Syphon and the potential energy diagrams - Journal of Chemical

Pollution, health effects, and biological function. Journal of Chemical Education. Leh and Chan. 1973 50 (4), p 246. Abstract: Reviews the role of sul...
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Syphon and the Potential Energy Diagrams Thew is a very helpiul qualrlaliw analog). hetwern syphon and the potenrial energ\ diagram ss shown below. The fltlid will nut stan tlowing traction will not start, tmm the higher \essrl f h m the reactamst to rhe lnwcr w s r d (to the products) unless enough energy -~ has been provided so that it can surmount the barrier h r ( E r ) from which spontsnews~flowoccurs. The analogy as well demonstrates that the greater the difference between the heights hf the two vessels (between the energy levels of the readants and the products) the faster the flow (the reaction), and the smaller this difference the closer to the reversibility it would be. M. N. Sarbolouki Water Services of America, Inc. 7552 North Teutonia Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53209

Volume 50. Number 4, April 1973
