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analytical chemistry Volume 45. No. 8 July 1973

ANCHAM 45(8) 679A-762A/1297-1584 (1973)


Contents REPORT The analyst plays a key role in the relatively new field of biopharmaceutics. Involvement begins in providing needed data on a prospective new drug, extends through studies of bioavailability, and continues to the preparation of documents for regulatory agencies 702 A REPORT K. W. Busch and G. H. Morrison of Cornell University review multielement flame spectroscopy. Flame techniques of atomic emission, atomic absorption, and atomic fluorescence have potential for simple, rapid, and inexpensive applications to a variety of samples 712 A Our cover shows drugs for oral .consumption in their many forms, colors, and shapes. Drugs are the concern of Glenn A. Brewer of the Squibb Institute for Medical Research in his Report, "Biopharmaceutics: The Role of the Analyst, page 702 A.

INSTRUMENTATION Morton K. Schwartz, Chairman of the Biochemistry Department at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, reviews current developments in continuous flow analysis, with special emphasis on a recently announced computer-controlled sequential multiple analyzer, SMAC 739 A NEWS AND VIEWS Trace metals in the environment and their toxicity are of concern in many studies. The ACS Analytical Chemistry Division announces eight Fellowship Awards 723 A BOOKS An atlas of spectral data and handbook of chromatography, and books on statistics, mass spectrometry, and high-precision titrimetry are reviewed by Lewis H. Gevantman, Erich Heftmann, Patrick C. Kelly, L. A. Dietz, and Orland W. Kolling 731 A EDITORS' COLUMN Analytical chemistry, the discipline as well as the journal, serves the consumers of research and the primary producers 737 A

Ramifications likely from pending legislation which requires testing of chemical substances for environmental hazards pose challenges to those concerned with the supply of analytical information 1297

Author Index 688 A Briefs 691 A Future Articles 762 A Meetings 727 A Short Courses Call for Papers

728 A 727 A

New Products 749 A Chemicals 756 A Manufacturers' Literature

757 A

Articles Acquisition and Analysis of Cyclic Voltammetric Data. P. E. Whitson, H. W. VandenBorn. and D. H. Evans 1298 New Cell for Rapid Anodic Stripping Analysis. User-Interactive Computer Program for Analysis of Anodic Stripping Data. R. G. Clem, Gerry Litton, and L. D. Ornelas 1306 Polarographic Applications of Multiparametric Curve Fitting. Louis Meites and Leonardo Lampugnani 1317 Preparation and Properties of the Sulfate Ion Selective Membrane Electrode. M. S. Mohan and G. A. Rechnitz 1323 Advantages of Rapid Direct Current Polarography in the Presence of Analytically Undesirable Phenomena Associated with Anodic Mercury Waves. D. R. Canterford, A. S. Buchanan, and A. M. Bond 1327



Ultrapurification of Water for Electrochemical and Surface Chemical Work by Catalytic Pyrodistillation. Β. Ε. Conway, Η. Angerstein-Kozlowska, W. Β. Α. Sharp, and Ε. Ε. Criddle 1331 Static and Chromatographic Measurement and Correlation of Liquid-Liquid Partition Coefficients. J. F. K. Huber, E. T. Alderlieste, H. Harren, and H. Poppe 1337 Determination of Trace Phenol in Aqueous Solution by Aqueous Liquid Chromatography. Kishan Bhatia 1344 Liquid Chromatography on a Porous Polystyrene-Divinylbenzene Support. Separation of Nitro- and Chlorophenols. M. D. Grieser and D. J. Pietrzyk 1348 Iterative Curve Fitting of Chromatographic Peaks. S. N. Chester and S. P. Cram


Οπ-Line Elemental-Reaction Analyzer as an Organic Analysis System. S. A. Liebman, D. H. Ahlstrom, C. D. Nauman, Ft. Averitt, J. L. Walker, and E. J. Levy 1360 Thermodynamically Formulated Concept of the Polarity of Gas Chromatographic Stationary Phases. Josef Novak. Jarmila Ruzickova, Stanislav Wicar, and Jaroslav Janak

