Table of Contents - Environmental Science & Technology (ACS

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ES&T CONTENTS V o l u m e 2 8 , N u m b e r 2, February 1 9 9 4



63A Biofuel Benefits Questioned

FEATURES 64A S h a p i n g E n v i r o n m e n t a l P o l i c y i n the White House. Kathleen McGinty, President Clinton's environmental adviser, talks about the administration's first year a n d the challenges of keeping the environment on " t h e radar screen." 70A The Quest for an Advanced Regional Air Quality Model. D. A l a n H a n s e n et al. e x p l a i n w h y t h e Consortium for A d v a n c e d Modeling of Regional Air Quality believes the time is right for developing comprehensive modeling systems. 88A The SNOX Process: A Success Story. Sher Dur­ rani describes Ohio Edison's successful demon­ stration of a catalytic process to remove sulfur ox­ ides and nitrogen oxides from flue gases at a coalburning power plant.


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78A Mechanisms White Rot Fungi Use to Degrade Pol­ lutants. David Barr and Steven Aust review the advantages of w h i t e rot fungi over other bioremediation agents in combatting a w i d e range of pol­ lutants. ESTHAG 28(2) 4 9 A - 1 0 4 A / 2 0 1 - 3 6 8 (1994) ISSN 0013 936X

92 A Eisenreich and the Transport of Airborne Chemi­ cals in Aquatic Systems. University of Minnesota researcher Steve Eisenreich c o n t i n u e s h i s pio­ neering work in probing the transport of air pol­ lutants in the Great Lakes.

DEPARTMENTS 55A 56A 60A 62A 95A 99A

Editorial 102A Classified Currents 104A Consulting Services · Clinton Pushes Alternatively Fueled Vehicles · Flywheel F u n d a m e n t a l s Books Products

Cover; and pp. 70A, 88A, Comstock Stock Photography Credits: p. 62A, American Flywheel Systems; p. 65A, Turtil Photography; p . 78A, courtesy SADI Advertising

Environmental Science & Technology ©Copyright 1994 by the American Chemical Society

Luthy, Ralph Mitchell, Joseph M. Norbeck, Dennis Schuetzle, Joanne Simpson, Alexander J. B. Zehnder, Richard G. Zepp

MANUSCRIPT EDITING Journals Editing Manager: Kathleen E. Duffy Assistant Editor: Brenda S. Wooten

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WASHINGTON EDITORS Managing Editor: Stephen Cole Executive Editor: Stanton S. Miller Associate Editor: Alan Newman Contributing Editor: Julian Josephson

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Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 28, No. 2, 1994 49 A

RESEARCH 201 Environmental Science & Technology list of reviewers. 204 A continuous analysis technique for trace species in ice cores. Andreas Sigg,* Katrin Fuhrer, Martin Anklin, Thomas Staffelbach, and Daniel Zurrmihle A continuous melting technique, combined with continuous flow analysis, is developed for in situ measurements of chemical trace species in ice cores. 210 Enzyme-mediated coupling of 3,4-dichloroaniline and ferulic acid: A model for pollutant binding to humic materials. Kenji Tatsumi, Alan Freyer, Robert D. Minard, and Jean-Marc Bollag* The coupling of chlorinated anilines with a humic constituent is investigated to obtain a better understanding of the binding between a pollutant and humic material. 216 Dissolved oxygen effects on equilibrium and kinetics of phenolics adsorption by activated carbon. Nabil S. Abuzaid and Girgis F. Nakhla* The polymerization of phenolics onto activated carbon, which is directly correlated to the concentration of dissolved oxygen, enhances overall uptake despite prolonging equilibrium time. 222 Inorganic and organic byproducts of the reactions between chlorite, activated carbon, and phenolic compounds. Nathalie Karpel Vel Leitner, Joseph De Laat, Marcel Dore, Hervé Suty, and Michel Pouillot The influence of organics on the efficiency of activated carbon to remove chlorite and the reactions between chlorite, activated carbon, and organic compounds are examined. 231 Use of cationic surfactants to modify soil surfaces to promote sorption and retard migration of hydrophobic organic compounds. Julia Wagner, Hua Chen, Bruce J. Brownawell, and John C. Westall* Treatment of surfaces with cationic surfactants shows promise as a means of promoting hydrophobic organic compound sorption in a variety of treatment processes. 238 Continuous hourly analysis of C 2 -C 1 0 nonmethane hydrocarbon compounds in urban air Please s e n d research m a n u s c r i p t s to Manuscript Reviewing, feature manuscripts to Managing Editor. For editorial policy, author's guide, and peer review policy, see the January 1994 issue, page 41A, or write Yvonne D. Curry, Manuscript Reviewing Office, ES&T. A sample copyright transfer form, which may be copied, appears on the inside back cover of the February 1994 issue. Environmental Science & Technology, ES&T (ISSN 0013-936X), is published monthly except semimonthly in September by the American Chemical Society at 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036. Second-class postage paid at Washington, DC, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address chances to Environmental Science & Technology, Membership & Subscription Services, P.O. Box 3337, Columbus, OH 43210. Canadian GST Reg. No. R127571347. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES 1994: Members, $44 per year; nonmembers (for personal use), $90 per year; institutions, $497 per year. Foreign postage, $22 additional

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50 A Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 28, No. 2, 1994







by GC-FID. Charles T. Farmer, Peter J. Milne,* Daniel D. Riemer, and Rod G. Zika Monitoring of a wide range of ozone precursor compounds (non-methane hydrocarbons) in urban atmospheres by an automated gas chromatographic method is discussed. Reductive dechlorination of carbon tetrachloride by cobalamin(II) in the presence of dithiothreitol: Mechanistic study, effect of redox potential and pH. Nada Assaf-Anid, Kim F. Hayes, and Timothy M. Vogel* This study examines the role of pH and redox potential on the reductive dechlorination of carbon tetrachloride by cobalamin(II). Application of a permeant/polymer diffusional model to the desorption of polychlorinated biphenyls from Hudson River sediments. Kenneth M. Carroll,* Mark R. Harkness, Angelo A. Bracco, and Robert R. Balcarcel Desorption data of PCBs from Hudson River sediments are analyzed by a permeant/polymer diffusional model, which yields PCB/humic polymer diffusion coefficients and mass transfer limiting dimensions. Volatile organic compounds in digested United Kingdom sewage sludges. Susan C. Wilson,* Victoria Burnett, Keith S. Waterhouse, and Kevin C. Jones The extraction and analysis of volatile organic compounds in 12 United Kingdom digested sewage sludges are presented. Transformation of dyes and related compounds in anoxic sediment: Kinetics and products. George L. Baughman* and Eric J. Weber A study of the reaction kinetics and product formation of several azo, anthraquinone, and quinoline dyes in sediments is described. Effects of salts on preparation and use of calcium silicates for flue gas desulfurization. Kurt K. Kind, Philip D. Wasserman, and Gary T. Rochelle* The addition of calcium chloride or gypsum to the slurry reaction of lime and fly ash produces more reactive calcium silicate for gas desulfurization. Mechanisms of chromium(III) sorption on silica. 1. Cr(III) surface structure derived by extended

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