Take advantage of Monsanto's tremendous capabilities in PVC

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Take advantage of Monsanto's tremendous capabilities in PVC

New Ultron UL-28 vinyl laminating film prints easily... takes hard knocks for years. Here's a semi-rigid vinyl film and sheeting that offers countless opportunities to improve your products or to create new ones. U L - 2 8 is a film that was developed specifically to accept the printing of w o o d grain patterns for various solid substrates. It w i l l accept conventional ink systems and can be applied w i t h a w i d e variety of adhesives. It is ideal for providing an attractive printed w o o d grain surface on a variety of c o n struction materials. Wherever a stiff hand is required and hard usage is expected, you can depend on U L - 2 8 for superior performance. Laminate it to p l y w o o d , to other vinyl products (such as cove molding), to w o o d furniture or metal items (luggage, carrying cases, of-

fice equipment, shelving) and you'll get a durable surface that will keep its good looks for years. As you'd expect, Ultron-28 offers all the typical vinyl characteristics of toughness, abrasion resistance, easy maintenance and resistance to attack by cleaning c o m p o u n d s , d e tergents and other chemicals. Also, U L-28 provides a surface that is very easy to machine after lamination, w i t h o u t tearing. New Ultron U L - 2 8 vinyl laminating film possesses low plasticizer volatility and is capable of withstanding repeated flexing. Its stiffness makes it unusually well suited to vacuum forming operations. For more information about Ultron U L - 2 8 and w h a t it can do for you, just mail the coupon.

Ultron film and sheeting continue to meet industry needs. Whatever you make from vinyl film or sheeting, chances are excellent a Monsanto Ultron film will meet your specifications exactly. Making pools, for example? You'll want sheeting that's smooth. A n d colorful. You'll want sheeting that's extra tough and resistant to abrasions. A n d you'll need sheeting that stands up to sunlight, and pool chemicals— and can be easily heat-sealed. You get it all w i t h Ultron. Widths from 27 to 72 inches are available, with thicknesses from 2.7 to 27 mils. Monsanto has an Ultron product for y o u r exact needs because w e ' l l gladly make it to your color and specs. If you'd like to know more about Ultron vinyl film and sheeting, mail the coupon.

Sparkling clarity of Vyram rigid vinyl adds sight appeal.

Opalon plastisols back up carpets for better performance.

Vyram 2810 is a transparent rigid v i n y l c o m p o u n d ideal f o r b l o w molding. It combines high impact resistance w i t h excellent permeation p r o p e r t i e s , and b a t c h - t o - b a t c h uniformity. Consider Vyram 2 8 1 0 for c o n tainers to hold the "difficult" ones: d e t e r g e n t s , s h a m p o o s a n d hair p r e p a r a t i o n s , bath o i l s , s p o t r e movers, after shave lotions, photographic chemicals. A m o n g the many a d v a n t a g e s of V y r a m 2 8 1 0 are: sparkling clarity, rigidity, resistance to oils and solvents. Another big plus is its processability. High operating rates and high yields have been obtained on a variety of PVC b l o w molding machines. Want more information? Send for Technical Bulletin No. 6 0 9 1 .

Opalon 4 1 0 , a h i g h - p e r f o r m a n c e stir-in resin for plastisols, gives the vinyl foam backing on carpets u n usual durability. This outstanding durability is a result of excellent w e a t h e r a b i l i t y , high moisture resistance, and strong, tight tuft b i n d ing. New indoor-outdoor carpets benefit from the superior cushioning effect of the vinyl foam. Opalon 410 is used extensively in reverse roll, knife and dip coating, slush molding, casting and foam formulation. Opalon 440 leads all paste resins for f o r m u l a t i o n s r e q u i r i n g optimum clarity and heat stability. Its superior compatibility w i t h other c o m p o u n d i n g ingredients gives rapid mixing and uniform performance in any weather. Use the coupon for full details.

Come to Monsanto FOR PLASTICS: STYRENE: Lustran® ABS Molding and Extrusion Materials; Lustran® S A N M o l d i n g a n d Extrusion Materials; Lustrex® Styrene Molding and Extrusion Materials. POLYVINYL CHLORIDE: Vyram® Rigid Vinyl Molding and Extrusion Materials; Opalon® V i n y l Resins and C o m p o u n d s ; Ultron® Vinyl Film and Sheeting. POLYETHYLENE: E x t r u s i o n C o a t i n g a n d Laminating Resins · Wire and Cable Compounds · Blow Molding Compounds · Film and Sheet Resin. NYLON: Type 6/6 Molding and Extrusion Resins; Type 6/10 Molding and Extrusion Resins. FOR PLASTICIZERS: Phthalates · Adipates · Permanents · Glycollates · Sulfonamides · Phosphates · Chlorinated Biphenyls · Chlorinated Polyphenyls · Specialty Plasticizers · Extenders.

MONSANTO COMPANY. DEPT. 087-3. 800 NORTH UNDBERGH BLVD. ST. LOUIS. MISSOURI 83188 Please send me literature on the products I have checked. D Ultron· UL-28 D Ultron· D Vyram· 2810 D Opalon· 410-440 Please send me the Plastics Fact File which provides comprehensive data on your standard products. D

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