Targeting Insecticide-Resistant Markets - ACS Symposium Series

Feb 23, 1990 - This product has been successfully used to control the Colorado potato beetle, an insect which has developed resistance all major class...
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Chapter 7

Targeting Insecticide-Resistant Markets New Developments in Microbial-Based Products Wendy D. Gelernter

Downloaded by AUBURN UNIV on December 26, 2017 | Publication Date: February 23, 1990 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1990-0421.ch007

Mycogen Corporation, 5451 Oberlin Drive, San Diego, CA 92121 Development of microbial insecticides based on Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) presents new alternatives in efforts to manage insects which are resistant to conventional insecticides. Growing attention to issues such as environmental pollution, food safety and pesticide resistance has focused new attention on Bt based products, which are non-toxic to mammals and other non-target organisms, and have been effectively used in several agricultural systems. Examples include M-One insecticide, which is based on the naturally occurring bacterium, Bt variety san diego. This product has been successfully used to control the Colorado potato beetle, an insect which has developed resistance to all major classes of synthetic chemical insecticides. In contrast, the MCap delivery system is based on a recombinant microorganism that expresses a Bt toxin, but has been killed via heat and chemical treatment prior to field release. Results of field trials indicate that when Bt toxins active against resistant insects such as the diamondback moth or the Colorado potato beetle are transferred into the MCap system, the foliar persistence and efficacy of the product is enhanced, when compared to comparable products based on naturally occurring Bts.

Since its introduction in the United States in 1958, the insect pathogenic bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis has served as the basis for the most successfully commercialized group of microbial insecticides available (1). In addition to demonstrated high levels of efficacy against key economic insect pests, benefits of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) include host range specificity, mammalian, non-target organism and environmental safety, low registration costs and economical production methods. Based on these benefits, many internationally marketed commercial products based on Bt have been developed for control of lepidopteran, dipteran and coleopteran pests. In recent years, interest in microbial pesticides such as Bt has intensified, as disadvantages associated with the use of synthetic, chemical based pesticides such as environmental contamination, broad spectrum toxicity, high registration costs and the development of pest resistance, have received increasing attention. In this paper, the use of Bt -based insecticides as tools for controlling insects resistant to synthetic insecticides will be explored through a review of the development of two very different Bt based products: M-One Insecticide, based on the naturally occurring Bt variety son diego controls the Colorado potato beetle, a pest that has 0097-6156/90/0421-0105$06.00/0 © 1990 American Chemical Society

Green et al.; Managing Resistance to Agrochemicals ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



developed resistance to all major classes of synthetic insecticides in many areas of North America, Europe and Eastern Europe (2); in contrast, the MCap delivery system, based on a recombinant organism that has been engineered to produce a Bt toxin Q), effectively controls the diamondback moth, a pest that is rapidly developing resistance to synthetic insecticides in Asia, as well as the United States (4). This review will discuss the advantages and limitations of using Bt as a tool for control of resistant insects, as well as the potential of techniques in genetic engineering for improving the performance and utility offir-basedinsecticides.

