Teaching a large introductory chemistry course using T.V. cassettes

Course. Using. T.V. Cassettes. An experimental videocassette/discussion format has been developed for the teaching of large numbers of students in a s...
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Teaching a Large Introductory Chemistry Course Using T.V. Cassettes

G. P. Haight, Jr. Schwl of Chemical Sciences University of Illinois Urbana, 61801

An experimental videocassette/discussion format has been developed for the teaching of large numbers of students in a small classroom environment. Videocassette tapes together with a syllabus and textbook define the course content and objectives.

An experimental videocassette/discussionformat has been developed by the chemistry department a t the University of Illinois, Urhana-Champaign (UIUC) for the teaching of liuge numbers of students in a small classroom environment. Videocassette tapes together with a syllabus and textbook define the course content and objectives. The teaching of small 25student sections which mket four times a week is delegated to graduate student teaching assistants (T.A!s). The T.A!s meet throuehout a semesterwith a sunervisine-. nrofessor to discuss each week's material. This format has proved more effective than the traditional large Iectureldisrussion format which involved two live lectures &r 20200300 students and two quiz section meetings each week. The development of the teaching system, involving the interactive effects of improving technology and changing course content, will he discussed in three papers. The fist will descrihe the history of developing T.V. productions and the resulting first semester course; the second1 will describe a novel second semester course created wholly within the context of the T.V. program; and the third2 will describe the experience of staff who did not create t h e system, but who operated and evaluated the svstem bv comnarine i t with a traditional lecture/quiz mod2 for tea>hing. The nuroose of these reoorta is not onlv to detail results of a large'and exhausting effort in teaching, but to provide a model, based on experience, for the introduction of media technology to coordinate the teaching of a multiple section course, and perhaps a model suitable for extension and coordination among different institutions.



T.V. Taped Lectures in General Chemistry

Chemistw 101and 102. a one vear course. is reauired for d students in-engineering,agricdture,hioldgical,-and health science. This service course emnlow texts at the level of books by Mortimer; Drago; ~ r o w n ;and Dickerson, Gray and Haight,3 and is considered to be a solid introduction to

Jegl, W., Katzenellenhogen,J. A,, Okamoto, M. S.,Paul, I. C., Pirkle. W. H.. Schmidt. P. G.. "'The Chemistrv of Life7-A Second ~emes~ k o & efor ~ k d e n t h s Life Sciences on Color Video Tapes," This Journal, (Submitted for Publication) 54,225, (1978). 2Enger, J., Toms-Wood, A,, Cohn, K., "Teaching Introductory Chemistry with Videocassette Presentations," This Journal, (Suhmitted for publication) 54,230, (1978). Mortimer, C. E., "Chemistry," 3rd Ed., D. Van Nostrand, New York, 1975; Drago, R.S., "Principles of Chemistry," 2nd Ed., Allyn andBacon,Boston,1977; Brown, T. L.,and LeMay, H. E.,"Chemistrv." New York., 1977: Dickerson. R. S.. Grav. H. B.. ~. -Prentice-HaU. , and Haight, G. ~.,"~hemical principles," 2nd Ed., W. A. h jam in; Menlo Park, 1973. 'The author has had somewhat the same experiencewith the use of lecture demonstrations.Student opinion alwaya ranges from delight with the way demonstrations"bring chemistry to life" to complaints that demon&rations"never work'md are a ''waste of time." ~


chemistry for students in applied sciences. Chemistry majors take a separate, more rigorous course. In 1968, in cooperation with the Office of Instructional Resources a t the University of Illinois the Chemistry Denartment nrenared T.V.-taned lectures for use in Chemistw i01-2. H& iong T.v.-tap& lectures proved unacceptabie to students (attendance declined as much as 50% during a semester) even though attendance at such lectures proved t o be as effective as attendance a t live lectures in ~ .r e.o a r i n e students for exams. The experiment continued for three years with too little success to warrant continued teaching in this manner. Teachlng Small Groups of Students Wlth T.V.-Taped Materlals Controlled by the Teacher

In 1971-72, reel-to-reel T.V. tape players which could he emoloved directlv in the classroom under the control of teachers became &ailable. Eight experimental sections (Xsections) were set up in what we now call the video cassette/ discussion format for teaching Chemistry 101-2. Sections met four times a week in small groups suoervised hv a teaching assistant. Once a week, tearhingassistants met with the pr;: frssor in charce of the course to discuss in detail procedures and class performance of the week just past and how to handle the topics for the week to come. The television lectures available were the same 50-min nroductions used nreviouslv. However, the T.V. lectures could-now be turned off: edited (by omission), and in general he controlled by the T.A. in charge of the small class. (Even "instant" replay was possihle.) Rigorous attempts were made to use all accessible instructional tools and methods to the best advantage. T.V. presentations that were judged ineffective were replaced by live classroom oresentations, demonstrations, or discussions. T.V. tanes were never played longer than 15-20 min. It became clear chat T.V. tapes could be useful teaching tools and learning aids, but that their production and use should he limited to topics in which they clearly provide material not otherwise accessible or for which such presentation clearly was superior to blackboard display, class discussion, live demonstration, etc. Evaluation of the Video CassettelDiscusslon Format Using Black and White Tapes

