Synthesis of the Optically Active Enantiomorphic 2, 3-Butanediols1

July 15. Panicle with unopened buds. 69.0. 22.9. July 22. Panicle; a few opened buds. 72.7. 22.5. Aug. 5. Panicle; one-half of flowers in full bloom. ...
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Jan. 20, 1952


mature, is similar to the case of buckwheat seed, which contains no rutin. Indeed, rutin appears to be associated with actively metabolizing tissues, and therefore, must play an important role in plant physiology.




Part of plant

Panicle with unopened buds Panicle; a few opened buds Panicle; one-half of flowers in full bloom Sept. 18 Green seed pods Nov. 6 Mature seed pods Dec. 15 Mature seed pods Sept. 18 Pedicels and flower stalks h*ov. 6 Pedicels Dec. 15 Pedicels July 15 July 22 Aug. 5



Rutin content, % (mfb.)

69.0 72.7

22.9 22.5

71.7 74.7 41 .O 21.4 61.7 56.3 43.2

17.6 h-one Kone Kone 4.6 1.5 3.7

The rutin content of the pedicels, however, persisted through the season. These flower stalks continued alive while the seed pods were maturing, which may account for this fact. Three collections of leaflets were made during the season. A test for flavonols was positive. On analysis, amorphous deposits unlike crystalline rutin were obtained. Chromatographic analyses on paper8J0 separated these into three fractions, two of which could readily be identified as rutin and quercetin, respectively. The third fraction unidentified, may be one of the minor glycosides reported by ZemplCn and Bognhrll or Charaux and Rabat6.lP Approximate values for these constituents were obtained by estimating the size and intensity of the spots in comparison with known quantities of rutin and quercetin. The data are presented in Table 11. (9) S. H.Wender and T. B. Gage, Science, 109, 287 (1949). (10) E. C. Bate-Smith and R. G. Westall, Biochim. et Biophys. Acta, 4,427 (1950). (11) G. Zemplen and R. Bogndr, Ber.. TSB,482 (1942). (12) C. Charaux and J. Rabat&, Bull. SOC. chim. biol., 20, 454 (1938).


Chromatographic results," % Rutin Flavonol Quercetin


R~ =



Part of plant



0.17 RF




47-177 Seedpods 1 . 5 0.75 0.75 47-178 Leaflets 0.4 .2 .. 0.2 47-204 Leaflets 0.2 .2 .. 0.02 47-205 Seedpods 1.0 .5 0.5 .. 0.4 .2 0.2 .. 47-211 Seedpods Leaflets 4 . 3 4.1 Trace Trace 48-14 .. .. Woodytwigs 0 . 4 0 . 4 48-16 The approximate values reported under the chromatographic analysis are based on an estimate of the size of the spots. In most cases, the rutin spot and spot of the flavonol with RF 0.17 were about the same size and intensity. When dried, either in air or by heat, sophora behaved like other rutin bearing plants,7 that is, there was a variable but appreciable loss of rutin during the process, as shown in Table 111. In two of the three pairs of experiments, the airdried sophora appeared to contain slightly more rutin. Considering the difficulties of sampling and the errors in analysis, these differences are not thought to be significant.



July 15 July 22 July 22 Aug. 5 Aug. 5 Aug. 18 Aug. 18

Conditions of drying

Oven-dried Oven-dried Air-dried Oven-dried Air-dried Oven-dried Air-dried

a t 110" a t 110' a t 110' a t 110'


Rutin content, % Before After Lossof drying drying rutin

22.9 22.5 22.5 17.6 17.6 20.2 20.2

17.9 15.7 16.0 13.2 15.9 16.3 13.3

21.8 30.2 28.9 25.0 9.7 19.3 34.2




Synthesis of the Optically Active Enantiomorphic 2,3-Butanediols1 BY





The optically active D- and L-2.3-butanediols have been synthesized from the corresponding D- and L-mannitols by a series of unequivocal reactions. The 2,3-isopropylidene derivatives and the di-p-nitrobenzoates of the synthetic butanediols were compared with the same derivatives of the natural, levorotatory butanediol. This proved that the levorotatory butanediol had the D-configuration, the dextrorotatory the L-configuration. The conclusions of previous workers, based on degradative studies, are thus confirmed.