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Bacillus thuringiensis History and Biology Biology and Taxonomy. As for other members of the genus Bacillus, Bt is a Gram positive, rod shaped bacterium that forms a terminal endospore. However, Bt is distinguished from other Bacillus species by the production, in each cell, of a crystalline protein that is toxic to insects. The toxin or toxins which make up this crystal are called delta endotoxins, and are usually produced by genes located on bacterial plasmids (£). Bt is grown in submerged culture in industrial scale fermentors. Towards the end of the growth cycle, the Bt cells break apart, or lyse, releasing spores and crystals into the culture media. It is these naked spores and crystals which serve as the active ingredient for commercial Bt formulations. Each isolate of Bt can be characterized by a distinctive and relatively narrow insecticidal host range. The nucleotide base sequence of the Bt toxin plasmid, and thus the amino acid composition of the crystal's delta endotoxin, determines the unique insect host range of each Bt isolate. To date, literally thousands of Bt s have been isolated by researchers across the world. These are currently classified into 34 subspecies or varieties (L © based on several characteristics, including flagellar antigens, biochemistry and insect host range (2). Of the Bt varieties recognized today, the majority are active against lepidopteran larvae, although several varieties are active against mosquitoes and black flies, as well as against beetle pest species (Table I). There are also several varieties with no described insecticidal activity. The general belief is that these varieties possess toxic activity, but have not yet been tested against the appropriate susceptible insect species. Mode of Action. Despite the wide spectrum of insect host range activities displayed by Bt varieties, the mode of action of the insecticidal delta endotoxins is similar. When susceptible insects ingest Bt protein crystals, the first gross symptom observed is feeding inhibition due to paralysis of the digestive tract, including mouth parts. This usually occurs within one hour of ingestion (£). Within the insect gut, it is believed that the Bt protein crystals are digested by gut proteolytic enzymes to form activated toxin molecules with molecular weights of 55 -70kda, depending on the specific Bt toxin. The toxin molecules then appear to pass through holes in the peritrophic membrane, and within minutes after ingestion, bind to the microvillar membrane surface of the insect's midgut epithelial cells. This is believed to be a specific binding interaction, which occurs only if the appropriate specific protein or glycoprotein receptors are present on the surface of the insect's midgut epithelium. Following the specific binding step, the epithelial cells swell, vacuoles form, and cellular organelles begin to break down. Ultimately, the microvillar membrane disintegrates, and the epithelial cells lyse, resulting in destruction of the midgut. Insect death is believed to occur as a result of the poisonous effects of changes in pH and ion balance that occur when the gut contents are mixed with the contents of the hemocoel. This, coupled with the effects of starvation caused by the initial feeding inhibition response results in death of the insect Death usually occurs within 1-5 days, depending on the age of the insect (younger insects are most susceptible), the dose ingested, and the insect species and Bt isolate involved (2,10).

Green et al.; Managing Resistance to Agrochemicals ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.


Targeting Insecticide-Resistant Markets


As for many other toxicants, insects killed by Bt are typically stunted, darkened and appear dry and shrivelled.

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Table I. Bacillus

thuringiensis Activity*



1 2 3a 3a,3b 4a,4b 4a,4b 4a, 4c 5a,5b 5a,5c 6 6 6a, 6c 7 8a,8b 8a, 8b 8a, 8b 8a,8c 9 10

thuringiensis finitimus alesti kurstaki sotto dendrolimus kenyae galleriae canadensis subtoxicus entomocidus oyamensis aizawai morrisoni tenebrhnis* san diego ostriniae tolworthi darmstadiensis 0


— L,D L,D C C L L.D L

varieties and host range s p e c t r a Serotype



11a,11c 12 13 14 15 16

kyushuensis thompsoni Pakistani israelensis dakota Indiana wuhanesis tohokuensis kumamotoensis tochigiensis yunnanensis pondicheriensis colmeri shandogiensis


— 17 18 19 20a,20b 20a, 20c 21 22

— D

— — L L

— — L L

— L

+ L - LepkJoptera; D«Diptera; C-Coleoptera *

Although reported as serotype 8a, 8b, varietal names other than morrisoni have been utilized to reflect the unique biochemistry and insect host range of these isolates

