Tables of Contents of ACS PUBLICATIONS - Industrial & Engineering

Publication Date: November 1961. Copyright © 1961 American Chemical Society. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's ...
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AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY September 5, 1961, Vol. 83, No. 17 Electronegativity. Raymond P. Iczkowski and John L. Margrave T h e Influence of Phase, T e m p e r a t u r e and Bromine Concentration on Bromine Production in t h e Decomposition of CCl 3 Br by •y-Rays. Richard F. Firestone and John E. Willard Reactions of Gaseous Ions. I X . Charge Exchange Reactions of R a r e Gas Ions with E t h y l e n e . J. L. Franklin and F. H. Field. . Hydrogen Inhibition of t h e R a r e Gas Sensitized Radiolysis of Cyclopropane. C. F. Smith, B. G. Cor man and F. W. Lampe H y d r o g e n Bromide Inhibition in t h e Zinc Chloride Catalyzed B r o m i n a t i o n of Polyalkylbenzenes in Acetic Acid. T h e Effect of Ring D e u t e r a t i o n on R e a c t i v i t y . Roy Josephson, R. M. Keefer and L. J. Andrews . . . . T h e Role of Non-bonded Repulsions in Secondary Isotope Effects. I. Alpha and Beta Substitution Effects. L. S. Bartell T h e r m o d y n a m i c D a t a for t h e Dimethylacetamide—Iodine System. Russel S. Drago, Robert L. Carlson, Norman J. Rose and Donald A. Wenz Multilayer M e m b r a n e Electrodes. I I I . Activity of Alkaline E a r t h Salts in Mixed Electrolytes. Harold Schonhorn and Harry P. Gregor T h e Infrared Spectra of Alkyllithium Comp o u n d s . Robert West and William Glaze . . T h e P r e p a r a t i o n of Organolithium C o m p o u n d s b y t h e T r a n s m e t a l a t i o n Reaction. I. Vinyllithium. Dietmar Seyferth and Michael A. Weiner Studies on t h e Chemistry of Halogens a n d of Polyhalides. X X I . Halogen Complexes of 4 , 4 - B i p y r i d i n e a n d t h e Infrared Spectra of Pyridine Complexes. Alexander I. Popov, John C. Marshall, Francis B. State and Willis B.Person Chemistry of t h e M e t a l Carbonyls. X I . M e t a l Complexes of 5,6-Dimethylenebicyclo [2.2.1 ] heptene-2. R. B. King and F. G. A. Stone Chemistry of t h e M e t a l Carbonyls. X I I . N e w Complexes Derived from Cyclopentadienylcobalt Dicarbonyl. R. B. King, P. M. Treichel and F. G.A.Stone Chemistry of t h e M e t a l Carbonyls. X I I I . I r o n Complexes of Divinylbenzenes. T. A. Manuel, S. L. Stafford and F.G.A. Stone . . Chemistry of t h e M e t a l Carbonyls. X I V . N e w Organosulfur Derivatives of Iron a n d Cobalt. R. B. King, P. M. Treichel and F. G. A. Stone Chemistry of t h e M e t a l Carbonyls. XV. Fluorocarbon Derivatives of Iron Carbonyl. R. B. King, S. L. Stafford, P. M. Treichel and F. G.A.Stone H y p o c h r o m i s m a n d O t h e r Spectra Properties of Helical Polynucleotides. William Rhodes. . Aqueous Zirconium Complexes. II. Mixed Chelates. B.J. Intorreand A. E. Martell . .


3551 3555 3559

3562 3567


3576 3580


3586 3590


An Electron Spin Resonance S t u d y of the Reaction of Pyridine with Potassium: T h e Form a t i o n of Bipyridyl Negative Ion. Raymond L. Ward


Aggregation of Acridine Orange Bound t o Polyanions: T h e Stacking Tendency of Deoxyribonucleic Acids. A. L. Stone and D. F. Bradley


Stereochemistry of K r e b s ' Cycle H y d r a t i o n s and Related Reactions. Oscar Gawron, Andrew J.Glaid,III,andThomasP.Fondy . . . . Nucleotides. I I . A N e w Procedure for the Conversion of Ribonucleosides to 2',3'-0-Isopropylidene Derivatives. Alexander Hampton T h e Autoôxidation of 2,3-Diethylindole to 2-Acetyl-3-ethylindole. Edward Leete Kinetic S t u d y of t h e Pyrolysis of 1,2-Diarylethyl Acetates. IV. Grant Gill Smith, Frank D. Bagley and Roger Taylor . . . . Molecular R e a r r a n g e m e n t s . X V I I . T h e Deaminations of D- and L-ery£/iro-l-Aminol,2-diphenylpropanol-2 a n d of D-2-Amino1,1-diphenylpropane. Ben M. Benjamin, Pelham Wilder, Jr., and Clair J. Collins . . Molecular R e a r r a n g e m e n t s . X V I I I . T h e Deamination of erythro- a n d i/ireo-l-Amino-lphenyl-2-/>-tolyl-2-propanol. Ben M. Benjamin and Clair J. Collins Steric Hindrance as a F a c t o r in the Alkylation of Ambident Anions: T h e Alkylation of Potassium 2,6-D-t-butylphenoxide. Nathan Kornblum and Raymond Seltzer Small-Ring Compounds. X X X V . Studies of R e a r r a n g e m e n t s in t h e N i t r o u s Acid Deaminations of M e t h y l - s u b s t i t u t e d Cyclobutyl-, Cyclopropylcarbinyl- a n d Allylcarbinylamines. Marc S. Silver, Marjorie C. Caserio, Howard E. Rice and John D. Roberts Electrophilic Substitution a t S a t u r a t e d Carbon. X I I I . Solvent Control of R a t e of Acid-Base Reactions t h a t Involve t h e C a r b o n - H y d r o gen Bond. Donald J. Cram, Bruce Rickborn, Charles A. Kingsbury and Paul Haberfield Electrophilic Substitution a t S a t u r a t e d Carbon. X I V . Asymmetric Solvation of Carbanions in Stereospecific Hydrogen—Deuterium Exchange Reactions. Donald J. Cram, Charles A. Kingsbury and Bruce Rickborn Electrophilic Substitution a t S a t u r a t e d Carbon. X V . Asymmetric Carbanions, Asymmetric Solvation and d-Orbitals of Sulfur. Donald J. Cram, Donald A. Scott and W. David Nielsen T h e Acetyolysis of T r i p h e n y l m e t h y l Chloride in C a r b o n Tetrachloride. L. J. Andrews and R.M. Keefer