New Detector for Ion Exchange Chromatography. T. W. Gilbert and R. A. Dobbs 1390 Determination of Metals in Mixed Hydrochloric and Perchloric Acids by Forced-Flow Anion Exchange Chromatography. M D. Seymour and J. S. Fritz 1394 Identification of Phenylcycloparaffin Alkanes and Other Monoaromatics in Green River Shale by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry. E. J. Gallegos 1399 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of the Interaction between Cation Exchange Resins and Alcohol and Water-Alcohol Mixtures. W. J. Casey and D. J. Pietrzyk 1404 Use of Paramagnetic Shift Reagents for Simplification of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra of Organic Nitrites. J. A. Young. J. G. Grasselli, and W. M. Ritchey 1410 External Standards in X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. A Comparison of Gold, Carbon, and Molybdenum Trioxide. W. P. Dianis and J. E. Lester 1416 Thermodynamic Approach to the Quantitative Interpretation of Sputtered Ion Mass Spectra. C. A. Andersen and J. R. Hinthorne 1421

1365 Polymer Sorbents Based on Polymides. K. /. Sakodynsky, Klinskaya, and L. I. Panina

N. S. 1369

Investigation of the Behavior of a Flame Ionization Detector Working under High Pressure. G. Blu, F. Lazarre. andG. Guiochon 1375 Isolation of Column Phenomena in Gas Chromatography. Ft. W. Dwyer, Jr. 1380 Role of Tri- and Dimethylsilanes in Tailoring Chromatographic Adsorbents. R. K. Gilpin and M. F. Burke 1383

Optimization of Mass Spectrometer Ion Yields by Electron Energy Selection and Cryogenic Trapping of Contaminants for the Pulse-Heated Vaporization of Metal Atoms. J. M. Freese, A. W. Lynch, and R. T. Meyer

1438 On Obtaining Consistent Solutions of Empirical Equations in X-Ray Fluorescence. Mohammad Fatemi and L. S. Birks 1443 Fluorescence and Phosphorescence of Antihistamines Having the 2-Aminopyridine Chromophore. Effect of pH on Fluorescence. D. L. Wilson. D. R. Wirz, and G. H. Schenk 1447

Correlation of Enhancement of Atomic Absorption Sensitivity for Selected Metal Ions with Physical Properties of Organic Solvents. A. J. Lemonds and Β. Ε. McClellan 1455 Interferences in Nickel Determinations by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. L. L. Sundberg 1460 Atomic Absorption Analysis of Strong Heavy Metal Chelating Agents in Water and Waste Water. Robert Kunkel and S. E. Manahan 1465 Comparison of Lock-In Amplification and Photon Counting with Low Background Flames and Graphite Atomizers in Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry. M. K. Murphy, S. A. Clyburn. and Claude Veillon 1468 Application of Thin Metal and Carbon Films in Infrared Internal Reflectance Spectrometry. J. S. Mattson 1473 New Manual Method for Nitrogen Oxides Emission Measurement. L. A. Dee. H. H. Martens, C. I. Merrill, J. T. Nakamura, and F. C. Jaye 1477 Instrumental Photon Activation Analysis of Atmospheric Particulate Material. N. K. Aras, W. H. Toiler. G. E. Gordon, and G. J. Lutz 1481 Some Characteristics and Applications of Self-Scanning Linear Silicon Photodiode Arrays as Detectors of Spectral Information. Gary Horlick and E. G. Codding 1490 Accurate Determination of Absorption Line Frequencies Using Simple Least Squares Convolution Techniques. L. J. Johnson and M. D. Harmony 1494 Screening for Heroin—A Comparison of Current Methods. David Sohn, Julius Simon, M. A. Hanna. G. V. Ghali. R. A. Tolba, and Vahe Melkonian 1498 Techniques for Monitoring the Quality of Ultrapure Reagents— Neutron Activation and X-Ray Fluorescence. J. W. Mitchell. C. L. Luke, and W. R. Northover 1503

A N A L Y T I C A L CHEMISTRY, VOL. 45, NO. 8, JULY 1973 · 683 A


Time-Resolved Laser Induced Degradation of Polystyrene. S. G. Coloff and Ν. E. Vanderborgh 1507

Use of Newer Amino Group Reagents for the Detection and Determination of Kanamycin. D. M. Benjamin, J. J. McCormack, and D. W. Gump 1531