Although current understanding of the molecular mode of action of Bt is still not complete, recent reports indicate that the toxin may act by forming small pores in the epithelial microvillar membrane, causing osmotic swelling and lysis and eventual destruction of the gut (11). In a contrasting but not mutually exclusive theory, it has been proposed that the toxin disrupts the potassium ion gradient which the cell normally maintains across the microvillar membrane, again leading to ionic and osmotic disruption of the cell, and lysis (12). Growing interest in the use of Bt in agriculture should yield a more complete view of the molecular mode of action in the near future. Host Range Specificity. Although highly toxic to susceptible insect species, the host range of most Bt isolates is confined to a small number of related insect species. For example, isolates of Bt variety israelensis are highly active against Aedes and Culex mosquito larvae, but have more limited activity against Anopheles larvae (13). Even Bt isolates with the same serotype may exhibit different activity spectra. For example, three distinct isolates with the 8a, 8b serotype have demonstrated activity against lepidopteran, dipteran and coleopteran insects (14, 15) (Table I). The host range activity levels for a given Bt isolate are believed to be determined by a variety of factors including: structure of the delta endotoxin; internal environment of die insect midgut, which influences break down of the toxin crystals to active toxin molecules; the presence and concentration of specific receptors on the surface of insect midgut epithelial cells (10); and interactions between multiple delta endotoxins contained in one crystal, and interactions between delta endotoxin and Bt spores (8).

Green et al.; Managing Resistance to Agrochemicals ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.






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Commercial Products Based on Bacillus thuringiensis Although Bt was first discovered in diseased silk worm larvae in 1901 by the Japanese researcher, Ishiwata, it wasn't until 1958 that a product was first developed for commercial use in the United States (1). For many years, Bt products were based on lepidopterous active isolates (Table H). Today, the majority of products available are still targeted towards caterpillar pests of forestry, agriculture, stored grain and field crops, and usually rely on isolates of Bt variety kurstaki. However, in 1977, Israeli researchers discovered a new isolate, Bt variety israelensis, which displayed unique activity against mosquito and black fly larvae. Today, Bt israelensis is the basis for several insecticides which are used to control biting flies throughout the world. Other Bt varieties with dipterous activity have also recentiy been discovered (16). Most recently, researchers in Germany and the United States have discovered Bt isolates with specific activity against coleopteran insects, including the Colorado potato beetle. These isolates, Bt variety tenebrionis (17) and Bt variety san diego (15), were registered for commercial use in the United States in 1988. Table II. VARIETY OF

B. thuringiensis

Commercial Products based on INSECTICIDAL ACTIVITY

Bacillus thuringiensis




lepidopteran (vegetable crops, forestry, stored products)

Bactospeine Biobit Dipel Javelin Thuricide

Duphar Novo Laboratories Abbott Laboratories Sandoz, Inc. Sandoz, Inc.


lepidopteran (greater wax moth)


Sandoz, Inc.


dipteran (mosquitoes, black flies)

Bactimos Skeetal Teknar Vectobac

Biochem Products Novo Laboratories Sandoz, Inc. Abbott Laboratories

san diego

coleopteran (Colorado potato beetle)


Mycogen Corporation


coleopteran (Colorado potato beetle)


Sandoz, Inc.

Naturally Occurring Bt and Control of Resistant Insects Because of its unique mode of action targeted against the insect gut, Bt can be an effective control agent for insects resistant to synthetic insecticides. Unlike Bt, most synthetic insecticides target the insect nervous system. A case in point is that of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotorsa decemlineata. This insect is considered to be the most destructive pest of potatoes grown in many areas of the United States, Canada, Europe and the Soviet Union. The beede's voracious appetite, (larval and adult stages are capable of consuming more than 10cm of foliage per day) and high reproductive capacity are partly responsible for its pest status (IS). In addition, several formerly available and effective systemic insecticides have been banned or restricted in some locations, due to fears of groundwater or environmental contamination (19). However, the most difficult issue surrounding control of the Colorado potato beetle (CPB) has been the insect's ability to rapidly develop resistance to all major classes of 2

Green et al.; Managing Resistance to Agrochemicals ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.


