Synthetic nitrate plant in Holland - Journal of Chemical Education

Synthetic nitrate plant in Holland. J. Chem. Educ. , 1928, 5 (11), p 1443. DOI: 10.1021/ed005p1443. Publication Date: November 1928 ...
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VOL.5, No. 11



Smthetic Nitrate Plant in Holland. The Netherlands are t o have their synthetic nitrat; plant as an adjunct t o the Koninkijkle Nederlandsche Hoogovens en ~ t a a l f a briek, according t o the Department of Commerce. The addition of a nitrogen plant to thew iron and stecl works in Ijrnuiden, Sethcrlands, hy the Koninkijlile Sederlandsche Iloo~uvensen Staalfabriek, will constitute the first factory for the manufacture of artikial nitrates in the country, according t o a report from Consul Pattie H. Field. The work is expected t o begin immediately, under a separate corporation which is t o be created for the administration of the new industry. The new factory will he equipped t o manufacture ammonia by separating hydrogen fmm coke oven gas and wmhining this synthetically with nitrogen from the air, thus making possible a large production of artificial fertilizer, which commodity has hitherto been imported from Germany and Chile.-Chem. Markets, 23,212 (Aug., 1928).