Estimating Precision for the Method of Standard Additions. /. L. Larsen, N. A. Hartmann, and J. J. Wagner 1511

Retention of Mercury When Freeze-Drying Biological Materials. P. D. LaFleur 1534

Curie Point Pyrolysis in Direct Combination with Low Voltage Electron Impact Ionization Mass Spectrometry. New Method for the Analysis of Nonvolatile Organic Materials. H. L. C. Meuzelaar, M. A. Posthumus, P. G. Kistemaker, and J. Kistemaker 1546

Photofragment Detection of Nitrogen Dioxide. W. A. McClenny, J. A. Hodgeson,andJ.P.Beli 1514

Fluorescent Detection of Tryptamine in the Nanogram Range. J. M. Lisy and B. C. Gerstein 1536

Gas Chromatography of Beer Bitter Acids. Maurice Verzele, Eric Vanluchene, and Joseph Van Dyck

Synergic Extraction of Iron with Hexafluoroacetylacetone and Tri-n-Butyl Phosphate. Β. Β. Tomazic and J. W. O'Laughlin

Quantitiation of Pyrimethamine and Related Diaminopyrimidenes in Situ by Enhancement of Fluorescence after Thin Layer Chromatography. W. S. Simmons and Ft. L. DeAngelis 1538



Notes Potentiometric Determination of Boron in Aluminum Oxide-Boron Carbide Using an Ion Specific Electrode. H. E. Wilde. 1526

Analytical Moments of Skewed Gaussian Distribution Functions. P. F. Ftusch and J. P. Lelieur 1541 Electrophoretic Desalting of Acid Hydrolysates for the Isolation of Amino Acids. M. R. Stevens 1543

Estimation of the Carbon/Hydrogen Ratio of Organic Compounds by Laser Pyrolysis. Plasma Stoichiometry Analysis. N. E. Vanderborgh and W. T. Ris tau 1529

Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Coupling of a Liquid Chromatograph to a Mass Spectrometer. R. E. Lovins, S. R. Ellis, G. D. Tolbert, and C. R. McKinney 1553 Plate Model of a Chromatographic Column in the Case of a Nonlinear Sorption Isotherm. K. I. Sakodynsky, L. V. Streltzov, V. Yu. Zelvensky, S. A. Volkov, and I. N. Rozhenko 1557 Gas Chromatograph-Minicomputer System. Design and Application to Biomedical Problems. S. P. Levine, J. L. Naylor, and J. B. Pearce 1560

©Copyright 1973 by the American Chemical Society

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Fluorometric Quantitation of Gallium in Biological Materials at Nanogram Levels. Ft. A. Zweidinger, Lois Barnett. andC. G. Pitt 1563

Aids for Analytical Chemists Separation of Water from Biological and Environmental Samples for Tritium Analysis. A. A. Moghissi. E. W. Bretthauer. and E. H. Compton

1565 Simple Rotary Evaporator Adapter for Use in Thin Film Evaporation with an Inert Gas Stream. C. R. Ganz 1567 Delivery Precision of Micropipets. C. F. Emanuel 1568 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Method for Determining the Moisture Holding Capacity of Cation Exchange Resins as a Function of Temperature. L. S. Frankel 1570 Estimation of the Chemical Shifts of Aromatic Protons Using Additive Increments. Jane Beeby, Sever Sternhell, T. Hoffmann-Ostenhof. Erno Pretsch, and Wilhelm Simon 1571 Efficient Vacuum FractionalSublimation Apparatus. Keith Gosling and Ft. E. Bowen 1574 Simple, Efficient Micro Mixing Device. R. E. Gugger and S. M. Mozersky


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Continuous Flow Krypton Adsorption for Low Surface Area Measurements. Seymour Lowell 1576

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1578 Instrument for Time-Resolved Phosphorimetry Using an Electronically Gated Photomultiplier. T. D. S. Hamilton, and K. R. Naqvi 1581


Charts for Sample Amounts Corresponding to a Self-Shielding Factor of 0.9 in Thermal Neutron Activation Analysis. Minoru Okada




Solid Injection System for Gas Chromatography. £. C. Pease