Table of Contents - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Table of Contents. Anal. Chem. , 1986, 58 (12), pp 1156A–1157A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00125a702. Publication Date: October 1986. ACS Legacy Archive...
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analytical chemistry




Volume 58, No. 12 October 1986 ANCHAM 58(12) 1153A-1260A 2353-2592(1986) ISSN 0003 2700 Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; Copyright 1986 by the American Chemical Society




Surface analysis. David Hercules of the University of Pittsburgh recounts historical aspects of the field, describes the application of electron spectroscopy to quantitative surface analysis of heterogeneous catalysts, and discusses future challenges

Detectors for liquid chromatography. Edward Yeung and Robert Synovec of Iowa State University discuss recent developments in refractive index, absorption, photothermal, fluorescence, optical rotation, electrochemical, and MS detectors for LC

LC expert systems: Is the ultimate goal of programs currently under development to assist the expert or to replace the expert? • NMR imaging microscopy: Improved resolution leads to new chemical and biological applications


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Technical Contents/Briefs For Your Information Call for Papers Meetings New Products Chemicals Software Manufacturers' Literature Advertising Index Author Index, Future Articles

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1987 ACS award winners include Gary Hieftje (Analytical Chemistry), Charles Lochmuller (Chromatography), Friedrich Helfferich (Separations), John Beynon (FieldFranklin), and Janet Osteryoung (Garvan). • Division announces undergrad awards. • Tswett chromatography awardees named

Critical reviews. Books on organic mass spectrometry and transient techniques in nuclear magnetic resonance of solids are reviewed by Henry Fales and Jerry Heeschen

Opportunities. Employment opportunities for analytical chemists are not matched by equivalent educational opportunities. Despite the real-world need for the specialty, fewer universities offer doctoral degrees in analytical chemistry than in other chemical specialties

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