Teacher training and the pupil-oriented lesson in West Germany

In West Germany, the underlying philosophy of teaching demands for maximum teacher autonomy inside the classroom and excludes the use of rigid syllabi...
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Teacher Training and the Pupil-Oriented Lesson in West Clive W. La P e n s e e Neusprachliches Gymnasium, 4450 Lingen 1, West Germany

The last two decades have seen some unprecedented changes in school science teaching around the world. The Nuffield Scheme ( I ) has, for example, found national acceptance in the U.K., hut the fact that its publications are in the process of being translated into other European languages does not mean that it will form the basis of science teaching outside Rritain. In the Federal Repuhlic of Germany the underlvine " ., .nhilosoohv . . of teachine.-. with its demand for maximum teacher autonomy inside the classroom, excludes the use of such rieid svllahi and nresentational structures of the sort which kufkeld, or ihe East German "Unterrichtshilfen." ( 2 )nrescrihe. In w e i t Germany the syllabi are vague (assuming they exist a t all) and the choice of textbook has diverse input. The detauphiis decided, somewhat loosely, at an internal conference, hut the approach to a presentation of the topics is left entirely a t the discretion of the individual teacher. Should he consider, upon mature reflection, that a theme does not warrant the prominence given it by the conference, he may handle it briefly or leave it out altogether. The acidlhase theory could he treated hv one teacher in a sinele lesson while another teacher may take eight. One colleague may rely on pupil ex~ e r i m e n t shut , the next mav. argue - that these are too time Eonsumin; and therefore use only demonstration techniques. TO the outsider, the learning process seems quite chaotic. At the end of my first term teaching chemistry a t a North German ~ y m n a & n ,I suggested to my fellow chemistry teachers that we work out week for week what we should teach in the different classes. (The question of how, I was resewing for a later date!) The idea was greeted with a mixture of incomprehension and horror, so I resigned myself to a second term of only having a notion what was going on. One thing, however, could not he overlooked. The standards achieved in the different classes were comparable and high. I can only assume that this seemingly haphazard approach to syllabi and their application is possible only because of the extremely rigorous and comprehensive training which my German colleagues received before they could achieve full

Table 1.

The Number ol Lessons per

Week i n the Various

Sublects 131. The class numbers or grades refer to the years of full-time rchwiing: 1.e. the 7Ih class is the first year at me Gymnasium aner 6 years primary school. Subiect/Ciass





German 1st fweign language 2nd foreign language Music

4 4 5 2 2 2


4 4 1 2 2

3 3

4 4

4 2



4 1 2 2 1 2 2 4 2


Histoly Social Studies Geography Religious Education Mamematics Physics Chemislry Biology spon

I 2

2 2




2 2 1

2 3


2 2 2 1 2 4 1 2 2 2

2 2

teacher status. This removes the necessity for unified teaching programs and allows the teacher to enjoy an amazing degree of freedom with regard to what he or she teaches and how. Before I discuss this preparation, it is worth outlining the type of school being exemplified and its curriculum. I shall take as a model a school and teacher training seminar in the Federal State of Niedersachsen. Certain aspects may not he typical of other states. The Gymnaslum Curriculum There is no streaming within German schools (placing of pupils of the same age in different classes according to their ability), which is not surprising, as there are four differentiated school forms a t secondary level. Rather than try and discuss their functions, I shall concentrate on the Gymnasium, i.e., the preparation for university entrance. Table 1 shows the distribution of subjects for the lower school, (13-1fi years). It is remarkable that chemistry is only taught for 2'/L years, biology and physics for 3 years. This is six months more than chemistry received prior to 1979.

Volume 58

Number 7 July 1981


In the upper school (classes 11, 12, and 1.7-students ranging in age from 17-19 years) the pupils choose their own timetahle, with certain restraints as to suhject comhinations. A student concentrating on the sciences must still prove his abilities in the languages, mathematics, religion or social studies, and sport. At the end of the 13th class, the pupils are examined in their four main suhjects. Their final grade is made up of the exam results and the course work over the previous 2'12 years. Assuming that a candidate had chosen chemistry as one of his main suhiects, he will have taken part in four courses, each appn,xikately of 20 weeks duration a t five hours per week. Table 2 shows some tvpical course sequences from which the .. pupils may choose. If he studies chemistry a t university level and applies to become a Gymnasium teacher himself, then he will have spent a t least ten semesters preparing two subjects for his state exam (chemistryibiology or chemistry/mathematics are common corrhinations) and three semesters (1%years) a t a teacher training seminar. The Seminar (Tralnlng College)

There are considerable variations in the type of training given by different seminars, hut it is fair to say that a very formalistic approach is generally evident. The training given has two main ohjectives. On the one hand the foundation is built for the "ideal lesson," and only referendars (trainees) who adopt the therein implied methodology can expect to pass their final exam. The other function is to provide instruction as to the correct professional conduct of the referendars in their future role as teachers, their legal position, and responsibilities, etc. The former training for the classroom situation stands in stark contrast to the freedom given to the fully qualified teacher: a freedom which the French. British, or East German pedagogue would find incredible. The referendar is observed and directed by his so-called "Fachleiter,"similar in function to the Anglo-American tutor. Each referendar has two such tutors. one for each suhiect. and each tutor looks after about ten referendars. They tkach half a timetable (12 lessons per week) six of which are taught in close co-operation with a qualified teacher, the rest &ing the complete responsihility of the referendar. Visits from one or the other tutor take place about every two weeks, during one of the former co-oper&ve lessons. For such visits the referendar has to write a short form lesson plan showing that he is maintaining the expected standards and methods for his lessons. Below is a shortened example of such a plan (5). Theme: Nitric Acid Production. (Birkland-Eyde-Method) O/ the Lesson.


