiple bond to ruthenium is demonstrated by a shift of the C=C and CEC stretching frequencies by 100-200 cm-' to lower energies. H N MR spectra are consistent with an edge-on bonding arrangement. Formal reduction potentials obtained by cyclic voltammetry are between 0.6 and 1.40 V (vs. N H E ) showing the stabilization of the divalent state of ruthenium by the strong backbonding to the ligand. The crqstal and molecular structure of the particular case of the fumaric acid complex has been determined by a single-crystal X-ray study to R = 0.034 and R , = 0.040 for I242 unique reflections. The compound crystallizes in the orthorhombic system with four molecules in space group D15-C222~. Cell dimensions are a = 9.840 (3). b = 10.887 (4). c = 15.970 (4) A.The five Ru-N distances are between 2.143 (6) and 2.1 54 ( 5 ) A , the t w o equivalent Ru-C distances are 2.172 (6) A,and the C-C bond length of the olefinic group is 1.413 (8) A,


Introduction A prominent feature of the pentaammineruthenium( I I ) moiety is its pronounced affinity for A acids such as pyridine and its m a n y derivatives, nitriles, and sulfur-containing molecules. The bonding and the stability of the resulting complexes have been rationalized in terms of the strong A-back-bonding tendency of the low-spin t l g hconfiguration of octahedrally or pseudooctahedrally coordinated ruthenium( I I ) . 2 Inasmuch as these molecules play an important role in the chemistry of organometallic compounds, it is surprising that this concept has not been extended to include also A acceptors represented by alkenes and alkynes bonded to R u ( N H 3 ) j . I n the case of known olefin complexes of ruthenium the central metal is i n low oxidation states and the other ligands are themselves strong A acids, e.g., C 0 . 3 S o m e reactions of a few unsaturated hydrocarbons with pentaammineruthenium( 11) have been described in a Ph.D. thesis4 and a few properties of the corre-

0002-7863/79/150l-6 I97$0 1 .00/0

sponding complexes have been reported recently in a preliminary publication.5 It is remarkable that the formation of these complexes proceeds by a very facile substitution of the water molecule of R u ( N H 3 ) 5 H 2 0 2 + by an alkene or alkyne. Complexes R u ( N H 3 ) 5 L 2 + ( L = alkene, alkyne) described in this paper represent a link between classical coordination compounds and organometallic chemistry in much the same way as the well-known Zeise salt, C13PtC2HI-. We have studied the reaction of Ru(NH3)5H2O2+ with a variety of unsaturated organic molecules in water and acetone as solvents. S o m e representative examples are described in this report which also comprises the crystal and molecular structure of one particular case, namely, of the complex with fumaric acid. The structures of a number of transition-metal compounds containing olefins in the presence of other r acids have been recently reviewed.h N o structure, however, appears to have been determined of complexes of the pentaammineruthenium( I I ) moiety and an alkcne representing the sixth ligand.

