Synthesis, Properties, and Applications of ... - ACS Publications

Yoshiaki Yasuda, Hisayuki Utsumi, Toshiki Ujike, and Toru Takahashi. Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka. University, Yamad...
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Chapter 13

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Synthesis, Properties, and Applications of Photochromic Amorphous Molecular Materials and Electrochromic Polymers Yasuhiko Shirota, Hideyuki Nakano, Ichiro Imae, Yutaka Ohsedo, Yoshiaki Yasuda, Hisayuki Utsumi, Toshiki Ujike, and Toru Takahashi Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University, Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan

The synthesis, properties, and applications of photochromic amorphous molecular materials and novel organic electrochromic materials including molecular gels and polymers containing pendant oligothiophenes are described.

Introduction Photochromic materials have recendy come to receive renewed interest in view of their potentialtechnologicalapplications for optical data storage, visible image formation, and optical switching. Electrochromic materials have also attracted a great deal of attention because of their potential applications for display devices, and smart windows that control the sun radiation. Since such practical applications usually require materials as solid films, there have been extensive studies on both photochromic and electrochromic polymers. Molecularly dispersed polymer systems, where low molecular-weight photochromic compounds are dispersed in a polymer binder, have also been studied. We report here our recent work on the creation of photochromic amorphous molecular materials, electrochromic molecular gels, and a new type of electrochromic polymers containing pendant oligothiophenes with welldefined structures.

© 2005 American Chemical Society In Chromogenic Phenomena in Polymers; Jenekhe, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.



1. Photochromic Amorphous Molecular Materials Since the late 1980s, we have performed a series of studies on the creation of low molecular-weight organic compounds that readily form amorphous glasses above room temperature, which we refer to as amorphous molecular materials, and their structures, reactions, properties, and applications. " * As a part of these studies, we have proposed a new concept, "photochromic amorphous molecular materials and have studied the creation of such materials/ " Photochromic amorphous molecular materials are expected to constitute a new class of photochromic molecular materials that form uniform amorphous thin films by themselves. They have an advantage that there is no dilution of photochromic chromophores relative to photochromic polymers and composite polymer systems, where low molecular-weight organic photochromic compounds may crystallize at high concentrations. The synthesis, properties, and applications of two novel classes of photochromic amorphous molecular materials based on azobenzene and dithienylethene are described here. 0



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1-1. Azobenzene-based Photochromic Amorphous Molecular Materials

(a) Synthesis and Glass-forming Properties We have designed and synthesized a series of photochromic amorphous molecular materials based on azobenzene, 4-[bis(4-methylphenyl)amino]azobenzene (BMAB), 4-[bis(4-methylphenyl)amino]-4-methoxyazobenzene (MeOBMAB), 4-[di(biphenyl-4-yl)amino]azobenzene (DBAB), 4-[bis(9,9dimethylfluoren-2-yl)amino]azobenzene (BF1AB), 4,4'-bis[bis(4-methylphenyl)aminojazobenzene (BBMAB), and 4,4'-bis[bis(4 -tert-butylbiphenyl-4-yl)amino]azobenzene (t-BuBBAB). A l l these compounds readily form amorphous glasses with well-defined glass-transition temperatures (Tgs) when their melt samples are cooled on standing in air, as evidenced by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction, and polarizing microscopy. The Tgs of BMAB, MeO-BMAB, DBAB, BF1AB, BBMAB, and t-BuBBAB are 27, 33, 68, 97, 79, and 177°C, respectively, as determined by DSC. The Tg significantly increases with increasing molecular size and weight, in particular, by the introduction of a rigid biphenyl or fluorenyl moiety. These compounds also form uniform amorphous films by vacuum deposition and spin coating. ,



In Chromogenic Phenomena in Polymers; Jenekhe, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

