Tables of thermal properties of gases

a collection of 13,763 concise abstracts of the literature of ... S. Benedict, Lilla Fano, H. I. Hoge,. 3. F. Masi, R. L. ... lishers, Ino., New York,...
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a collection of 13,763 concise abstracts of

the literature of adsorption. These are arranged chronologically under 53 different subject headings. The Chemical Abstracts reference is supplied as well as that to the original journal. Author and subject indexes add to the utility of the volume. A list of proprietary solid adsorbent~ commercislly avsilable is a p pended. W. P. K.

dents with this wealth of data s t hand. Reasonably close temperature intervals are used; many convenient oonstants and conversion factors are suodied. References are cited and comperiaons between experimental and tabulated values are made graphicdy.


W. P. K.

ORGANIC REAGENTS FOR METALS Edited by W. C. Johnson and compiled by the staff of Hopkin and Williams, Ltd., Chemical Publishing Co., Inc., New York, 1955. viii 199 pp. Figs. and tables. 14.5 X .22.5 cm. $4.



S. Benedict, Lilla Fano, H. I. Hoge, 3. F. Masi, R. L. Nuttall, Y.S. Toulooukian, and H. W. Woolley. National Bureau of Standards. Circular No. 564. United States Govemment Printing Office, 488 pp. Washington, D. C. 1955. ix Many figs and tables. 20.5 X 26.5 Em. $3.75.


THIS welcome compilation of data and derived values for thermodynamic and transport properties of air, A, C02, CO, Hs, Ns, Oz, and HzO should be made itvitilable to every professional and student chemist. I'rofessors of physical chemistry will find the ceiling lifted on the type of problems they can assign to stn-

Tam book can be recommended t o the analyst as a practical guide in the selection of proved organio reagents for use in inorganic analysis. The book is critical rather than oomprehensive. I t consists of a collection of nome 27 monographs dealing with selected reagents. The selections are good and the conclusions drawn concerning them are quite well substantiated. The title of the hook is too restricted, ineidentally, because the Karl Fischer reagent for water is included as arc reagents such as nitron and indanetrionn hvdmte

any practicing analyst. PIIILIP W. WEST Lo"I~I*N*ST*TE UNIVERBITY BATONR o o o ~ Loo,sr*s* .

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EXF'ERIMENTAL THERMOCHEMISTRY: MEASUREMENT OF HEATS OF REACTION Edited by F. D. Rossini, Carnegie Institue of Technology. Interscience Publishers, Ino., New York, 1956. xvi 326 pp. 3 6 figs. 15 tables. 1 6 X 23.5 cm. $7.80.


THEeasiest possible book ever to review. This is a. sine qua non for every chemistry library, every physical chemistry course, and every investigator of thermochemical phenomena. Don't waste your time reading reviews, just buy the book. I . A. CAMPBELL O n e n ~ COLLEGE l~ oemox", 0x10


M. Le Pla, I. Bird, and 3. G. Cockburn. Fourth edition. Longmans, Green and Co., London, 1956. 187 pp. 15.5 X 23.5 cm. $7. TnIs complete index contains concise entries in an attractive format. I t provides a ready reference to the contents of the popular fourth edition of this thorough and authoritative series of volumes which mas completed in 1054. U-.

r. K.