0 1979 American Chemical Society


Journal of the American Chemical Society

Experimental Section Preparations and Analytical Data. All the synthetic procedures were carried out in an argon atmosphere using Schlenk-type glassware.7 Reagents of the highest purity available were purchased from Merck, Fluka, or Aldrich, Ru("3)6C13 from Johnson-Matthey, Doubly distilled water was used as a solvent in the spectroscopic and electrochemical measurements. [ R u ( N H ~ ) ~ H ~ O ] S[Ru(NH3)5CI]C12* ~O~. (2.1 2 g) in 25 mL of H2O was treated with 3.2 g of AgCF3COO dissolved in 5 mL of H 2 0 at 40 "C until all of the AgCl had coagulated. Argon was bubbled through the filtrate for 1 h. The solution was transferred to a Schlenk vessel containing a glass frit with 3 g of amalgamated Zn and kept over the Zn for 0.5 h. After filtration a solution of Na2S206.2H20 in 20 mL of H 2 0 was added. After standing overnight in an ice bath the crystalline precipitate was isolated by filtration, washed with methanol and ether, and dried in vacuo. The solid [Ru(NH3)5H20]S206 was kept under argon at -18 " C without decomposition for months. Since all the complexes with alkenes and alkynes were prepared the same way only two syntheses are described as representative examples. [ R U ( N H ~ ) & H ~ O ~ ] S Z O ~ *A~ H saturated ~ O . solution of C4H404 (fumaric acid) in 30 mL of H 2 0 was degassed with argon. Addition of 40.7 mg of [ R u ( N H ~ ) ~ H ~ Oproduced ] S ~ O ~an intense yellow solution which was cooled to 0 "C. Needle-shaped, yellow crystals of approximately I mm length were isolated after 2 days, washed with methanol and ether, and dried in vacuo, yield 51%. [ R U ( N H ~ ) ~ C ~ H ~C2H2 ~ & Owas ~ . bubbled at 40 "C through a solution containing freshly prepared Ru(NH3)5H2O2+ (from 500 mg of [Ru(NH3)5Cl]CI2). Within a few minutes the yellow solution turned brown. After 30 min of C2H2 bubbling the solution was transferred through a G4 frit into another Schlenk vessel containing a solution of I g of NazS206.2H20 in 5 m L of H2O. The brown, microcrystalline solid was filtered after 2 h, washed with ice-cold water, methanol, and ether, and dried in vacuo, yield 38%. The PF6- salts used for measuring ' H N M R spectra and for some electrochemical experiments were prepared in an analogous way using [Ru(NH3)5H20](PF6)2 as the starting complex. Replacement of NH3 by ND3 was achieved by recrystallizing [Ru(NH3)5CIJC12twice from D 2 0 and carrying out the reduction in the presence of the organic ligand in D20-DCI. Analyses. Ru was determined col~rimetrically.~ C , H, N , and S analyses were performed by the analytical laboratory of Ciba-Geigy, Basel, Switzerland. Analytical data are available as supplementary material. Physical Measurements. UV-vis spectra of the aqueous solutions of the complexes were recorded on a Cary 17. Since all the solutions are air sensitive they were kept under argon for the measurements. A Perkin-Elmer IR-580 was used for measuring the infrared spectra in the range of 4000- 180 cm-I. The samples were prepared either as Nujol mulls or as KBr (Csl) pellets. ' H NMR spectra were recorded on a Varian XL-100 or a Bruker WP-80 using either D 2 0 or acetoned6 as a solvent. All the IH N M R data in this paper are referred to the signal of tetramethylsilane (Me4Si) as zero point. A conventional three-electrode setup (working electrode. Pt foil of 3.4 cm2; reference electrode, Ag electrode in acetonitrile, SSCE in aqueous solution) was used for cyclic voltammetry. Supporting electrolytes were either 0.1 M [(n-Bu)dN]PF6 in acetonitrile or a 0.1 M KCI0.001 M HCI aqueous solution. The following couples served as calibrating standards: R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~ +( I/ ~.26 + V),lo F e ( b ~ y ) 3 ~ + /(*I +.05 V),lo and Ru(NH3)h3+I2+ (0.05 V).I1 Collection of Diffraction Data. Crystals of the title compound from the synthesis described above were yolk yellow and had rough faces, :I feature possibly due to the loss of water at the surface. Most of them displayed 11 I I sphenoids and { 1 10) prisms. The measured specimen was even along the a and b cell edges but twice as extended along the mm3. An absorption correction c axis: its volume was I .86 X yielded transmission factors between 0.888 and 0.925. Lattice constants were obtained from a least-squares optimization of 16 accurately centered reflections (20(Mo KN) between 17 and IS"). The density at 20 "C was determined by flotation in bromoform/bromobcnxne: it agrees acceptably with four formula units per cell. Relevant data of thc crystal are listed in Table I . Single crystal intensities were collected on a Syntex P21 automatic diffractomcter equipped with a molybdenum tube (KZ = 0.710 69 A ) . Unwanted radiation was eliminated by a niobium filter. A range o f I " was scanned on each side of the Kcu{/Kcu2doublet: at each end