The stereochemical configurations of the optically active 2,3-butanediols have been determined by Morell and Auernheimer6 as D(-) (I) and I,(+) (11). The reactions used by these investigators, namely, esterification and pyrolysis a t high temperature, involved extensive racemization. The intermediate methylvinylcarbinol which was reduced to the methylethylcarbinol was moreover a by(1) Presented a t the XII'th International Congress for Pure and Applied Chemistry, September, 1951,New York, N. Y. (2) Canada Packers Ltd., Toronto, Canada. (3) National Research Council Fellow in Chemistry 1944-1945 a t the Banting Institute. Present address: Institute for Enzyme Research, University of Wisconsin. (4) Department of Biochemistry, University of California, Berkeley. ( 5 ) S. A. Morell and A. H. Auernheimer, THIS JOURNAL, 66, 792 (1944).










CHa L(+)


product, and not the main product of the reaction. Leroux and Lucas6 recently confirmed the conclusions of Morell and Auernheimer by degradation of D( -)-2,3-butanediol through 2,3-epoxybutane to the optically pure L( -)-2-butanol. However, the final proof of configuration(6) P.J. Leroux and € J.I Lucas, . ibid.. 73,41 (1961).


Vol. 74



namely, synthesis of the individual stereoisomers by unequivocal procedures-has heretofore not been provided. A synthesis of the optically active D- and L-butanediols from corresponding D- and Lmannitols is described in this paper. 'The route is summarized in the diagram below. The synthesis provides proof of the configurational designation by blorell and Auernheimer and confirms the purity of the levorotatory isomer separated from bacterial cultures.' The optical activity of the synthetic butanediols results from the asymmetry of carbon atoms 3 and 4 of D- and L-mannitol. Reaction conditions were mild and the configuration was guarded throughout (except for the last step] by the protecting isopropylidene group. Danger of racemization was alniost completely eliminated. The starting materials were 3,4-isopropylidene-~-and L-mannitols prepared during the earlier pait of this project by the procedure of 1%. 0. L. Fischer and Bppel.' Later the newer and iniproved procedure of Wgginsg was used. The 3,4isopropylidenemaniiitols were cleaved by oxidation with lead tetraacetate to the respective %,3-isopropylidenetartaric dialdehydes of which the D-isomer was first described by H. 0. L. Fischer and Appel.8 The dialdehydes were reduced (without isolation) to the respective 2,3-isopropylidene-~- and L-threitols which are described here for the first time. The specific rotations of the isopropylidenethreitols wcre found to vary iu both sign and magnitutlc. depending upon solvent, concentration and teniperature (see experimental). The 2,3-isopropylidene-D-threitol was hydrolyzed to the free Dthreitol and converted to the well-known dibenzylidene derivative. The melting point arid rotation of this compound left 110 doubt as to its identity. The 2,B-isopropylideriethreitols were converted to the corresponding ditosylates in the usual way. (7) (a) G. E. Ward, 0. i:. Pettijohn, 1,. H. Lockwood and K. J). Coghill, THIS JOURNAL, 66, 541 (1944); (b) A. C . Neish, Can. J . Research, Bas, 10 (1948); ( c ) J. W. Knowlton, N. C. Schieltz and 11. hlacmillan, THIS J O U R N A L , 68, 208 (1946). ( 8 ) €I. 0. L. I'ischer aiill 11. Aprrel. N r l u . C k i m .4c/a, 17, 1 3 i . l ,I 034). , J C h c i r : S o r . , 13 (1LI.Iti).

1. v

These were readily crystallized, well characterized compounds easily prepared in a high state of purity. The D- and L-isomers of 2,3-isopropylidenebutanediol were obtained from the corresponding tosylates by the Freudenberg-Raschig desoxydation procedure. Physical constants of the 2,3-isopropylidene-D- and L-butanediols prepared in this manner agree very closely with those reported by Neish and 5IacDonald'O for the corresponding compound prepared from the pure levorotatory butanediol produced by Aerobacillus polymyxa. Likewise, the melting points and rotations of the di-p-nitrobenzoyl derivatives of the natural1' and synthetic levorotatory 2,3-butanediols are similar. The micro carbon and hydrogen analyses were carried out by Mrs. Ena Mason to whom the authors express their thanks.