175 Me

^-Q-OMe Me



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(b) Photochromic Behavior These novel compounds containing an azobenzene chromophore exhibit photochromism in their amorphous films as well as in solution. Figure 1 shows the electronic absorption spectral change of an amorphous film of BMAB prepared by spin coating from benzene solution. Upon irradiation with 450 nm light, die absorbance of the band around 430 nm gradually decreased due to the photoi somerizati on from the trans- to the cis-form. When irradiation was stopped after the reaction system had reached the photostationary state, the electronic absorption spectra of the film gradually recovered to the original one due to the backward cis-trans thermal isomerization. The fractions of the photogenerated cis-isomers of these azobenzene derivatives at the photostationary state upon irradiation with 450 nm-light are smaller for the amorphous film (ca. 0.54 for BMAB, DBAB, and BFIAB; 0.15 0.17 for BBMAB and t-BuBBAB) than for solution (0.80 - 0.85), decreasing with increasing molecular size. It is suggested that the local free volume around the remaining trans-isomer in die amorphous film is not large enough to allow the isomerization from the trans-form to the cis-form to the extent as observed in solution. It was expected that the thermal stabilization of the photogenerated cis-form can be enhanced by the incorporation of a bulky group. In fact, the photogenerated cis-isomer of t-BuBBAB was found to be fairly stable in its amorphous film; 80% of the photogenerated cis-t-BuBBAB still remained after 5 days at room temperature. This is the first example of the most stable cisazobenzene derivative in the amorphous fllm. (711)

In Chromogenic Phenomena in Polymers; Jenekhe, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.


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Wavelength / nm Figure 1. Electronic Absorption Spectral Change of Amorphous BMAB Film a) before photoirradiation, b) photostationary state upon irradiation with 450 nm-light.

(c) Formation of Surface Relief Grating Formation of surface relief grating (SRG) by irradiation of amorphous films of azobenzene-functionalized acrylate, methacrylate, and epoxy-based polymers with two coherent laser beams has been a topic of current interest. SRG, which is formed by the mass transport induced by the photoisomerization of the azobenzene chromophore, may find potential applications for erasable and rewritable holographic memory, polarization discriminators, and waveguide couplers. We have investigated the formation of SRG using azobenzene-based photochromic amorphous molecular materials. As compared with polymers, amorphous molecular materials are thought to provide more simple systems that are free from polymer chains and hence their entanglement for the studies of SRG formation, and to enable studies of the correlation between molecular structure and die diffraction efficiency of the resulting SRG. The SRG formation depended on the polarization direction of two writing beams; relatively high diffraction efficiency was obtained when die p-:p- and +45°:-45° (with respect to the p-polarization direction) polarized writing beams were used. The diffraction efficiencies obtained for the DBAB and BFIAB amorphous films were ca. 7 and 25%, respectively, when +45°:-45° polarized writing Ar laser beams at lOmW each were used. The modulation depths were ca. 200 and 280 nm, respectively, as measured by atomic force microscopy (AFM). These are die first examples of SRG formation with high diffraction efficiencies and large modulation depths for photochromic amorphous molecular materials. (1220)



In Chromogenic Phenomena in Polymers; Jenekhe, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

177 1-2. Dithienylethene-based Photochromic Amorphous Molecular Materials

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(a) Synthesis and Glass-forming Properties We have designed and synthesized another novel class of photochromic amorphous molecular materials based on dithienylethene, l-{5-[4-(di-ptolylamino)phenyl]-2-methylthioph 3,3,4,4,5,5-hexafluorocyclopentene (TPTTC), l-{5-[4-(di-p-tolylamino)phenyl]2- methylthiophen-3-yl}-2-(2-methylbenzo[b]thiophen-3-yl)-3,3A4,5,5-hexafluorocyclopentene (TPTBC), and 1,2-bis{ 5-[4-(di-p-tolylamino)phenyl]-2methylthiophen-3-yl}-3,3,4,4,5,5-hexafluorocyclopentene (BTPTC). These compounds readuy form stable amorphous glasses with Tgs of 51,66, and 94 °C, respectively, when the melt samples are cooled on standing in air. They also form uniform amorphous films by spin coating. Their photocyclized isomars, TPTTC-c, TPTBC-c, and BTPTC-c, which were obtained by irradiation of the corresponding open forms with 365 nm light in solution also form amorphous glasses with Tgs of 57,73, and 104°C, respectively. (810)








