Systematic Theoretical Study of Ethylene Adsorption on δ‑MoC(001), TiC(001), and ZrC(001) Surfaces Carlos Jimenez-Orozco,† Elizabeth Florez,‡ Andres Moreno,† Ping Liu,§ and José A. Rodriguez*,§ †
Química de Recursos Energéticos y Medio Ambiente, Instituto de Química, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Antioquia UdeA, Calle 70 No. 52-21, Medellín, Colombia ‡ Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad de Medellín, Carrera 87 No 30-65, Medellín, Colombia § Chemistry Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973, United States S Supporting Information *
ABSTRACT: A systematic study of ethylene adsorption over δMoC(001), TiC(001), and ZrC(001) surfaces was conducted by means of calculations based on periodic density functional theory. The structure and electronic properties of each carbide pristine surface had a strong influence in the bonding of ethylene. It was found that the metal and carbon sites of the carbide could participate in the adsorption process. As a consequence of this, very different bonding mechanisms were seen on δMoC(001) and TiC(001). The bonding of the molecule on the TMC(001) systems showed only minor similarities to the type of bonding found on a typical metal like Pt(111). In general, the ethylene binding energy follow the trend in stability: ZrC(001) < TiC(001) < δMoC(001) < Pt(111). The van der Waals correction to the energy produces large binding energy values, modifies the stability orders and drives the ethylene closer to the surface but the adsorbate geometry parameters remain unchanged. Ethylene was activated on clearly defined binding geometries, changing its hybridization from sp2 to sp3 with an elongation (0.16−0.31 Å) of the CC bond. On the basis of this theoretical study, δ-MoC(001) is proposed as a potential catalyst for the hydrogenation of olefins, whereas TiC(001) could be useful for their hydrogenolysis.
1. INTRODUCTION Ethylene (C2H4) is a basic building block for the chemical industry and is the largest volume organic chemical produced worldwide. It is commonly used as a benchmark compound in studies of olefin chemistry. The hydrogenation (HYD) reactions of ethylene and other olefins are of primary importance for the production of chemical feedstocks and goods of high commercial value such as solvents, adhesives, nylon derivatives, belts, plasticizers, fibers, resins, food wrap, among others. Due to its good performance in terms of activity, selectivity and stability, the most studied catalysts for olefin hydrogenation reactions are based on transition metals. The metals generally used for HYD reactions are those of the Pt-group, in addition to Co, Mo, and W. From them, the elements which give better results are those of the Pt group, due to their superior HYD activity, selectivity, and stability.1 However, there are two drawbacks concerning the use of Pt-group metals. First, there is a growing demand of clean fuels and products from the petrochemical industry, which implies the use of large amounts of Pt-group metals. This is nonsustainable in the long term, because the relative abundance of these noble metals in the Earth crust is very low.2 Second, some hydrocarbon fractions in petroleum refining contain sulfur compounds, which are a poison to Pt-group metal based catalysts deactivating them.3 © XXXX American Chemical Society
For these reasons, it is important to search materials alternative to Pt-group metals but with similar catalytic performance. Levy and Boudart4 reported a landmark work, where it was shown that tungsten carbide (WC) has a Pt-like catalytic behavior for several HYD reactions. The use of transition metal carbides (TMCs) in HYD reactions has mainly two advantages respect to Pt-group metals: (1) TMCs are composed with elements more abundant in the Earth crust, leading to a lower cost in commercial markets; and (2) TMCs are much more sulfur resistant than regular metals.3 The TMCs proposed as alternative catalysts to Pt-group metals are composed with metals of the groups 4−6 of the Periodic Table (known as early TMCs).5 The performance of early TMCs as catalyst has been reported for several HYD reactions, including the transformation of CO2 into methane or methanol,6,7 the hydrodesulfurization of sulfur compounds like thiophene,8 and the hydrogenation of aromatic compounds such as benzene,9 toluene,10 cumene,3 and naphthalene.11 Also, in the production of hydrogen through the water gas shift reaction, electrocatalysis or steam reforming, the TMCs have shown good catalytic potential.12−14 Furthermore, the use of Received: March 25, 2016 Revised: May 26, 2016
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Figure 1. Charge isosurface (0.05 e/Å3) for pristine surfaces, top view. Blue and yellow represent regions where charge density was earned (C) and lost (metal), respectively, after the carbide formation. QM: Mulliken charge for M atoms.