Experimental 3,4-Isopropylidene-~(or L)-Mannitol (HI).-The 3,4isopropylidenemannitols were prepared from the corresponding D- and L-triisopropylidenemannitolseither by the procedure of H . 0. L. Fischer and Appe18or by the improve! method of V.iggins.@ For the D-isomer, m.p. 85-86 , [elz6 5~ $24.6" (c 3, ethanol), Irvine and Paterson12 re~ D (c 3, ethanol). For the L isomer, ported [ o ~ ] ~ f23.2" m.p. 85-86.5', [ L Y ] ~ * D -24.3' (c3, ethanol). 2,3-Isopropylidene-~(ort)-Threitol (V).-Fifteen grains of 3,4-isopropylidene-~-mannitol was dissolved in 150 ml. of ethyl acetate and 60 g. of lead tetraacetate was added. The mixture warmed up considerably and the reaction was conipleted in about two minutes. The lead salts were removed with filter aid (Hyflo Supercel) on a precoated funnel and thoroughly washed with ethyl acetate. The filtrate and washings were transferred to the glass liner of a high-pressure reduction apparatus; a settled volume of 25 ml. of Raney nickel catalyst (suspended in ethyl acetate) was added and the reduction of the D-(or L)-tartaric dialdehyde ( I V ) was carried out at room temperature and at an initial hydrogen pressure of 1000 p s i . After 7-12 hours, 15 ml. of fresh Raney nickel was added and the reduction continued for a similar period. The solution then gave after acid hydrolysis, an only faintly positive Fehling test. The catalyst was removed by filtration through a precoated buchner funnel, and the filtrate was stirred with an excess of fused KzCOa for one hour. After filtering, the ethyl acetate was allowed to stand over fresh KzC03 for 36 (10) -4.C. Neish and F. J. MacDonald, Cali. J . Rcscavck, B26, 70 (1947). (11) F. & Robertson I. and A. C. Neish, ibid., B26,737 (1948). (12) J. C. I r v i m and R. M. Paterson, J. Ckem. SOC.,907 (1914).

