Synthetic Entries to Substituted Bicyclic Pyridones - Organic Letters

Nov 14, 2007 - School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TS, U.K., and GlaxoSmithKline, New Frontiers Science Park, Third Avenue, Harl...
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Synthetic Entries to Substituted Bicyclic Pyridones

2007 Vol. 9, No. 25 5175-5178

Dachen Cheng,† Laura Croft,† Muna Abdi,† Andrew Lightfoot,‡ and Timothy Gallagher*,† School of Chemistry, UniVersity of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TS, U.K., and GlaxoSmithKline, New Frontiers Science Park, Third AVenue, Harlow, CM19 5AW, U.K. [email protected] Received July 17, 2007


The synthesis of 6,6- and 5,6-bicyclic pyridone scaffolds has been completed using (i) an intramolecular Mitsunobu reaction and/or (ii) hydrolysis of a bicyclic pyridinium salt intermediate. Regioselective functionalization of the pyridone ring has been achieved via either direct lithiation or use of the “halogen dance” reaction. Suzuki coupling then allows introduction of aryl units at C(7)/C(9) or C(8) onto the bicyclic pyridone scaffold at either an early or late stage in the synthetic sequence. Suzuki couplings involving iodopyridinium intermediates are particularly effective.

Bicyclic pyridones 1 are of general interest within medicinal chemistry, and a series of substituted variants of 1 (n ) 1,2) have been reported as a basis for analgesics and antiinflammatory agents.1 Published methods for the synthesis of bicyclic pyridones 1 (n ) 1,2) are based on three approaches: the cyclocondensation of ketenaminals,2 the addition of diamines to cyanobutenoic esters,1a,b and the addition of diamines to halo-1 or thiomethylpyridones.3

However, the range of variation available using these strategies is restricted as the diversity (i.e., substitution † ‡

University of Bristol. GlaxoSmithKline.

10.1021/ol701689z CCC: $37.00 Published on Web 11/14/2007

© 2007 American Chemical Society

pattern) is set very early in the synthetic sequence. This, in turn, places limitations on the flexibility and subsequent applications of this chemistry. In this paper, we report two strategies for the synthesis of the 5,6- and 6,6-ring bicyclic pyridones 2a/b and 3a/b. The introduction and exploitation of flexible functional groups (such as boronic acid or iodide) within these scaffolds is exemplified using the 6,6-ring system 2a, and an ability to (1) (a) Kazuo, K.; Noriki, I.; Isao, S.; Yasuo, I.; Hiroshige, H.; Masuo, M. US 4186200, 1978. (b) Frohn, M.J.; Hong, F.-T.; Liu, L.; Lopez, P.; Siegmund, A.C.; Tadesse, S.; Tamayo, N. WO 2005070932, 2005. (c) Alonso-Alija, C.; Michels, M.; Schirok, H.; Schlemmer, K.-H.; Dodd, S.; Fitzgerald, M.; Bell, J.; Gill, A. WO 2003053967, 2003. (2) (a) Huang, Z. T.; Liu, Z. R. Heterocycles 1986, 24, 2247-2254. (b) Huang, Z. T.; Wang, M. X. J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1 1993, 10851090. (c) Zhao, M. X.; Wang, M. X.; Huang, Z. T. Tetrahedron 2002, 58, 1309-1316. (d) Jones, R. C. F.; Smallridge, M. J. Tetrahedron Lett. 1988, 29, 5005-5008. (e) Jones, R. C. F.; Patel, P.; Hirst, S. C.; Smallridge, M. J. Tetrahedron 1998, 54, 6191-6200. (f) Shiokawa, K.; Tsuboi, S.; Sasaki, S.; Moriya, K.; Hattori, Y.; Shibuya, K. EP 296453, 1988. (3) Hehemann, D. G.; Winnik, W. J. Heterocycl. Chem. 1994, 31, 393396.

achieve aryl substitution at C(7), C(8), or C(9) is demonstrated. Our route to the 6,6-pyridone (1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-6Hpyrido[1,2-a]pyrimidin-6-one) 2a began with 2,6-difluoropyridine 5 which underwent nucleophilic substitution with 3-amino-1-propanol to provide 6 in 95% yield. Hydrolysis of 6 (0.1 M HCl, 140 °C, microwave irradiation) gave 7 in 55% yield along with 15% of the final target 2a;4 the intermediate pyridone 7 could be cyclized to 2a under Mitsunobu cyclodehydration conditions5 in 83% yield (Scheme 1).

Scheme 1.