The pupils should: 1) describe the physical properties and poisonous nature of NOzgas. 2) describe the production of NOr-gas by the oxidation of atmospheric nitrogen. 3) plan an experiment that could lead to the production of nitric acid. 4) realize through daily experiences that the oxidation of nitrogen requires very high temperatures; suggest the possible application of an electric arc. 5 ) from such an experiment conclude that the browngas produced Table 2. CiasslSequence

13.1 13.2


This battery of objectives was to he achieved in a single 45-min lesson. The class consisted of 26 pupils, 16 years of age with 18 months chemistry! How the referendar proposed to achieve these objectives had to be equally exactly defined. The plan continued: Lesson development. Phase


Pupil motivation. There used to be a Shortage of artificial nitrate fertilizer. 1. Problem definition. How can one produce nitrates? 1.1. Problem solution.

Teacher dissertation


Pupil suggestions Blackboard. Pupillteacher discussion. Blackboard. Pupillteacher dicussion. (PIT disc.) Blackboard. Plt disc. Blackboard. Pit disc. Overhead projector. Teacher demonstrationand dissertation. Plt disc. Overhead projector Teacher demonstration and dissertation. Pupil suggestions. Blackboard. Plt disc. Teacher dis5enation.

1.2. HOWcan one make nitric acid? Development of an experiment. Introduction to a suitable apparatus. (Evolved by the pupils in 1.2 and 2.) 3.1 Nitrogen dioxide synthesis.

2. 3,

3.2 Apparatus tor HNO. synthesis. (From 1.2 and 2.) 3.3 Nitric acid synthesis.

4 5.

Observations. Interpretationof the results.

The referendar must keen to the oroeram . . that he has himself set. He may decide during the lesson that some other theme which has arisen in dicussion with the class must he followed up. He would then have to devise off the top of his head a corresponding lesson, containing all the necessary elements of the model lesson; i.e. Phase 0. Motivation (or legitimation for the lesson.) Phase 1. Definition of the problem. Phase 2. Evulution of a solution to the orublem. I'hnie :i. Ik\.elupment . J a n r x p e r l ~ w n t n lmethod u r n.trrn.uiae d pha+ 2 . 1 m r n n i u i t*.llnr! rhr h y p ~ h c i . . r . m r r ~ \ . r in Phase 4. Interpretation. The referendar could scrap the orthodox plan (phases 0 to 4) if he felt that he could justify such an action. Whatever he did, his lesson must remain pupil-oriented, i.e., involve as many pupils as possible orally as well as in the practical experiment. It is. therefore. hardlv surnrisine that referendars rarelv risk looks like it is causing a deviation from the pian. &thermore, he has no defense against the two most dreaded moments which, despite all his careful planning can always occur: (1) A diligent pupil has read up the previous day everything there is to know about nitric acid, and finishes the lesson, down to the observations, in the first five minutes (overplanning

Courss Sequences for Upper School (Students 17-19 years old) Chemistry (4).



tlth 12.1 12.2

by an electricarc in air is NOa and reacts with water to farm an acid. A) consider the valency a f nitrogen and construct equations for the two processes.



Aliohatic and Aromatic Comoounds Dyestuffs Analytical Chemistry Biochemistry Exam Semester

Structure and Properties of Maner Equilibria

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Physical Methods of Analysis

Journal of Chemical Education

cmnmonlv leild4 to 311 amnzlng lk!ri.i~~ 1 lnflexillilit!. ' uhen c ~ n f r ~ m t e(tith d the U I I ~ X I ) ~ ( I ~(81~ , 121 . 101 o n r n,:#ion crr another the class does n o t react t o the stimuli given hy the referendar. T h e result is t h a t t h e lesson rapidly stagnates hecause the referendar is not allowed simply to supply the missing answers. T h a t would negate t h e principle of the pupil-oriented lesson. T h e problem must he defined and solved hy the class. T h e referendar is also obliged t o use all the appropriate media during his lesson. I t is understandable t h a t t h e stereotype picture of a referendar is of a worried young man rushing t o his lesson carrying two overhead projectors (one may break down), a record player, and a n opaque projector. T h e stress before such lessons seems t o be enormous, b u t only reaches its climax prior t o the two ohserved lessons which form part of t h e final examination. 1 have seen a geography referendar near t o a nervous breakdown twenty minutes hefore her examination lesson. because we could onlv find her n p l a ~ t ~ c s t ~~nstead ck (31 the p