structure, the (001) surface was created by means of the slab surface model, including a vacuum of more than 10 Å between the interlayered slabs arising from periodic symmetry along the direction perpendicular to the surface. The supercell considered was (2 × 2), with dimensions a = b = 8.721 Å, c = 24 Å for δMoC(001), a = b = 8.659 Å, c = 24 Å for TiC(001) and a = b = 9.415 Å, c = 24 Å for ZrC(001). The optimized bond lengths for the isolated ethylene molecule (C−C = 1.33 Å and C−H = 1.09 Å) are very close to those observed in experimental studies.26,27 As a benchmark, a Pt(111) surface was used. The calculated cell parameter was 4.00 Å, with an error of 2% respect to the experimental value. The supercell considered was (3 × 3) with dimensions a = b = 8.496 Å and c = 24 Å, including a vacuum of more than 10 Å between the interlayered slabs arising from periodic symmetry along the direction perpendicular to the surface. Four layer slabs (for both TMC(001) and Pt(111) systems) were used with the two outermost layers relaxed while the two inner layers were kept fixed to represent the bulk.19−21,28−30 The grid of special k-points used for the numerical integration in the Brillouin zone were automatically selected by means of the Monkhorst−Pack scheme.25 Enough k-points (3 × 3 × 1) were chosen to make sure that there was no significant change in the calculated energies when a larger number of k-points was used. In several of the calculations, a van der Waals (vdW) correction to the electronic energy was used for the adsorption on the TMC(001) surfaces as implemented in CASTEP version 5.5. This kind of vdW correction has been reported to be useful for describing dispersive forces in methane31 and CO26 adsorption over the δ-MoC(001) surface. For ethylene adsorption over δ-MoC(001) and ZrC(001) surfaces the dispersion correction implemented within Grimme32 was used because for the Tkatchenko−Scheffler (TS) approach33 Mo and Zr are not parametrized in CASTEP. For the TiC(001) surface both Grimme and TS were used. For the Pt(111) surface, the vdW correction was not included because it was not implemented in the CASTEP version used for the calculations. The notation used hereon for calculations using the Grimme dispersion correction is DFT+vdW. The adsorption energy (Eads) was calculated:
TMCs have been reported for ethane hydrogenolysis to form methane,15 ethylene decomposition into C and H2,16 and ethylene hydrogenation.17,18 To optimize the activity of TMCs in the HYD of olefins, one needs a better understanding of how the carbides bind ethylene and similar compounds at a molecular level. Ethylene is the smallest unsaturated hydrocarbon and can be useful as a probe molecule to study the activity of TMCs in HYD reactions. The purpose of this work is to analyze systematically the interaction of ethylene over δ-MoC(001), TiC(001), and ZrC(001) surfaces to evaluate their activity and establish their catalytic potential for the HYD of unsaturated hydrocarbons. The (001) surface of TMCs have been reported as stable and have also shown good potential in catalysis;6,19−21 therefore, this surface is chosen to investigate the ethylene binding. This work focuses in an extensive evaluation of several sites for ethylene adsorption using periodic density functional theory as a useful tool to scrutinize the behavior of each TMC(001) surface. To the best of our knowledge, no previous theoretical work has addressed the bonding of ethylene on TMCs substrates. An important issue is the role played by metal and carbon sites of a carbide surface in the bonding of olefin. The presence of surface carbon sites opens the possibility for modes of adsorption not seen on metal surfaces.
