Synthesis of Pimelic Acid and α-Substituted Pimelic Acid and

371 excess of pyridine) described above, except that the reaction mixture was held at 43° for 25 hours and then at room temperature for another 20 ho...
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Jan. 20, 1952


excess of pyridine) described above, except that the reaction mixture was held a t 43' for 25 hours and then a t room temperature for another 20 hours after addition was complete. The yield was 4.8 g. (27%) of material, b.p. 135150" (3-3.5 mm.), which gave the crude oxime in 56% yield. This oxime (2.9 g.) was chromatographed from chloroform on activated alumina. The product was extracted from the chloroform eluate with dilute hydrochloric acid and reprecipitated with dilute sodium hydroxide solution. After crystallization from benzene and benzene-petroleum ether, there remained 1.2 g. of pure material, m.p. 148.5-149.5'. Anal. Calcd. for CllHlsNzO: C, 68.72; H, 8.39. Found: C, 68.91; H , 8.41. Nitriles.-For each gram of oxime, about 10 cc. of acetic anhydride was added, and the solution was heated on the steam-bath for one hour in the preparation of dimethylarninobenzonitrile, and for five hours with the other examples. Water was then added, and the acetic acid solution was neutralized with ammonia, whereupon the crude nitrile precipitated. ~-Dimethylaminobenzonitrile.-The crude product was chromatographed from benzene on activated alumina, and crvstallized three times from methanol-water. From 1.67 g. of oximz was obtained 0.42 g . (32%) of the nitrile, m.p. 75-76 ; reportedl3>l4 m.p. 75-76". (14) K.Matsumura, THIS JOURNAL, 67, 956 (1935).




7-Dimethylamino4-indancarbonitrile.-The crude product was extracted from benzene solution with dilute hydrochloric acid, and then reprecipitated with ammonia. It was then chromatographed from benzene on activated alumina, and crystallized from methanol-water . From 1.5 g. of the oxime was obtained 0.39 g. (29%) of nitrile, m.D. 55-56'. Anal. Calcd. for CtzH14Nz: C, 77.38; H , 7.58. Found: C, 77.06; H , 7.67. 4-Dimethylamino-5,6,7,8tetrahydro- 1-naphthonitrile. The crude product was chromatographed from benzene on activated alumina. From 0.69 g. of the oxime was obtained 0.36 g. (56%) of nitrile, m.p. 46.5-47.5'. After two crystallizations from methanol-water, there remained 0.26 g. (41%) of the desired nitrile; m.p. 46-47'. Anal. Calcd. for C18HleN2: C, 77.96; H, 8.05. Found: C, 77.84; H, 8.37. 4-Dimethylamino-Z,3-xylonitrile.-The crude product was chromatographed from benzene on activated alumina, and crystallized from methanol a t -80". The yield from 0.63 g. of oxime was 0.34 g. (60%) of nitrile, m.p. 25-26'. Anal. Calcd. for CllH14N2: C, 75.82; H, 8.10. Found: C, 75.52; H , 8.30. RECEIVED JULY 6,1951 MINNEAPOLIS 14, MINNESOTA



Synthesis of Pimelic Acid and a-Substituted Pimelic Acid and Intermediates' BY DONALD T. WARNERAND OWENA. MOE Several aldehydo compounds, obtained by 1,4-addition reactions of malonate systems with acrolein, have been utilized in simultaneous condensation-reduction reactions with ethyl cyanoacetate. The resulting products are intermediates in the synthesis of pimelic acid and mono-a-substituted pimelic acids. The hydrolyses of three of the intermediates and the identification of pimelic acid, a-aminopimelic acid and a-ethylpimelic acid are described.

The l14-additionsof malonate systems to a,@unsaturated al-

COzH Alkaline hydrolysis




\ C02Et

product^.^ In the present work,




I + CHz I



Piperidine C02Et acetate

(1) Paper No. 122, Journal Series, Research Laboratories, General Mills, Inc. (2) For previous references to this work see 0. A. Moe, D. T. Warner and M. I. Buckley, THISJOURNAL, '78, 1062 (1961). (3) (a) 0. A. Moe and D. T. Warner, ibid., 71, 1251 (1949); (b) b. T. Warner and 0. A. Moe, ibid., IO, 2766 (1948); (c) D.T.W a r M and 0. A. Mae. ibdd., TO, 3918 (1948). (4) E. R. Alexander and A. e. Cope, ibid., W, 800 (1944).


