Table of Contents - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 25, 2012 - Table of Contents. Anal. Chem. , 1978, 50 (7), pp 613A–613A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50029a703. Publication Date: June 1978. ACS Legacy Archiv...
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analytical chemistry

Volume 50, No. 7, June 1978 ANCHAM 50(7) 611A-712A/833-1024 (1978) ISSN 0003-2700

© Copyright 1978 by the American Chemical Society

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CONTENTS REPORT A. J. Glazko, Warner-Lambert/Parke-Davis, discusses some challenging analytical problems faced during the development of assay procedures for new drugs 632 A INSTRUMENTATION Peter L. Bailey, Electronic Instruments Ltd., UK, presents the modifications to common electrochemical techniques necessary for process stream monitoring 698 A THE ANALYTICAL APPROACH Alan P. Bentz of the U.S. Coast Guard describes the role of analytical chemistry in mystery oil spill identifications 655 A

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NEWS "Clinical Chemists' Role in Early Detection and Treatment of Cancer" is the topic of the Second Annual Arnold O. Beckman Conference in Clinical Chemistry, September 6-8, 1978, San Antonio. Frank A. Bovey of Bell Labs receives award 641 A BOOKS Books on statistics, integrated circuits, analysis of drugs and metabolites by GC/MS, and fractionation of synthetic polymers are reviewed by David Frazier, Timothy A. Nieman, Jack E. Wallace, and John G. Cobler 679 A EDITORS' COLUMN A drop of undiluted blood serum is analyzed by a thin-film technique developed by Eastman Kodak 695 A EDITORIAL There is justification for a wide variety in the format and organization of scientific meetings, because of the different objectives to be fulfilled 833

Technical Contents/Briefs

614 A


626 A


642 A

Short Courses

644 A

New Products

666 A


672 A

Manufacturers' Literature

675 A

Advertising Index

710 A

Author Index


Future Articles


Our cover is a depiction of an electrochemical sensor in a stylized process stream

A N A L Y T I C A L CHEMISTRY, V O L . 5 0 , NO. 7, JUNE 1978 ·

613 A