(b) Photochromic Behavior TPTTC, TPTBC, and BTPTC exhibit photochromism in solution and as amorphous films, as shown in Figure 2. The quantum yields for the photocyclization reactions (Φ^) of TPTTC, TPTBC, and BTPTC in solution were from 0.61 to 0.81, which are much higher than those reported for other dithienylethene derivatives in solution (mostly in the range from 0.3 to 0.5). The values of Φ as amorphous films (0.28 - 0.33) were smaller than those in solution for all the compounds. On the other hand, the quantum yields for the backward photoinduced ring-opening reactions (Φ^) of TPTTC-c, TPTBC-c, and BTPTC-c to regenerate the corresponding open forms both in solution and as amorphous films were 0.001-0.015. These Φ ^ values are approximately (21)

580 nm). The results that the Y values for these films (0.69, 0.38, and 0.79, respectively) are almost the same as those for the corresponding films obtained by spin coating from the solution of die unirradiated compounds of the open form indicate that almost all molecules take up the anti-parallel conformation/ * 21

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Wavelength / nm Figure 2. Electronic Absorption Spectral Change of Amorphous BTPTC Film a) before photoirradiation, b) photostationary state upon irradiation with 365 nm-light

(c) Application for Dual Image Formation The amorphous films of these compounds containing die dithienyethene chlomophore exhibit clear color changes upon irradiation with UV or visible light. Dichroism was induced by irradiation of the amorphous films of TPTBC and BTPTC with linearly polarized light. For example, when die colored film of TPTBC, which was obtained by irradiation of an isotropic amorphous (10)

In Chromogenic Phenomena in Polymers; Jenekhe, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

179 film of TPTBC with non-polarized 365 nm-light, was irradiated with linearly polarized red light of the wavelength longer than 580 nm at ea. 20 mW em" to induce the backward photochemicalring-openingreaction, the color of die film gradually decayed. The intensity of the electronic absorption band at 585 nm was found to depend on the angle (Θ) between the polarization directions of the irradiated red light and the probe light. The absorbance of the cyclized form decreased with decreasing angle Θ, being the greatest for θ = 90° and the smallest for θ = 0°. Using the phenomenon of such dichroism, dual image formation at die same location of the amorphous film was realized/ * The blue-colored film of TPTBC, obtained by irradiation with non-polarized 365 nm-light, was irradiated with polarized red light of horizontal polarization (Θ = 0°) through a mask, where the area other than die letter in the mask was exposed, followed by irradiation with another polarized red light of vertical polarization (Θ = 90°) through another mask, where the area other than the letter in die mask was exposed. When the film is viewed through the polarizer with θ = 0°, the letter in the first mask is visible, while the letter in the second mask is visible through the polarizer with θ = 90°. The formation of such dual images at the same location can be applied for stereo image formation by the use of the two polarizers. 1


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2. Electrochromic Organic Materials Electrochromic devices have characteristics of low-voltage operation, good optical contrast, and a wide-viewing angle owing to the non-emitting nature of materials. Organic electrochromic materials are of interest because of their potential capability of multi-color display by the selection of suitable chromophores. In particular, polymeric electrochromic materials are attractive for their good cycle life owing to their ability to be cast in the film form. Our recent work on the creation of electochromic molecular gels and novel electrochromic polymers are described here.

2-1. Electrochromic Molecular Gels (22


There have been extensive studies on polymer gels; " however, few studies have been made of organic gels composed of small molecules. Low molecular-weight organic gels, which we refer to as "molecular gels", are expected to constitute a new class of organic functional materials that take the form of solid with solvent inclusion. We have performed studies of the

In Chromogenic Phenomena in Polymers; Jenekhe, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

180 creation of novel molecular gels and their structures, properties, and applications/ " * We have designed and synthesized several novel classes of organic compounds for gel formation, e.g., ΛΓ,ΛΓ',ΛΓ'-tristerayltrimesamide (TSTA), 4,4\4"-tris(stearoylamino)triphenylamine (TSATA), and 1,3,5-tris(4-stearoylaminophenyl)benzene (TSAPB), and have found that these compounds form gels with a variety of organic solvents, immobilizing solvent at low concentrations. Typically, an amount of 1.3 g TSATA incorporates 1000 ml of 1,2dichloroethane. Downloaded by OHIO STATE UNIV LIBRARIES on September 7, 2012 | Publication Date: August 17, 2004 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2005-0888.ch013



