Synthesis of Some Substituted Alkyl Derivatives of Phthalic and

98-Y9/14,0". 1 ,437925 1.43802710 1.045025 1 . 0496251a. 86.1 86 8 1. Dipropyl fumarate10. 104-106/1.2 Kone. 1,441025 1.438027 1.005925 1.021320. 8...
7 downloads 0 Views 410KB Size




B.P./Mm. Index of Hefraction 71DZ





llipropyl maleate9 Dipropyl fumarate10 Diethyl fumarate Dimethyl fumarate

117-119/5.7 104-106/1.2 90-91/3,7 192-193/760 i m . n 105")

102-103/3,0 Kone


Specific Gravity, ddt Obs. Lit.

Sapon. Equiv. Obs. Calcd.



192/760l5 i m a m 102')

1.439625 1.440427 1.018925 1.030518.4 1,441025 1.438027 1.005925 1.021320.8 1 ,437925 1.43802710 1.045025 1 . 0496251a -



Uialkyl funiaraks and dialk?/l maleafes. Fumaric or maleic acid (0.3 mole) and a primary normal alcohol (0.6 mole) with 5 ml. of concd. sulfuric acid was refluxed in a flask fitted with a Dean and Stark distilling receiver and a condenser until 10.8 nil. (0.6 mole) of water was collected in the trap. The contents of the flask n-ere xashed first with 10% aqueous sodium hydroxide and then with distilled water. The crude ester was washed, dried, isolated by a previously described methods and then distilled. The following esters were prepared in this manner: di-n-propyl fumarate, diethyl fuma rate, dimethyl fumarate, di-n-propyl maleate, and diethyl nialeate. -411 remaining est,ers were obtained from the Rubber Corporation of -4merica. The properties of the prepared esters are listed in Table 111. r r e a inclusion compounds. To 4.5 ml. of urea-inethanol solution (0.15 g. urea/ml. of methanol) in a screw cap test tube was added 30 drops of ester. The tube was capped and shaken vigorously for 30 seconds and then allowed to stand ( 8 ) J. Radell, Chemist Analyst, 46, 73 (1957). (9) C. Knons, Ann. Chent. Liebigs, 248, 194 (1888);

Beil., 2, 7 5 2 . (10) C. Iinope, -4nn. C h ~ m .Liebigs, 248, 191 (1888); Beil., 2, '752. [ COXTRIBUTION FROM THE DEPARTMEST OF

100.5 100.1 100.6 100.1 86.1 86 1 8

for 24 hr. a t 4'. The crystals that formed were filtered by suction, washed with 10 ml. of absolute ethanol, cooled t o 4', and vacuum dried a t 1 mm. for 24 hr. over anhydrous calcium chloride a t 4". X-Ray powder difraction diagrams. The dried urea inclusion compounds were finely ground with a mortar and pestle and applied t o the surface of a roughened glass slide. The interplanar spacings and relative intensities were obtained using the North American Philips X-Ray Diffraction Apparatus which was operated a t 35,000 volts and 15 milliamperes with a scanning rate of 1" per min. using a CuK a radiation source. Cross-sectional diameter of maleates and jumarates. StuartBriegleb scalar molecular models were arranged in an essentially planar zigzag conformation for the fumarates; the maximum cross section of the molecule was measured between machinists parallel bars. For the maleates a series of conformers were similarly arranged and measured. The conformer with the smallest maximum cross-sectional diameter was chosen. WRIGHT-PATTERSOX ,4IR FORCE BASE,OHIO (11) T,

S. Patterson, A. Henderson, and F. W Fairlie,

J. Chem. Soc., 91, 1838 (1907); Bed.,

2, 742. (12) W. H. Perkin, J . Chem.Soc., 53,575, (1888); B e d .2,742. (13) R. Anschutz, Ber., 12, 2280 (18i9); Bed. 2, 741.



