Table of Contents - American Chemical Society

Executive Editor. James M. Crowe. Science Editor. Lawrence T. Hallett .... class as “Non-Returnables/”. HAND FINISHED Spatulas, perfectly shaped f...
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EDITOR WALTER J. MURPHY Executive Editor James M. Crowe Science Editor Lawrence T. Hallett Production Manager Joseph H. Kuney Associate Editors Stella Anderson G. Gladys Gordon Bertha Reynolds Charlotte C. Sayre Ruth Cornette Assistant Editor Katherine I. Biggs Editorial Assistants Betty V. Kieffer Sue R. Peter Ruth C. Laubach Veronica O'Keefe Fern S. Jackson Ruth M. Howorth Lois J. Bennett Contributing Editor R. H. Müller Advisory Board H. F. Beeghly G. E. Boyd A. Q. Butler Harvey Diehl N. H. Furman W. W. Hilty D. N. Hume Robert Kunin S. S. Kurtz, Jr. H. A. Liebhafsky J. J. Lingane O. D. Shreve V. A. Stenger P. W. West J. H. Yoe

This M o n t h ' s C o v e r . Outgrowing its research facilities in downtown Norwich, Ν. Υ., Norwich Pharmacal Co. has moved ils re­ search staff to a new $1.5 million laboratory about 2 miles away. This recently completed laboratory will carry forward Norwich's re­ search program on new synthetic drugs, particularly the nitrofurans. Along with facilities for pharma­ cological and biological testing, the laboratory is well equipped for re­ search in organic and analytical chemistry. At present known mainly for its production of PeptoBismol, Unguentine, and nitrofuran drugs, Norwich is making a strong bid for prominence in other phar­ maceutical fields. See pages 37 A and 3i> A.

Issued February 16, 1955

Copyright 1955 by the American Chemical Society

EDITORIALS A D V A N C E S I N S E P A R A T I O N O F H Y D R O C A R B O N S A N D RELATED COMPOUNDS Separation and Analysis of Gases and Volatile Liquids by Gas Chromatography . H . W . Pacton, J . S. Lewis, and W . I. Kaye Separation of Sulfur Compounds from Petroleum C. J. Thompson, H . J . Coleman, H . T. Rail, and H . M . Smith Application of Separation Techniques to High-Boiling Shale-Oil Distillate . . . G . U. Dinneen, J. R. Smith, R. A . Van Meter, C. S. A l l b r i g h t , and W . R. Anthoney Fifty-Stage Apparatus for Distillation at V e r y Low Pressures B. J . Mair, A . J . Pignocco, and F. D. Rossini


170 175 185


Paper Chromatographic Separation of Metal 2-Thenoyltrifluoroacetone Chelates . . E. W . Berg and R. T. Mclntyre


Comprehensive Analysis of Sodium A l k y l A r y l Sulfonate Detergents F. T. Weiss, A . E. O ' D o n n e l l , R. J . Shreve, and E. D. Peters Titration of Phenolic Esters in Ethylenediamine R. A . Glenn and J. T. Peake Coulometric Titration of Dyes with Externally Generated Titanous Ion J . S. Parsons and William Seaman Titration of Acids in Dimethylformamide Using High Frequency J . A . Dean and Carl Cain, Jr. Amperometric Titrations with Hypochlorite in Presence of Bromide H . A . Laitinen and D. E. Woerner Infrared Method for Determination of o-, m-, and p-Mononitrotoluene and 2,4Dinitrotoluene in Mixtures Frank Pristera and Michael Halik Application of Logarithmic Sector to Quantitative Spectrographic Analysis of Petroleum Ash Residues E. B. Childs and J . A . Kanehann Ultraviolet Spectrophotometric Determination of Polymerized Styrene in Styrenated Fatty Acids and A l k y d Resins R. C. H i r t , R. W . Stafford, F. T. King, and R. G . Schmitt Far Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Unsaturated and Aromatic Hydrocarbons . . . L. C. Jones, Jr., and L. W . Taylor Determination of Hydrocarbons in Hydrogen by Palladium Tube-Mass Spectrometer Method R. A . B r o w n , H . B. O g b u r n , F. W . M e l p o l d e r , and W . S. Young Colloidal Glass Suspensions for Use as Standards for Measurement of Thymol Turbidity