3640 3645 3647







3696 3708

3597 C o m m u n i c a t i o n s to t h e Editor 3600

3604 3609 3618

P o t e n t i a l Anticancer Agents. L X V I . N o n Classical Antimetabolites. I I I . 4-(Iodoacetamido)-salicylic Acid, a n exo-Alkylating Irreversible Inhibitor of G l u t a m i c Dehydrogenase. B. R. Baker, William W. Lee, Ethel Tong and Leonard O. Ross T h e Photolysis of C a r b o n Suboxide. Kyle Bayes. A N e w Class of Organosilicon Compounds. Silicon Analogs of Cyclopentadiene. Robert A. Benkeser, Richard F. Grossman and Garth M. Stanton VOL. 53, N O . 11



3713 3712

3716 141 A

Tables of Contents


Electron Spin Density Distributions in Conju­ gated Systems by N.m.r. R. E. Benson, D. R. Easton, A. D. Josey and W. D. Phil­ lips The Role of Acetate, Malonate and Succinate in the Biosynthesis of Carolic Acid. Ronald Bentley, J. G. Keil and D. S. Bhate . . . . The Rearrangement of the Pentaphenylcyclopentadienyl Cation. Ronald Breslow and Hai Won Chang The Structure of Neamine. Herbert E. Carter, John R. Dyer, Paul D. Shaw, Kenneth L. Rinehart, Jr., and Martin Hichens . . . . A Study of the Reactions of Various Tin(II) Compounds with Calcium Hydroxylapatite. Ronald Collins, William Nebergall and Horst Langer The Reduction of Olefins by Means of Azodicarboxylic Acid in Situ. Ε. Ε. van Tamelen, R. S. Dewey and R. J. Timmons Reduction of Isolated Olefinic Bonds by Means of p-Toluenesulfonylhydrazine. R. S. Dewey and Ε. Ε. van Temelen Optical Rotatory Dispersion Studies. LVIII. The Complete Absolute Configurations of Steviol, Kaurene and the Diterpene Alka­ loids of the Garryfoline and Atisine Groups. Carl Djerassi, Peter Quitt, Erich Mosettig, R. C. Cambie, P. S. Rutledge and L. H. Briggs l-Methyl-7r-allylirontricarbonyl Chloride. F. J. Impastato and K. G. Ihrman First Observation of Aqueous Tetravalent Cu­ rium. Thomas Κ. Keenan A Novel Hydride of Vanadium. Arnulf J. Maeland, Thomas R. P. Gibb, Jr., and David P. Schumacher Purification and Characterization of Sheep Pro­ lactin. Ralph A. Reisfeld, George L. Tong, Edward L. Riches, Norman G. Brink and Sanford L. Steelman The Structure of Nybomycin. Kenneth L. Rine­ hart, Jr., and H. Burt Renf roe Production, Stabilization, and Reactions of Sim­ ple Hydrocarbon Carbanions. I. Activa­ tion of C-H bonds in Hydrocarbon Olefins. A. Schriesheim, J. E. Hofmann and C. A. Rowe, Jr Non-Chair Conformations. Equilibrium of cisand £ra/is-2,5-Di-i-butyl-l,4-cyclohexanedione. Robert D. Stolow and Charles B. Boyce Unusual Magnetic Properties of Some Six-Co­ ordinate Cobalt(II) Complexes—Electronic Isomers. Carl R. Stoufer, Daryle H. Busch, and Wayne Β. Hadley A New Organotin-Magnesium Compound. Christ Tamborski and Edward J. Soloski . .



3714 3716 3727 3723

3724 3725 3729

3720 3726 3719 3728

3717 3729



3732 3734


AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY September 20, 1961, Vol. 83, No. 18 Mass Spectrometric Studies of Low Pressure Pyrolysis Reactions of Chlorinated and Fluorinated C, and C2 Compounds on Graphite. Dino R. Bidinosti and Richard F. Porter Proton Magnetic Resonance Studies of Porphy­ rins. Edwin D. Becker, Robert B. Bradley and C. J. Watson 142 A


3737 3743

The Crystal and Molecular Structure of S c (Sulfur-6). Jerry Donohue, Aimery Carbon and Elihu Goldfish Disproportionation and Recombination Reac­ tions of Methyl and «-Pentyl Radicals. M. H. J. Wijnen Hydrogen Abstraction from Hydrocarbons by Methyl Radicals from the Photolysis of Methyl Iodide in Solid Nitrogen. C. David Bass and George C. Pimentel Ion Association in Polyvalent Symmetrical Elec­ trolytes. I I . The Conductance of Manganese(II) Sulfate and M n B D S in MethanolWater Mixtures. Calvin J. Hallada and Gor­ don Atkinson Rectification by the Electrical Double Layer and Adsorption Kinetics. Mitsugi Senda and Paul Delahay Electron Spin Resonance of Some Vanadium and Titanium Compounds. James C. W. Chien and Charles R. Boss The Donor Properties of Pyridine N-Oxide. J. V. Quagliano, J. Fujita, G. Franz, D. J. Phil­ lips, J. A. Walmsley and S. Y. Tyree Transition Metal Complexes of Pyridine N-Oxide. Richard L. Carlin Molecular Association and Electronic Structures of Nickel(II) Chelates. I I . bis-(3-Phenyl2,4-pentanediono)-nickel(II) and High Tem­ perature Studies of Nickel Acetylacetonate. John P. Fackler, Jr., and F. Albert Cotton Complexes of Copper(II) and Some 5-Substituted Tetrazoles. Ned A. Dougherty and C. H. Brubaker, Jr Chelate Stabilities of Certain Oxine-type Com­ pounds. I I I . Schiff Bases. T. J. Lane, C. S. C, and A. J. Kandathil The Inductive Effect and Chemical Reactivity. V. Theoretical Dipole Moments of α,ω-Dichloroalkanes and α,ω-Dibromoalkanes. Richard P. Smith and Jewell J. Rasmussen Chemical Topology. H. L. Frisch and E. Wasserman Mass Spectra of Organic Molecules. I. Ethyl Esters of Amino Acids. K. Biemann, J. Seibl and F. Gapp Kinetics of Cyclization of o-Halobenzophenone Oximes to 3-Phenyl-l,2-benzisoxazole. J. F. Bunnettand S. Y. Yih The Condensation of 9,10-Phenanthraquinone with Acetic Anhydride. Stanley M. Bloom.. . . Elimination Reactions of «-Halogenated Ke­ tones. V. Kinetics of the Bromide Ion Pro­ moted Elimination Reaction of 2-Benzyl-2bromo-4,4-dimethyl-l-tetralone in Solvent Acetonitrile. Dennis N. Kevill and Norman H. Cromwell Elimination Reactions of α-Halogenated Ke­ tones. VI. Kinetics of Piperidine Promoted Elimination from 2-Benzyl-2-bromo-4,4-dimethyl-1-tetralone in Solvent Acetonitrile. Dennis N. Kevill and Norman H. Cromwell Solvent Effects in the Decomposition of 1,1-Diphenylazoethane and 2,2 -Azobis(2-methylpropionitrile). Raymond C. Petersen, J. Hodge Markgraf and Sidney D. Ross Potential Antiradiation Drugs. I I . /3-Aminomercaptans Derived from D-Allose. Leon Goodman and James E. Christensen Potential Antiradiation Drugs. I I I . /3-Aminomercaptans Derived from D-Altrose. James E. Christensen and Leon Goodman Hydroboration. X I . The Hydroboration of Acetylenes -A Convenient Conversion of In­ ternal Acetylenes into cts-Olefins and of Termi­ nal Acetylenes into Aldehydes. Herbert C. Brown and George Zweifel