Synthesis of Pyridones 2a/b, 3a/b, and 4b

Mitsunobu Route to Bicyclic Pyridone 2a

The scale associated with the chemistry shown in Scheme 1 was limited by the necessity for microwave irradiation (6f7) so a more efficient route was required. The key feature here was incorporation of a suitable leaving group on the aminoalcohol side arm to enable facile cyclization. After screening a variety of leaving groups and conditions, a onepot procedure was identified (Scheme 2). This new methodology was also applicable to the N-benzyl and corresponding 5,6-variants 2b and 3a/b, respectively. Aminoalcohol 6 was mesylated then cyclized (THF, reflux) to give the pyridinium salt 13 (R ) H) as an isolable species. This reaction was readily monitored by 1H NMR, and the intermediacy of 13 was confirmed (see Supporting Information). Mild basic hydrolysis gave 2a in 85% yield. Having established a more efficient method for generation of 2a, the scope of this chemistry has been extended to the related 5,6-ring system represented by 3a/b. 2,3-Dihydro-1H-imidazo[1,2-a]pyridin-5-one 3a was prepared from 2,6-difluoropyridine 5 by nucleophilic substitution with ethanolamine (to give 8) followed by mesylation and cyclization as described for 2a. Mild hydrolysis (NaHCO3) of 14 (R ) H) failed; however, aqueous NaOH (6 equiv, rt) converted 14 (R ) H) to 3a in 88% overall yield. Pyridone 3a was unstable toward silica gel, but the efficiency of the hydrolysis procedure allowed 3a to be isolated without recourse to chromatography. (4) The primary chloride corresponding to 6 was isolated in 5% yield using a shorter reaction time (15 min), and it was then shown that this chloride cyclizes to give 2a under the microwave reaction conditions used. 5176

Scheme 2.

The N-benzyl variants 2b and 3b have also been prepared. Reaction of 2,6-difluoropyridine 5 with N-benzyl ethanolamine and N-benzyl 3-aminopropan-1-ol gave the N-benzylated adducts 9 and 10 in 81 and 87% yields, respectively. Subsequent O-mesylation and cyclization gave 3b and 2b in 86 and 90% overall yields, respectively. N-Benzyl pyridone 3b, the structure of which was confirmed by X-ray crystallography (see Supporting Information), was more stable than 3a under the reaction conditions used and in terms of its “shelf stability”. An entry to the 7,6-ring bicyclic pyridone (2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-pyrido[1,2-a][1,3]diazepin-7-one) 4a/b has also been evaluated. Mesylation of 11 (obtained in 83% yield from 5 and 4-aminobutan-1-ol) led, after hydrolysis, to the pyrrolidine adduct 156 as the only characterizable product in 35% yield, and a similar outcome was observed with the N-benzyl derivative 12.7 However, use of strongly acidic conditions (conc HCl, heating) did convert 12 to a separable mixture of 15 and the desired 4b in 22 and 5% yields, respectively. Attempts to improve the yield of 4b have not been successful, (5) Weissman, S. A.; Lewis, S.; Askin, D.; Volante, R. P.; Reider, P. J. Tetrahedron Lett. 1998, 39, 7459-7462. (6) Following mesylation of 12 and heating in THF, the formation of the quaternary pyrrolidine salt shown in Scheme 2 was observed by 1H NMR but was not fully characterized. Debenzylation of this intermediate occurred on treatment with NaOH, and the apparently facile nature of this step may be associated with the enhanced leaving group ability of a 2-aminopyridine. The structure of 15 was confirmed by an alternative synthesis by reaction of 5 with pyrrolidine. See Supporting Information. (7) Even under forcing conditions, we have not observed N-mesylation of 11 which limits our ability to deactivate the exo-amino function.

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and when these acidic conditions were applied to the unsubstituted variant 11, quantitative conversion to pyrrolidine 15 took place. The inability to generate efficiently the 6,7-scaffold (as in 4b) represents a current limitation of this chemistry. An ability to incorporate, for example, aryl substituents onto the pyridine core was another objective, and this is illustrated for derivatives of pyridone 2a. The capacity for fluorine to act as a directing group in orthometalation reactions has been used to introduce electrophiles regioselectively at the C(3) position of 2,6-difluoropyridine.8 Deprotonation of 5 (LDA, -78 °C) followed by addition of trimethyl borate and basic hydrolysis provided boronic acid 169 which gave the Suzuki adducts 17a and 17b. Aryl-substituted fluoropyridines 17a and 17b reacted with 3-amino-1-propanol giving 18a and 18b in 63 and 83% yield, respectively.10 The one-pot cyclization conditions described previously were applied to 18a and 18b leading to aryl-substituted pyridones 19a and 19b in good yields (Scheme 3).

