Synthesis and Properties of Silicones and Silicone-Modified Materials

experimental elastic moduli of polyurethane networks prepared at different dilutions shows it is essential to account for elastic losses in loop struc...
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Chapter 14

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on November 6, 2015 | Publication Date: March 10, 2003 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2003-0838.ch014

Prediction of the Elastomeric Modulus of Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Networks Formed by Endlinking R. F. T . Stepto, J. I. Cail, and D. J. R. Taylor Polymer Science and Technology Group, Manchester Materials Science Centre, UMIST and University of Manchester, Grosvenor Street, Manchester M1 7HS, United Kingdom

The application of a Monte-Carlo (MC) algorithm to account fully for loop formation in R A + R'B and R A + R'B polymerisations is described. The resulting interpretation of experimental elastic moduli of polyurethane networks prepared at different dilutions shows it is essential to account for elastic losses in loop structures of all sizes. An important parameter, x, is introduced, namely the averagefractionalloss of elasticity per larger loop structure relative to the loss per smallest loop structure. Values of x vary between 0.50 and 0.60, depending on junction point functionality, reactant or network chain stiffness and number of skeletal bonds per smallest loop structure. Application of the MC calculations to the formation and resulting structure of poly(dimethyl siloxane) networks again predicts significant reductions in modulus due to loop structures. However, comparison with experimental modulus data shows that the reductions in modulus due to loops are outweighed by increases due to chain entanglements. 2




© 2003 American Chemical Society

In Synthesis and Properties of Silicones and Silicone-Modified Materials; Clarson, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.



Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on November 6, 2015 | Publication Date: March 10, 2003 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2003-0838.ch014

Introduction Endlinked poly(dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS) networks formed from stoichiometric reaction mixtures are normally assumed to be model networks. This is thefirstquantitative investigation of defects in their structures. Networks formed at complete reaction in bulk and at various dilutions in solvent are considered. Losses in elasticity due to loop structures of all sizes occur and significant reductions in modulus are predicted. In practice, the reductions can be more than counteracted by increases in modulus due to chain entanglements. The molecular structures and macroscopic properties of network polymers depend more closely on reactant structures (molar masses, functionalities, chain flexibilities) and reaction conditions (dilution, proportions of different reactants) than do those of linear polymers. The classical Flory-Stockmayer (F-S) treatment of the gel point and the accompanying changes in distributions of molecular species give a basic explanation of the phenomena to which the behaviour and changes in actual polymerisations may be related. However, the infinite species that occur from the gel point to complete reaction cannot be enumerated as individual molecules. In addition, F-S theory says nothing concerning the detailed topology of the network, which grows and defines its structure through the random reaction of its reactive groups with other groups on the gel and with groups on sol species. To obtain a perfect network, all reactions (sol-sol, sol-gel and gel-gel) are assumed to yield elastically active chains between junction points in the final network. Relationships between concentrations of chains and junction points that assume perfect network structures are often used when interpreting elastic properties of endlinked networks (/). The assumption is rarely true and will be examined in detail in this paper with particular application to PDMS networks. Generally, deviations from perfect network structures may be due to topological entanglements and chain interactions (2-4), to side reactions, incomplete reaction in endlinking polymerisations (giving loose ends) (5,6) and, more fundamentally and generally, inelastic chain or loop formation due to the intramolecular reaction of pairs of groups (4,7). Hence, to understand and predict elastomeric properties, it is important to be able to model, statistically, the molecular growth leading to network formation. By considering R A + R'Bfb polymerisations at various dilutions of reactive groups, it is possible to evaluate the effects of loop formation resultingfromintramolecular reaction. fa

Intramolecular Reaction A useful measure of the propensity of a system at a given ratio of reactants for intramolecular reaction is λι, the extent of reaction resulting in the formation of larger loops may also be calculated, so that the total, final extent of intramolecular reaction may be written η>ϊ


Pre,total Pre, 1 + Pre,i>h

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For illustration, the values of / ν * * * ρ^,ι and p for a series of R A + R'B simulations are shown in Figure 1. Notice that p totai 1/6, always. This is related to the cycle rank of the completed network. For a stoichiometric RA + R'Bf polymerisation at complete reaction (11), p ,totai (1/2)(1 - 2lf). Kii>i








0.25 τ


0.2 A



Figure 1. p ,totab Prej and p ,i>i versus Xaofor stoichiometric RA + R'B simulations with 1000 branch units. re