3748 3752


3759 3763 3767 3770 3773

3775 3779 3782

3785 3789 3795 3805 3808



3819 3823 3827


Tables Carbonium Ion Stabilization by Metallocene Nuclei. I I . α-Metallocenylcarbonium Ions. E. Alexander Hill and John H. Richards T h e ori/io-Claisen Rearrangement. IV. T h e Rearrangement of X-Cinnamyl p-Tolyl E t h e r s . William N. White and Wilmer K. Fife Amine Oxides. I X . Comparison of the Elimi­ nation Reactions Forming Olefins from the N-Oxides and Methohydroxides of Amines of the T y p e R,CHCH 2 N(CH : 1 )... Arthur C. Cope and Daniel L. Ross 1-Phenylcyclohexene from irans-2-Phenylcyclohexyltrimethylammonium Hydroxide by cis Elimination. Arthur C. Cope, Glenn A. Berchtold and Daniel L. Ross Mechanism of t h e Hofmann Elimination Reac­ tion: Evidence t h a t a n Ylide Intermediate is not Involved in Simple Compounds. Arthur C. Cope, Norman A. LeBel, Phylis T. Moore and William R. Moore T h e Preparation and Ground S t a t e Properties of Several Hydro- and Functional Group Deriva­ tives of Bicyclo [2.2.2 ]heptadiene Containing 7-Spiro Substituents. Charles F. Wilcox, Jr., and Rhoda R. Craig Transsulfonation in Preparing Aromatic Sulfones. Harald Drews, Seymour Meyerson and Ellis K. Fields T h e Hydrogénation of Cycloalkenes over Supported Palladium Catalysts. James-Frederick Sauvage, Robert H. Baker and Allen S. Hussey. . Positive Halogen Compounds. I I I . Allylic Chlorination with ί-Butyl Hypochlorite: T h e Stereochemistry of Allylic Radicals. Cheves Walling and Warren Thaler Calculated Isotope Effects for Reactions of Lyonium Ion in Mixtures of Light and Heavy Water. C. Gardner Swain and Edward R. Thornton Calculated Isotope Effects for Reactions of Lyoxide Ion or W a t e r in Mixtures of Light and H e a v y Water. C. Gardner Swain and Edward R. Thornton T h e Configurations of Some Substituted /3-Haloacrylic Acids. William J. le Noble C o m m u n i c a t i o n s to the Editor T h e Structure of α-Lumicolchicine - S o m e Exam­ ples of Diamagnetic Shielding by the CarbonOxygen Double Bond. O. L. Chapman and H. G. Smith T h e T o t a l Synthesis of Toxoflavin. G. Doyle Daves, Jr., Roland K. Robins and C. C. Cheng. . T h e Detection of Triplet States by the cis-trans Isomerization of Butene-2. R. B. Cundall and D. G. Milne Degradation of Thiostrepton. Derivatives of 8-Hydroxyquinoline. C. N. C. Drey, G. W. Kenner, H. D. Law, R. C. Sheppard, Miklos Bodanszky, Josef Fried, Nina J. Williams and John T. Sheehan A N.m.r. S t u d y of Keto-Enol Equilibria in Schiff Bases. I I . G. O. Dudek and R. H. Holm Opposite Relative Signs of Geminal and Vicinal P r o t o n - P r o t o n Coupling C o n s t a n t s in Satu­ rated Organic Molecules. Robert R. Fraser, R. U. Lemieux and J. D. Stevens Carbonium Ion Salts. I I . Reaction of Cycloheptatriene with Inorganic Halides; Tropenium Chloroborate. Kenneth M. Harmon, Ann B. Harmon and Frank E. Cummings Reversible F o r m a t i o n of Amides from Free Carboxylic Acid and Amine in Aqueous Solution. A Case of Neighboring G r o u p Facilitation. Takeru Higuchi and Tomonori Miki






3866 3871 3874



3890 3897

of Contents


T i n - P r o t o n Spin—Spin Coupling in M e t h y l t i n Halides and Related Compounds. John R. Holmes and H. D. Kaesz


On t h e Mechanism for Long R a n g e P r o t o n Spin Couplings. Ragnar A. Hoffman and Salo Gronowitz


On d Hybridization in Chlorine. William Klemperer Synthesis of Perhydroazulenes. Yehuda Mazur and Manasse Nussim Tetrafiuorohydrazine: a Versatile Intermediate for the Synthesis of N-Fluoro Compounds. Robert C. Petry and Jeremiah P. Freeman

3910 3911 3912

Electrolytic Generation of Radical Ions in Aque­ ous Solution. L. H. Piette, P. Ludwig and R. N. Adams


An Unusual Heterocyclic System Involving Charge Separation and Hexacovalent Phos­ phorus. A. G. Pinkus, S. Y. Ma and H. C. Custard, Jr


Partial Chromatographic Resolution, R o t a t o r y Dispersion, and Absolure Configuration of Oc­ tahedral Complexes Containing Three Identi­ cal Bidentate Ligands. T. S. Piper


Configurational Analysis of 4-Formyl-l-methylpyridinium Iodide Oximes and its Relation­ ship t o a Molecular Complementarity Theory on t h e Reactivation of Inhibited Acetylcholin­ esterase. Edward J. Poziomek, David N. Kramer, William A. Mosher and Harry O. Michel


Electron Spin Resonance Studies of Electrolytically Reduced Tetracyanoethylene De­ rivatives. Philip H. Reiger, Ivan Bernai and George K. Fraenkel


Synthesis of Pseudouridine. Robert Shapiro and Robert Warner Chambers A Reversible Complex of Cobaltodihistidine with Molecular Nitric Oxide. Paolo Silvestroni and Laura Ceciarelli


A Dehydroxylation Reaction. and À. Kraak






3906 3914

November 1961, Vol. 33, No. 12 Scientific C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Estimation of Microgram Amounts of Protein Using a Modified Ring Oven. A. F. Farr and A. L. Chaney Masking Agents for pCl Measurements. M. O. Fulda Color Reaction of Epoxy and Furanoid Carotenoids with Mercuric Chloride. H. Y. Yamamoto, C. O. Chichester, and T. O. M. Nakayama

1790 1792 1792


Theory of Stationary Electrode Polarography. W. H. Reinmuth Separation of Components of Marijuana by GasLiquid Chromatography. C. R. Kingston and P. L. Kirk Experimental Evaluation of Liquid-Junction Po­ tential. / . V. Nelson and R. T. Iwamoto . . .