/ October 10, 1979

Table 1. Crystal Data for [Ru(NH3),(HOOCCH=CHCOOH]SzO6.2H20

9.840 (3) 8, 6 = 10.887 (4) 8,


c = 15.970 (4) A v = 171 I ( I ) A3

z = 4

F(000) space group

= 1016 = 0:- ~ 2 2 2 ~

= 1.923 (4) g ~ m - ~ = 1.935 ( I ) g ~ m - ~ ,u(Mo KZ) = 12.0 cm-I Pmeas


of this interval stationary background was measured during 25% of the scan time. The scan speed varied between 2 and 10°/min depending on the intensity of the reflection. Analysis of the profiles was done by a modified Lehmann-Larson algorithm.12 For the reduction of the data and the determination of the structure the X R A Y - 7 2 system of programs13 was used. Drawings were plotted by means of the ORTEP program.14 Neutral scattering factors15 were chosen and anomalous dispersion correctionsI6 were applied for ruthenium and sulfur atoms. Extinctions from a precession photograph ( h k l , h k = 2n; 001, 1 = 2n) and the distribution of the normalized structure factors revealed the space group symmetry as C2221. At 21 "C 1242 unique reflections were collected up to sin O/A = 0.673. For all of them two or more equivalent intensities were available; their reliability factor was Ri = 0.027. Three check reflections were recorded after each 57 intensities. They remained moderately stable (within 10%). The variances a2(/) estimated from counting statistics had to be augmented by 0.000 465 times the intensity in order to account for these fluctuations; I 101 of the unique reflections had an intensity larger than 3a(l). Weights assigned were w ( F ) = I /a2(F). Solution and Refinement of the Structure. The positions of Ru, S, and three N atoms were obtained from a Patterson map. A F , synthesis phased with these atoms revealed in turn the remaining atoms of the cation, After a few cycles of isotropic refinement and subsequent AF syntheses, the rest of the nonhydrogen atoms could be located. After a final anisotropic full-matrix refinement--the number of reflections per parameter being optimized was 10.7-no shift was larger than 0.025 times the standard deviation estimated for the refined parameter (average shift/error = 0.003). A AF synthesis showed no peak to be higher than 0.7 e A-3, Moreover, the most prominent residuals are in the neighborhoods of either the heavy atoms or the hydrogen-bearing atoms. No attempt, however, was made to locate the hydrogen atoms. The temperature factors of the dithionate atom5 are espccially large (the largest mean square amplitudes lie between 0.107 and 0.298 A2). We could not find any satisfying model of thermal motion explaining such monstrous temperature ellipsoids. Thus we suspected that a positionally disordered structure might account for the uncertainty in the dithionate positions. We divided these atoms along the most prominent axis of their thermal ellipsoids and performed an isotropic least-squares refinement, keeping the atoms of the complex and thc water molecules invariant. This model converged smoothly to a n R value of 0.036. The temperature factors were more reasonable (between 0.03 and 0.09 A?), but the geometrj'of the dithionates became more distorted than in the unsplit model (S-0, I .36- I .S4 A; S - - S O , 97- I 12"; 0-S-0, 105- 122": the S-S distance of 2.12 A only was somewhat better). The final residuals are R = 0.034, K , = 0.040, and the goodness of fit = {xw(AF)2/numberof reflections - number of parametersli12 = 2.95. The final parameters are given in Table I I . Structure factor tables are available as supplementary material.