R = Et


L~hydrolysis Acid

these aldehydes have been condensed with ethyl cyanoacetate4 I, = to produce intermediates which 11, R = C ~ H ~ may be hydrolyzed to pimelic 111, R = NHCOCH, acid and mono-a-substituted pimdic acids. The results ohained indicate that the aldehydo compounds, although formed by a reversible 1,4-addition reaction, can be conveniently used with the mild alkaline catalysts required in this method. The compounds studied and the reactions involved may be illustrated as



IV, R = nCloHz1 v, R = -O-COCHI



All of the aldehydo compounds tested readily undergo a simultaneous condensation-reduction with ethyl cyanoacetate to form the pimelic acid intermediates I-V. We have used alcohol as the solvent for these reductions with satisfactory results. The cyanotricarboxylate products may be purified by distillation without decomposition even a t the elevated distillation temperatures which are required in some instances. Since the yields of the condensation-reduction products are known to be dependent upon the purity of the aldehydo compounds14we have attempted to determine the optimum results when freshly distilled y,y-dicarbethoxy-caproaldehyde was employed in the preparation of 11. The condensation-reduction product was obtained in a yield of 7'5% based on the weight of redistilled 11. The cyanetricarboxylate compounds I, IX and Iff



Vol. 74

the pudied ( I ) 12.2 g.) was collected a t 156-164' (0.120.15 mm.) (39%\ Pimelic Acid &),-A portion of the redistilled I (3.9 solids having the expected melting points. VI1 and g.) was refluxed with 47 g. of 50 volume per cent. aqueous IX were further characterized as known deriva- sulfuric acid. After one hour the reaction mixture had tives. Compound VIII, a-ethylpimelic acid, has darkened appreciably; hence, water (15 cc.) was added, the reflux temperature was maintained for an additional been previously r e p ~ r t e d , as ~ ~a, ~crystalline solid and $-hour period. The cooled reaction mixture failed to melting at 42-43'; but to our knowledge deriva- deposit any crystalline material. It was extracted with tives of this product have not been reported. We ether, and after drying over anhydrous sodium sulfate, the have, therefore, completed the identification of VI11 ether was removed by distillation and the residual white was recrystallized in benzene. The p i m d c acid VI1 by the preparation of the dianilide. The deriva- solid was'obtained as a white crystalline product melting at 103tive melted a t 163-163.8'. A small quantity of 104 The di-pbromophenacyl ester and the dianilide monoanilide was also obtained by alkaline extrac- were also prepared and melted at 136-137' and 153-155'. resuectivelv (Aven1*: for di-b-bromoDhenacv1 ester. 137': tion of the crude dianilide preparation. dianilicie,'%5'). In the hydrolysis of the cyanotricarboxylate fo; Ethyl a-Carbethoxy-a-ethyl*'-cyanopimelate ( I I ) . 4 8 . 8 compounds, to the corresponding pimelic acids, I g. (0.2 mole) of 7,y-dicarbethoxycaproaldehyde' (freshly was hydrolyzed with difficulty by 50 volume per redistilled) was dissolved in 120 ml. of absolute ethanol and cent. aqueous sulfuric acid. In the case of 11, pro- 25 g. (0.22 mole) of ethyl cyanoacetate was added. The was cooled to about 10' and 2 ml. of glacial acetic longed heating with 50 volume per cent. aqueous mixture acid was added, followed by 0.8 g. of piperidine dissolved in sulfuric acid failed to convert the product to a- a small quantity of alcohol. No temperature rise was ethylpimelic acid. This resistance to hydrolysis by observed. The hydrogenation was carried out in the aqueous sulfuric acid of carbethoxy groups at- presence of 2 g. of 5% Pd-on-Charcoal (American Platinum Works) and 0.2 mole of hydrogen were taken up in 40 tached to a quaternary carbon atom&was previously minutes. The catalyst was filtered and the solution was noted in the cyclization of the phenylhydrazone of concentrated in nacuo. The crude Droduct was washed as y-acetamido-y, ?-dicarbethoxybutyraldehyde.3b Al- in ( I ) and then distilled in vacuo; -63.1 g. of I1 distilled kaline hydrolysis of I1 was successful and the tetra- at 137-150' (0.104.16 mm.) (84.5%). 