Assessment of the video cassetteldiscussion format hv students in Chemistry 102 who had taken Chemistry 101 in either live lecture or hour-long T.V. lecture format was overwhelmingly positive. Eighty per cent preferred four small classes per week with T.V. tapes used as classroom aids to the traditional two large lecture classes plus two small quiz meetings with T.A.'s. The preference of small classes with short T.V. presentations t o 50-min T.V. lectures was unanimous. As the system has developed and been modified and evaluated, it seems clear that a minority of students will he turned off, offended, or otherwise disabused by any use of television in t e a ~ h i n g . ~ Volume 55, Number 4, April 1978 1 221

The lecture section was orizinally left in, as a convenient format for experimenting with course content. Chemistry 102 was divided into a "physical" section (102P) for engineers taught by traditional lecturelquiz techniques, and a "biological" section (102B) for which T.V. Materials were to he develoned. Common chemical orincioles are taught in the two courses with illustrative matkialsand exampies selected with the respective clientel in mind. In the spring of 1971, two T.V. course production groups were organized to create new courses with edited, color T.V. tapes, although editing was still a problem initially. It was initially hoped to produce Chemistry 101 and 102B in 11/r2 years. Actually both courses have now been completed in time for the 1977-78 academic yea--B byear period. The increased time required has been due to a number of factors. 1) Technological state-of-the-art improvements during the pro-

B W K )Average ~ 101Final Grades Fall 1970 T, and XI are average section scares on me first iwurly. T, and X2 are avwage

scores on the second hourly.

Student Performance in the X-Sections

Advantages Perceived by Students (Questionnaire Responses) 1) Participation by students in class. Inducements to ask and answer questions were great. Whereas questions arising in lectures are often forgotten by the time of quiz meeting, in an X-section questions can be asked when they arise. Rapport develops among students and with the T.A., enhancing motivation and learning. 21 Recause all clasms were interactive and requtred preparatim. students had to study rcgularly-four times per week. There ir little incentive t0"prepare" for pasive participation in liw lectures. 3) T.A.'s are better prepared-no chance to "miss" the lectures as in the traditional format. Disadvantages 1) A minority of students found undue pressure in daily class recitation. 2) Some apprehension was voiced over the consequences of having a poor T.A. with so much responsibility. 3) T.A.'s have voiced apprehension over perceived higher teaching loads, but most T.A.'s used in X-sections have asked far similar assignmentsthe following term. The fieure shows correlation of erades in Chemistm 101 in the fallof 1970, withgradeson two:hourexams in thesiring of 1971 for four traditional sections (TIand for four ?(-sections. ?(-Section scoreb in general are distinctly ahow the lines olottinpr T-section data. Overall, ?(-section grades imr)roved =bout one-half a grade point in 102 over &eir own "traditional" performance in 101 against the same competition. Technological Developments The discovery of the effective video cassetteldiscussion format for teaching coincided with the acquisition of color T.V. production equipment by the University's T.V. station and Office of Instructional Resources. Reasoning that a good format should be backed by first rate materials, the program for teaching Chemistry 101-2 was reorganized to provide staff and time for authoring color T.V.-taped materials and syllabi. The projection system in classroom use was already capable of showing color. Chemistry 101, which has from 1600-1900 students in the fall semester, was divided into one traditional section using the large lecturelsmall quiz format for 350 students, and up to 65 X-sections containing 24 students each. 222 / Journal of Chemical Education



4) 5) 6)

duction period have required redoing early efforts and developing more elaborate production programs than originally planned. Both academic and media personnel were available only part time, since their appointments included other activities-research, teaching and administration for the facultyand graduate students; and service to the rest of the University and the public by theT.V. studio and personnel. The complexityof ewrdination of the efforts of the many people involved in any single tape production. The inexperience of all personnel. Turnover in key personnel including professors in charge, T.V. producers, artists, and programmers. Declining academic budgets (1972-76).

The long production time has enabled us to test materials in classes as produced and to develop a classroom delivery system that is reliable, presenting details of chemical behavior that are true to author's conceots. (We are now reasonably confident that an aqueous coppkr sulfate solution will appear to he blue on a screen in the classroom.) Production of T.V. Tapes Details of nroduction techniaues and rationalizations for the use of various types of display are given in the second naner of this series. Here we mention onlv a few evolutionam developments, their consequences, and the facilities and personnel required for a production.


