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JULY 15, 1990 VOLUME 62 NUMBER 14 The Audit Bureau

ANCHAM 62(14) 749A-804A/1361-1552 (1990) ISSN 0003-2700

Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; Copyright 1990 by the American Chemical Society

Analytical CHEMISTRY


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REPORT 767 A On the cover. Analytical chemistry and semiconductors. The spatial distribution of chemical composition is the single most important factor in determining the operative properties of electronic materials. Paul W. Bohn of the University of Illinois and Timothy D. Harris of AT&T Bell Laboratories describe analytical methods to characterize semiconductor materials

A/C INTERFACE 797 A Fuzzy sets and analytical chemistry. Classic Boolean logic sees the world as either "0" or " 1 , " whereas chemists think in more vague terms such as diluted, high, or purple. Matthias Otto of the Bergakademie Freiberg describes how fuzzy set theory incorporated into expert systems and neural networks handles these common chemical descriptors

756 A


NEWS 765 A Ten graduate students receive Division of Analytical Chemistry fellowships 778 A BOOKS Critical reviews. Recently released books on NMR and time-resolved spectroscopies, electron microscopy, and techniques to characterize electrodes are reviewed 787 A FOCUS The Hubble Space Telescope. After years of planning, construction, and delays, the space telescope is finally in orbit. The sophisticated instrumentation aboard will offer a new view of the universe NEW PRODUCTS & MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE AUTHOR INDEX

794 A 1361

ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 62, NO. 14, JULY 15, 1990 · 753 A