46.3 g. of' I1 was redistilled through a short Vigreux carboxylic acid VI was isolated as an intermediate column and 40.9 g. was collected at 151-102' (0.13-0.08 and decarboxylated to VIII. mm.). This represents an over-all yield of 75% based on In contrast to the action of aqueous sulfuric acid redistilled product. A center fraction (ne, 1.4450) was on the ester groups of the quaternary carbon atom, submitted for analysis. Anal. Calcd. for C~,HZO~N:C, 59.78; H, 7.97; N, concentrated hydrochloric acid attacks such ester 4.10. Found: C. 59.87; H,7.78; N.4.19. linkages more readily. We first observed this in the a-Ethyl-a,a '-dicarboGpimelic Acid -(VI).-10.23 g. (0.03 hydrolysis of ethyl a,€-diacetamido-a-carbethoxy- mole) of I1 was refluxed for 72 hours with 75 ml. of 20% caproate to ~~-1ysine.3CIn the present work, con- sodium hydroxide solution. The hydrolyzate was then centrated hydrochloric acid also readily hydrolyzed cooled in an ice-bath and acidified with 32 ml. of concenHCl. The water solution was then extracted with 111to a-aminopimelic acid (mp. 216' dec.).6 Simi- trated four 120-ml. portions of ether. The combined ether exlarly I1 with aqueous HC1 was conveniently hydro- tracts were dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate. The lyzed to a-ethylpimelic acid (VIII). ether was removed and 5 g. of crude crystalline VI reProducts IV and V were purified by distillation mained. This materia1 was not compIetely soluble in 35 ml. of warm anhydrous ether. The insoluble portion (3 8.) and were subjected to elementary analysis. How- melted a t 172.5' (dec.). The ether filtrate was diluted ever, they were not hydrolyzed to the corresponding with an equal volume of benzene and an additional 1.3 g. pimelic acids. of crystalline VI (m.p. 173-173.5' dec.) was obtained. The crude VI dissolved readily in ether containing about Experimental718 5% ethanol, and upon addition of an equal volume of Ethyl a-Carbethoxy-d-cyanopimelate (I).--A solution benzene, VI was obtained as an amorphous product which containing 21.6 g. of y,y-dicarbethoxybutyraldehydesand precipitated slowly; m.p. 173-173.5' dec. Anal. Calcd. for C11HlsOa: C, 47.82; H, 5.84; neut. 50 cc. of anhydrous dioxane was mixed with 11.3 g. of ethyl cyanoacetate and 1.2 g. of glacial acetic acid. After equiv., 69.06. Found: C, 48.31; H, 5.84; neut. equiv., cooling to 4', piperidine (0.35 g.) and 5% palladium-on- 70.5, 71.6. a-Ethylpimelic Acid (VIII).-(A) 2.69 g. of VI was charcoal (0.4 9.) were added, and the reduction was carried out a t an initial pressure of 32 pounds hydrogen. About heated for five minutes a t 170-180' until the major portion 60% of the theoretical amount of hydrogen was consumed. of the decarboxylation had occurred. The product was The catalyst was removed by filtration and the filtrate was then distilled a t 153-157' (0.2 mm.) ( C a r t e P reports concentrated in vacuo, yielding a residual oil which was dis- 218-223' (17 mm.)); weight 1.65 g. (90%). The undissolved in benzene. The benzene solution was washed with tilled residue weighed 0.2 g. The loss in weight was water and dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate. After eauivalent to two carboxyl -~ O U-D S . filtration the benzene was removed by concentration in -Anal. Calcd. for CsH1;04: C, 57.42; H, 8.57. Found: uucuo, yielding an oil which was distilled under diminished C, 56.95; H , 8.51. pressure. A small amount of forerun was discarded and The distilled VI11 persisted as a liquid for several weeks a t room temperature but solidified overnight in the re( 5 ) (a) A. S Carter, THISJOURNAL, 50, 1967 (1928), (b) S. J. A. frigerator; m.p. 41-42' (givenMPbfor a-ethylpimelic acid: Allen and J G. N. Dreaitt. U. S Patent 2,527,509 (Oct. 31, 1950). 41.5-43', 42-43'). (54 The recent article by H. Schechter, and J. C . Kirk, THIS JOURThe liquid VI11 was heated to reflux with excess aniline NAL, 78, 3087 (1951), also describes the difficult hydrolysis by sulfuric for 3 hours. The reaction product was a mixture of monoacid of !2-alkyl-2-carbethoxycycloa!kaoooescontaining an ester group anilide and dianilide. The crude product could not be on a quaternary carbon atom. Their results with the hydrolysis readily purified from 50% ethanol, so the monoanilide was of 2-carbethoxy-2-alkylcyclohexanonesare comparable to those reremoved by extraction with 5% sodium bicarbonate soluported in the present work. The more rapid hydrolysis of 2-arbtion. The crude dianilide melted a t 158-159.5'; and after ethoxy-2-alkylcyclopentaoooes may be related to the planar ring two crystallizations from 50 volume per cent. ethanol, structure i o these compounds it melted a t 163-163.8'. (6) W. Dieckmann, Bar., SO, 1854 (1805).