Gels, which take the form of a solid but contain a large amount of solvent within, are thought to behave like a liquid microscopically. Therefore, it was expected that molecular gels containing an electrolyte function as a new type of ionic conductors and that molecular gels having a redox moiety function as a new type of potential electrochromic materials with dimensional stability. The cell with the TSATAftenzonitrile gel containing tetrabutylammonium perchlorate as an electrolyte sandwitched between an indium-tin-oxide (ITO)coated glass as a working electrode and a glass substrate with a platinum wire as a counter electrode exhibited a reversible clear color change on electrochemical oxidation and reduction, turning green and colorless when +3 V and -3 V , respectively, were applied to the ITO electrode. The electronic absorption spectrum of the anodically oxidized, green-colored gel shows a new absorption band with at 800 nm attributable to the TSATA radical cation, which disappears on electrochemical reduction/ * Thus, the TSATA molecular gels function as potential electrochromic materials. Compared with a composite electrochromic system consisting of polymer gels, supporting electrolyte, and ar electrochromic compound, the TSATA molecular gels have an advantage that * diffusion of the electrochromic chromophore takes place as it is immobilized by covalent bonds. 25

In Chromogenic Phenomena in Polymers; Jenekhe, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

181 2-2. Electrochromic Polymers Containing Pendant Oligothiophenes Electrically conducting polymers such as polypyrrole, polythiophene, and polyisothianaphthene have received attention as potential electrochromic materials, since they undergo reversible color changes on electrochemical doping and dedoping/ ' * Recently, new electrochromic polymers have been reported, which include poly(3,4-alkylenedioxythiophene)s, poly{2,7-bis[2,2'-(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophenyl)]-Al -alkylcarbazole}, and poly(3,4-propylenedioxypyrrole), electrolytically polymerized acenaphthofluoranthene. As a part of our studies on the synthesis, properties, and applications of oligothiophenes with well-defined structures/ " * we have designed and synthesized a new class of vinyl and methacrylate polymers containing pendant oligothiophenes of varying conjugation lengths. Non-conjugated polymers containing pendant oligothiophenes are expected to have good processability and to show properties characteristics of oligothiophenes. They constitute a new class of electrochromic materials/ " * 29 32

(333 5 )



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(a) Vinyl Polymers Containing Pendant Oligothiophenes A novel family of electrochemically-doped vinyl polymers containing α,α'oligothiophenes with various conjugation lengths, ρο^(5-ν^1-2,2':5',2"terthiohene) (PV3T), poly(5-vinyl-2,2 :5 ,2":5",2 -quaterthiohene) (PV4T), poly(^3 -choctyl-5-vinyl-2,2^ and poly(4^3 "-dioctyl-5-vinyl-2,2 :5^2 :5 ,2 :5 ,2 :5 ,2-sexiterthiohene) (PVDOcoT), have been designed and synthesized by the electrochemical polymerization of the corresponding vinyl monomers in the presence of tetran-butylammonium perchrolate in solution/ * The electrochemically-doped polymers, which were obtained as deep-colored, smooth and lustrous films on the surface of the electrode, have been identified as radical-cation salts of the pendant oligothiophenes with C10 " as a dopant. The doped polymers are partially cross-linked due to the coupling reaction of the pendant oligothiophene radical cations. The degree of cross-linking decreased with increasing conjugation length of the pendant oligothiophenes/ * The occurrence of cross-linking is indispensable for making the polymer film insoluble in solvents. The thin lustrous film of electrochemically-doped PV3T obtained by electrolytic polymerization of the corresponding vinyl monomer was found to undergo reversible clear color changes from bluish purple to pale yellow and vice versa on electrochemical dedoping and doping. The color switched from green to pale yellow and vice versa for the films of PV4T, PVDOcST and PVDOc6T/ * ,
















In Chromogenic Phenomena in Polymers; Jenekhe, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