Results and Discussion UV-Visible Spectra. All t h e alkene and alkyne complexes of pentaammineruthenium( 11) investigated in this study were obtained a s crystalline o r microcrystalline samples of a light yellow t o brown color. T h e spectra (Figure I ) have t o b e discussed in t e r m s of t h e following t h r e e electronic transitions: ( I ) Owing t o their high energy, well below 180 n m , it is quite unlikely t h a t intraligand absorption d u e to r r v * transitions will b e observed in t h e accessible spectral region. T h e s e transitions will only be observable if t h e organic molecule contains a n aryl o r related group a s in phenylacetylene. ( 2 ) Weak bands a t a b o u t 400 n m in t h e spectra of various substituted pentaammineruthenium( I I ) complexes have been assigned t o Ii-

Ludi et a/. / [ ( N H ~ ) ~ R u ( C ~ H ~ O ~ ) ] S ~ O ~ . ~ H ~ O


Table 11. Positional (X104) and Thermal Parameters (X103) for [Ru(NH3)~(HOOCCH=CHCOOH)]S20~-2H20a

atom Ru S

N (1) rv (2) N (3) 0 (I)b 0 (2)h 0 (3)' 0 (4)' 0 (5)' 0 (6)" C(I) c (2)







UI 2



0 1059 (3) -496 ( 5 ) 2151 (5) 0 -829 (5) -2218 (5) -36 (9) -2318 (9) 990 ( I O ) -2679 (5) -1099 (8) I IO (IO)

944.3 (5) 4774 (2) I225 (5) 1042 (5) 2913 (6) - I 172 (5) -1595 (4) 3938 (6) 4156 (8) 5889 (7) 1743 (5) -1267 (6) -942 (5)

-2500 -639 (1) - 1200 (3) -2271 (3) -2500 -4269 (3) -321 2 (3) -712 (4) -771 (6) - 1090 (4) -4617 (4) -3465 (4) -2938 (3)

23.4 (3) 81 (2) 40 (3) 27 (3) 45 (4) 57 (3) 40 (3) 134 (6) 127 (8)

20.7 (3) 40(1) 29 (3) 43 (3) 22 (3) 58 (4) 41 (3) 101 (6) 85 (6) 69 ( 5 ) 69 (4) 20 (3) 24 (2)

17.2 (2) 52(1) 21 (2) 34(3) 33 (3) 30(2) 42 (3) 68 (4) 20(1) 67 ( 5 ) 41 (3) 34(3) 31 (2)

0 -16(1)

3.3 (5) 31 ( I ) 7 (2) -2(2) 14 (7) 6(2) 2(2) 25 (5) 131 (7) 1 1 (6) -3 (2) 3 (3) I (4)

-14(1) - 1 (2) 7 (3) -0.2 -2 (3) -4 (2) -39(4) -14(7) 24 (4) -6 (3) l(3) 2 (2)

22 (1)

46 (4) 38 (4) 29 (3)

l(2) -2 (3) 0.8

-17(3) -8 (3) -75 (7) 12(6) -13 (6) 0 (3) -6 (3) -4 (5)

' The temperature factor has the form exp(-T), where T = 2 ~ ~ Z , ~ h , h ~ U , ~ a , * aand ~ *aJ* ; a , are * reciprocal cell constants. ' Dithionate anion. H2O molecule. Table Ill. Electronic Spectra of Ru(NH3)s-Alkene and -Alkyne Complexeso

L H20" N2'

CH3CN" C2H4 C4Hx ( 1 -butene) (C4Hx) (isobutene) ChHx ( I ,4-cyclohexadiene) C4H404 (fumaric acid) C4H304(maleic acid monoanion) CzH2 CxH6 (phenylacetylene) ChH IO (3-hexyne)

absorption max, A,,




log E


416(1.6),310sh,268(2.8) 221 (4.2) 350 (2.4) 229 (4.2) 385 (2.5), 270 sh, 217 (3.3) 385 (1.6), 275 sh, 224 (3.2) 390 ( I .7), 3 15 sh, 237 (3.2) 233 (3.2) 362 (2.2)

252 (3.7)

360 (2.2)

252 (3.6)

385 (2.3), 280 sh, 219 (3.3) 435 (2.2), 255 (3.8), 229 (4.0), 203 (3.9) 300 sh, 260 sh, 210 (3.5)

f1 Values of log E in parentheses; sh denotes a shoulder. Reference 17. I . M. Treitel, Ph.D. Thesis, California InstituteofTechnology, I97 I . Reference 18.