2. METHODOLOGY AND COMPUTATIONAL DETAILS Calculations based on periodic density functional theory (DFT) were carried out using the Cambridge Serial Total Energy Package (CASTEP), version 5.5.22 Exchange−correlation effects have been accounted by means of the Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA) using PBE (Purdew−Burke− Ernzerhof) functional23 as implemented in CASTEP. Ultrasoft pseudopotentials were used to describe the ionic cores.24 The PBE pseudopotentials in CASTEP involves valence electrons 2s22p2, 4s24p64d55s1, 3s23p63d24s2, and 4s24p64d25s2 for C, Mo, Ti, and Zr atoms, respectively. The valence electrons were expanded in a plane-wave basis set whose associated kinetic energy do not exceed 350 eV cutoff energy. A grid of special k-points was used for the numerical integration in the Brillouin zone, which were automatically selected by means of the Monkhorst−Pack scheme.25 The electronic relaxation was considered converged when the total energy in subsequent iterations varied by less than 2 × 10−5 eV and the interatomic forces were lower than 0.05 eV/Å. Bulk structures were optimized using a 5 × 5 × 5 k-points mesh, obtaining the respective cell parameters, which had an error TiC(001) (0.90 eV) = ZrC(001) (0.90 eV). The surface distortion after C2H4 bonding in π-C mode had an energy cost that was compensated by bonding of the molecule to the Csurface atom. The δ-MoC(001) surface requires more energy to be modified, however, the net adsorption energy on this surface leads to a stable structure weakly bonded (Table 2), which becomes a chemisorbed state after vdW correction. On the TiC(001) and ZrC(001) surfaces, the energy required to deform the surface was lower and the inclusion of vdW forces leads to a weak physisorption. This could be related to the extent of the charge polarization in the Csurface atoms (Figure 1),
and ZrC(001) (see Tables S1 and S3, SI) and the second most stable one on TiC(001) (Table S2, SI) and Pt(111). The π-M adsorption on TMC(001) have a similar geometry to that seen on Pt(111), see Figures 2 and 5. The Mulliken charges for ethylene adsorbed via π-M mode on Pt(111), δ-MoC(001), TiC(001), and ZrC(001) surfaces were −0.46e, −0.45e, −0.38e, and −0.39e, respectively. This suggests that ethylene bonding to the TMC(001) surfaces has a minor ionic contribution in the adsorption via π-M mode, which is observed in the charge density difference (CDD) analysis (see Figure 6), where the ionic contribution decreases following the trend: δ-MoC(001) > TiC(001) > ZrC(001) (blue regions in between ethylene and surface), which is also related to the extent of the binding energy of C2H4 on these surfaces. Among the TMC(001) studied, the δ-MoC(001) has the most Pt(111)-like behavior in the adsorption of ethylene via a π-M mode. The bonding of olefins to metals is usually described by means of the Dewar−Chatt−Duncanson (D-C-D) mechanism, based on a molecular orbital bond description.44,45 This model suggests that bonding between an olefin and a metal forms a triangle C-M-C. For the bonding, there is an electron transfer from the ethylene π-orbital (HOMO) to the metal, together with a back-donation from d-orbitals of the metal to an empty ethylene π*-antibonding orbital (LUMO). Hence, the ethylene C−C bond is weakened, together with the elongated C−C bond length (Figure 2). This effect is clearly seen on Pt(111), however, the adsorption on the TMC(001) surfaces in π-M mode is rather weak and does not change the geometry parameters of the ethylene in gas phase (i.e., ethylene is not activated, see Tables S1−S3, SI). With respect to the atoms in Pt(111) and other metal surfaces, every M atom on the TMC(001) surfaces is surrounded by four C atoms (Figure 1) and is oxidized due to a net charge transfer toward C (see QM in Figure 1). The Mδ+ centers in a carbide are not capable of effective electron donation into the ethylene π*-antibonding orbital and, therefore, the molecule cannot be activated. 3.2.2. Lack of Stability of di-σ-MM Mode on the Carbide Surfaces. The adsorption of ethylene in the di-σ-MM mode produced the most stable structure on Pt(111), substantially activating the adsorbate, with a C−C bond length increase from F
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Figure 8. Ethylene adsorption on δ-MoC(001) surface via σ-C mode. a) Geometry obtained, top and side view, b) CDD plotted from -0.1 (blue) to 0.1 (red) e/Å3; C-C, ethylene bond length.