Targeting Insecticide-Resistant Markets


Downloaded by AUBURN UNIV on December 26, 2017 | Publication Date: February 23, 1990 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1990-0421.ch007

synthetic insecticides. In some areas of the northeastern United States where resistance is an established problem, there are currendy no registered conventional insecticides available which control the CPB (2). Thus, there is a distinct need for a CPB control agent that is both effective and environmentally compatible. Bacillus thuringiensis variety san diego. In 1985, scientists at Mycogen Corporation in San Diego, California, discovered a beede-active isolate of Bt. The isolate, Bt variety san diego (Btsd) demonstrated high levels of activity against larvae of the CPB (15). but like other Bts was non-toxic to mammals, birds, fish and other non-target organisms. In field tests conducted in the United States, Canada and Europe during 1986 and 1987, Btsd proved to be a highly effective control agent for the CPB when applications were targeted against small (1st - 3rd instar) larvae, the beetle's most sensitive stages. Due to its distinctive mode of action, Btsd was equally effective against resistant and non-resistant populations of the CPB. In addition, Btsd was compatible when tank mixed with a large variety of commonly used insecticides and fungicides, and was effectively applied through ground and aerial application systems. Based on these positive results, Mycogen submitted a full registration package to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for their Btsd product, M-One Insecticide, in September of 1987. Eight months later, Mycogen received EPA approval of their registration package and began marketing M-One in the summer of 1988. The use of Btsd has given potato growers a new, effective and strongly needed tool for controlling resistant CPBs. In addition, in areas where CPB resistance to synthetic insecticides is not yet a major problem, the effective life of these insecticides is being prolonged by rotating their use with applications of Btsd. As a final advantage, the non-toxic characteristics of Btsd have helped to alleviate farmer and public concerns regarding safety and environmental pollution by insecticides. Advantages offlr-BasedInsecticides As demonstrated by the example of Bt variety san diego, 2fr-based insecticides have several desirable traits which make them attractive to farmers, to the public, and to agricultural chemical companies in search of new development candidates. These include: • safety • streamlined regulatory review • low cost of production • unique mode of action • ease of use Safety. In toxicology tests required by the EPA for registration of microbial insecticides, Bt isolates have demonstrated a consistent lack of toxicity to mammals and non-target organisms including birds, fish, ducks aquatic invertebrates, beneficial insects and plants (2Q). In addition, the short residual activity associated with Bt confers the desired characteristic of biodegradability to Bt based products (Figures 1 and 2). As public concern for environmental and food safety has increased, the appeal of non-toxic, biodegradable pest control agents such as Bt has increased commensurately. Streamlined Regulatory Review. Because Bt isolates have demonstrated no toxicity to non-target organisms, EPA regulatory review of new Bt isolates is streamlined to focus primarily on acute toxicity and infectivity to mammals and non-target organisms. Under this review process, the potential product is tested in "maximum challenge" experiments, where very high doses of the product are administered to test animals through oral, dermal, inhalation and ocular routes. If no toxic effects are demonstrated

Green et al.; Managing Resistance to Agrochemicals ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.


100 • 80 •


60 •


40 •

a Jave*n15g toxin/A

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20 •

Dipel 4L9g toxin/A

Days After Treatment

Figure 1. Foliar persistence of microbial insecticides on cabbage. Arlington, Wisconsin: 1988. Dipel and Javelin are commercial products based on Bt var. kurstaki. Persistence was measured by bioassay of field treated foliage, removed at varioustimespost-application against 3rd instar DBM larvae. Rates of product applied are expressed in terms of grams of delta endotoxin (as measured by polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis) applied per acre.

Figure 2. Foliar persistence of M-One Insecticide on potatoes. Painter, Virginia: 1988. Persistence was measured by testing field treated foliage, removed at various time post-application, in laboratory bioassays conducted against 2nd instar CPB larvae. Rates of product applied are expressed in terms of grams of delta endotoxin (as measured by polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis) applied per acre.

Green et al.; Managing Resistance to Agrochemicals ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.