gand field transition^.^' (3) Intense bands in the ultraviolet region of pentaammineruthenium(I1) complexes with N2 or C H 3 C N have been attributed to a da(meta1)-r*(ligand) charge T h e data of Table 111 show that the electronic spectra of the various alkene and alkyne complexes follow the s a m e general pattern. T h e most intense band occurs for all of the compounds between 2 I O and 250 nm. Moreover, an analogy to the spectra of pentaammineruthenium(I1) complexes with the K acids N2 and C H j C N is observed. Whereas a n "end-on" bonding geometry is realized for t h e latter ligands, all t h e experimental evidence (cf. following sections) is consistent with a n "edge-on'' arrangement for the alkene and alkyne complexes, a s in the Zeise salt. T h e electronic structure of our complexes can I

therefore be discussed qualitatively in terms of t h e DewarChatt-Duncanson modelI9 for K complexes. T h e appropriate symmetry of t h e complexes assuming identical substituents a t the two carbon atoms joined by a multiple bond is given by


nm I



200 300 400 500 Figure 1. Absorption spectra of [(NH~)~RUC~H,,]*+ ( a ) and [(NH3)5RuC?H2I2+ ( b ) . The spectrum (a) is displaced vertically by -0.5 u n i t s os log 6 .

the point group Czl..T h e obvious choice for the z axis is the direction bisecting the double o r triple bond. Only t h e d,, orbital of ruthenium has the correct symmetry ( b l ) to interact with the K * orbital of the unsaturated organic ligand in the sense of the back-bonding. T h e other d orbitals (symmetry a2 and b l ) a r e nonbonding within the framework of this approximation. A charge-transfer transition d-K* is symmetry a l lowed for bl(xz)-bl(r*). According to this simple model the intense band occurring between 210 and 250 nm is thus assigned to this transition. This assignment is supported by the observation that the energy of this absorption increases with decreasing energy of the K * orbital of the free ligand within a homologous series. Infrared Spectra. A direct demonstration of the backbonding interaction between metal and ligand is observed in the infrared spectra of the various complexes. All the C = C and C = C stretching frequencies a r e shifted toward lower wavenumbers compared to the free ligands. This shift is related to a weakening of the corresponding bonds effected by the transfer of electron density from ruthenium to the K * ligand


Journal of the American Chemical Society




October 10, 1979

Table IV. Stretching Frequencies of the C-C Multiple Bonds in Alkene and Alkyne Complexes Ru(NH3)5L2+ u free ligand,















k M R spectra of [(NH3)5RuC2H4l2+ (a) and [(NH3)5R u C ~ H ~(b). ]~+ Figure 2. ' H

orbitals. T h e change in t h e stretching frequency of the acetylenic and olefinic bond of 100 to 200 cm-l is of the s a m e magnitude as that observed for similar n- complexes of Pt(II).20 A list of these stretching vibrations is presented in Table IV. In some cases the closevicinity of the & N H 3 vibration to t h e diagnostic C = C modes required a complete replacement of N H 3 by ND3. In t h e low-energy range R u - N stretching vibrations a r e observed between 400 and 470 cm-' and N R u - N deformation modes between 250 and 300 cm-I. Since R u - C vibrations a r e expected t o occur in the s a m e spectral region no definite assignment of these low-energy bands is made. 'H NMR Spectra. Substitution according to R u ( N H 3 ) s L S R u ( N H 3 ) s S L (S = solvent) takes place in D 2 0 and a c e t o n e d 6 a s well and proceeds to completion within a few hours. I n order to reasonably determine the area of the individual signals we always used freshly prepared solutions. Because of t h e required long scanning periods for I3C N M R spectra these d a t a could not be obtained. For the prototype of the K complexes, t h e Zeise salt, t h e proton signal of C2H4 is shifted by 1.12 ppm toward higher field.21 Again this shift is consistent with t h e d-'n-* backbonding description for this class of compounds. The ' H N M R spectra of all of the R u ( N H 3 ) s alkene complexes exhibit this typical shift of 1-2 ppm to higher field as a consequence of coordination to ruthenium (see Table V). T h e opposite shift occurs in t h e acetylenic complexes, where the proton signals are shifted by 2-3 ppm toward lower field owing to the removal of the axial symmetry of the triple bond by coordination.22 The displacements observed for the ' H N M R signals for olefin as well as acetylene complexes a r e in complete agreement with predictions m a d e on t h e basis of the back-bonding model. T h e alkene protons a r e thus shifted toward t h e signal of t h e corresponding alkane, t h e alkyne protons toward t h e corresponding alkene. Two representative spectra a r e shown in Figure 2. T h e signals of various substituents of the organic molecule a r e not significantly affected by coordination. T h e a m m o n i a protons of the R u ( N H 3 ) s moiety appear as rather broad signals a t 2-3 ppm for the cis ammonias and a t 3-4 ppm for the ammonia molecule trans to the organic ligand. A clear distinction of the IH N M R signals for the cis and trans