1) Recording of remote scenes, equipment, or demonstrations is

now possible with portable color T.V. cameras. These offer instant playback so that it is possible to remrd a scene many times while perfecting the recording for ultimate use. Earlier, color films had to be developed so that several days passed before results of a filming could be seen. 2) Computer graphics was found to be possible, using the University of Illinois PLAT0 system. Students can be trained in a few days' time to program sophisticatedgraphic displays with animation which can be recorded and incorporated into productions. 3) Final production of tapes haa become an editorial function of the producer whereas earlier tnpes required frustrating huura oi expensive atudicn time to produce, with all production personnel on hand. A production team will involve a faculty director, a faculty author who mites scripts for the Lesson in question; a T.V. producer, a graduate student coordinator who obviates the need for many frequent meetings; an artist, a graduate student programmer for computer graphics and various T. V. studio personnel. Costs of Productlon Costs are difficult t o allocate precisely because of the multiple activities of nearly all participants. Since the program for developing color tapes began, the School of Chemical Sciences has each semester furnished the following personnel

Table 1. Cosls 01 Tape Producllon

Expenses-Facilities Supplies. Services Production personnel Faculty and T.A. Salaries Totals Orand Total





2370 3370 $4250


Table 2. TIIIes end Runnlng Tlmes of Color Vldeocassene Televlslon Tapes Used in Introductory Chemlslry 101 Running

Tape Number $380. 380


from the re-

duced lecturing load required by the X-format. 1F.T.E. of T.A. staff. 1T.V. producer. 1artist (working at the T.V. studio). T.V. services provide, in addition

NUC~~U I S Nucleus Ii

1oroducer 1cameraman (%time). A sound engineer and floor personnel for productions.

Estimated costs of production per tape, and their allocation, are given in Tahle 1. Not included in these costs are the cost of much sophisticated T.V. equipment, color cameras, studio facilities, recording and editing equipment, and PLAT0 system for computer graphics, all of which contribute to the high quality of present productions. Cost of Teaching In the X-Format

Eoui~ment and Maintenance . .

Eleven rooms are equipped with T.V. cassette tape players and color monitors at a cost of S2500 to $3000 oer room. No renovation of rooms has been required. ~ a i G cleaning of heads, weeklv electronic check-ups, annual overhaul, and facilities for constant trouhle shooting of equipment are resuired. We have survived with two units of back-up . equip. . ment plus one unit for authors and reviewing. Cassettes and monitors appear to have a life time of about five years hut are still subject t o early obsolescence due to technological advances. Tanes used in the classroom are dubbed from master h o e s at costs that have risen from $2.50 to $7 per tape. Commerc~al duht~inecosts U D to S15 ner taoe. The I I ~ time P of a d u b b ~ n e call^, alesson will he used b; is abouitwo schbol nine sections and played up to 20 times per semester. Maintenance and repair have been handled in two ways, both satisfactory. Daily monitoring and cleaning have been done hy a nonacademic employee, whose basic duties have always been to assist with classroom lecture demonstrations and displays. Maintenance and repair have been handled: (1) by the electronics shop of the School of Chemical Sciences requiring first priority and half-time or more of an electronic technician (academic-professional), or (2), by a $3000-annual maintenance contract with the T.V. Department. Producing Chemistry 101 Chemistry 101 has been produced by a changing team in which G. P. Haight and T. L. Brown have served as authors. James Glish has been the principal producer, and Lynne Parr has coordinated productions and handled syllabus revision. Visiting professors and alternative producers have participated on occasion. Chemistry graduate students have created computer graphic displays while being assigned to course development. Several T.V. cameramen, film producers, and artista have contributed. Teaching Chemistry 101 in the Video CassetteIDlscusslon Format

Chemistry 101 is a first semester introductory chemistry

Title Intrcduction. Course Objectives Stoichiomehv Early iaeas A M the Compooition ol Maner Eiectromagnetic Radiation Subatomoc Particles Structure of the Atom Electron Structure of Atom Periodic Classification of Elements Periodic Properties ol Atoms Metals and Nonmetals Ionic ShuCtures ... Chemical Processes of Metals Eiectrochemi~tryof Metals

'Summer teaching awards to tacuily sulhors d tapes.

1-2 F.T.E. of senior staff teaching load-obtained

Time Win: Sec)


Abundance and Origin of Elements Nonmetals. Share and Share Alike Molecular Orbitals. Rules of the Road Diatomic Molecules Covalent Compounds tiydrogen Chemistry Elemental Hydrogen and Oxygen Chemishy 01 Oxygen and Sulphur Oxidation Reduction Chemistry of Group V Elemems Natural Cycles of Nonmetal Elements Halwen Chemistry Acidic and Basic SOlutiOnS pH and Indicators Weak Aclds and Bases Theories and Titrations Buffers Theories of Acids and Basas Three States of Maner Behaviors of Oases Molecular Speeds and the Nonidealily of Oases Liquids Structure of Cowdination Complexes Electronic Properties of Cwrdination Camplaxes Energy Changes


course for students in the applied sciences who have had one year of high school chemistrv or Chemistrv 100, a tw