Figure 9. Stable structures for ethylene adsorption on δ-MoC(001) with H atoms pointing toward the surface. DFT+vdW results. Top: top and side view. Bottom: charge isosurface, 0.05e/Å3. C−C: adsorbed ethylene bond length.
where there is “an excess” of negative charge in TiC(001) and ZrC(001) but the “right” charge in δ-MoC(001), in terms of the Sabatier’s principle. 3.3.2. Bonding in di-σ-CC Mode on TiC(001) and σ-C Mode on δ-MoC(001). The most stable structure for ethylene adsorption in a di-σ-CC mode was obtained on TiC(001) surface, with a binding energy of −0.45 eV, which increases to −1.00 eV after adding the vdW contribution (see Table 2). Additionally, this adsorption produces a remarkable increase in C−C bond length from 1.33 to 1.64 Å, a change of sp2 hybridization geometry (Figure 7a) and a closer approach to two surface carbon atoms (every C−Csurface = 1.58 Å, DFT +vdW) at a distance close to a single C−C bond. It is worth to mention that adsorption via di-σ-CC and σ-C modes did not induce to surface distortion. Contrary to the adsorption in π-M and π-C modes, in the diσ-CC bonding mode, the bonding of ethylene has mainly a covalent contribution. As shown in the CDD analysis (Figure 7a, red zones in between ethylene and surface), every Cethylene atom forms a covalent bond with a Csurface, leading to a very stable structure and a modified electronic structure of the ethylene after adsorption. The formation of a covalent Cethylene−Csurface bond involves sharing of electrons between both carbon atoms, weakening the ethylene C−C bond with the C−C bond length going from 1.33 to 1.64 Å, which is a bond length even higher than the single C−C bond in ethane (1.53 Å). This behavior suggests that the TiC(001) surface
could be a good candidate in hydrogenolysis reactions rather than in hydrogenation reactions.28 For the adsorption on TMC(001) via σ-C mode, the most stable structure obtained was on δ-MoC(001), see Table 2 and Figure 8. After considering vdW contributions, the binding energy shifted into a chemisorption on δ-MoC(001) and into weak physisorption on the ZrC(001) surface. This is related to the “right” charge amount on the Csurface atoms in the pristine δMoC(001) surface (Figure 1). 3.4. Ethylene Adsorption with Hydrogen Atoms Directed toward the Carbide Surface. In all the adsorption modes considered until this point, both the ethylene C−C and C−H bond axes were parallel to the surface. However, after evaluating some modes with H atoms pointing toward the surface (H-down1 configuration, see Figure 3), some stable adsorption structures were obtained, where the distance Hsurface was >2.5 Å in all cases. This kind of adsorption on Pt(111) was not stable (Table 2) and the ethylene was not activated. On the carbide surfaces, these adsorptions were more stable on δ-MoC(001) with six stable structures energy degenerated (from −1.08 to −0.99 eV). For plain DFT, this kind of adsorption was as favorable as the structure obtained via the π-M mode (−0.53 eV in both cases). However, this energy degeneracy was lost after DFT +vdW inclusion (see Table S1, SI). In contrast, on TiC(001) and ZrC(001) these adsorption structures were not stable using plain DFT and DFT+vdW only shifts the energy into a weak G
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comparison with other early TMC(001) systems,20 which is an advantage in terms of avoiding surface deactivation in oxidizing atmospheres. For hydrogenation reactions, molybdenum carbide has been extensively reported as a good catalyst.3,10−12,49,50 There are several crystal phases of molybdenum carbide,51 but the most applied in catalysis are α-Mo2C (hexagonal)3,52−54 and β-Mo2C (orthorhombic).6,55,56 Interestingly, the activity, stability, and selectivity are a function of the crystal structure.54,57,58 For example, for the hydrogenation of CO2 on MoC and Mo2C, the catalytic activity and selectivity toward methanol formation depends strongly on the metal/ carbon ratio in the carbide.6,57,58 Our work is the first step in an effort for the application of δ-MoC in hydrogenation reactions of olefins. The ZrC(001) surface did not present stable structures for ethylene adsorption, which was improved using DFT+vdW. However, the extent of the binding