Chronopotentiometry in Acetic Anhydride. Ox­ idation and Reduction of t h e Solvent. W. B. Mather, Jr., and F. C. Anson



VOL. 53, NO. 11



1793 1794

143 A

Tables of Contents


Application of Constant Current Potentiometry to Nonaqueous Titrations of Organic Bases. G. R. Svoboda Differential Thermometric Titrations and the Determination of Heats of Reaction. B. C. Tyson, Jr., W. H. McCurdy, Jr., and C. E. Bricker Separation of Macro Quantities of Thorium with 2-Thenoyltrifluoroacetone. T. C. Rains, Marion Ferguson, and H. P. House Determination of Thorium in Low-Grade Ores Using a Cation Exchange Separation-EDTA Titration Procedure. F. W. E. Strelow . . . Separation of Iridium from Rhodium by Extraction with Tributyl Phosphate. R. B. Wilson and W. D. Jacobs Spectrophotometry Study of p-Nitrosodimethylaniline as a Sensitive Colorimetric Reagent for Rhodium. R. B. Wilson and W. D. Jacobs . . Complexometric Determination of Fluoride with Cerium (III). S. S. Yamamura, M. E. Kussy, and J. E. Rein Analysis of Thallium Amalgams. W. T. Foley and J. M. Osyany Extraction and Determination of Gold with Tetraphenylarsonium Chloride. J. W. Murphy and H. E. Affsprung Ultraviolet Determination of Uranium in Concentrated Hydrochloric Acid. C. M. Callahan Increased Selectivity in Chelometric Titrations through End Point Location by Linear Extrapolation. D. A. Aikens, Gaby Schmuckler, F. S. Sadek, and C. N. Reilley Improvements in the Fluorometric Determination of Submicrogram Quantities of Beryllium. C. W. Sill, C. P. Willis, and J. K. Flygare, Jr Decomposition of Refractory Silicates in Ultramicro Analysis. C. W. Sill X-Ray Powder Diffraction Patterns of Some Cadmium Phosphates. R. C. Ropp, R. W. Mooney, and C. W. W. Hoffman Improvements in the X-Ray Emission Analysis of Cement Raw Mix. George Andermann . . X-Ray Emission Analysis of Finished Cements. George Andermann and J. D. Allen Geometrical Representation and X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Ternary Alloys. Abraham Taylor, B. J. Kagle, and É. W. Better . . . . Use of Very Short-Lived Isotopes in Activation Analysis. O. U. Anders X-Ray Spectrographic Determination of Thorium in Uranium Ore Concentrates. W. C. StoeckerandC.H. McBride Radiochemical Separation of Cadmium by Amalgam Exchange. J. R. DeVoe, H. W. Nass, and W. W. Meinke Absorptivity Correction in Multicomponent Spectrophotometric Analysis. Elizabeth Pillion, M. R. Rogers, and A. M. Kaplan . . . . Aqueous Sodium Borohydride Chemistry. Lead, Barium, Mercury, Cadmium, and Zinc. G. W. Schaeffer, M. C. Waller, and L. F. Hohnstedt Flame Spectrophotometric Study of Barium. J. A. Dean, J. C. Burger, T. C. Rains, and H.E.Zittel Quantitative Study of Factors Influencing Sample Flow R a t e in Flame Photometry. J. D. Winefordner and H. W. Latz Labline Award S y m p o s i u m The Basis of Selectivity in Chromatography, Electrochromatography, and Continuous Electrochromatography. H. H. Strain 144 A



1640 1645 1648

Silica Gel Structure and the Chromatographic Process. Effect of Pore Diameter on the Adsorption and Differential Migration of Sterol Acetates. P. D. Klein Continuous Separation of Gaseous Mixtures by Thermal Gravitational Diffusion. H. D. Frame, Jr., J. R. Kuszewski, J. F. Binder, and H. H. Strain Hydrogénation of Linolenate. Comparison of Products from Trilinolenin and Methyl Linolenate by Use of Countercurrent Distribution and Gas Liquid Chromatography. C. R. Schofield, E. P. Jones, and H.J. Dullon. . . .




End of Symposium

1650 1652 1655 1657 1658 1660


1671 1684 1687 1689 1695 1699 1706 1709 1713 1715

Determination of Menthols by Gas Chromatography. P. J. Porcaro and V. D. Johnston . . Quantitative Determination of Diaminocarboxylic Acids and Related Compounds by Rapid Paper Electrophoresis. M. A. Doran Ion Exchange Method for the Determination of l-Isonicotinyl-2-acetylhydrazide (Acetylated Isoniazid) in Biological Fluids. Alfred Heller, J. E. Kasik, Leon Clark, and L. J. Roth . . . Conductivity Method for Determination of Urea. Wei-tsung Chin and Wybe Kroontje Determination of Traces of Sulfur, Fluorine, and Boron in Organic Materials by Oxygen Bomb Combustion. J. J. Bailey and D. G. Gehring . Determination of Oxygen in Organometallic and Inorganic Compounds by a Modified Unterzaucher Method. Mitchell Kapron and Manuel Brandt Determination of Ethyl Hydrogen Sulfate, Diethyl Sulfate, and Sulfuric Acid in Diethyl Sulfate Solutions. H. G. Harris and D. M. Himmelblau Determination of Oxygen by the Inert Gas Fusion Method Using Graphite Capsules. E. J. Beck, and F. E. Clark Behavior of Substituted Aromatic Acids in Selected Nonaqueous Solvents. R. R. Miron and D. M. Hercules Extraction of the Elements as Quaternary (Propyl, Butyl, and Hexyl) Amine Complexes. W. J. Maeck, G. L. Booman, M. E. Kussy, and J. E. Rein Separation of Arsenic From Antimony and Bismuth by Solvent Extraction. H. C. Beard and L. A. Lyerly Spectrophotometric Determination of Iron(III) by Means of 6-Hydroxy-l,7-phenathroline. J. M.Duswalt and M.G. Mellon Analysis of Multicomponent Methyl- and Phenylchlorosilane Solutions. C.A.Hirt . . Report on Recommended Specifications for Microchemical Apparatus. Oxygen Combustion Flask. Al Steyermark, H. K. Alber, V. A. Aluise, E. W. D. Huffman, E. L. Jolley, J. A. Kuck, J. J. Moran, C. L. Ogg, and C. E. Pietri Corrections