complex, cm-'

Au, cm-1



C2H4 C4H8 (isobutene) C6Hs ( I ,4-cyclohexadiene) C4H404 (fumaric acid) C2H2 CxH6 (phenylacetylene) C6H I O (3-hexyne)

1623 (R) 1661

1541 1527

82 134


1496 1659

146 -17

1525 1914 21 I9

1775 1890

199 229

21 18



a m m o n i a ligands has been published recently.23 T h e proton signals of t h e cis ammonias appear in a rather narrow range from 2.3 to 2.7 ppm. On the other hand, the signals of the trans ammonia a r e scattered more widely and a r e loosely related to properties of the organic ligand (cf. next section). Electrochemistry. T h e reduction potentials of t h e couples Ru(NH3)5L3+l2+ span a wide range from -0.042 V for L = C124to 1.46 V for L = S(CH3)3+ 23 vs. the normal hydrogen electrode ( N H E ) . It has been pointed out t h a t the increase of t h e formal potential in the series of ligands reflects the tendency of the ligand to participate in the back-bonding. Good n-* acceptors like pyrazine or N2 have positive potentials of 0.49 and 1.12 V, r e ~ p e c t i v e l y . ? ~ T h e formal potentials of the ruthenium(I1) pentaammine alkene a n d alkyne complexes listed in Table VI a r e obtained from t h e cyclic voltammograms. T h e observed peak-to-peak separations of 70- 100 mV indicate near-Nernstian behavior of these compounds. It is apparent from these d a t a t h a t R u ( I I I ) / R u ( I I ) potentials a r e considerably higher for unsaturated hydrocarbons as ligands than for pyridine and its many derivative^.^^ This stabilization of the divalent state of ruthenium is again attributed to the decrease of electron density a t t h e ruthenium center by back-bonding. Obviously, this effect is enhanced by electron-withdrawing substituents a t the olefinic or acetylenic carbon atoms. T h e ethylene and fumaric acid complexes m a y serve as prominent examples where the introduction of two carboxylic groups shifts the potential from 0.93 to 1.40 V. In the preceding section it was pointed out that the ' H N M R signals of the cis a m m o n i a ligands a r e virtually independent of the nature of the coordinated alkene or alkyne. T h e signals of the trans ammonia, however, a r e shifted downfield with increasing back-bonding capacity of the organic ligand, where the reduction potential of the complex serves as a n indicator of this property (Figure 3). This deshielding effect on the trans a m m o n i a protons is explained as a consequence of a decrease of the a-electron density of t h e R u - N H 3 (trans) bond. It appears from our experimental d a t a that the enhancement of the n--back-bonding Ru-alkene (alkyne) weakens the a-ligand metal donor interaction for t h e ligand trans to t h e alkene (alkyne). Description of the Structure. T h e structure, shown in Figure 4, consists of ruthenium complexes and dithionate anions linked by hydrogen bonds via the water molecule. T h e corresponding 0-0 distances are between 2.62 and 2.94 A for three pairs of oxygen atoms. W e judge them to be hydrogen bonded according to the criterion of Hamilton and I b e r ~ applied *~ to Bondi's26 van der Waals radii. T h e remaining oxygen atoms lie farther a p a r t than 3.20 A and a r e thus considered nonbonded. T h e scheme of the hydrogen bonds is very reasonable:



