lake a hard look at Towmotor.
Roller mast and carriage with 16 lifetime-lubricated rollers spaced to reduce stress, minimize wear.
Heavy-duty controls grouped for quick action.
High capacity hydraulic pump for all mast requirements.
Juickly accessible for maintenance.
Low emission control system meets California Administrative Code (standard on most models).
Hydrostatic transmission for unmatched performance. Manual shift transmission with oil clutch also available,:
Full-floating drive axle shafts carry no weight, just torque. Power steering with direct linkage permits steering even if power fails.
Fi^ed-length, forged tie rods for permanent wheel aiignmen reduced tire wear.
Caterpillar battery, highest ampere rating for lift trucks of this capacity.
Self-adjusting, selfenergizing brakes. Increased tire life and traction with extra wide, heavy-duty tires.
Sprunnion steer axle absorbs shock and articula for improved stability.
We have ways to uncomplicate your lift truck operation. First, Towmotor lift trucks offer features designed to reduce service incidence— and make routine service quick and easy. Second, we've taken pains to make things convenient for the operator, so he can maneuver the truck efficiently all day. And third, we've made lift truck selection more exact, by offering 13 cushion and pneumatic tire models in the popular
3000 to 6000-lb. capacity range, including mid-range capacities of 3500, 4500 and 5500-lbs. So call your Towmotor Dealer and take a hard look at all the ways these lift trucks will uncomplicate your handling operations.
f f l TOWMOTOR SUBSIDIARY OF CATERPILLAR TRACTOR CO. "owmotor is a trademark of Towmotor C o r p o r a t i o n . Caterpillar and (B are trademarks ot Caterpillar Tractor Co.
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