Synthesis of Some Substituted Alkyl Derivatives of PhthaIic and Isophthalic Acids R . A. C L ~ n ' D I N N I X G 1AND . \Ir H. . RAUSCHER Received June 88, 1960 The utility of the \leerwein reaction in the ~ynthesisof substituted alkyl derivatives of the phthalic acids is illustrated by the synthesis of 3,4-dicarboxycinnamic acid from dimethyl 4aminophthalate and acrylonitrile. In a reaction similar to the RIeernein reaction, 5-acetylisophthslic wid has been prepared from dimethyl 5-aminoisophthalate and acetaldoxime. S e w syntheses of dimethyl Paminophthalate, dimethyl 5-nitroisophthalate, and dimethyl 5-aminoisophthalate are also reported. 3,J-Dicarbo~gcinnamicacid has been reduced to 3,4-dicarbonyhydrocinnamic acid and 5-acetyliaophthalic acid has been reduced to l-(3,5-dicarboxyphenyl)ethanol.

The Jleerwein reaction m s discovered in 1939 thetic one, more especially for the synthesis of by Hails ,11eerwein2 and since that time has re- some substituted alkyl derivatives of the various ceived coiisiderable attention both from a syn- phthalic acids. There are relatively few examples of thetio men point aiid from a mechanistic view- substituted alkyl derivatives of phthalic acid in point * Our interest in the reaction has been a syn- the literature and most of these were obtained by rather involved syntheses. Indeed, there are no ( I ) Abstract 111 part froin the 1'h.U. Thesis of R. A. general methods available for introducing a subClendinning, June 1959. Present address: Research Dept., stituted alkyl chain into a phthalic acid molecule. Union Carbide Plastics Company, Bound Brook, N. J. (2) H. Meerwein, E. Buchner, and K. von Emster, J . It occurred to us that the Meerwein reaction is ideally suited for this purpose. Furthermore, if the prakt Chem., 152, 237 (1939). (3) ( a ) E. Muller, Angew. Chem.. 61, 179 (1949). (b) starting amines were not contaminated with posiA. V. Dombrovskii, Cspekhi Khzm., 26, 689 (1957). tion isomers, the resulting Meerwein product ( 4 ) (a) 0. Vogl and C. S. Rondesvedf Jr., J. Am. Chem. would also be isomerically pure. The present study Soc., 78, "99 (1956). ( b ) J. Koclli, J . Am. Chem. SOC.,79, is concerned a i t h Meerwein and Meerwein-like 3942 (195i).



reactions of the dimethyl esters of Paminophthalic acid and 5-aminoisophthalic acid, and of 4-aminophthalimide. Dimethyl 4-aminophthalate6 W M prepared most satisfactorily from dimethyl Q-nitrophthalate by the catalytic hydrogen transfer method of Braude and co-workers.' The previously unreported nitration of the available dimethyl isophthalate gave dimethyl 5-nitroisophthalate'J of adequate purity in 40y0 yield. I t was converted in good yield by catalytic hydrogen transfer to dimethyl 5-aminoisophthalate, a reduction previously accomplished by ammonium sulfides or zinc and hydrochloric acid.@ The only reference to a Meerwein reaction involving a phthalic acid derivative occurs in the German patent literature,10which gives inadequate details for the conversion of 4-aminophthalimide to 3,4dicarboxycinnamic acid through the use of acrylonitrile with diazotized Paminophthalimide. We selected dimethyl 4-aminophthalate as the starting material in a successful Meerwein preparation of 3,4-dicarboxycinnamic acid in 40% yield, since a similar procedure could be applied to the isophthalic and terephthalic series. The cinnamic acid was quantitatively reduced to 3,4-dicarboxyhydrociniiainic acid by catalytic hydrogen transfer using acetone11v12as a solvent. Although the reaction of an aromatic diazonium salt with an aldoxime was essentially discovered by Borsche in 1907,18 it was not until 1954 that Beechl4.15 reported a rather extensive study of this type of reaction with relatively simple aldoximes such as fomstldoxime and acetaldoxime. The hydrolysis product of the reaction is an aromatic aldehyde or aryl mcthyl ketone respectively. LAcetylisophthalic acid was prepared in 12% yield by the Beech procedure utilizing dimethyl 5nmjnophthalate and acetaldoxime. The identity of the product was not rigorously established, but was based on the melting point and a positive iodoform test. The crude 5-acetylisophthalic acid waa reduced to the previously unhawn 1-(3&dkarboxypheny1)ethanol using aqueous sodium borohydride, ( 5 ) M. T. Boaert and R. R. Remhaw. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 28; 618 (1906).