1748 1752

1755 1757 1760


1764 1767 1770

1775 1781 1782 1786



1719 1722 1727


Correspondence Determination of Calcium and Magnesium in Plant Material with E D T A . M. D. Derderian Determination of Ethylene-Propylene Copolymer Composition by Infrared Analysis. P. J. Corish, R. M. B. Small, and P. E. Wei . . . . Sample Preparation for Flame Photometry Ion Exchange Separation of Copper, Manganese, and Iron. W. G. Schrenk, and Russell Johnson

1796 1798


Tables Nucleation in Precipitation Reactions from Homogeneous Solution. Norton Haberman, Louis Gordon, and R. B. Fischer Theory of Alternating Current Polarography. H. H. Bauer, W. H. Reinmuth, and D. E. Smith Determination of Small Amounts of Calcium in Magnesium Oxide. C. A. Baugh, Κ. Η. Decker, and J. W. Palmer Gas Chromatographic Separation of Simple Ali­ phatic Amines. A. R. Amell, P. S. Lamprey, and R. C. Schiek Separation of Nitrogen Trifluoride from Carbon Tetrafluoride by Gas Chromatography. A. B. Richmond Studies on Determination of Hydroxyproline. I.J.BekhorandL.A.Bavetta Aide for the Analyst Carrier-Free Separation of Praseodymium-144 from Cerium-144 by Anion Exchange. Doug­ las MacDonald Simple Powder Dispersion Method for Electron Microscopy. S. W. Chaikin

The Journal

1801 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807

1807 1808


T h e Infrared Spectra of Marginally Metallic S y s t e m s : S o d i u m - A m m o n i a Solutions. Tad A. Beckman and Kenneth S. Pitzer F o r m a t i o n of C a r b o n Monoxide in M e t h a n e F l a m e s b y R e a c t i o n of Oxygen A t o m s with M e t h y l Radicals. C. P. Fenimore and G. W. Jones T h e D e t e r m i n a t i o n of t h e Equilibrium W a t e r C o n t e n t of Ion E x c h a n g e Resins. George Scatchard and N.J. Anderson P r o t o n M a g n e t i c R e s o n a n c e Spectra of F u r a n a n d Methylfurans. G. S. Reddy and J. H. Goldstein Recoil R e a c t i o n s of Carbon-11 in n-Hexane a n d Cyclohexane. Charles E. Lang and Adolf F. Voigt F o r m a t i o n of Color C e n t e r s in Sapphire b y Solar R a d i a t i o n . A. F. Gabrysh, H. Eyring and T.A.Ree T h e Electrolysis of Sodium A m a l g a m s . John C. Angus and Edward E. Hucke On t h e D i a m a g n e t i c Susceptibility of Gases. R. E.Glick Alkaline Hydrolyses of E t h y l «-Haloacetates in P u r e a n d Mixed Solvents. George J. No­ lan and Edward S. Amis Vapor P h a s e γ-Radiolysis of Acetone. Louis J. and P. Ausloos H e a t s of F o r m a t i o n of Some Organic Positive Ions a n d their P a t e n t Radicals a n d Mole­ cules. R. R. BerneckerandF. A.Long


PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY September 1961, Vol. 65, No. 9 T h e T h e r m a l Decomposition of 1,1-Dimethylhydrazine. Herman F. Cordes Cation E x c h a n g e Equilibria with D i v a l e n t Ions. H. F. Walton, D. E. Jordan, S. R. Samedy and W. N. McKay Studies on t h e Anodic a n d C a t h o d i c Polariza­ tion of A m a l g a m s . P a r t IV. Passivation of C a d m i u m a n d C a d m i u m - Z i n c A m a l g a m s in Alkaline Solutions. A. M. Shams El. Din, S. E. Khalafalla and Y. A. El Tantawy Relations A m o n g t h e Solubilities of Nitrogen, Argon a n d Oxygen in Distilled W a t e r a n d Sea W a t e r . Bruce B. Benson and Peter D. M. Parker Isotopic Studies Involving Formic Acid a n d its Derivatives. V I I . Oxygen-18 Isotope Ef­ fect in t h e Photochemical Reaction of For­ mic Acid with Chlorine. Gus A. Ropp and W. A. Guillory Selective Adsorption Studies b y R a d i o T r a c e r T e c h n i q u e : T h e Selective Adsorption be­ tween Calcium a n d Sodium Ions a t t h e Ionized Interface. Kôzo Shinoda and Kjoi Ita Effect of Solute C o n c e n t r a t i o n on t h e Recombination of Η a n d O H in -y-Irradiated Aqueous Solutions. E. Hayon T h e Reaction of Ferric Chloride w i t h Sodium a n d P o t a s s i u m Chlorides. Charles M. Cook, Jr., and Wendell Ε. Dunn,Jr E . M . F . M e a s u r e m e n t s in M o l t e n Bismuth-Bis­ m u t h Trichloride Solutions. L. E. Topol, S. J. YosimandR. A. Osteryoung T h e T h e r m a l D e a q u a t i o n of Some A q u o p e n t a m m i n e c o b a l t ( I I I ) Complexes. Wesley W. Wendlandt and John L. Bear T h e Fluorescence a n d Phosphorescence of Trifluoroacetone Vapor. P. Ausloos and E. Murad Kinetics of F o r m a t i o n a n d G r o w t h of Silver Bro­ mide Particles. E. J. Meehan and Willard H. Beattie

of Contents

1473 1477






1532 1536 1539 1542 1547 1549 1552 1556 1560 1565

Acid Dissociation C o n s t a n t s a n d Complex For­ m a t i o n C o n s t a n t s of Several Pyrimidine D e ­ rivatives. Edmond R. Tucci, Brother Ed­ ward Doody and Norman C.Li


T h e Sonochemical R e a c t i o n s of Carbon T e t r a ­ chloride a n d Chloroform in Aqueous Suspen­ sion in a n I n e r t A t m o s p h e r e . Bojan Ham­ lin Jennings and Suzanne Ν. Townsend


Electrode Processes w i t h Specific or Non-Specific Adsorption: F a r a d a i c I m p e d a n c e a n d Rec­ tification. MitsugiSenda and Paul Delahay.