Targeting Insecticide-Resistant Markets


in this initial level of acute testing (Tier 1), then the additional testing (including residue and environmental fate, oncogenicity, teratogenicity, mutagenicity and longterm chronic studies) usually required for registration of conventional insecticides is not required (2JJ. Thistiered,streamlined approach has led to relatively short registration review periods (6 months -1 year) and relatively inexpensive costs (up to $500,000) for insecticides based on naturally occurring isolates of Bt, compared to the 7-10 year and multimillion dollar costs usually associated with registration of more toxic insecticide products. Economics of production. As for other commercially available Bts Bt variety san diego is inexpensively produced in submerged liquid culture in industrial scale fermentors. While components of the culture media used remain proprietary information for each Bt product, nitrogen and carbon are usually supplied in the form of inexpensive agricultural or industrial by-products such as cottonseed meal, corn steep,fishmeal or soybean meal (1). Downloaded by AUBURN UNIV on December 26, 2017 | Publication Date: February 23, 1990 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1990-0421.ch007


Unique Mode of Action. As described above, the Bt delta endotoxin is a stomach poison which acts on the midgut epithelial cells of susceptible insects. This is in contrast to the typical mode of action for synthetic chemical insecticides, which act as nerve poisons. Because the Bt site of action is so different from that of synthetic insecticides, Bt has been successfully utilized for control of otherwise resistant insects such as mosquitoes, the diamondback moth and the Colorado potato beetle. Rexibilitvof Use. Products based on Bt have been successfully incorporated into pest management programs in agriculture, forestry and vector control. This is largely due to the fact that the Bt delta endotoxin and spores are relatively stable when tank mixed with conventionally used fungicides, insecticides and spray adjuvants. In addition, most commercial Bt formulations have been designed to optimize shelf life, as well as physical compatibility with other agricultural chemicals and application systems. Limitations offlr-BasedInsecticides Over the past 30 years, insecticides based on naturally occurring isolates of Bt have played, and will continue to play, an increasingly important role in addressing specific pest management problems such as insecticide resistance and environmental pollution. However, there are several characteristics of Bt which currently limit its widespread adoption in agriculture. These include: • narrow insect host range • lack of delivery to insects that feed inside the plant • short residual activity Narrow Host Range A paradox associated with the use of Bt lies in the characteristic host range specificity of each strain to small groups of related insects. While this feature is usually regarded as an environmental benefit of the use of Bt, agricultural crops are seldom attacked by a single insect pest species. For example, cole crop pests such as the cabbage looper and diamondback moth are well controlled by commercial preparations of Bt variety kurstaki, but other insecticides must be used to control aphid populations. Similarly, Colorado potato beetle larval populations are highly susceptible to Bt varieties san diego and tenebrionis, but conventional synthetic insecticides must be applied to control occasional pests such as the potato fleabeetle and leafhoppers. While Bt has been successfully utilized to control the key insect pests in these and other situations, more planning and scouting time may be required of the farmer who chooses to use Bt when multiple insect pest populations occur simultaneously.

Green et al.; Managing Resistance to Agrochemicals ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



Delivery to Target Pests The host range of Bt is further limited by the fact that it is a stomach poison; it must be consumed to be effective. For this reason, commercial applications of Bt have been most successfully targeted against foliar feeding insects, such as the gypsy moth, the cabbage looper, or the Colorado potato beetle. In contrast, internal plant feeders such as the cotton boll weevil, or the codling moth, while susceptible to Bt variety san diego and Bt variety kurstaki, respectively, in laboratory tests, are difficult to control with foliar applications of Bt in the field, because Bt cannot be easily delivered to their internal feeding sites. In addition, piercing-sucking insects such as aphids and leafhoppers have not been investigated as potential Bt targets, because feeding occurs internal to the treated leaf surface, making its delivery to die insect gut difficult, if not impossible. Residual activity. For naturally occurring Bts lack of foliar persistence is perhaps the most significant factor contributing to the products' inconsistent field performance and to its concomitant limited adoption by farmers. The residual insecticidal activity of Bt applications is direcdy related to the stability of the protein delta endotoxin on the leaf surface, and to the period oftimebetween Bt application and the insect's encounter with and ingestion of treated foliage. Typical degradation curves for commercial Bt products generated by Mycogen researchers (Figure 1 and 2) illustrate that insecticidal activity declines rapidly within thefirst48 hours afterfieldapplication and has nearly disappeared by 96 hours after application. Studies conducted in the laboratory and greenhouse however, demonstrate that Bt can remain active for up to two weeks indoors, indicating that factors relating to outdoor application are largely responsible forfir'sshort residual activity. Various researchers have identified ultraviolet radiation, heat, moisture, pH and enzymatic activity on the leaf surface (L 22) as the environmental factors responsible for the decay of Bt activity in the field. However, there is currently litde agreement on the extent to which each factor influences persistence, and to what degree these factors interact