were hydrolyzed to the known pimelic acids VII,

VI11 and IX, which were obtained as crystalline


(7) Melting p i n t s uncorrected. (8) Mcroandyae~1by J. R.Kern#.

0 ) a. T. W M ~sad

s.n. Men, T m JUOIRHLL, IC),

8498 (lUe@j

(10) R. L. Shriner and R. C. Fuwn, "The Systematic Identiimtion of Organic Compound#." John WiJw and Sono, Sea., New Ywk, Y . , xM0, 9. t l &


Jan. 20, 1952


Anal. Calcd. for GIH~c.OZNZ: C, 74.51; H, 7.75; N, 8.28. Found: C,74.53; H,7.52; N,8.67. The sodium bicarbonate solution was acidified with dilute hydrochloric acid. The precipitate of crude monoanilide was crystallized twice from 40% ethanol and melted at

119.5-120.5'. Anal. Calcd. for ClsH2101N: C, 68.45; HI 8.04; N, 5.32. Found: C, 68.42; H, 7.62; N,5.42. (B) 4.1 g. of I1 was refluxed for 24 hours with 40 ml.

of concentrated hydrochloric acid. The clear solution was concentrated in vacuo t o about 20 ml. and an oil separated. The mixture was extracted with two 30-ml. portions of ether. The combined ether extracts were washed with four 10ml. portions of water and the ether layer was dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate. Filtration and evaporation of the ether vielded 1.8 E. of viscous.~-oily VI11 which solidified on cooling; m.p. 36.%39.5'. Ethyl a-Acetamido-cu-carbethoxy-d-cyanopimelate(III). -The condensation-reduction reaction employing crude -pacetamido-y,y-dicarbethoxy-butyraldehydeI1(84.7g. ) and ethyl cyanoacetate (36.29.) was carried out essentially as described under 11. The crude reaction product weighed 121.5 g. Distillation of 86 g. of the crude oil yielded 28.4 g. of product collected at 210-220' (0.8 mm.). A large amount of a dark brown residue remained. Redistillation yielded 22 g. of 111 collected at 195-198" (0.25 mm.)

(27%). a-Aminopimelic Acid (IX).-A portion (5.2g.) of the redistilled I11 was refluxed with 50 cc. of concentrated hydrochloric acid for a period of 24 hours. After filtration, the reaction mixture was concentrated in vacuo. The residue was dissolved in 8 cc. of water and neutralized to a PH of (11) 0. A. Moe and D. T. Warner, THISJOURNAL,70, 2763 (1948).