Jan. 20, 1952



OF 2 , 3 - B U T A N E D I O L S


hours, its weight corresponded to 105 and 97% (respectively) of theoretical in two separate experiments. The rating it from a small amount of insoluble material. After filtvate and washings were evaporated in vacuo. The diiodo evaporation of the ether the product was distilled in vacuo; compound was separated from residual NaI by extracting boiling point 91-93' a t 0.01-0.02 mm.; bath temperature a water suspension (60 ml.) of the residue with CHCla. 110-116'; nZ5D1.4547. The yield in several trials was 73The CHCls layer was washed once with dilute sodium thio87% of theoretical. sulfate to remove iodine, and twice with water. It was The clear liquid crystallized on standing in the refrigera- dried over NaSS04 and evaporated in vacuo. The yellow tor. When recrvstallized from diethvl ether bv the cautious residue was distilled in high vacuum; b.p. 80-82' a t 0.05 addition of petroleum ether (b.p. 46-60')13 t&e large glass- mm.; yield 7.8 g. (96% of theoretical) of a pale yellow oil; like needles melted a t 48-51' after drying over PaO6. Fur- na6D 1.5692. For the D-isomer: [ C Y ] ~ ~+17.5' D ( c 8.5, dry methanol). ther recrystallization did not change the melting point. The compound could also be recrystallized from diisopropyl Anal. Calcd. for C~H1202Iz(382.0): C, 22.0; H, 3.16. ether (3 ml. per gram). Found: C, 22.4; H , 3.16. Optically active 2,3-isopropylidenethreitol is readily 2,3-Isopropylidene-~(orL)-butanediol (VIII) .-A solution soluble in chloroform or diethyl ether, less so in diisopropyl of 6.7 g. VI1 in 60 ml. of methanol was placed in the glass ether, slightly in dibutyl ether and very slightly in petro- vessel of a hydrogenation apparatus with 50 ml. of 1 N potassium hydroxide and 5 ml. of Raney nickel catalyst. The leum ether. Anal. Calcd. for C,Hla04 (162.2): C, 51.8; H , 8.70; hydrogenation, which was carried out a t room temperature, was completed in about five minutes with consumption of acetone, 35.8. Found: C, 51.9; H , 8.80; acetone, 34.8. the theoretical quantity of hydrogen. The catalyst was removed by filtration and washed thoroughly with diethyl ROTATION OF 2,3-ISOPROPYLIDENE-D-THREITOL ether and water. The ether layer of the combined iiltrate Concentration Solvent [aI2OD and washings was separated and the aqueous layer (ca. 200 2.09 CHCla -0.5' tnl.) extracted with two additional 100-ml. portions of ether. The combined ether extracts were washed with water and 5.20 CHCls -3.1 dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate. The ether was dis10.3 CHCla -4.8 tilled off slowly through a 35 cm. insulated Vigreux column, 5.0 Abs. EtOH -3.7 and the product obtained in a fraction which came over at 10.0 Abs. EtOH -3.1 100-110'. Yields of 40-60% were obtained. After drying pooled samples over anhydrous sodium sulfate the product aD was fractionally distilled in a smaller apparatus (35-cm. In substance a t 60" -1.32" (dcm. tube) column). A forerun distilling below 106' was discarded In substance (supercooled liquid) a t (or saved for subsequent refractionation). Small fractions 28' +0.50" (dcm. tube) which distilled between 106-108' appeared t o be > 95% pure on the basis of their optical rotation. From 75 to 85% Hydrolysis of 2,3-Isopropylidene-~-threitoland Prepara- of the product was collected in fractions between 108-110'. tion of Dibenzyfidene-~-threito~.-2,3-Isopropylidene-~-The specific rotation of these fractions varied no more than threitol(l.4 9.) was hydrolyzed at 75-80' in 15 ml. of 0.1 N 2% in the various runs. For the D-isomer: b.p. 108" (uncor.); 7 3 % ~ 1.3908; sulfuric acid for one hour. The sulfuric acid was removed r 1 ~ 6-28.2' ~ (c. 5.01. chloroform). by stirring with barium carbonate until neutral, and the l.0 _ For the L-isomer: More of this isomer was available. I t barium salts were centrifuged off. The solution was evapmay therefore have been somewhat purer and was also better orated to a clear sirup. The D-threitol was converted to the dibenzylidene de- characterized; b.p. 109.7' (calibrated thermometer, 734 rivative by the method Lucas and Baumgarten14 used for mm.): n% 1.3941: d*% 0.8747: Ial23aD 4-31.65 f 0 . 1 5 ' (c + 1dcm; 9 . 