Scheme 3.

Scheme 4.

Approaches to Iodinated Pyridone Isomers

Synthesis of C(7)-Arylated Variants

C(4) variant 21 (Scheme 4).12 Exposure of 21 to 3-aminopropan-1-ol followed by mesylation and cyclization gave pyridinium salt 22 in 95% yield. In this case, it was necessary to use methanol (rather than THF) to achieve the cyclization

Scheme 5.

Suzuki Couplings Based on Pyridinium Substrates

There are some limitations to this functionalization strategy: (i) substitution is limited to C(7), and (ii) the aryl substituent is still introduced at a relatively early stage. In order to address these issues, 3-iodo-2,6-difluoropyridine 2011 was employed. This was readily prepared by lithiation and iodination of 5, and furthermore, 20 underwent clean isomerization (under “halogen dance” conditions11) to give the (8) For reviews of regioselective lithiation of pyridines, see: (a) Que´guiner, G.; Marais, F.; Snieckus, V.; Epsztajn, J. AdV. Heterocycl. Chem. 1991, 52, 187-304. (b) Mongin, F.; Que´guiner, G. Tetrahedron 2001, 57, 4059-4090. (9) Altenbach, R. J.; Black, L. A.; Chang, S.-J.; Cowart, M. D.; Faghih, R.; Gfesser, G. A.; Ku, Y.-Y.; Liu, H.; Lukin, K. A.; Nersesian, D. L.; Pu, Y.-M.; Sharma, P. N.; Bennani, Y. L. WO 2004043458, 2004. (10) Reaction of 16 with 4-iodopyridine gave the corresponding 3-(4pyridyl) adduct in 93% yield. Nucleophilic displacements on 2,6-difluoropyridine 3-carboxylates have been studied (Hirokawa, Y.; Horikawa, T.; Kato, S. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2000, 48, 1847-1853). In our hands, nucleophilic substitution of 17 shows only moderate regioselectivity (82:1) depending on the nature of the aryl moiety. In the case of 17a, the minor (of a 2:1 mixture) regioisomer (not shown) was converted to the corresponding C(9)-arylated bicyclic pyridone using the same methodology. See Supporting Information. (11) Schlosser, M.; Rausis, T. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2004, 1018-1024.

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step. Pyridinium 22 has other important applications (see below) but also underwent facile hydrolysis to give the target 8-iodopyridone 23. The 3-iodo isomer 20 also underwent nucleophilic displacement with 3-aminopropan-1-ol, leading to regioisomeric adducts, the ratio of which varied between 2 and 8:1 depending on the solvent used (see Supporting Information). These were separable, and each was carried through to give pyridinium salts 24 and 25 in 86 and 9% yields, respectively, using dichloromethane as solvent for the initial nucleophilic displacement. Hydrolysis of 24 (aq NaOH, 55 °C) gave 26 in moderate yield, but deiodination (to give 2a) also occurred. When these hydrolysis conditions were applied to 25, only deiodination was observed. Loss of the iodo function from 24/25 clearly complicates this approach, but the intermediate iodopyridinium species (22, 24, and 25) proved themselves to be excellent substrates for Suzuki coupling. In fact, using these pyridinium salts, we achieved both Suzuki coupling and hydrolysis to liberate the target pyridones 19a and 27-33 in a “one-pot” operation (Scheme 5). The structure of adduct 31 was confirmed by X-ray crystallographic analysis (see Supporting Information). (12) Regioisomeric iodopyridines 20 and 21 show significant volatility and care must be taken during work-up and purification.


In summary, we have developed efficient synthetic entries to bicyclic pyridones 2a and 3a and the corresponding N-benzylated variants 2b and 3b. Attempts to extend this to a larger ring system (as in 4a/b) suffered because of the preference for 5- rather than 7-ring formation leading to 15 with 4b only being obtained in very low yield. Strategies for the incorporation of additional (aryl) substituents onto these heterocyclic scaffolds at either an early or (preferably) late stage in the synthetic sequence have been evaluated. The use of iodinated substrates and Suzuki coupling is effective, and for these purposes, the use of the intermediate pyridinium species (as shown in Scheme 5) is particularly appropriate by avoiding the need to use sensitive iodinated pyridones. Acknowledgment. Financial support from GSK, University of Bristol, and EPSRC is gratefully acknowledged. Supporting Information Available: Complete experimental details, including crystallographic data for 3b and 31, and spectroscopic data for new compounds synthesized. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at OL701689Z

Org. Lett., Vol. 9, No. 25, 2007