Figure 1 shows that the incidence of smallest loops (p ) is negligible when λαο = 0. Essentially, in agreement with F-S statistics, all intramolecular reaction then occurs after the gel point, resulting in larger loop structures. However, as λαο increases, p j increases, at the expense of the proportion of larger loop structures (p e,i>i)- The distribution of ring sizes is generally broad, as illustrated in Figure 2 for the case = 0.1. For a given value of X^, it is found that tetrafunctional systems give rise to more loop structures than trifunctional systems, due simply to the greater number of opportunities for loop-formation in the former case. reti



In Synthesis and Properties of Silicones and Silicone-Modified Materials; Clarson, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


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Figure 2. Frequency of ring structures, f(i), versus size, i,from simulations of stoichiometric RA + R B polymerisations with λ = 0.1 with 6000 A and Β groups, initially. r




Correlation of Model Network Topologies with Measured Network Moduli (8-10) For a triftmctional network, each smallest loop structure renders three chains inelastic and larger loops are subject only to partial losses in elasticity. The phenomenon is illustrated in Figure 3 using the smallest (/ = 1) and next smallest (/ = 2) ring structures in R A + R'B networks. In general, for the completely reacted network, there are 3/2 (= fl2) chains emanatingfromeach junction. The smallest loop means that 2 junction points or 3 chains are rendered totally inelastic. For the next smallest ring structure, no chains are rendered totally inelastic but the chains emanating from the two junctions it contains have configurational entropies that are reduced below those of chains in a perfect (treelike) network structure. Different entropy reductions of will occur for ring structures of different sizes. In the case illustrated, i = 2, the entropy of the ring structure and its adjoining subchains is equivalent to a single elastic chain between the two junction points ( · ) plus the entropy of the ring, rather than the entropy offour chains. These considerations lead to the expression for the modulus, relative to that of the perfect network structure, 2

G°/G = MJM°



= Ι / α - 6 / ν , -*-6/V*») >

In Synthesis and Properties of Silicones and Silicone-Modified Materials; Clarson, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


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Figure 3. Ring structures and decreases in chain elasticityfor RA + R'B networfa (a) smallest ring structure (i = 1); (b) second smallest ring structure (i = 2).Φ- junction points with 3 fully elastic chains emanatingfromthem; Ο - junction points with (a) inelastic chains, and φ) chains of reduced elasticity emanatingfromthem. 2


where G° is the modulus of the (unswollen) perfect network, G is that of the actual network, M is the average molar mass of elastically active chains connecting pairs of junction points in the actual network and M° is that in the perfect network, JC is thefractionalloss of elasticity for chains in loop structures larger than the smallest. A similar expression can be derived for tetrafunctional network structures. They lose only 2 elastic chains per smallest loop and c


G° IG = M IM° = 1/(1 - 4 c



- χ·





In the absence of theoretical evaluations of entropy reductions in loop structures, estimates of χ can be made using experimentally determined values of M I M° This has been done for polyurethane (PU) networks. The results, for six series of networks prepared in bulk and at various dilutions in solvent, are shown in Figure 4. The theoretical curves have been fitted by choosing least-squares values of P^ and χ in conjunction with eqs 4 and 5. In this respect, it should be noted that, because ρ and ρ^χ depend on / U , which is directly proportional to Pat (eq 1), MJ M° depends on as well as on JC. c




The effect of assuming JC = 0, no entropy reduction or elastic loss in ring structures larger than the smallest, is illustrated in Figure 5 using the results and calculations from system 1 of Figure 4. The position of the calculated line is very sensitive to the values of JC and it is impossible to account for experimental reductions in modulus with χ = 0. Joining the ends of the elastic subchains of networks together into ring structures always causes a reduction in entropy compared with that of the independent chains, whatever the size of the structure. It is expected that JC will decrease as overall size of the ring structure increases. The values of JC used here are average values over all sizes of ring structure.

In Synthesis and Properties of Silicones and Silicone-Modified Materials; Clarson, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


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-*2;/ =3

^ ^ L ^ — A



*6;/ =4




1.0 1.5 2/(c +c )/kgmol*






Figure 4. Experimental and calculated values of M I M° at complete reaction as functions of the average initial dilution of reactive groups, series ofPU networksfromstoichiometric reaction mixtures. 1,2: trifunctional networksfrompotyoxpropylene (POP) triols of different molar masses and hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI). 3-6: tetrafunctional networksfromPOP tetrols and HDL c


2/(000+0^), f

. 0 - · ""'

χ =0.667 ^ P = 0.538






0.6 2/(c +c o)/kgmor a0






Figure 5. Illustrating the effect of assuming χ = 0 using the results and calculations for system lof Figure 4. Ifχ = 0 the reductions in modulus are greatly underestimated

In Synthesis and Properties of Silicones and Silicone-Modified Materials; Clarson, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


