Table of Contents - Environmental Science ... - ACS Publications

Dec 1, 1978 - Table of Contents. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1978, 12 (13), pp 1346–1347. DOI: 10.1021/es60148a901. Publication Date: December 1978...
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CONTENTS Volume 12, Number 13, December 1978

OUTLOOK 1353 Inhaled particulates. EPA is setting up a new monitoring network for 15-micron particulates 1356 Air pollutants. Can they cause chronic lung diseases? the American Medical Association was asked 1360 WPCF Anaheim meeting. Water quality is once more the name of the water cleanup game 1362 Flue gas conditioning. A way to meet air quality standards before installing costly equipment 1365 Fabric filters. This air pollution control equipment is gaining in uses, but the track record is short 1369 ACS report. "Cleaning Our Environment" took a long time in the making but is now available

PAT REPORT 1370 Alaska pipeline. RFL Industries provided electronic controls that keep the oil in the line

FEATURES 1372 Abating mercury pollution from metallurgical plants-F. Habashi, Universitt Laval, Qutbec, Canada


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Environmental Science & Technology

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1377 Regulatory alert: state implementation plans-Michael R. Deland, ERT, Concord, Mass.

RESEARCH 1379 Measurements and vegetational impact of chemical drift from mechanical draft cooling towers. John J. Rochow Analyses of precipitation prior to and after cooling tower operation indicate high deposition rates of sulfate and calcium up to 92 m from the towers. 1384 Sink processes for tetraalkyllead compounds in the atmosphere. Roy M. Harrison* and Duncan P. H. Laxen The principal homogeneous reaction of tetramethyllead and tetraethyllead in the atmosphere is photochemical oxidation, with attack by O H being the main reaction pathway. 1392 Analysis of the nitrate content of surface water and effluent water, Application of a plastic-membrane nitrateselective electrode in water quality monitors. H . C. Brinkhoff The nitrate-selective electrode is found to be quite useful for routine analysis of nitrate in water. 1394 Regional oxygen-18 variations in particulate sulfate and water vapor at three sampling sites about 100 km apart. Ben D. Holt*, Romesh Kumar, Paul T. Cunningham, Margo Bouchard, Antoinette Engelkemeir, Stanley A. Johnson, Eugene L. Nielsen, and Jack D. Shannon

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ESTHAG 12( 13) 1345- 1466 ( 1 978) ISSN 001 3-936X

I8O analyses of particulate sulfate and water vapor samples, collected during a 6-day sampling period, demonstrate an apparent regional impact on the nature of particulate sulfates in the atmosphere. 1398 Continued development of a kinetic mechanism for photochemical smog. Andrew H. Falls and John H. Seinfeld* A kinetic mechanism for photochemical smog, incorporating new information on rate constants and mechanisms, is compared with smog chamber data on propylene and nbutane systems. 1406 Polarographic determination of lead hydroxide formation constants at low ionic strength. Carol J. Lind Values of formation constants for lead hydroxide a t 25 OC were calculated from normal pulse polarographic measurements of M lead in 0.01 M sodium perchlorate. 141 I Relationship between the morphological properties of half-calcined dolomite and the kinetics of the sulfation reaction. S. Siegel*, L. H. Fuchs, B. R. Hubble, and E. L. Nielsen Sulfation experiments on half-calcined stones indicate that the kinetics are dependent to some extent on crystal size and disorder. 1416 Regulation of copper availability to phytoplankton by macromolecules in lake water. RenC Gachter*, Joan S. Davis, and Antonin M a r & Nonultrafilterable ligands in lake water appear to control copper availability and, therefore, toxicity to phytoplankton by forming complexes as stable as the CuEDTA complex.

1422 Fate of liquid ammonia spilled onto water. Phani P. K. Raj* and Robert C. Reid About 70% of anhydrous ammonia spilled entered the water phase, forming a dilute N H 4 0 H solution. Results were independent of concentration, temperature, and salinity. 1425 Photodegradation of 3,3'-dichlorobenzidine. Sujit Banerjee*, Harish C. Sikka*, Richard Gray, and Christine M . Kelly Photodegradation of DCB in aqueous solution gave monochlorobenzidine, benzidine, and some brightly colored water-insoluble materials. Degradation was slower in nonaqueous solutions.


Managing Editor: S t a n t o n S. Miller Associate Editor: Julian Josephson Associate Editor; Lois R . E m b e r

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1431 Treatment of the sludge containing chromium and calcium by heating with silica. Makoto Hattori*, Kenji Yaku, and Kiichi Nagaya Experimental results suggest that a calcium-rich chromium-plating waste can be treated with silica to form less soluble (Ca,Cr)-silicate.


Associare Editor: Gloria L. Dinote Associate Editor; Deborah A . Wilaon

1438 Sulfate and nitrate data from the California aerosol characterization experiment (ACHEX). Mark R . Antell. Bruce R. Appel





1428 Low-temperature interaction of sulfur dioxide with Pacific ferromanganese nodules. Jong H. Lee, John Gilje, Harry Zeitlin*, and Quintus Fernando 1R data show that interactions of SO2 and Pacific ferromanganese nodules (25-95 "C) produce sulfates and soluble dithionates. Valuable metals may be recovered from the nodules.


Editor: Russell F. C h r i s t m a n Associate Editor: C h a r l e s R . O'Melia

1435 Cellulose filter high-volume cascade impactor aerosol collection efficiency. A technical note. Herman Sievering*, Mehul J. Dav?, Patric G. McCoy, and Keith Walther The collection efficiency of cellulose filters for a 40-cfm high-volume cascade impactor was analyzed and compared with that of glass fiber filters.


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Volume 12, Number 13, December 1978