198 205 210 212 215



226 228



J. G. Reinhold Continuous Detection and Measurement of Low Concentrations of Oxygen in Gases L. P. Pepkowitz Determination of Benzof a ]pyrene in Complex Mixtures Russel Tye, M . J . Graf, and A . W . Horton Copper(l)-2,2'-biquinoline Complex in Aqueous Dimethylformamide R. T. Pflaum, A . I. Popov, and N . C. Goodspeed Colorimetric Determination of Manganese W . C. Purdy and D. N . Hume Molybdenum Blue Reaction and Determination of Phosphorus in Waters Containing Arsenic, Silicon, and Germanium Harry Levine, J . J . Rowe, and F. S. Grimaldi Method for Evaluating Reliability of Routine Molecular Weights Determined by Light Scattering S. V . R. Mastrangelo, Barbara Clay, M . M . Fishman, A . G . Hagan, A l l a n Lazrus, and Walter Zagar Oxyhydrogen Burner for Determination of Sulfur in Drip Oils Lawrence Granatelli Indirect Polarographic Determination of Propylenediamine A . D. H o r t o n , P. F. Thomason, and M . T. Kelley Use of Sodium Borohydride for Determination of 3-Ketobisnor-4-cholene-22-al. . . E. H . Jensen and W . A . Struck Determination of Sulfur in Volatile Hydrocarbon Mixtures by Lamp-Conductometric Method E. R. Quiram Volumetric Determination of Phosphorus D. M . Z a l l , Edward Wagman, and Nathan Ingber Ammonium Sulfamate as Substitute for Lead Peroxide in Microdetermination of Carbon and Hydrogen A . S. Hussey, J. H . Sorensen, and D. D. DeFord (Continued on page

245 248 253 256



266 269 271

274 277

280 4 A)


CONTENTS, continued 282

. . . the WACO per­ mits quick stopping through slight palm pressure!

Determination of Microgram Quantities of Strontium in Solution A . E. Taylor and H . H . Paige Microdetermination of Cobalt in Biological Materials B. E. Saltzman Separation of α-Keto A c i d Dinitrophenylhydrazones by Paper Electrophoresis and Their Colorimetric Determination Henry Tauber Technique for Continuous Intensity Standardization in Quantitative Analysis by Nuclear Magnetic Absorption R. H . Elsken and T. M . Shaw Nonaqueous Titration Method for Determination of Purity of Hexahydro-1,3,5trinitro-s-triazine S. M . Kaye Estimation of Metallic Mercury on Surface of Tinned Copper G . T. Kerr, S. S. Macut, and C. C Neely Colorimetric Determination of Trace Quantities of Boric A c i d in Biological Materials W . C. Smith, Jr., A . J. Goudie, and J. N . Sivertson Simplified Procedure for Computing Growth of Radioactive Decay Products . . . . H . W . Kirby and D. A . Kremer


No. AC - 2314 - M.

Rank Correlation Method J. T. Litchfield, Jr., and Frank Wilcoxon


Calcium Carbonate as Internal Standard for Quantitative Infrared Analysis L. E. Kuentzel


Determination of Specific Surface of Sieve-Size Powders Bernard Dubrow and Mary Nieradka


• Cast aluminum head centrifuge for semi-micro procedures. Com­ pletely safe. Economica lly priced. Silent. Ruggediy-built for long life. For 3 " and 4 test tubes.


WACO Separator. For 110 V. 60 cycle. $47.00

A t the price, W A C O Spatulas class as "Non-Returnables!" HAND FINISHED Spatulas, perfectly shaped for Semi Micro Qualitative and Organic Chemistry. WACO Monel Spatulas are nicely balanced, permanent pieces. Glass­ ware breakage is reduced, as scratching is eliminated. N o . AC-7027. WACO Monel Spatulas 175 mm. long, blade 23 X 5 mm. tapered to 3 mm. width. Slightly dished tip to hold crystals. Bottom rounded. $2.70 p e i d o s . , $21.50 p e r 100.

Separation and Determination of Microgram Quantities of Silver, Mercury, and Copper with Dithizone Harald Friedeberg Correction CRYSTALLOGRAPHY D A T A Identification of Organic Bases by Means of Optical Properties of Diliturates (Nitrobarbiturates) E. M . Plein and Β. Τ. Dewey M E E T I N G REPORT Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry




292 294 295

305 214



A I D S FOR THE A N A L Y S T Constant-Volume Fraction Collectors J. W . Hahn and Melvin Nyman Fermentation of Sugars by Ultramicrotechnique Prior to Paper Chromatography . . K. T. Williams and Arthur Bevenue Vertical Umbrella-Type Agitator to Promote Smooth Boiling in Vacuum Distilla­ tion Arthur Rose and W . W . Sanders New Technique for Two-Dimensional Descending Paper Chromatography . . . . Mas Yamaguchi and F. D. H o w a r d Self-Adjusting and Dispensing Micropipet B. W . Grunbaum and P. L. Kirk Modified Nitrometer

330 331

331 332 333 334

B. D. H o l t ANALYST'S C O L U M N

RED STYRENE PLASTIC TRAYS fox Semi-Micro Bottles Beautiful . . . reagent resisting . . . strong, Styrene Plastic! N o . AC-7905. WACO Plastic Tray. For 1 4 Dropper Bottles, 15 ml. Each 60 c No. AC-7995-B. For 12 bottles, 30 ml. Each 60 φ Write lot Semi-Micro Catalog No. AC-2 L a b o r a t o r y Supplies a n d E q u i p m e n t

WILKENS-ANDERSON 4525 W . Division St.


Chicago 5 1 , III.

Circle No. 4 A on Readers' Service Carl, page 43 A 4 A

15 A


27 A


28 A


32 A


37 A


41 A

R. H . M u l l e r READERS 1 I N F O R M A T I O N SERVICE

49 A


52 A


58 A

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