Table of Contents - American Chemical Society

Feb 27, 1978 - through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. For further information ... Subscription service inquiries and changes of ad- dress (inclu...
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analytical chemistry

Volume 50, No. 2, February 1978 ANCHAM 50(2) 99A-306A/193-384 (1978) ISSN 0003-2700

© Copyright 1978 by the American Chemical Society

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CONTENTS REPORT Wayne R. Wolf discusses the current challenges in generating data for the nutrient trace element composition of foods 190 A

Published monthly with review issue added in April and Laboratory Guide in August by the American Chemical Society, from 20th and Northampton Sts., Easton, Pa. 18042. Executive and Editorial headquarters, American Chemical Society. 1155 16th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 (202)872-4600. Second class postage paid at Washington, D.C, and at additional mailing offices.

REPORT The Food and Drug Administration's efforts to fight cancer quackery are reviewed by Wallace F. Janssen 197 A

1978 Subscription prices—including surface postage

PITTSBURGH CONFERENCE The 29th Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy will be held February 27-March 3, 1978, in Cleveland, Ohio. The complete technical program is presented 119 A


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INSTRUMENTATION A simple hardware control approach for sequencing chemical instruments is presented by S. R. Crouch, D. N. Baxter, E. H. Pals, and E. R. Johnson 291 A

NEW PRODUCTS Products to be featured at the 1978 Pittsburgh Conference Exposition are introduced 173 A NEWS Technical programs of interest to analytical chemists at the 175th ACS National Meeting in Anaheim, Calif., March 12-17, 1978, are given. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY appoints Catherine C. Fenselau, Gary M. Hieftje, and C. David Miller to its Instrumentation Advisory Panel 211 A BOOKS Books on lasers, fine particles, and liquid chromatography are reviewed by Fred E. Lytle, B. J. Rubin and G. L. Beyer, and Joseph Sherma 267 A EDITORS' COLUMN Analytical chemistry is needed to determine the composition of cancer "cure" compounds, the latest of which is Laetrile 283 A EDITORIAL Selection of appropriate analytical methods and definition of sensitivity limits are important in the regulation of carcinogens in the environment 193

Technical Contents/Briefs

102 A

Author Index


Future Articles



240 A

Short Courses

240 A

Manufacturers' Literature

261 A

Our cover highlights three of this month's features


101 A