(6) E. A. Braude. R. P. Linstead. and K. H. R. Woolridee, -. J. Cia.Soc., 3586'(1954).

(7) A. M. Senear, M. M. Rapport, J. F. Mead, J. T. Maynard, and J. B. Koepfli, J. Org. Chem., 1 1 , 378 (1946). (8) J. B. Cohen and D. McClandish, J. Chem. Soc., 87, 1269 (1905). (9) B. Beyer, J . prukt. Chem.,[ 2 ] , 25,491 (1882). (10) A. Schmelzer and 0. Bayer, Ger. Patent 897,404 (1953). (11) E. A. Braude, R. P. Linstead, P. W. D. Mitchell, and K. H. R. Woolridge, J . Chem. Soc., 3578 (1954). (12) E. A. Braude, R. P. Linstead, P. W. D. Mitchell, and K. H. R. Woolridge, J . Chem. Soc., 3595 (1954). (13) W. Borsche, Ber., 40, 737 (1907). (14) W. F. Beech, J . C h m . Soc., 1297 (1954). (15) J. Kochi, J . Am. C h . Soc., 77, 5090 (1955).



EXPERIMENTAL'^ Dimethyl .&aminophthnlate. Palladium black WBB prepared according to the directions given by Weygand" or obtained from the Fisher Scientific Company. It was stored in a vacuum desiccator over magnesium perchlorate and maintained at 0.5 to 1.O mm. for at least 4 days before removing a sample for weighing, Technical cyclohexene (Matheson, Coleman and Bell) waa distilled through a 1Zbulb Snyder column and the 83-84' fraction collected and stored in the dark. Commercial absolute ethanol wm stored over Drierite and filtered immediately before use. Thirty-six gram (0.15 mole) of dimethyl Cnitrophthalate (Eastman White Label), 500 ml. of absolute ethanol, 45.5 ml. (37 g., 0.45 mole) of cyclohexene, and 0.60 g. of palladium black were placed in a 1-1. flask equipped with an efficient reflux condenser and a magnetic stirrer. The reaetion mixture waa heated at reflux for 18 hr. After slight cooling and filtering, the volatile solvents were distilled until the vapor temperature r o ~ eabove 80". The resulting oil was cooled, taken up in about 600 ml. of ether, dried over magnesium sulfate for 2 hr., and filtered. Anhydrous hydrogen chloride waa passed through the ether solution to obtain 34.8 g. (94.5%) of the hydrochloride. The free base obtained from the salt had a map. of 84.7-86.2" (corr.) (lit.' m.p. 84') after two recryetallizationa from aqueous alcohol. Anal. Calcd. for CIOHIINO,:C, 57.41; H, 5.3; N, 6.7; equiv. weight, 245.7. Found: C, 67.63, 67.38; H, 4.90, 5.25; N, 6.52, 6.56; equiv. weight, 245.5. Dimethyl S-nitroisophthal~te, Dimethyl isophthalate (97 g., 0.5 mole, Hercules Powder Company, Polymer Grade) was added to 133 ml. of concd. ~ulfuricacid in a 1-l., threenecked flask equipped with B thermometer, an addition funnel, and a reflux condenser. The solution waa magneticnlly stirred and heated to 45' before starting the dropwise addition of a mixture of 43 ml. each of concd. sulfuric and nitric acids. The temperature was kept in the range 55-59" by the dropwise addition of the mixed acids. The reaction mixture waa cooled to 45O and then poured onto 650 g. of crushed ice. After 3 hr. the precipitate ww collected and wllshed several timea with cold water. Recryystdhstion from ethanol afforded 50 g. (42%) of dimethyl b i t r o k o p h t h a l a t , m.p. 119-121' (lit. map. 123'). An analytical sample waa ureuared bv recrystallization from ethanol, m.u. 123.5i24:oo (cor;.), Anal. Calcd. for CloIlsNOa:C, 50.21; H, 3.79; N, 5.86. Found: C. 50.44. 50.41: H, N, 6.25, 5.93. Dintethvl 6 ~ i k o i s & h & & e . In l-'l. flask were placed 42 g. (0.175 mole) of dimethyl 5-nitroisophthslate1 600 ml. of absolute ethanol, 53 ml. (0.53 mole) of cyclohexene, and 0.72 g. of palladium black. The flask was attsched to an efficient reflux condemer, and heated to reflux 4 t h &ring. After 22 hr., the solution WBB filtered hot through a heated fluted filter paper to remove palladium. After chilling the dimethyl baminobphthalats waa collected and dried to give 30.5 g. (83%), m.p. 178.5-179.0° (corr.) @t.' m.p. I




