Take Maintenance Costs for a Ride with Coatings Based on VINYLITE

Nov 5, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Take Maintenance Costs for a Ri with Coatings Based on Vinylite resins T h e hopper car shown here is convincing ev­ idence of the way coatings based on VINYLITE Brand Resins pare maintenance costs to the bone! Painted with a three coat system based on VINYLITE Resins, its surface is still in ex­ cellent condition after three years of grueling service! That's because these coatings cling; tena­ ciously, maintaining their integrity and bond. They take rough handling in their stride . . . fight off abrasion to a remarkable degree! In addition, they are unaffected by alkalies, most acids, weather, industrial fumes, brine, and most other chemicals.

Equally serviceable for use on metal or masonry, properly formulated finishes based on VINYLITE Resins are inert, flexible, taste­ less, and odorless. They keep containers from contamination by contents and contents from contamination by containers. For data on formulations, or for a list of representative suppliers of VINYLITE Resinbased coatings, write today to Dept. JK-59· Data on "Carclad" finish courtesy Sherwin-Williams Company, 101 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland 1, Ohio




BAKELITE D I V I S I O N , Union Carbide and Carbon Corporate, 3648

30 East 42nd Street, New York 17, Ν. Υ.