Effects of Q u a n t i z a t i o n a n d of Anharmonicity on t h e R a t e s of Dissociation a n d Association of Complex Molecules. O. K. Rice


T h e Variation of L a t t i c e P a r a m e t e r w i t h C a r b o n C o n t e n t of T a n t a l u m Carbide. Allen L. Bowman


T h e Effect of T e m p e r a t u r e on Ion-Exchange Equilibria. I V . T h e Comparison of E n ­ t h a l p y Changes Calculated from Equilib­ r i u m M e a s u r e m e n t s a n d Calorimetrically Measured Values. O. D. Bonner and J. R. Overton


T h e Activity a n d Osmotic Coefficients of Some p-Toluenesulfonates a t 40°, 60°, a n d 8 0 ° . O. D. Bonner and William C. Rampey


H y d r o g e n F o r m a t i o n in t h e Radiolysis of Toluene. R. B. Ingalls T h e r m o d y n a m i c Properties of Potassium a n d A m m o n i u m T a r a n a k i t e s . Edward P. Egan, Jr., Zachary T. Wakefield and Basil B. Luff



Solubilities of P o t a s s i u m a n d Taranakites. A. W. Taylor Gurney



I n t r a m o l e c u l a r R e a r r a n g e m e n t s . I I . Photolysis a n d Radiolysis of 4-Methyl-2-hexanone. P. Ausloos


Light Scattering of Copolymers. I. T h e Com­ position Distribution of a S t y r e n e - M e t h y l M e t h a c r y l a t e Block Copolymer. Sonja Krause


1502 1505

1519 1522

VOL. 53, NO. 11


Ammonium and E. L.



145 A


of Contents


Notes Investigation of t h e Photooxidation of Acetone a t 3130 A. Using Infrared Analysis. A. D. Osborne, J. N. Pitts, Jr., and Sandra L. Fowler A Preparation of Highly Concentrated Nitrogen-15 by Exchange of N O a n d N>0 3 . E. U. Monse, T. I. Taylor and W. Spindel Complex Ions in Fused Salts. Cadmium and Lead Bromides. F. R. Duke and H. M. Garfinkel Complex Ions in Fused Salts. Effect of Solvent Cation. H. M. Garfinkel and F. R. Duke.... An Approach to Gas Membrane Osmometry. KarolJ. Mysels and Emanuel Gonick Absorption Spectra of Oxygen and Nitric Oxide in Solution. Joshua Jortner and Uriel Sokolov Potential Determining Ions and t h e Coagulation Value. Mirko Mirnik E.P.R. Observations of N H 3 Formed by X-Ray Irradiation of Ammonium Perchlorate Crystals. James S. Hyde and EUS. Freeman . . . . Kinetics of t h e 2,4-Tolylene Diisocyanate-Alcohol Reaction. Fred H. Brock T h e Effect of Fluorination on t h e Surface Acidity of Catalytic Alumina and t h e Loss in Acidity due t o Water Vapor Adsorption. E. V. Ballou, R. T. Barth andR. A.Flinn Hole Injection during Reduction of Ferricyanide at a Germanium Electrode. Walter W. Harvey The Structure of T a r t a r Emetic and Evidence of the Existence of Pentavalent Antimony as [Sb(OH)] + 4 . Efthimios Chinoporos and Nicholas Papathanasopoulos T h e Ionization Constants of 2-Thiopheneira/is-aldoxime and 2-Furan-ircrras-aldoxime. S. G. Tandon Radiation Induced Ionic Polymerization of Butadiene. Yoneho Tabata, Hiroshi Sobue and Eisuke Oda Extraction of Tracer Quantities of Uranium(VI) From Nitric Acid by Tri-ra-butyl Phosphate. Y. Marcus The Kinetic Order of t h e Reaction between Sodium Nitrite a n d Oxygen. David A. Anderson and Eli S. Freeman Electrolysis with Constant Potential: Effect of Diffusion Coefficients on Reversible Reactions a t a Spherical Electrode. Irving Shain and Daniel S. Polcyn Kinetic Studies on t h e Decarboxylation of Oxamic Acid in Dimethyl Sulfoxide and in Triethyl Phosphate. Louis Watts Clark . . . . Thermochemistry of Zirconium Halides. A. G. Turnbull The Influence of Pressure on t h e Cationic Polymerization of Isoamyl Vinyl Ether. S. D. Hamann and D. R. Teplitzky Crystallization on a Seed from Fused Salt Solutions by t h e Temperature Difference Method. G. F. Reynolds and H. J. Guggenheim Spin-Spin Coupling Constants between Nonbonded C 13 and Proton. I I . Dependence 13 of JC 13 -C-H on Hybridization of C .

1622 1625 1627

1631 1633




October 1961, Vol. 38, No. 10


1639 1641

1643 1644 1645 1647 1648

1649 1651 1652 1654



T h e Racemization of t h e Dimethyl Ester of Z-Bromosuccinic Acid by Lithium Bromide in Acetone. J. O. Konecny 1660 INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY



Complexes of Iron with d-Tartaric and meso-Tartaric Acids. R. W. Green and Gwenda M. Parkins 1658

146 A

C o m m u n i c a t i o n t o t h e Editor Evidence for Electronic Interaction between Iodine and a Solid Surface. Sydney Ross and James P. Olivier 1664



asimos J. Karabatsos, John D. Graham and Floie Vane

Foreign Cation Effects on Measured Stability Constants. Jack F. Tate and Mark M. Jones 1661 Observations on t h e Decomposition of X-Ray Irradiated Ammonium Perchlorate. Eli S. Freeman and D. A. Anderson 1662

The Synthesis of Diamond. H. Tracy Hall 484 Solvation and Association from Colligative Properties by Graphical Means. George B. Smith, C. A. Hollingsworth, and Darl H. McDaniel 489 Analog Computer Instruction: A Plugboard Teaching Aid. James O. Osburn 492 Hydride Formation by Atomic Hydrogen Reactions. Bernard Siegel 496 Molecular Models Featuring Molecular Orbitals. George C. Brumlik 502 An Inexpensive Versatile Multi-Column Gas Chromatograph for Students. P. Sicilio, H. Bull, III, R. C. Palmer, and J. A. Knight 506 Demonstrating Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Glucosides by Paper Chromatography. S. F. Darling 508 A Geometric Approach to t h e Gibbs-Duhem Equation. Lawrence F. Beste 509 Temperature and Power Measurements in Precision Solution Calorimetry. William F. O'Hara, Ching-Hsien Wu, and Loren G. Hepler 512 Simplified Moving-Boundary Transference Cell. Stephen W. Tobey 516 Constant Current Supply for Electrokinetic Experiments. Stephen W. Tobey 517 A Constant Current Source for Student Use. Charles K. Mann and Vernel C. Champeaux.... 519 A Low Cost Direct Current Source for the Laboratory. Robert Barnard and Ray Woodriff 521 Textbook Errors, 34: Dipole Moments of Symmetrical Organic Molecules. Wilbur N. Moulton 522 Device for Charging Micro-Tubes with Toxic Reagents. John T. Stock, M. A. Fill, and R. G. Bjork 524 Safety Device for Vacuum Diffusion Pumps. G. O. Pritchard and G. H. Miller 525 Adapting Machine-Sorted Punched Card Systems to Hand Sorting and Coding. Stanley Kirschner 526 Analytical Chemistry and t h e Non-Analytical Graduate Student. William MacNevin 527 Division of Chemical Education: From t h e Committee on Institutes and Conferences. W. T. Lippincott 529 Report of t h e New England Association of Chemistry Teachers: Geometry in the Beginning Chemistry Course. L. E. Strong, L. B. Clapp, and J. O. Edwards 530