Table V. ‘ H N M R Spectra of Alkene and Alkyne Complexes Ru(NH3)5L2+


cis NH3

trans NH3

A(trans - cis)

N H3 Cob (CH3)2SOh C2H4 C4H8 (isobutene) ChHx ( 1,4-cyclohexadiene)

2.55 2.6 2.4 2.32 2.28

2.55 3.7 3.6 4.19 3.97

1.10 I .2 1.87 1.69



I .88

C4H~04 (fumaric acid) CzH2 CxH6 (phenylacetylene)




2.53 2.58, 3.03

3.98 3.97

1.45 I .39, 0.94



1 .o

GHio (3-hexvne)


H of L

free L

3.57 (4 H ) 1 .SO (6 H ) 3.45 (2 H) 5.72 (2 H ) 4.04 (2 H)} 2.63 (4 H ) 4.90 (2 H )

5.38 I .72 4.65

5.39 7.43 (2 H ) 7.13 (3 H ) } 4.77 ( I H ) 2.10 (6 H ) 1.60 (4 H )


5.68 2.65 6.66

7.37 3.08


Reference 23.

Data given in parts per million relative to &Me&) 0.

Table VI. Formal Reduction Potentials of Alkene and Alkyne Complexes Ru(N H ~ ) s L ~ +from / ~ +Cyclic Voltammograms Measured in 0.1 M KC1/0.001 M HCI


E , V vs. N H E


0.05a 0.93



C4H8 0.85 (isobutene) CbHx 0.86” ( I .4-cyclohexadiene) C~H404 1 .406 (fumaric acid)

E , v vs NHE

C2H2 C8H6 (pheny lacetylene)

0.665 0.95

C6H IO (3-hexyne)


Figure 4. Stereoview of the u n i t cell of [Ru(NH3)5(HOOCCH= CHCOOH)]S~06-2H20along [loo].

in acetonitrile. Reference 24. 0.1 M [(n-Bu)~N]pF6 ppm

N H cis 3


NH t r a n s




Figure 5. The structure of the [(NH3)5RuHOOCCH=CHCO0Hl2+ complex displaying the 50% probability ellipsoids. 3

T h e essential part of the crystal structure, t h e pentaam2

mineruthenium(I1)-fumaric acid complex, is depicted in Figure 5. T h e complex contains a twofold axis imposed by the

0 500 1000 1400 Figure 3. Dependence of the ‘H NMR signals of NH3 from the reduction potential in complexes [(NH3)5RuLI2+.L: I , ”3; 2, S ( C H ~ ) Z3,;C2H2; ~~ 4, C4H8 (isobutene); 5, C2H4; 6, C4H404 (fumaric acid).

space group symmetry coinciding with t h e N 3 - R u bond and bisecting the olefinic bond of fumaric acid. All of the equatorial nitrogen atoms a r e bent umbrella-like away from the fumaric acid molecule, illustrated by t h e concerned N - R u - N angles being smaller than 90’ (Table VII). T h e R u - N distances of the complex a r e in quite good agreement with corresponding bond lengths found in other Ru(I1) compounds (2.1 1-2.14 A).28 T h e C2-C2’ bond is practically perpendicular to the plane of the Ru, N 2 , N2’, and N 3 atoms, the tilting angle being only 1(1)’. As a consequence of t h e coordination t h e mirror plane of t h e fumaric acid molecule is lost.29 Since the position of the olefinic hydrogen atom cannot be determined precisely, the angles a and defined by Ittel and Ibers6 cannot be calculated from our structural data. As a measure of t h e distortion of t h e four carbon a t o m s from

all of the acceptor and donor positions of t h e water molecule and t h e hydroxy group a r e saturated. T h e hydrogen bonds between carboxy group, water, and dithionates form infinite chains along [ 1 IO] and [ IT01 building u p two-dimensional rectangular networks. Nitrogen does not appear to contribute considerably to the hydrogen-bonding scheme, t h e shortest nitrogen-oxygen distance being 3.08 A. T h e geometrical properties of t h e anion (Table VII) a r e compatible with d a t a found in other dithionate structure^.^^


