NOTES Synthesis of Carbonato-apatitel BY LUISA. R O M O ~
Vol. 76
5?% in excess of the stoichiometric proportion) enough 2 N
h a O H is added to make the suspension 0.50 N with respect to the concentration of NaOH. Then the flask is sealed with a rubber stopper provided with a glass tubing, shaken RECEIVED MARCH13, 1954 intermittently for 5 minutes and digested on the hot plate A considerable amount of work has been done on a t 90' overnight. Following this, the solid phase is washed by centrifuging 5 times with distilled water and twice with the synthesis of hydroxy- and fluoro-apatites both ethyl alcohol. Tests for alkalinity failed to give a pink color in dry systems a t high t e m p e r a t ~ r e ~and - ~ by pre- with phenolphthalein indicating that all the excess of base cipitation reactions6 More recently, the synthesis has been removed. Finally, the alkali-free solid phase was of carbonato apatites by solid state reactions a t dried $t 110' and then heated for 2 hours at a temperature of 300 high temperature has been reported. Characterization.-Firstly, an X-ray spectrogram of a Carbonato-apatite is structurally an apatite finely powdered specimen of a natural apatite" was taken which has (COa=) groups substituted for (OH--)using the G.E. X-ray recording spectrometer with a Cu Ka target and a nickel filter. The d spacings were obtained groups in the crystal lattice. standard tables, and the intensities corrected for backThe occurrence of carbonato-apatite as a consti- from ground (Table I). A spectrogram of the synthetic material tuent of bones has been previously suggested by showed d spacings similar to those obtained with the natPrien.' However, the investigations of Dalle- ural apatite. However, the intensities of the reflections magne, et al.,8 indicate that this compound is not a varied considerably. Samples of the synthetic material a t 300" for 2 hours gave patterns which had the same constituent of bones. They found that acids at- dheated spacings with the intensities of the reflections very similar tack the carbonate leaving the phosphate intact. to those obtained with the natural apatite (Table I).
Also, it has been reported that carbonato-apatite is one of the forms of phosphates found in alkaline soils.y. lo In this paper are presented the results of an investigation carried out to synthesize a carbonatoapatite from suspension a t relatively low temperature.
Synthesis.-The synthesis of carbonato-apatite was carried out in the presence of an excess of alkali according to the reaction 10CaCOs 6KH2P0, 1 2 0 H - ----f Calo(POa)&Os 6 K + 9COs12H20 The final procedure evolved from a series of investigations is as follows. One gram of CaCOl C.P. grade is placed into a 250-ml. erlenmeyer flask which contains 10 ml. of water. After the addition of 60 t n l . of 0 20 If I(H2PO4 (which is about
Hydroxy-apatite 3 . 8 6 6 ( 2 . 8), 3 . 4 2 6 ( 4 . 3 ) , 3 . 1 5 3 ( 3 . 2 ) , 3 0.58(2.0), 2 . 7 9 6 ( 1 0 . 0 ) 2 . 7 7 1 ( G . 5 ) ,2 0 9 8 ( 5 . 0 ) , 2 . 6 1 5 ( 3 . 0 ) , 2 . 2 4 8 ( 2 . , 5 ) , 2 , 1 4 1 ( 1 . O ) 1 0 6 8 ( 0 . 5 ) , 1