7in~ substance) = tthreitol. A crude product (1.75 g., 51.2%) was obtained 4.96,'chloroform); ~ ~ u ~ ~ D ~ if which melted at 205-212'. One recrystallization from ben- [a]'OD 4-22.55'. Anal. Calcd. for QH~CO,(130.2): C, 64.6; H, 10.8. zene gave 1.45 g. of a fine, cotton-batting-like material; m.p. 221-224' and [ O ~ ] ' ~ D-79.3' ( c 0.64, U.S.P. chloro- Found: C, 64.7; H , 10.9. form). Lucas and Baumgarten give for the L-isomer n1.p. 2,3-Isopropylidene-~-butanediol from Natural Levorota221-223' and [ar]=D 4-79'. tory 2,3-Butanediol.-Natural levorotatory butanediolI6 1,4-Ditosyl-2,3-isopropylidene-~( or L)-threitol (VI).having (YD -12.8' (1 dcm., in substance) and n% 1.430 To 8.4 g. of VI6 in 55 ml. of dry pyridine, and cooled to was acetonated by the procedure of Neish and MacDonaldlO -IOo, 21 g. of finely powdered p-toluenesulfonyl chloride and the product separated by distillation as above. The were added in one portion. The mixture was shaken until purest fraction boiled at 108': [ a I z 4-31.0 ~ i 0.2' (c 5, homogeneous and held a t 0' for 12 hours. The product was chloroform); L Y ~ * D-19.5' (1 dcm., in substance) = [ c Y ] ~ ~ D crystallized from the reaction mixture by slow addition of -22.4'. Neish and MacDonald'O reported [a]2 s ~-22.1' water. Once crystals began to form, water was added more (in substance). rapidly until a total of at least 90 ml. had been added over a D( or ~)-2,3-Butanediol(I).-Oneand four-gram batches period of 3.5 hours. Crystallization was permitted to con- (of the D- and L-isomers, respectively) of VI11 were hydrotinue a t 0' for a few hours. The product which was washed lyzed by shaking with 0.5 and 1.0 ml., respectively, of 0.1 N on the filter with 95% ethanol weighed 18.7 g. It was re- HCl until only one phase was apparent. The solution was crystallized from 63 ml. of ethanol giving 17.7 g. (72.6%; allowed to stand a t room temperature for 2-4 days before in some trials yields as high aso82% of the pure compouiid separation of the components by distillation. were obtained) of m.p. 91-92 ; not raised by further reThe quantity of the D-isomer obtained was itisufiicient for crystallization. determination of physical constants. The total contents of For the D-isomer: I n 1 2 6 , 5t ~1 2 . 5 ' (c 2.0 or 6.1. chloro- the receiver were dissolved in dry pyridine and converted form). Anal. Calcd. for CzlH260aSz (470.5): C, 53.6; H, to the di-P-nitrobenzoate: m.p. 142-44'; [n].%D -52.7 zk 5.57; acetone, 12.37. Found: C, 53.7; H , 5.77; acetone, 0.5' (c 4, chloroform). Robertson and Neishll reported 12.57. For the L isomer: la12*D -12.4' (.c 5., chloroform). m.p. 143-143.5" and [ a I z 6-51.0' ~ for the corresponding Anal. Found: C , 53.6; H,-5.71. derivative of natural levorotatory butanediol. 1,4-Didesoxy-l,4-diiodo-2,3-isopropylidene-~( or L)Of the L-isomer, 0.9 g. were obtained (boiling point apthreitol (VII).--16.5 g. of NaI was added to 11 g. of VI and prox. 170' but inaccurate because the quantity of vapor was 220 ml. of acetone in a pressure bottle. The mixture was insufficient to maintain a constant temperature). It heated for two hours and 40 minutes in a boiling water-bath. showed 0 1 % ~ +12.4" (f6.2" in 0.5-dcm. micro tube, in The sodium p-toluenesulfonate was collected on a filter and substance). Since highly efficient columns are required to washed with fresh acetone; after drying a t 110' for 30 separate the last traces of water from butanediol it may be inferred that some water but no significant organic impuri(13) About 2 ml. of each solvent were used per gram of solute. ties were present. The di-p-nitrobenzoate melted a t 141(14) H. J. Lucas and P. Baumgarten, THIS JOURNAL, 68, 1653 143' and showed [CY]*~D4-52.0 d= 0.5' ( c 4, chloroform). The filtered solution was evaporated to dryness in vacuo and the product taken up in anhydrous ether, sepahours.


(15) Either the crystalline, or distilled but not crystallized compound may be used with similar results.

(16) Kindly supplied by Dr. R. W. Watson of the National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada.

Fractional crystallization of mixtures of the di-p-nitrobenzoates of optically active and racemic 2,&butanediols leads to the relative loss of the optically active isomer.11 Therefore, the high rotations of the di-p-nitrobenzoates of the synthetic


butanediols indicate the abserice of racemized butanediol in the cc)inpound showing or^ +12.4' (in substance). 5Imrw.v, \VISCOXSIS


RECEIVED J U L Y 2 , 1951


The Effect of Solvent on the Pinacol Rearrangement of cis- and Irans-1,2-Diphenyl-1,2Acenaphthenediols. I. Methyl and Ethyl Alcoholsl~* l