Table of Contents - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 3, 2012 - Satya Prakash , S.B. Manohar , R.J. Singh , M.V. Ramaniah. The International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes 1971 22 (2), 128-...
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ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Volume 24, N o . 8 Issued August 19, 1952 Copyright 1952 by American Chemical Society


James M. Crowe



Charlotte C. Sayre Assistant


Katherine I. Biggs Ruth Cornette Gertrude Editorial

McMurray Assistants

M a r y R. Carls Betty V. Kieffer Doris L. Krout Sue Peter Violet Rivlin Contributing

Theory of Chemical Analysis by High-Frequency Methods W . J . Blaedel, H . V . Malmstadt, D. L. Petitjean, and W . K. Anderson


Practical High-Frequency Titration Apparatus for General Laboratory Use J . L. Hall


. . . .

Titration of Sulfates with A i d of High-Frequency Oscillator O . I. M i l n e r


Determination of Water in A l c o h o l s b y Means of High-Frequency Oscillators P. W . West, Paschoal Senise, and T. S. Burkhalter

. .


Infrared Spectra and Characteristic Frequencies of Inorganic Ions F. A . M i l l e r and C. H . Wilkins


Spectrophotometric Determination of O n e Component in Two-Component Mixture Eugene A l l e n and Ε. Μ . Hammaker


Chemical Analysis and Isotopic Assay of Organic Compounds R. C. Anderson, Yvette Delabarre, and A . A . Bothner-By


A c t i v i t y of Silica-Alumina Cracking Catalysts C. J . Plank


Investigation and A p p l i c a t i o n of Zinc-1,10-Phenanthroline Complexes J . M . Kruse and W . W . Brandt


Identification of M a l o n y l Urea Derivatives C. J . Umberger and Grace Adams


Solubility and Freezing Point Depression of Nitrous O x i d e in L i q u i d Nitrogen Dioxide A . W . Rocker


Colorimetric M e t h o d for Estimation of Digitoxin E. L. Pratt

1 324

Classifying Butyl Rubber with Respect to Modulus L. L. Currie

1 327


R. H. Müller Advisory



G. Gladys Stella

High-Frequency Titration J . l . Hall


Lawrence T. Hallett Bertha



Executive Editor




S. E. Q . Ashley P. J. Elving N. H. Furman D. M . Hume

Dissociation Temperatures of Urea Complexes of Long-Chain Fatty A c i d s , Esters, and A l c o h o l s 1331 H . B. Knight, L. P. Witnauer, J . E. Coleman, W . R. N o b l e , Jr., and Daniel Swern Streak Reagents for Chromatography A . L. LeRosen, R. T. Moravek, and J . K. Carlton


W . A. Kirklin S. S. Kurtz, Jr. H. A. Laitinen Gordon


C. J. Rodden J. W . Stillman Grant Edward

MICROCHEMISTRy Detection and Estimation of Steroidal Sapogenins in Plant Tissue M . E. W a l l , C. R. Eddy, M . L. McClennan, and M . E. Klumpp

1 337

Mlcrodetermination of Chromium in Blood H . J . Cahnmann and Ruth Bisen

1 341

Chloric A c i d M e t h o d for Determination of Protein-Bound Iodine Bennie Zak, H . H . W i l l a r d , G . B. Myers, and A . J . Boyle


Wernimont Wichers

Progress Report of Committee on Nomenclature, Division of A n a y t i c a l Chemistry, This M o n t h ' s Cover: Although infrared spectroscopy has been widely applied to the analysis of covalent materials, there is at present relatively little published information on its application to inorganic salts. Foil A. Miller and Charles H. Wilkins of Mellon Institute have been engaged over the past two years in surveying the infrared spectra of a wide variety of such salts in an effort to assess the potential value of this technique. By examining over 150 compounds, they have been able to find characteristic frequencies for 33 polyatomic ions. A combination of emission analysis, infrared examination, and x-ray diffraction is especially fruitful for the qualitative analysis of inorganic solids. The results are described on page 1253·

A M E R I C A N C H E M I C A L SOCIETY June 1952


S. E. Q . Ashley et a i . Suggested Nomenclature in A p p l i e d Spectroscopy H . K. Hughes et a/. NOTES O N A N A L Y T I C A L

1 349


Volumetric Determination of Hypophosphate Ion Therald M o e l l e r a n d G . H . Q u i n t y

1 354

Determination of Organic Peroxides E. W . Abrahamson and Henry Linschitz

1 355

Conversion of Hydrogenic Materials to Hydrogen for Isotopic Analysis . . . . Jacob Bigeleisen, M . L. Perlman, and H . C. Prosser


Estimation of Pyrethrins on Coated Paper Bags F. I. Edwards and Cipriano Cueto

1357 (Continued

on page 4 A)




Moisture in Minutes!