Predictions of Modulus for Other Networks The values of χ deduced for the six reaction systems of Figure 4 are plotted in Figure 6 versus Ρ^. Because both chain entropy and Pab are related directly to , it is assumed that χ versus P is a universal function for given functionalities of reactants. Thus, the plots in Figure 6 can be used to predict reductions in modulus for networks formedfromother stoichiometric R A + R*B 3 and R A + R'B systems. The present work now considers networks formedfromlinear PDMS chains of various molar masses using a trifunctional and a tetrafunctional endlinker. The systems chosen first have been used previously for a gel-point investigation (12). From the known molar masses, endlinker functionality and chain statistics of a pair of reactants, P^ can be calculated and the appropriate value of χ found from Figure 6. Values of p and p ,i>i are known as universal functions of λαο (see Figure 1). Hence, curves of G° IG - M i M° versus X^ can be constructed using eqs 4 and 5, as shown in Figure 7. It can be seen that the predicted reductions in modulus are large and must be accounted for when interpreting measured moduli. Significantly, the trifunctional and tetrafunctional systems give distinct curves. Amongst the tetrafunctional systems, there is little sensitivity to reactant molar masses or P showing that χ does not vary much over the systems chosen. Through eq 1 and knowledge of Coo, the axis in Xao may be transformed to one in reactant molar mass, for polymerisations in bulk, or to one in dilution (Coo ) for reactions diluted with solvent. For linear reactant R A reacting with endlinker R'Bf the equation is ah

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ι jr




η ab







where ρ is the assumed uniform density of the reactants and the diluent of volume fraction D. Provided Mjn, is large compared with M Pab is proportional to M ' and λ& becomes proportional to M for bulk polymerisations. Using the curves in Figure 7 to represent bulk polymerisations, Xao = 0.01 corresponds to M = 10,000 g mol" , = 0.02 corresponds to M = 2,500 g mol and ΧA3 + 5k 3.00

οII u


2.50 Z 2.00 1.50



\ M.89 0.903;/ = 3 (experiment) 0.705;/ = 4 (experiment)

Ι­ Ο 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.0






Dm Figure 9. Predicted and experimental modulus reductions for PDMS network

In Synthesis and Properties of Silicones and Silicone-Modified Materials; Clarson, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


9. Because of entanglements, the experimental values of M /M° C


of 0.903 for /

= 3 and 0.705 f o r / - 4 are less than the predicted values that account for loops. The reconciliation of experimental and predicted values of M JM° is straightforward. M° = 18500 g mol" for the systems studied by Llorente and Mark. Hence, M Jg mol" = 0.903 χ 18500 = 16706 for/= 3 networks and M Jg mol" = 0.705 χ 18500 = 13043 f o r / = 4 networks. Both of these values are somewhat greater than the value of 12000 g mol" for the entanglement molar mass (AQ in linear PDMS. However, accounting for loop structures, without entanglements one would expect M i = 2.54 χ 18500 = 46990 f o r / = 3 networks and M , = 1.89 χ 18500 = 34965 f o r / = 4 networks. Thus, M /M =46990/16706 = 2.54/0.903 = 2.81 for / = 3 networks defines the factor by which M i is reduced due to entanglements. For / = 4 networks a similar reduction factor results with 34965/13043 = 1.89/0.705 = 2.68. Alternatively, as illustrated in Figure 10, one may say that the average number of entanglements per equivalent linear chain between junctions of the actual networks is 2.81 - 1 = 1.81 for/= 3 networks and 2.68 - 1 = 1.68 for/= 4 networks. C








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η entanglements M

->—— Λ+1 FigurelO. Illustrating the relationship between M and the average number of entanglements per equivalent linear chain in PDMS networfa. c



Conclusions The present paper shows the importance of accounting fully for loop formation when interpreting the absolute values of the moduli of networks. Even for reactants of high molar mass, the effects of loops on elastic modulus are significant. Model networks are not perfect networks and the effects of loops have to be considered, alongside those of loose ends and entanglements, when interpreting modulus. For PU networks based on HDI and POP polyols, the effects of loops are dominant. Other work has shown that PU networks based on diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) and POP polyols show modulus enhancement due to interchain interactions (4). For PDMS networks, using a linear reactant of molar mass greater than M the reductions in modulus due to loops are significant, but are outweighed by those due to entanglements. E9

In Synthesis and Properties of Silicones and Silicone-Modified Materials; Clarson, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


Acknowledgements Support of the EPSRC for grant GR/L/66649 and MSI for provision of their Polymer Software is gratefully acknowledged.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on November 6, 2015 | Publication Date: March 10, 2003 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2003-0838.ch014

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