Journal of the American Chemical Society

/ 101:ZI / October 10, 1979

Table VII. Selected Distances (A) and Angles (deg) i n

was supported by the Volkswirtschaftsstiftung and the Stiftung I R u ( N H ~ ~ ~ ( H O O C C H = C H C O O H ~ ~ S ~ O ~ * ~ H ~ O Entwicklungsfonds Seltene Metalle. Distances

Ru-N(l) R u-N (2) Ru-h(3) R u-C( 2)



S-0(3) O(6)-0(1 ) 0(6)-0(4)

2.154 (5) 2.150 (5) 2.143 (6) 2.172 ( 6 ) 2.098 (3) 1.416 (9) 2.620 ( 7 ) 2.72 ( I )

C(2)-C(2)'" C(I)-C(2) C(1)-O(1) C(1)-0(2) S-0(4) S-0(5) O(6)-O(3)

1.413 (8) 1.50 ( I ) 1.315 (8) 1.226 (9) 1.426 (9) 1.414 (8) 2.94 ( I )


\ ( I ) - R u - N(2)

h( I)-Ru-N(3) h( I)-Ru-h(2)' C Ru-C' O( I )-C( I )-O(2) S' S-0(3) S'-S -0(4) S'-S - 0 ( 5 ) O( 3)'-O(6)-O(4)' O( 1 )'-O(6)-O(4)'

93.0 (2) 81.8 ( I ) 86.2 (2) 38.0 (2) 121.7 (6) 103.4 (3) 104.8 (4) 107.1 (3) 118.5 (3) 107.0 (41 \

N(1)-Ru-N(I)' N(Z)-Ru-N(3) N(2)-Ru-N(2)'

163.7 ( 2 ) 87.2 (2) 174.3 (2)

C(Z)'-C(2)-C(I) 0(3)-S-0(4) 0(3)-S-0(5) 0(4)-S-0(5) O(1)'-O(6)-O(3)'

116.1 (8) 110.2 (5) 118.1 (5) 1 12.0 (6) 93.9 ( 2 )


Primed atoms are related to the umprimed ones by a twofold iixis.

planarity the torsion angle y (1 80" for the planar geometry) can be used.6 Its value, 150 (2)O, for our complex is almost equal to the s a m e angle ( I 43-1 54O) determined in t h e structure of [ F e ( C 0 ) 4 ( f u m a r i c a ~ i d ) ] .T~h .e ~R~u - C 2 distance of 2.172 (6) 8, is rather large compared to tabulated values6 but is still shorter than the corresponding distance in RuC12(CO)(C2H4)(PMezPh)2, where the Ru-C distance is 2.214 (4) In t h e latter compound, containing also hexacoordinated Ru(II), the C=C bond is lengthened to 1.376 (10) A, whereas in the fumaric acid complex this distance is found to be 1.41 3 (8) A, significantly longer t h a n t h e value of 1.348 8,reported for free fumaric acid.29 This observed lengthening of t h e olefinic bond is, of course, expected within the framework of t h e back-bonding model which has been used to rationalize t h e other properties of these complexes.

Acknowledgment. W e t h a n k Dr. H. Wagner, Ciba-Geigy, Basel, for performing t h e microanalyses and Professor M. Neuenschwander for using the N M R instruments. This work

Supplementary Material Available: A n a l y t i c a l data and a listing of structure factors (7 pages). O r d e r i n g information i s given on any current masthead page.

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