energies values is low yet, therefore limiting its capability as a catalyst for the conversion of olefins. This drawback could be overcome using ZrC(001) as support of metals like Au, similarly as reported for TiC(001), where its performance was improved after depositing Au, showing good results for hydrogen dissociation reactions,46 CO oxidation, SO2 destruction, and thiophene hydrodesulfurization.47 Ethylene adsorption on TiC(001) led to an elongation of the C−C bond length (1.64 Å) even beyond the bond distance of free ethane (1.53 Å). The use of TiC(001) could favor the C− C bond dissociation, which is an advantage in hydrogenolysis reactions, suggesting that not only ethane (used for these kind of reactions48), but ethylene, could be used in hydrogenolysis reactions. This could also serve as a basis to further treat complex molecules and transform them into smaller products of interest in academia and industry.
physisorption (see Tables S2 and S3, SI). In general, the stability follows the trend: ZrC(001) < TiC(001) ≪ δMoC(001). Two stable structures are shown in Figure 9. Charge isosurfaces indicate that there was a slight charge transfer toward H atoms (blue zone in Figure 9). The H-like-bridge leads to a stability due to the distribution of charges in H and Csurface atoms (blue zones in Figure 9a) trying to form a H− Csurface bond. There are also electrostatic interactions (Figure 9b) between H (blue, negative charge) and M atoms (yellow, positive charge). Therefore, the ethylene-surface binding depends on the surface sites involved when H approaches to the carbide surface. The binding of ethylene through hydrogen atoms on δ-MoC(001) led to stable structures, but the molecule was not activated in any case. 3.5. Use of TMC(001) Surfaces as Catalysts in Hydrogenation and Hydrogenolysis Reactions. The activity of TMCs in hydrogenation and hydrogenolysis reactions is well established49−54 but the associated chemistry is not yet fully understood. For an analysis of the catalytic potential of the TMC(001) surfaces in the hydrogenation of olefins, one first needs to understand the bonding of the reactant adsorbates on these surfaces. Florez et. al28,46 reported a good capability of ZrC(001) and TiC(001) to adsorb and dissociate the hydrogen molecule, while the interaction on δ-MoC(001) was weak. However, in the study reported by Posada-Perez et al.7 (PBE functional), the adsorption of H2 on δ-MoC(001) and TiC(001) has a similar behavior and ZrC(001) exhibited the best performance. The difference relies on the functional used in both studies. We notice that the trends for H2 adsorption from previous studies7,28 and that for C2H4 (this work) adsorption are different: H 2 : ZrC(001) > TiC(001) > δ‐MoC(001)
4. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The adsorption of ethylene was extensively and systematically analyzed over δ-MoC(001), TiC(001), and ZrC(001) surfaces by means of calculations based on periodic density functional theory, using the Perdew−Burke−Ernzerhof exchange-correlation functional and explicitly accounting for the dispersive force description as proposed by Grimme and Tkatchenko-Scheffler. Three bonding configurations (H-parallel, H-down1, and Hdown2) and 19 structures were evaluated for every carbide; in total, 57 structures were analyzed to cover all possible adsorption sites on the TMC(001) surfaces. Some adsorption modes were evaluated on Pt(111) as a reference. The adsorption energy was accounted with and without dispersive forces contributions. The effect of the vdW correction in the geometry was a slight closer approach of ethylene to the surface, but the rest of the geometrical parameters remained invariable, except for one adsorption mode, which produced a surface distortion which was better explained by using DFT +vdW. The vdW contribution favors adsorption configurations with the ethylene molecular plane parallel to the carbide surface. Additionally, C2H4 adsorption energies on TMC(001) surfaces after considering vdW correction were remarkably increased, probably overestimating the experimental values, however further studies are required in this topic. In general, the structural and electronic properties of each carbide surface had a strong influence in the bonding of ethylene on δ-MoC(001), TiC(001) and ZrC(001). The behavior of these carbide surfaces was different from that of Pt(111). The metal and carbon centers in a TMC(001) surface