3.1 with aqueous sodium hydroxide solution. The resulting solution was heated and filtered. When the filtrate was permitted t o cool slowly, it yielded a crystalline product which was melted at 216' with decomposition. Anal. Calcd. for C I ~ H I ~ O ~C, N :47.98; H, 7.48; N, 8.00. Found: C, 47.90; H, 7.28; N, 7.95. The a-aminopimelic acid was further characterized as the N-benzoyl derivative Fhich melted a t 164-165'. Anal. Calcd. for ClrH1,O'N: C, 60.18; H, 6.13; N, 5.02. Found: C, 60.44; H, 5.82; N, 5.34. Ethyl d2yanw,edicarbethoxyhexadecanoate (IV).-The cnndensation-reduction reaction was carried out using 51.9 g. of crude ydecyl-y,y-dicarbethoxybutyraldehydeo and 20.3 g. of ethyl cyanoacetate essentially as described under 11. Distillation of the reaction product yielded 29 g. of IV collected at 200-205" (0.7-0.8 mm.). Redistillation yielded 21 g. (32%) of I V collected at 189-198" (0.12 mm.). An analytical sample was prepared by collecting a middle cut from another distillation a t 176" (0.06 mm.), nmD 1.4515. Anal. Calcd. for G5H4rOsN: C, 66.22; HI 9.49; N, 3.09. Found: C, 66.27; H , 9.36; N, 3.49. Ethyl a-Acetoxy-cu-carbethoxpd-cyanopimelate (V).Crude y-acetoxy-y,y-dicarbethoxybutyraldehyde@(27 g.) was condensed with ethyl cyanoacetate (12.5g.) essentially as described under 11. In the first distillation, 19 g. of crude V was collected at 167-182' (0.24.3rnm.). Upon redistillation, 13 g. (35%) was collected a t 160-168' (0.1 mm.). A center fraction was collected a t 162.5-163' (0.1 mm.); n% 1.4512. Anal. Calcd. for C17HuOeN: C, 54.95; H, 6.79; N, 3.78. Found: C, 54.77; H, 6.66; N, 3.64. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA RECEIVED AUGUST3, 1951


Selective Hydrogenation of Polyolefins with Metal Sulfide Catalysts in the Liquid Phase BY R. J. MOORE, R. A. TRIMBLE AND B. S. GREENSFELDER The use of the sulfides of molybdenum and nickel as liquid phase selective hydrogenation catalysts is described; these materials were found to be highly selective for the hydrogenation of polyolefins to monodefins. Advantageously, they retain their activity in the presence of as much as one per cent. mercaptan or alkyl sulfide. Evidence is presented to show that hydrogenation proceeds through the conjugated form of the polyolefin, with preliminary catalyzed isomerization of nonconjugated double bonds t o this form when structurally permissible.

Although metal sulfides have been proposed as sulfides, notably the sulfides of nickel and molybdeliquid phase olefin hydrogenation catalysts, l e z num, have been found to have a remarkable activfinely divided active metals such as nickel, plati- ity and selectivity for hydrogenation of certain num, etc., have remained the most widely used cat- polyolefins to monoolefins in the liquid phase, but alysts for this type of reaction. It is very diEcult, are virtually inactive for hydrogenation of monohowever, to hydrogenate an olefin with these metal olefins or of the benzene ring. However, only those catalysts in the presence of common sulfur com- polyolefins which are conjugated or are capable of pounds, except for some limited reactions involving conjugation by double bond shift isomerization thiophenes. In view of the successful development were found to be susceptible to this selective hydroand application of metal sulfide catalysts for com- genation, These catalysts are highly selective in mercial high temperature vapor phase hydrogena- that the rate of monoolefin hydrogenation is so low tion and dehydrogenation, the use of catalysts of as to be negligible under the applied conditions. In this type with sufficient activity for liquid phase re- contrast, previous work with elementary metalsa actions a t low to moderate temperatures was inves- appears to be based on relatively smaller differences in reactivity in favor of the more unsaturated comtigated. When operating in the range 100 to 200°, metal ponent, and the reaction must be externally interrupted a t the desired extent of hydrogenation. (1) U. 5. Patent 1,908,286. E. Dorrer (to I. G. Farbenindurtrie, A. G.), May 9, 1933; U. S. Patent 2,402,493, B. S. Greensfelder and W. H. Peterson (to Shell Development Co.), June 18, 1946; U. S. Patent 2,488,145, W. M. Smith and R. B. Mason (to Standard Oil Development Co.), November 16, 1949. (2) W. A. Lazier, F. E.Signaigo and co-work- have described the preparation of various nulfide hydropnatfon atalyatn and their use in introdudng maUw into organic compound#, a# covered by U. 8. Paten3,4OS,8la to -16; -SO to -46; -U and -8d (to B. I. dn Pont de Wemoon and CO.).

Experimental Part

Prepsration of Catalysts.-The catalysts used here were prepared by impregnating a porous support with an aqueous solution of a readily decomposable metal salt. The dried mixture was then heated with hydrogen sulfide to convert the metal to the sulfide. In general, the finished catalysts contained about 10% metal by weight. (a) 1;. N. Cmmpbsll and B. K,C.mpblll, Chin. RIIII, 81,77 (1Ou).