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Modification of Bacillus thuringiensis Through Genetic Engineering Application of techniques in genetic engineering to agriculture may help to reduce or completely remove the limitations on Bt use and applicability described above. This belief is based on the fact that the Bt delta endotoxin gene is usually borne on a bacterial plasmid, which can be isolated, manipulated and transferred to other organisms using standard recombinant DNA (rDNA) techniques. Thus, the insect host range might be expanded or altered through changes made in the genes that produce the toxin. Delivery to target insects that feed inside the plant could be improved through expression of the delta endotoxin protein within the crop plant tissue, while improvements in foliar persistence could be accomplished by transferring the toxin gene to naturally occurring bacteria which colonize the leaves or roots of the crop plant. A delta endotoxin gene was first cloned from Bt variety kurstaki in 1981, by Schnepf and Whiteley (23). Since thattime,several researchers have transferred Bt toxin genes to tobacco (24,25) and tomato (2© in attempts to protect these plants from insect damage. Companies such as Rohm and Haas, Monsanto, Agrigenetics and Plant Genetic Systems have conducted small plotfieldtests with transgenic plants where a Bt toxin has been successfully expressed. To protect plant roots from soil dwelling insects, root colonizing bacteria have also been transformed by Monsanto researchers to produce Bt endotoxins (22). Crop Genetics, Inc. has demonstrated that insects feeding on the vascular system of com plants can be targeted by the endophytic bacterium, Clavibacter xyli, which grows within the plant's vascular system and which has been genetically engineered to produce the B.t. kurstaki endotoxin.

Green et al.; Managing Resistance to Agrochemicals ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.