C2H4 : δ‐MoC(001) > TiC(001) > ZrC(001)
It is worth to mention that the tendency for ethylene is the same for DFT- and DFT+vdW-based calculations. On ZrC(001) and δ-MoC(001) there is an opposite behavior for H2 and C2H4 binding to the surface but TiC(001) has an intermediate behavior with both adsorbates. The difference relies on the nature of both the surface and the adsorbate. The interaction of ethylene on δ-MoC(001) and TiC(001) was favored, in part, due to the geometry parameters of the clean surface, where the distance between Csurface and metal atoms is shorter (compared to ZrC(001)). Therefore, the size of the adsorbate has an important effect in the adsorption on TMC(001) surfaces. Additionally, the extent of the charge polarization in ZrC(001) pristine surface atoms limits C2H4 adsorption but favors H2 interactions, which is a consequence of the adsorbate nature. The study of the interaction of C2H4 with H2 on the carbide surfaces is beyond the scope of this study and will be a matter of future work, but from the present work it is clear that there can be substantial differences depending on the intrinsic nature of the carbide surface. The results obtained in this study suggest that δ-MoC(001) has a good potential to be used as a catalyst for olefin hydrogenation reactions, due to the stability of ethylene adsorbed structures and the carbide capability to activate the molecule. Another advantage is that ethylene is not occupying the sites for dissociative chemisorption of H2.28 It is worth to mention that δ-MoC(001) is more resistant to be oxidized in H
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can participate in the adsorption process of ethylene. The bonding of ethylene had both ionic and covalent contributions, depending on the adsorption site and the bonding mode. The adsorption via a di-σ-MM mode leads to a stable structure on Pt(111), but on the TMC(001) surfaces this bonding mode was not stable (DFT) or slightly stable (DFT+vdW). The most stable structure in δ-MoC(001) and ZrC(001) had a similar adsorption geometry to that on Pt(111) in a π-M mode, but the ethylene was not activated on these TMC(001) surfaces. On the other hand, a di-σ-CC adsorption mode was found on TiC(001) and the ethylene was activated. The results obtained indicate that activation of ethylene is only possible when the H atoms of the molecule are not directed toward the surface. The activation of ethylene can only be carried out in certain surface sites and adsorption modes, namely, π-C, σ-C, di-σ-CC, and diσ-MM, which vary with the structural and electronic properties of the carbide surface. Of the studied surfaces, δ-MoC(001) has the greatest potential to be used in hydrogenation reactions. ZrC(001) alone was not active, but its performance could be improved by supporting some metals. On the other hand, TiC(001) could be another candidate for hydrogenation reactions, but the large increase seen for the C−C bond length suggests that this surface may be used as a catalyst in hydrogenolysis reactions.
S Supporting Information *
The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b03106. Adsorption energies for all modes evaluated on δMoC(001), TiC(001), and ZrC(001) surfaces with and without vdW correction. Figure of charge isosurface for Pt(111) pristine surface (PDF).
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*E-mail: Tel.: +1 (631) 344-2256. Notes
The authors declare no competing financial interest.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Part of this research was carried out at Brookhaven National Laboratory in the Chemistry Department and the calculations were performed using the computer facility at the Center for Functional Nanomaterials, which is a user facility of U.S. DOE Office of Science, under Contract No. DE-SC0012704. C.J.-O. and A.M. thank to the “Programa Sostenibilidad” from Universidad de Antioquia. C.J.-O. acknowledges his Ph.D. scholarship provided by the Colombian National Science Foundation (COLCIENCIAS).
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