NOTES, Contd. A n A n o m a l y in Zeisel M e t h o x y Determination R. L. Huang and Francis Morsingh


Volumetric Determination of Hydroxylamine with Ceric Sulfate S. R. Cooper and J . B. Morris

1 360

Isotopic M e t h o d for Direct Determination of O x y g e n in Fluorocarbon Derivatives A . D. Kirshenbaum, A . G . Streng, and A . V . Grosse


Rapid Analysis of Viscose Coagulating Liquor Using Schwarzenbach M e t h o d Keihei Ueno

1 363

Polarographic Study of Inosose D. H . Couch and Ward Pigman

1 364


Separation of Vanillic and Protocatechuic A c i d s by Chromatography I. A . Pearl and D. L. Beyer

1 366

MOISTURE d e t e r m i n a t i o n s are m a d e in a f e w MINUTES using the W A C O . The K a r l Fischer R e a g e n t m e t h o d is a CHEMICAL technic f o r t h e d e t e r m i n a t i o n o f w a t e r content . . . . e l i m i n a t i n g oven drying!

Colorimetric Determination of A m i d e s as Hydroxamic A c i d s Felix Bergmann


Amperometric Determination of Fluoride C. R. Castor and J . H . Saylor

1 369

Benzidine Reagent in Paper Chromatography H o w a r d M i l l e r and D. M . Kraemer

1 371

Microdetermination of Phosphorus G. R. Nakamura


Wide range is i n d i c a t e d

Determination of Hexaphenylethane G. S. Hammond, Abraham Rawe, and F. J. M o d i c

1 373

by partial list of users

Polarographic Determination of Iron in Nonferrous A l l o y s Louis Meites


Determination of Iron in Water in Presence of Heavy Metals R. L. Morris



Dead Stop

American Cyanimid (2) The Dow Chemi­ cal Co. Standard Oil Co. (14) E. I. du Ponl de Nemours Lever Bros. (2) Cannon Mills Pabst Brewing Co. Crown Can Co. Schweitzer Paper Co. C o r n Products Refg. (2) Bristol-Meyers Co. U. S. Naval Pow­ der Chemical Special­ ties U. S. Dept. of Agric. (3) Phoenix Chem. Lab. McGill Univ. Washington Univ. Ohio State Univ. (2) Michigan State Univ. N. C. State Univ. Celanese Corp. (2) Nuodex Products Co.

Analytical Section of International Union of Pure and A p p l i e d Chemistry Congress of Practical Polarography CRySTALLOGRAPHIC


R. L. Clark and John Krc, Jr. B O O K REVIEWS




A I D S FOR THE A N A L Y S T Shaft Seal for Vacuum Apparatus D. J . Trevoy and W . A . Torpey Directional Cold-Finger Condenser D. J . Trevoy

1 382

Simple Peak Current Recorder for Pen Recording Polarograph Β. Ε. G o r d o n


M e t h o d of A d d i n g Sample to Closed Systems M . J . Bergin and A . H . A . Heyn

1 383

Stability Tube with Foam Breaker G. S. Fisher and N . J. Morris Simple Flask for Titrations under Inert Atmosphere J . L. Myers and Percy Fainer THE A N A L Y S T ' S C O L U M N INSTRUMENTATION

1 384


1 384 9 A 15 A

R. H . M u l l e r

Write for Bibliography and Bulletin AC8 SUPPLIES

1380 1 331


L 3 -Threonine (Threo-a-amino-/3-hydroxy-n-butyric A c i d )

O N L Y t h e W A C O shows a s h a r p a n d reproducible end point . . . the needle of the microammeter d r o p s across t h e e n t i r e scale a t t h e e n d p o i n t . Technic is s i m p l e a n d electronic a m p l i f i c a t i o n is n o t necessary. It is a s t u r d y equipment and costs but $180.00.


. . . .






19 A


22 A

The American Chemical Society assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by contribu­ tors to its publications. Views expressed in the editorials are those of the editors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the American Chemical Society. Published by the American Chemical Society, from 20th and Northampton Sts., Easton, Pa. Executive Offices, Editorial Headquarters, and Circulation Department, 1155 Six­ teenth St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. Advertising Office: 330 West 42nd St., New York 18, Ν. Υ. Branch Editorial Offices: Chicago 1, III., 86 East Randolph St.; Houston 2, Tex., 623 West Bldg.; New York 17, Ν. Y., 60 East 42nd St.,- San Francisco 2, Calif., 760 Market St.; London, Bush House, Aldwych. Entered as secondclass matter at the Post Office at Easton, Pa., U.S.A., February 18, 1948, under the Act of March 3, 1879, as 12 times a year monthly on the 15th. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized July 13, 1918. Annual subscriptions: members $3.50, nonmembers $4.00. Postage to countries not in the Pan-American Union $1.20. Canadian postage $0.35. Combination rate for Analytical Chemistry and Industrial and Engineering Chemistry: members $7.00, nonmembers $8.00. Postage for the combination: countries not in the Pan-American Union $3.90, Canadian postage $1.10. Single copies: current issues, members $0.40, nonmembers $0.50; back numbers, prices on request, special rates to members. Claims for missing numbers w i l l not be allowed if received more than 60 days from date of mailing plus time normally re­ quired for postal delivery of journal and claim. No claims allowed from subscribers in Central Europe, Asia. or the Pacific islands other than Hawaii, or because of failure to notify the Circulation Department of a change of address, or because copy is "missing from files.*' C H A N G E OF ADDRESS: Notify Circulation Department, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. Such notification should include both old and new addresses and postal zone number, if any. The American Chemical Society also publishes: Chemical and Engineering News, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Chemical Abstracts, Journal of the American Chemical Society, and the Journal of Physical Chemistry. Rates on request.