Targeting Insecticide-Resistant Markets


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Limitations of living rDNA products. Despite the exciting advances described above, there are still many technical obstacles that must be overcome before rDNA products can be successfully commercialized in agriculture. In addition, the regulatory position on risk and hazard assessment of living rDNA organisms is still in the process of development by government agencies (22). While there is no doubt that products based on living rDNA organisms will play an important, and possibly revolutionary role in agriculture in the future, current regulatory and technical hurdles make commercial availability within the next ten years unlikely. As will be discussed below however (see "The MCap Delivery System"), dead recombinant organisms do not present the same regulatory hurdles as their living counterparts, and may be commercialized within the next 1-2 years. Potential for Bt resistance. During the relatively short gap in time between discovery and commercialization of rDNA insecticides, researchers will hopefully have an opportunity to explore an important potential limitation to the use of fir-based insecticides-the development of resistance. In 1985, McGaughey reported evidence for the only documented case offirresistance in a field population of insects (29). The Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella, is a lepidopteran pest of stored grain that was successfully controlled withfirvariety kurstaki for several years. However, McGaughey's study showed that an observed decline in the efficacy offirwas due to the development of resistance among treated Plodia populations. As a result of McGaughey's report, researchers in industry and academia have focused greater attention on the development of methods to detect other cases of fir resistance. To date, no further examples have been documented. It is possible that the case of Plodia is unique because, in McGaughey's words, "the stored grain environment is ideal for development of resistance, because BT is stable on stored grain and because the environment may remain undisturbed for long periods, permitting the insects to breed for successive generations in contact with the bacterial spores and toxins" (22). This is in contrast to field crop applications offir,where foliar applied product has low residual activity, thus decreasing the probability of resistance. Despite the unique conditions surrounding the development of Plodia resistance tofir,McGaughey's data demonstrates thatfirresistance is possible. As it becomes technically feasible to increase the environmental persistence of thefirtoxin through rDNA techniques, and as the use offir-based insecticides increases, the potential for the development of resistance will increase as well. Creative approaches in integrated pest management, population genetics and molecular genetics must be combined so that the use offiras an effective and safe control agent can be maintained. The MCap delivery system In an attempt to improve the foliar persistence offirinsecticidal activity, Mycogen Corporation has developed the MCap delivery system, based on an rDNA microorganism that expresses afirtoxin, but has been killed via heat and chemical treatment prior to field release Q). Because the organisms are dead, this product has the additional advantage of relative freedom from the environmental and safety concerns associated with outdoor testing of living rDNA organisms. Using the MCap system, researchers have transferred lepidopteran active and coleopteran active delta endotoxin genes into a non-pathogenic strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens. When the transformed cells are grown in submerged culture, the delta endotoxin forms a typicalfir-likecrystal within the cell. However, unlike Bacillus cells, which normally burst at the end of the growth cycle releasing naked spores and crystals into the culture medium, the endotoxin-producing Pseudomonas cells remain intact at the completion of the fermentation cycle. While still in the fermentation tank, the cells are then chemically treated, killing the Pseudomonas cells and causing the bacterial wall to become more rigid through cross linking of cell wall components.

Green et al.; Managing Resistance to Agrochemicals ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



The dead bacterial cell wall now serves as a protective "microcapsule" for the enclosed delta endotoxin. In 1985, Mycogen received EPA approval to conduct small plot field tests with a lepidopteran active toxin delivered through the MCap system (product code: MYX 7275), making it the first recombinant product approved for outdoor testing. The EPA's approval was based on the fact that extensive verification procedures were conducted by Mycogen on each batch of material to assure that all cells were dead. In addition, the EPA required that MYX 7275 be evaluated in Tier 1 toxicology tests, similar to those required for naturally occurring isolates of Bt. Results of these tests have demonstrated that MYX 7275 is non-hazardous to mammals and other non-target organisms.

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Genetically Engineered Bt and Control of Resistant Insects Due to the development of resistance to conventionally used organochlorine, organophosphate, pyrethroid and carbamate insecticides, the diamondback moth, Plutella xyfostella, has become the key pest of cole crops grown in Asia, Central America and the southeastern United States. For this reason, commercial products based on Bt variety kurstaki have been successfully utilized for control of this resistant pest (30). To improve the consistency and efficacy of diamondback moth (DBM) control, Mycogen Corporation has developed a delta endotoxin highly potent for DBM larvae for expression in its MCap delivery system. Outdoor field tests conducted during 1988 indicated that while naturally occurring Bts were effective control agents for DBM larvae, insecticidal activity had dissipated by 96 hours post-application (Figure 1). In contrast, when an equivalent dose of delta endotoxin was delivered via the MCap system in MYX 7275, the product remained active for 7 days (Figure 3). This increase in persistence resulted in better insect control, and therefore higher yields in the MYX 7275 treated plots. Mycogen plans to commercialize MYX 7275 in 1990.

MYX 7275 10g toxin/A

Javelin 15g toxin/A Dipel 4L9g toxin/A

0 0







Days After Treatment

Figure 3. Foliar persistence of MYX 7275 on cabbage. Arlington, Wisconsin: 1988. Persistence was measured as described for Figure 1. Rates of product applied were based on manufacturer's recommendations and are expressed in grams of delta endotoxin applied per acre.

Green et al.; Managing Resistance to Agrochemicals ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.


