Table of Contents - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Table of Contents. Anal. Chem. , 1958, 30 (6), pp 4A–4A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60138a702. Publication Date: June 1958. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Anal. ...
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Report for Analytical Chemists Information concerning current trends in laboratory instrumentation for analysis is progressing very rapidly. While instrumentation specialists are cognizant of these changes, many analytical chemists are not fully familiar with them. The first of a two-part series d e scribes the characteristics and principles of construction LOWPB PRtÇES F O R ISO I OHES

N e w s Section THIS MONTH'S COVER


19 A





Analytical chemists at the highly successful ACS meeting at San Francisco heard many reports on significant new developments. Several other meetings are scheduled in the early summer . . . . 31 A

availability of a wide range of radioisotopes p r o v i d e t h e a n a l y t i c a l chemist with a p o w e r f u l f o o l . ticular

One par-

a p p l i c a t i o n , tritium t r a c i n g , is

b e i n g used f o r a v a r i e t y o f a p p l i c a tions.




takes a d v a n t a g e o f the p r o p e r t i e s o f tritium

is also


Analyst's Column The role of the scientist in politics, the question of whether gas chromatograms should be recorded right to left or vice versa, and the question of the supply of selenium appear in the Analyst's Column. 53 A

The In-

strumentation column sets f o r t h a d d i t i o n a l details (see p a g e 6 5 A ) .

Laboratory of the Month American Cyanamid's Research Center at Bound Brook, N. J., provides ample facilities for expanded research activities

59 A

Instrumentation In addition to a report on tritium tracer technology, the instrumentation column discusses recording differential thermobalances . . . Volume 3 0 , N o . 6 Issued M a y 2 1 , 1 9 5 8 ©



Analyst's Calendar

. .

N e w Books

65 A

40 A


82 A

50 A

Product Capsules . . . .

93 A

N e w Products


_ , . . . Readers Information Service

89 A

b y The A m e r i c a n Chemical Society


N e w Chemicals


. . . .

Editorial G U I D E FOR A U T H O R S , published in December 1957 issue, page 1932, gives copy requirements t o be observed in preparing manuscripts for consideration. Manuscript ( 2 copies) should be submitted t o the Editor, 1155 Sixteenth St., N . W . , W a s h i n g t o n 6,D.C. T h e American Chemical Society assumes n o responsibility for t h e statements and opinions advanced b y contributors t o i t s publications. Views expressed i n t h e editorial are those of t h e editors and d o n o t necessarily represent t h e official position of t h e American Chemical Society. 1958 Subscription Rates 1 yr. 1 yr. 3 yr. Members, foreign and domestic $ 4 . 0 0 $ 7 . 0 0 $10.00 Nonmembers, domestic and Canada 5.00 9.00 12.00 Nonmembers, foreign except Canada I5.OO 27.50 40.00 Postage t o countries n o t in t h e Pan-American Union $1.50 yearly; Canadian postage $0.50 yearly. Single copies: current issues, $ 1 . 5 0 ( A p r i l , issued i n t w o parts, priced a t $2.00). Claims for missing numbers w i l l n o t be allowed if received more t h a n 60 days from date of mailing plus time normally required for postal delivery of journal and claim. N o claims allowed for subscribers i n Central E u r o p e , Asia, o r the Pacific Islands o t h e r t h a n H a w a i i , o r because of failure t o notify the Circulation Department of a change of address, o r because copy i s " m i s s i n g from files." Published m o n t h l y b y t h e American Chemical Society, from 20th a n d N o r t h a m p t o n S t s . , Easton, P a . Executive Offices, Editorial Headquarters, and Circulation D e p a r t m e n t , 1155 Sixteenth S t . , N . W . , W a s h i n g t o n 6 , D . C. Advertising Office: 430 Park A v e . , N e w Y o r k 22, Ν . Y . Branch Editorial Office: 36 S o . Wabash A v e . , Chicago 3 , 111.; 718 Melrose Bldg., H o u s t o n 2 , T e x . ; 2 P a r k Ave., N e w Y o r k , 6 , Ν . Υ . ; 703 M e ­ chanics' I n s t i t u t e B l d g . , 57 Post S t . , San Francisco 4, Calif.; Bush House, A l d w y c h , London. Second class mail privileges authorized a t Easton, P a . C H A N G E O F ADDRESS: Notify Circulation Department, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth S t . , N . W . , W a s h ­ i n g t o n 6, D . C. Such notification should include b o t h old and n e w addresses and postal zone number, if any. T h e American Chemical Society also publishes: Industrial and Engineering Chtmistry, Chemical and Engineering News, Chemical Abstracts Service, Journal of American Chemical Society, The Journal of Physi­ cal Chemistry, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry and The Journal of Organic Chtmistry. Rates on request.

4 A




81 A 1019

Scientific Communications Amino Acid Analysis by Reactor-Gas Chromatography


Albert Zlatkis a n d J . F. Oro

Programmed Temperature Gas Chromatography


Stephen D a l Nogare a n d C . E. Bennett

Benzene Extraction of Antimony Iodide Use of Perchloryl Fluoride in Flame Photometry

R. W. Ramette 1 1 5 8 1160

G . E. Schmauch a n d E. J . Serfass

Crystallographic Data Germanium Bismuthate, GesBi4Oi2

André Durif 1 1 6 1

Infrared Quantitative Analysis Data Nos. 4 6 - 4 9


Aids for the Analyst High Temperature Thermal Conductivity Cell


H. R. Felton a n d A . A . Buehler

Small-Volume Five-Centimeter Absorption Cell


Gerald Goldberg, A . S. M e y e r , Jr., a n d J . C. White

Urea Phosphate Reagent as Specific Test for Heptoses on Paper Chromatograms F.L.Greene 1 1 6 4