A w l . Calod. for CIOHIINOI: C, 57.41; H, 5.30; N, 6.70. Found: C, 57.60, 57.31; H, 5.09, 5.20; N, 6.78, 6.76. 3,~-~rboz~cinnam acid. i c To a solution of 17 ml. of concd. hydrochloric acid and 90 ml. of water chilled to 0-5" in an ice bath was added 24.5 g. (0.1 mole) of dimethyl 4aminophthalate hydrochloride. The resulting suspension WBB magnetically stirred to dissolve the solid. A solution of 30% sodium nitrite waa added dropwise from a buret until the presence of nn excew of nitroua acid WBB indicated, maintaining the temperature a t 0-5". The dhsonium sslt solution contained a gummy red solid which WBB removed by filtm (161 Microanalvsis bv Dra. Weiler nnd Strause, Oxford, England. (17) C. Weygand, Organic Preparations, Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1945, p. 14.



tion through a coarse sintered glass Buchner funnel on which a thin layer of Celite filter aid had been deposited. The pH of the clear filtrate wae adjusted to 3.0-3.5 with solid sodium acetate. The diazonium salt solution was then added to a solution of 32 ml. (25 g., 0.47 mole) of acrylonitrile in 600 ml. of acetone contained in a 1-l., three-necked flask equipped with a stirrer, thermometer, reflux condenser, and additional funnel. At a temperature of 15-20", approximately 13 ml. of a 3.5M cupric chloride dihydrate solution was added dropwise. Gas evolution was instantaneous and the temperature rose to about 33' in from 15-30 ruin. As the temperature rose, a reddish oil appeared in the stirred solution. About 1hr. after the addition of the cupric chloride solution, the acetone was evaporated under reduced pressure, with a maximum pot temperature of 30'. The distillation was continued until the oil layer settled to the bottom when the stirrer was stopped. Five hundred milliliters of ether was added and the reaction mixture stirred for an additional 30 minutes. The layers were separated and the aqueous layer washed with an additional 50 ml. of ether. The combined ether extract,s were washed with 100 ml. of water followed by lOO-ml., 50-ml., and 50-ml. portions of 5% sodium hydroxide. These were followed by three washings with 100ml. portions of water. Most of the ether was then distilled and 200 ml. of 10% sodium hydroxide was added to the resulting dark red oil. Any remaining ether waa removed and the suspension refluxed until ammonia was no longer evolved. During the reflux the suspended red oil dissolved to yield a clear, dark red solution. After cooling, the solution was acidified with dilute hydrochloric acid and the resulting light tan, finely divided solid collected. If the sample waa dried a t this point, a melting point of higher than 270' was observed and the compound would not dissolve in any common organic solvents. Therefore, without drying it was recrystallized with the aid of charcoal from about 500 ml. of water containing 15 ml, of concd, hydrochloric acid. A yield of 10 g. (42%) of 3,4-dicarboxycinnamic acid waa obtained. The melting point varied considerahly and seemed to be dependent on such factors as the size of the sample and the rate of heating. It generally melted over a 1" range in the vicinity of 215'. The analytical sample was given two more recrystallizations from water. Anal. Calcd. for CllH806:C, 55.94; €1, 3.41; neut. equiv., 78.72. Found: C, 56.00, 56.22; H, 3.55, 3.47; neut. equiv. 79.07. b,.&Dicarboxyhydrocinnamic acid. To 9.2 g. (0.04 mole) of 3,4-dicarboxycinnamic acid and 0.37 g. of palladium black i n a 2-1. flask waa added 1 1. of acetone containing 16 ml. (12.9 g., 0.157 mole) of cyclohexene. After a 68-hr. Rtirred reflux the reaction mixture was filtered hot and volatile solvents removed by distillation. A quantitative yield of 3,4dicarboxyhydrocinnamic acid was thus obtained, m.p. 162163.5", neutralization equivalent 82.3. The material disRolved in 5% sodium 'bicarbonate and gave a negative test with potassium permanganate. An analytical sample was recrystallized from water, m.p. 165-166.5' (corr.), Anal. Calcd. for C l l H ~ o O sC, : 55.46; H , 4.23; neut. equiv,, 79.40. Found: C, 55.07, 55.05; H, 4.25, 4.27; neut. equiv., 79.87. 6-Acetylisophthalic acid and 1-(3,&-dicarbozyphayl) ethanol. A mixture of 21 g. (0.1 mole) of dimethyl baminoisophthalate, 26 ml. of concd. hydrochloric acid, and 75 ml. of water was heated until the amine dissolved. With magnetic


