Tape Recordings for Lab Professionals - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 24, 2012 - Tape Recordings for Lab Professionals. Anal. Chem. , 1975, 47 (11), pp 919A–919A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60361a727. Publication Date: Septemb...
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Tape Recordings for Lab Professionals D TIC—Best for Drug Abase Screening

D Microcomputers in Biochemistry Research

α Data Analysis in the Lab

D Use of Enzymes in Immunology

Low-cost alternative to immunoassays

New computers make possible hitherto impossible measure­ ments

Today and tomorrow in chem lab data analysis methods

Detection of bound and free antig~" without separation

D Polarognphic Analysis in Drug Development

D Bioanalysis with Membrane Electrode Probes

D In Vivo Electrochem­ istry for Monitoring Drugs

Recent advances in electrode development

Reveals drug's chemical fate in the brain

Π Elemental Analysis of Blood: Cancer Patients & Controls Detailed comparisons, plus evaluation of analytical methods used

D.P.P. assays of drugs in biological fluids

Ο Detection of Lipids « Amines In Biological Samples

Π Pulse Polarography Analysis in Environ­ mental Toxicology

D New Developments in Measurement of Proteins

Π Direct Determination of Drugs in Plasma & Urine

Chemical ionization mass spec speeds assay of closely re­ lated chemicals

Solves tough problems in human and animal poisoning

Light scattering of immune complexes provides a specific method for proteins in body fluids

Non-chromatographic proce­ dure uses chemical ionization mass spec & stable isotope labeling

Π DSC: New Develop­ ments in Clinical Analysis

D Serum Electrolytes Using Vidicon Flame Spectrometry

Π Enthalpimetric Analy­ sis of Immunological Reactions

D Clinical Application of Titration Calorhnetry

Differential Scanning Calorimetry—a new analytical tool

Fast, simultaneous determina­ tion of sodium, potassium, and calcium

Thermometric enthalpy titration may revolutionize serological analysis

Thermochemical methods look very promising for clinical work

D GC Determination of Apomorphine in Urine

D Metals in Liver & Kidney Tissue byAA

α Bromazepam in Blood by Elec­ tron Capture GLC

α Drug Analysis by Direct Multiple-Ion Detection

AA determination of copper, zinc, magne­ sium, and calcium

A sensitive, specific assay

Unique computerized system analyses drugs without use ofGC

Study of apomorphine metabo­ lism

D Homovanillic Acid by GC-MS

D Kinetic Assay of Enzyme Activity

A simple procedure for HVA in urine

Centrifugal fast analyzer pro­ vides data at output rate suitable for direct input into small computer

Π Thermochemical Analysis in Clinical Chemistry

D Amperometric Measurement of Enzyme Reactions

Total protein content in bio­ logical material can be de­ termined with a precision of better than 0.6%

Enzyme reactions are mon­ itored by amperometric measurement of substrate depletion, product formation

Π Automated Photo­ chemical Analysis of Phenothuzines

D Automation in Clinical Medicine

D Analysis of Trace Elements

A Bureau of Standards colloquium

Sensitive, reliable analytical methods are needed for trace elements

Samples were assayed by this system at the rate of 20 per hour

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D Standardization of Protein & Enzyme Assays Biuret reaction as standard for measuring total serum protein

D Pharmacologic Studies Using GC-MS Utility of GC-MS is emphasized in a report of two pharmaco­ logic studies

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D Electrochemical Apiroaches to Clinical nstrumentation


Precise, accurate, highly specific analyses using ultramicro samples

D Method Evaluation Studies in Clinical Analyses Method evaluation studies on precision and accuracy of lab methods