Tables of equilibrium and rate constants

r:lrnrtrrs \vns pnrtirnlnrly nsrfrd for rstimntinp cqni- lihrium ronstnl~tr for hydrogen-bonding in r~nn-polar solvrnts. Sinrr thrsr t:~blrs em :iIsn ...
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Tables of Equilibrium and Rob Conslonh To the Edilm: Whilc drtrrmininp the netivntion pnrnmetrm for the mutnrotntion of trtr:~mrthyl-r~plucosrin benzene. [ R o w , P. R . , .I. Ain. C11rttt.Sm-., 90, 2834 (IW3) I. rvr ~ O I I I Iit~ n r r r s n r y to prrp:lrc extewivr tnblw of q u i lihrittm nnd n r t i v n t i o ~rnthnlpiw, ~ rntrnpiw, and free rnrrgirs nlonp wit11 the r o r r w l ~ o ~ ~ d equilibrium ing nntl rntt* ronstnnts nt The t:thle of ~ ~ l l i l i b r i l lpnm r:lrnrtrrs \vns pnrtirnlnrly nsrfrd for rstimntinp cqnilihrium ronstnl~trfor hydrogen-bonding in r~nn-polar solvrnts. Sinrr thrsr t:~blrse m :iIsn b r used in the 1)rrp:lr:lt ion of homr\vork or rxnminntion quwtions, wc svn~~ld likr to ollrr our rrmaining stork (nboot srvrntyfivr ropirr of c w h , nt no rhnrpr) t o individual tmehers I r n r c h r T h r rnngrs of cnthnlpirs and rntropirs rovrrrrl arc ( a ) Tnblr I: All* = 1.0 to 31.0 ken]/ mnlr : w I AS' = -30.0 Gihhs,/molc to :I vnlw corre?iponding to ACi = 0.0 kci~l'molr; ( b ) Tnblc 11: AH = -:10.0 t o 30.0 kcal/molr and AS = -40.0 to 40.0 Gihhs/molr. Enthnlpy and entropy incrrments are 1.0 kr:~l/molc: ~ n d1.0 Gibhslmolr, rrspectivrly.

P. R. RONY CKKTIIAI. I ~ ~ R E \ R CI)KFIRNI:NT II ~ ! O N l . \ S T i l (:OMP.\NY





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