Targeting Insecticide-Resistant Markets


Similar tests have been conducted with a coleopterous-active MCap product (MYX 1806) targeted against the CPB on potatoes. In these tests, potato foliar protection and yields were compared for MYX 1806 and its naturally occurring counterpart, Bt variety san diego (M-One insecticide) (Figures 4 and 5). The results confirm that when equivalent toxin rates were applied for each product, the persistence conferred by the MCap system resulted in superior CPB control. Additionally, it was demonstrated that the protected toxin of MYX 1806 could be applied at two thirds the toxin rate, and yet still maintain higher levels of insect control than the full rate delivered by M-One. As these examples illustrate, the MCap delivery system offers several advantages over comparable naturally occurring isolates of Bacillus thuringiensis. These include:

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• • • •

a two fold increase in foliar persistence results in better insect control, when applied at the same rate (grams toxin/A) and same application schedule as naturally occurring Bts higher persistence levels may allow reductions in the recommended field rate,while still maintaining excellent levels of insecticidal activity the longevity of insect control can decrease the number of applications, and therefore the cost, required for season long insect control toxicity to targeted insect pests is increased by the ability to deliver the most potent delta endotoxin (or toxins) available via the MCap system. This feature will become even more attractive as the variety and number of available Bt toxins increases due to new discoveries of naturally occiirring Bts, as well as from development of delta endotoxin genes engineered in the laboratory to optimize toxicity, host range and expression level product shelf life is enhanced by the absence of any living organism in MCap preparations. 100



1 6/30

i 7/10

i 7/20

I 7/30


l 6/9) * = application d a t a

Figure 4. Effect of MYX 1806 and M-One Insecticide on potato plant protection levels. Bath, Pennsylvania 1988. Protection ratings were calculated on the basis of weekly visual estimates of percent defoliation (% plant protection = 100 - % defoliation.)

Green et al.; Managing Resistance to Agrochemicals ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



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400 T


Figure 5. Effect of MYX 1806 and M-One Insecticide on potato yields. Bath, Pennsylvania, 1988. Yields are measured in hundred weight (hundreds of pounds) of potatoes per acre.

Summary Demand for efficacious and environmentally compatible insecticides will continue to grow as issues surrounding environmental and food safety, as well as pesticide resistance receive increasing levels of attention. As regulatory review for toxic pesticides becomes more expensive and time consuming, the agrichemical industry will continue to concentrate more attention on products which are subject to streamlined regulatory review. Insect control products based on Bacillus thuringiensis -fromnaturally occurring bacteria, to genetically engineered microorganisms, to transgenic plants - will therefore constitute a significant portion of new products developed in coming years. The challenge now and for the future will be to apply our vast experience in pest management towards the development of strategies that will utilize the products of biotechnology in the most efficacious, environmentally conscious and judicious manner possible. Literature Cited 1. Rowe, G.E.; Margaritis, A. CRC Critical Reviews in Biotechnology. 1987, 6, 87-127. 2. Georghiou, G. P. In Pesticide Resistance: Strategies and Tactics for Management; National Academy Press: Washington, D.C, 1986; pp 14-43. 3. Barnes, A.C; Cummings, S.E. U.S. Patent No. 4695455, 1987. 4. Tabashnik, B. E. J. Econ. Entomol. 1986,79,1447-51. 5. Sneath, P.H.A. In Bergey's Manual of SystematicBacteriology;Sneath, P.H.A.; Mair, N.S.; Sharpe, M.E; Holt, J.G., Eds.; Williams and Wilkins: Baltimore, MD, 1986; Vol. 2, pp 1104-1207. 6. Ono, K.; Ohba, M.; Aizawa, K.; Iwanami, S. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 1988, 51, 296-297.

Green et al.; Managing Resistance to Agrochemicals ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.

Downloaded by AUBURN UNIV on December 26, 2017 | Publication Date: February 23, 1990 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1990-0421.ch007


Targeting Insecticide-Resistant Markets


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October 16, 1989

Green et al.; Managing Resistance to Agrochemicals ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.