stirring, 75 ml. of water waa added and the solution chilled rapidly in an ice-salt bath. The amine hydrochloride was titrated with a 30y0 sodium nitrite solution to a starchiodide endpoint. The resulting diazonium salt solution waa filtered with the aid of Celite through a sintered glass funnel and adjusted to pH 3.8 with solid sodium acetate. In a 1-l., three-necked flask equipped with a stirrer, condenser, thermometer, and an additional funnel with an extension reaching nearly to the bottom of the flask, were placed 66 g. of sodium acetate trihydrate, 100 ml. of acetone, 5 g. of cupric sulfate pentahydrate, and 0.4 g. of anhydrous sodium sulfite. The resulting solution was cooled to 10' and 9.3 ml. (0.15 mole) of acetaldoxime was added. The diazonium salt solution waa then added rapidly. Gas evolution and rather pronounced foaming took place at once and the temperature rose 5-10'. After stirring 1 hr. and warming to room temperature, the reaction mixture was acidified to a Congo Red-endpoint with concentrated hydrochloric acid. An additional 100 ml. of acid waa added and the reaction mixture heated to boiling. During 3 hr. of boiling, 270 ml. of distillate were collected. On cooling a precipitate formed and the entire reaction mixture was extracted with 400- and 200-ml. portions of ether. The ether extract was dried over magnesium sulfate, filtered through carbon, and the ether removed by distillation. The resulting solid was dissolved in 500 ml. of water and the p H adjusted to 6 with 5% sodium bicarbonate. To the resulting solution was added a solution of 10 ml. (0.1 mole) of phenylhydrazine in 100 ml. of water containing 6 ml. of glacial acetic acid. On slight warming a crystalline yellow precipitate appeared. After chilling and collecting the precipitate it was recrystallized from aqueous ethanol with the aid of charcoal to yield 5.7 g. (19%) of the phenylhydrazone of 5-acetylisophthalic acid, m.p. 265" der. (lit.18 m.p. 274'). The phenylhydrazone was added to 50 ml. of dilute hydrorhloric acid and refluxed for 3.5 hr. The cooled reaction mixture was extracted several times with ether and the comhined ether extracts filtered through charcoal and dried over magnesium sulfate, Removal of the ether left 2.5 g. (6570, 12% over-all yield) of 5-acetylisophthalic acid, m.p. 219-221' dec. lit.18 m p. 228'). The product was found to give a positive iodoform tmt. To a solution of 1 R . (0.025 mole) of sodium hydroxide in 20 ml. of water was added 2.5 g. (0.012 mole) of Fracetylisophthalic acid. The resulting solution was added to 0.12 g. (0.0033 mole) of sodium horohydride dissolved in 10 ml. of water containing 1 drop of 570 sodium hydroxide. The reaction mixture was stirred for 1 hr. at 35-10' and then heated to reflux for 1 hr. After cooling, the reaction mixture was acidified with dilute hydrochloric acid. A very small amount of precipitate was collected, dried, but discarded when the melting point was observed to be less than 180'. The aciditied filtrate was chilled and the resulting precipitate collected. On drying, 1.28 g. (51 YO) of 1-(3,5-dicarboxyphenyl)ethanol W(LB obtained, m.p. 241-242' der. After one recrystallization from water the m.p. was 254.7-255.5' (eorr.). Anal. Calcd. for C,OHIOOb: C, 57.14; H,4.80. Found: C, 56.91, 57.11; H, 5.23, 4.Y1.

TROY,N. Y. (18) F. Feist, Ann., 496, 99 (1933).