Tables of Contents of ACS PUBLICATIONS Nucleation in Precipitation Reactions from Homogeneous Solution. Norton Haberman, Louis Gordon, and R. B. Fischer Theory of Alternating Current Polarography. H. H. Bauer, W. H. Reinmuth, and D. Ë. Smith Determination of Small Amounts of Calcium in Magnesium Oxide. C. A. Baugh, Κ. Η. Decker, and J. W. Palmer Gas Chromatographic Separation of Simple Ali­ phatic Amines. A. R. Amell, P. S. Lamprey, and R. C. Schiek Separation of Nitrogen Trifluoride from Carbon Tetrafluoride by Gas Chromatography. A. B. Richmond Studies on Determination of Hydroxyproline. I.J.BekhorandL.A.Bavetta

1801 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807

Aids for t h e Analyst Carrier-Free Separation of Praseodymium-144 from Cerium-144 by Anion Exchange. Doug­ las MacDonald Simple Powder Dispersion Method for Electron Microscopy. S. W. Chaikin

1807 1808

Vapor Phase τ-Radiolysis of Acetone. Louis J. and P. Ausloos Heats of Formation of Some Organic Positive Ions and their Patent Radicals and Mole­ cules. R.R.BerneckerandF. A.Long

The Journal of PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY September 1961, Vol. 65, No. 9 The Thermal Decomposition of 1,1-Dimethylhydrazine. Herman F. Cordes Cation Exchange Equilibria with Divalent Ions. H. F. Walton, D. E. Jordan, S. R. Samedy and W. N. McKay Studies on the Anodic and Cathodic Polariza­ tion of Amalgams. Part IV. Passivation of Cadmium and Cadmium-Zinc Amalgams in Alkaline Solutions. A. M. Shams El. Din, S. E. Khalafalla and Y.A.El Tantawy. . . . . Relations Among the Solubilities of Nitrogen, Argon and Oxygen in Distilled Water and Sea Water. Bruce B. Benson and Peter D. M. Parker Isotopic Studies Involving Formic Acid and its Derivatives. VII. Oxygen-18 Isotope Ef­ fect in the Photochemical Reaction of For­ mic Acid with Chlorine. Gus A. Ropp and W. A. Guillory Selective Adsorption Studies by Radio Tracer Technique: The Selective Adsorption be­ tween Calcium and Sodium Ions at the Ionized Interface. Κδζο Shinoda and Kjoi ltd Effect of Solute Concentration on the Recom­ bination of Η and OH in -y-Irradiated Aqueous Solutions. E. Hayon The Reaction of Ferric Chloride with Sodium and Potassium Chlorides. Charles M. Cook, Jr., and Wendell E. Dunn, Jr E.M.F. Measurements in Molten Bismuth-Bis­ muth Trichloride Solutions. L. E. Topol, S. J. YosimandR. A.Osteryoung The Thermal Deaquation of Some Aquopentamminecobalt(III) Complexes. Wesley W. Wendlandt and John L. Bear The Fluorescence and Phosphorescence of Trifluoroaeetone Vapor. P. Ausloos and E. Murad Kinetics of Formation and Growth of Silver Bro­ mide Particles. E. J. Meehan and Willard H. Beattie

The Infrared Spectra of Marginally Metallic Systems: Sodium-Ammonia Solutions. Tad A. Beckman and Kenneth S. Pitzer Formation of Carbon Monoxide in Methane Flames by Reaction of Oxygen Atoms with Methyl Radicals. C. P. Fenimore and G. W. Jones The Determination of the Equilibrium Water Content of Ion Exchange Resins. George ScatchardandN.J. Anderson Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectra of Furan and Methylfurans. G. S. Reddy and J. H. Goldstein Recoil Reactions of Carbon-11 in re-Hexane and Cyclohexane. Charles E. Lang and Adolf F. Voigt Formation of Color Centers in Sapphire by Solar Radiation. A. F. Gabrysh, H. Eyring and T.A.Ree The Electrolysis of Sodium Amalgams. John C. Angus and Edward E. Hucke On the Diamagnetic Susceptibility of Gases. R. E.Glick Alkaline Hydrolyses of Ethyl a-Haloacetates in Pure and Mixed Solvents. George J. Nolan and EdwardS. Amis

1473 1477






1532 1536 1539 1542 1547 1549 1552 1556 1560 1565

Acid Dissociation Constants and Complex For­ mation Constants of Several Pyrimidine De­ rivatives. Edmond R. Tucci, Brother Ed­ ward Doody and Norman C.Li


The Sonochemical Reactions of Carbon Tetra­ chloride and Chloroform in Aqueous Suspen­ sion in an Inert Atmosphere. Bojan Ham­ lin Jennings and Suzanne Ν. Townsend


Electrode Processes with Specific or Non-Specific Adsorption: Faradaic Impedance and Rec­ tification. Mitsugi Senda and Paul Delahay.