182 -(-CH-CH )2

-(-CH-CH )2

-(-CH-CH )-

-f-CH-CH )~



^C H

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(b) Methacrylate Polymers Containing Pendant Oligothiophenes and Copolymers with Methacrylate Containing an Oligo(ethyleneoxide) Moiety In order to synthesize high molecular-weight neutral polymers that permit the formation of uniform films by either spin coating or solvent casting, we have synthesized a series of new methacrylate polymers containing oligothiophenes of varying conjugation lengths, poly[(2,2:5',2"-terthiohene-5yl)methyl methacrylate (PMA3T), poly[3,3 -dioctyl-2,2 :5 ,2":5 ,2 quaterthiophen-5-yl)methyl methacrylate! (PMADOc4T), poly[(4 ,3" -dioctyl2,2 :5^2":5^2 :5 ,2 -quinquethiohen-5-yl)methyl methacrylate] (PMADOcST), and poly[(4 ,3 - d i o ^ l - M ^ " * ^ ^ ^ ,


















In Chromogenic Phenomena in Polymers; Jenekhe, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.


183 methyl methacrylate] (PMAD0e6T), by free radical polymerization of the corresponding new monomers. The resulting polymers with Mws from 57,000 to 67,000 are soluble in benzene, THF, and dichloromethane, forming transparent uniform amorphous films by spin coating and solvent casting/ * Reversible clear color changes from yellowish orange to purple, from orange to blue, and from orange to intense blue took place on electrochemical doping and dedoping of PMA3T, PMADOc4T, and PMADOcnT (n = 5, 6), respectively/ * It was expected that the electrochromic response time can be improved by enhancing ion transport in polymer films and that the incorporation of a polar and flexible group such as oligo(ethyleneoxide) into the polymer enhances ion transport in polymer films. Based on this concept, we have designed and synthesized novel copolymers containing pendant terthiophene and o!igo(ethy leneoxide) moieties, poly {(2,2':5',2"-terthiophen-5-yl)methyl methacrylate-co-a-ethoxy-œ-methacryloyl-oligo(ethyleneoxide)] (poly(MA3Tco-MAEO))/ * 5135

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fcH-CH2-0VcHCH 2




Novel methacrylate copolymers containing pendant terthiophene and oligo(ethyleneoxide) moieties, poly(MA3T-co-MAEO) with 80 / 20 and 60 / 40 mole fraction (MA3T / MAEO), were prepared by radical copolymerization of the corresponding monomers. Poly(MA3T-co-MAEO) copolymer films exhibited reversible, clear color change from yellowish orange to purple and vice versa on electrochemical doping and dedoping. Table I lists the response times for the color change on doping and dedoping of PMA3T and poly(MA3T-coMAEO) films. It was found that the response time decreased with increasing fraction of an oligo(ethyleneoxide) moiety. The improvement of

In Chromogenic Phenomena in Polymers; Jenekhe, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.


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electrochromic response time for the methacrylate copolymers relative to the homopolymer is ascribed to the improved ion-transporting properties of the copolymer films. These results show that the incorporation of a polar and flexible group such as oligo(ethyleneoxide) into the electroactive polymer by copolymerization is an effective approach for improving electrochromic response time.

Table I. Response Time for Electrochemical Doping and Dedoping of Methacrylate Homo- and Copolymers, PMA3T and Poly(MA3T-co-MAEO) „ . Response Time/s Polymer film —: r——: Doping Dedoping PMA3T 1.2 1.2 poly(MA3T-co-MAEO) 80 / 20 0.7 1.0 poly (MA3T-CO-MAEO) 60 / 40 06 08 The response time was defined as the time required for an absorbance change of 90% at the wavelength of the absorption maximum (550 nm) of terthiophene radical cation. a




Conclusions Two novel classes of photochromic amorphous molecular materials based on azobenzene and dithienylethene have been created. Photochromic behavior of these materials in solution and as amorphous films has been elucidated. These photochromic amorphous molecular materials based on azobenzene and dithienylethene have found applications for SRG formation and dual image formation, respectively. Novel molecular gels and a new class of vinyl and methacrylate polymers containing pendant oligothiophenes of varying conjugation lengths have been developed. These materials undergo reversible, clear color changes on electrochemical oxidation and reduction, constituting novel classes of potential electrochromic materials.

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In Chromogenic Phenomena in Polymers; Jenekhe, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

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In Chromogenic Phenomena in Polymers; Jenekhe, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.