Effects of Quantization and of Anharmonicity on the Rates of Dissociation and Association of Complex Molecules. O. K.Rice


The Variation of Lattice Parameter with Carbon Content of Tantalum Carbide. Allen L. Bowman


The Effect of Temperature on Ion-Exchange Equilibria. IV. The Comparison of En­ thalpy Changes Calculated from Equilib­ rium Measurements and Calorimetrically Measured Values. O. D. Bonner and J. R. Overton


The Activity and Osmotic Coefficients of Some jD-Toluenesulfonates a t 40°, 60°, and 80°. O. D. Bonner and William C. Rampey


Hydrogen Formation in the Radiolysis of Toluene. R. B. Ingalls Thermodynamic Properties of Potassium and Ammonium Taranakites. Edward P. Egan, Jr., Zachary T. Wakefield and Basil B. Luff



Solubilities of Potassium and Ammonium Taranakites. A. W. Taylor and E. L. Gurney



Intramolecular Rearrangements. I I . Photolysis and Radiolysis of 4-Methyl-2-hexanone. P. Ausloos 1616

1502 1505

1519 1522

Light Scattering of Copolymers. I. The Com­ position Distribution of a Styrene-Methyl Methacrylate Block Copolymer. Sonja Krause VOL. 53, NO. 11





145 A

Tables of Contents


Notes Investigation of the Photooxidation of Acetone at 3130 A. Using Infrared Analysis. A. D. Osborne, J. N. Pitts, Jr., and Sandra L. Fowler A Preparation of Highly Concentrated Nitrogen-15 by Exchange of NO and Ν·>03. Ε. U. Monse, T. I. Taylor and W. Spindel Complex Ions in Fused Salts. Cadmium and Lead Bromides. F. R. Duke and Η. Μ. Garfinkel Complex Ions in Fused Salts. Effect of Solvent Cation. H. M. Garfinkel andF. R. Duke.... An Approach to Gas Membrane Osmometry. KarolJ. My sels and Emanuel Gonick Absorption Spectra of Oxygen and Nitric Oxide in Solution. Joshua Jortner and Uriel Sokolov Potential Determining Ions and the Coagulation Value. Mirko Mirnik E.P.R. Observations of N H 3 Formed by X-Ray Irradiation of Ammonium Perchlorate Crys­ tals. James S. Hyde and Eli S. Freeman . . . . Kinetics of the 2,4-Tolylene Diisocyanate-Alcohol Reaction. Fred H. Brock The Effect of Fluorination on the Surface Acidity of Catalytic Alumina and the Loss in Acidity due to Water Vapor Adsorption. E. V. Ballou, R. T. Barth andR. A.Flinn Hole Injection during Reduction of Ferricyanide at a Germanium Electrode. Walter W. Harvey The Structure of Tartar Emetic and Evidence of the Existence of Pentavalent Antimony as [Sb(OH)] +4 . Efthimios Chinoporos and Nicholas Papathanasopoulos The Ionization Constants of 2-Thiophenefrans-aldoxime and 2-Furan-£raras-aldoxime. S. G. Tandon Radiation Induced Ionic Polymerization of Butadiene. Yoneho Tabata, Hiroshi Sobue and Eisuke Oda Extraction of Tracer Quantities of Uranium (VI) From Nitric Acid by Tri-ra-butyl Phosphate. Y. Marcus The Kinetic Order of the Reaction between So­ dium Nitrite and Oxygen. David A. Ander­ son and Eli S. Freeman Electrolysis with Constant Potential: Effect of Diffusion Coefficients on Reversible Reac­ tions at a Spherical Electrode. Irving Shain and Daniel S. Polcyn Kinetic Studies on the Decarboxylation of Oxamic Acid in Dimethyl Sulfoxide and in Triethyl Phosphate. Louis Watts Clark . . . . Thermochemistry of Zirconium Halides. A. G. Turnbull The Influence of Pressure on the Cationic Poly­ merization of Isoamyl Vinyl Ether. S. D. Hamann and D. R. Teplitzky Crystallization on a Seed from Fused Salt Solu­ tions by the Temperature Difference Method. G. F. Reynolds and H. J. Guggen­ heim Spin-Spin Coupling Constants between Nonbonded C13 and Proton. I I . Dependence ls of JCU-C-H on Hybridization of C .


1622 1625 1627


C o m m u n i c a t i o n to t h e Editor Evidence for Electronic Interaction between Iodine and a Solid Surface. Sydney Ross and James P. Olivier 1664

1629 1631 1633 1635 1636 1638

1639 1641

1643 1644 1645 1647 1648

1649 1651 1652 1654


asimos J. Karabatsos, John D. Graham and Floie Vane 1657 Complexes of Iron with rf-Tartaric and meso-Tartaric Acids. R. W. Green and Gwenda M. Parkins 1658 The Racemization of the Dimethyl Ester of i-Bromosuccinic Acid by Lithium Bromide in Acetone. J. O. Konecny 1660 146 A

Foreign Cation Effects on Measured Stability Constants. Jack F. Tate and Mark M. Jones 1661 Observations on the Decomposition of X-Ray Irradiated Ammonium Perchlorate. Eli S. Freeman andD. A. Anderson 1662



CHEMICAL EDUCATION October 1961, Vol. 38, No. 10 The Synthesis of Diamond. H. Tracy Hall 484 Solvation and Association from Colligative Prop­ erties by Graphical Means. George B. Smith, C. A. Hollingsworth, and Darl H. McDaniel 489 Analog Computer Instruction: A Plugboard Teaching Aid. James O. Osburn 492 Hydride Formation by Atomic Hydrogen Reac­ tions. Bernard Siegel 496 Molecular Models Featuring Molecular Orbitals. George C. Brumlik 502 An Inexpensive Versatile Multi-Column Gas Chromatograph for Students. P. Sicilio, H. Bull, III, R. C. Palmer, and J. A. Knight 506 Demonstrating Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Glucosides by Paper Chromatography. S. F. Dar­ ling 508 A Geometric Approach to the Gibbs-Duhem Equa­ tion. Lawrence F. Beste 509 Temperature and Power Measurements in Pre­ cision Solution Calorimetry. William F. O'Hara, Ching-Hsien Wu, and Loren G. Hepler 512 Simplified Moving-Boundary Transference Cell. Stephen W. Tobey 516 Constant Current Supply for Electrokinetic Ex­ periments. Stephen W. Tobey 517 A Constant Current Source for Student Use. Charles K. Mann and Vernel C. Champeaux . . . . 519 A Low Cost Direct Current Source for the Lab­ oratory. Robert Barnard and Ray Woodriff 521 Textbook Errors, 34: Dipole Moments of Sym­ metrical Organic Molecules. Wilbur N. Moulton 522 Device for Charging Micro-Tubes with Toxic Re­ agents. John T. Stock, M. A. Fill, and R. G. Bjork 524 Safety Device for Vacuum Diffusion Pumps. G. O. Pritchard and G. H. Miller 525 Adapting Machine-Sorted Punched Card Systems to Hand Sorting and Coding. Stanley Kirschner 526 Analytical Chemistry and the Non-Analytical Graduate Student. William MacNevin 527 Division of Chemical Education: From the Com­ mittee on Institutes and Conferences. W. T. Lippincott 529 Report of the New England Association of Chem­ istry Teachers: Geometry in the Beginning Chemistry Course. L. E. Strong, L. B. Clapp, and J. O. Edwards 530