Teaching Aids For Nuclear Chemistry - Journal of Chemical Education

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Nuclear Chemistrv-State

of the Rrt for Teachers

Teaching Aids For Nuclear Chemistry Charles H. Atwwd Mercer University, Macon, GA 31207 A s a supplement t o t h e symposium, it is important that teachers h a v e a readily available list of topics a n d sources r e l a t e d t o nuclear chemistry, which t h e y c a n turn t o if needed. O n e of those resources is t h e ~ r o c e e d i n-n sof t h i s symposium. This paper will provide other resources. T h e following is a list of articles o n topics related t o nuclear chemistry published in t h e last five years in this J o u r n a l a n d i n Scientific American. These two publications were chosen hecauie t h e y should b e readilyavailable t o high school teachers. Near the e n d of t h e paper, a list of books, supplements, a n d monographs o n nuelear chemistry i s provided. Finally, I k v e a brief description of a videotape t h a t s i m u l a t e s n u c i e a r reactions a n d provides a visual method of showing them.

Journal of ChemicalEducation Bibliography List The following list of articles published in t h e last five years in t h i s J o u r n a l is broken u p into articles o n Comp u t e r P r o g r a m s , C l a s s r o o m D e m o n s t r a t i o n s , Experiments, E x a m Questions, a n d Articles about nuclear related topics. F o r each publication t h e n a m e of t h e article, author(s1, volume, number, and page references a r e given.

Computer Programs -ACumularivr Count Method fur Determining the Half-Life of Bsrium-137 and Gallium-68 Radioactive I~otnpes:A Spreadshrcr Applicatton." Elwn Hughes, Jr. 1991, fiRt12,, .. ~4142. "Aloha Scatter". Robert C. Rittenhouse. 1988.65(5). 388. "Bateman Equations Simplified for Computer Usage". Jack G. Kay 1988,65(111,970-973.

"Cold Fusion a s the Subject of a Final Exam in Honors General Chemistry". Norbert T. Porile. 1989,66(111,932-933.

Articles "Present and Future Nuclear Reactor Designs, Weighing the Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Power with an Eye on Improving Safety and Meeting Future Needs". Warren F. Miller, Jr. 1993,70(21, 109-114. "The Origins, Production and Use of the Atomic Bomb: An Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Seminar." Frank A. Settle, J t ; Donald Erbschloe; William Astore. 1993, 70G1, 360363. "The Curie-Beequerel Story". Harold F. Walton. 1992, 69W, 10-15. Wow Much Radon Is lbo Much?" Charles H. Atwood. 1992, 696). ~ ~350355. . ~ . . ~ ~ "Isotope Separation". William Spindel; Takanobu Ishida. 1991,68(4), 312-318. "Nuclear Reactions versus Inorganic Reactions: And the Winner Is...". Judy Godfrey; Ron MeLaehlan; Charles H. Atwood. 1991.68(10). 819-824. W h a t Ever ~ a p ~ e n e d ' Cold t a Fusion?" Roy W. Clark. 1991, 68(4), 277-279. "The Concepts of Mass and Energy". Hans Kolbenstvedt: Reidar Stolevik. 1991,68(10), 826428. "Radon in the Home". R. Bruce Martin. 1991,68(41,275-276. and a Letter to the Editor in 1993,70(12), 1040-1041. "The Most Useful Actinide Isotope: Americium 241". James D. Navratil; Wallace W. Schulz; Glenn T. Seaharg. 1990, G 7 l-, l i, 1 L l-G " "Carbon-11: Where Familiar Chemistry Still Holds New Challenges". Anthony L. Feliu, 1990,67(51,364-367. "From "Electrum" to Positronium". Helge Kragh. 1990,67(31, 196197. -~~ "Formation of the Chemical Elements and the Evolutmn of Our Universe" Victor E. Viola. 1990,6719,723-730. "Supernova 1987A-What Have We Learned About Nucleosvnthesis?" Charles H. Atwood. 1990.67(91. 731-735. "~adiiactivit~ A: Natural a hen omen an": C. Gnneau. 1990, fi7(9). .. ,.,, 7Rfi-737. . .. . .. . T h e Kinetics of Isotopic Exchange Reactions". S. R. Logan. 1990,67(5), 371-373. 1989. "The Im~licationsof "Cold Fusion". Joseph J . Laeowski. 66(5), 361. "Reflections on Nuclear Fission a t Its Half Century, Intmduction to the Symposium". Leonard W Fine. 1989, 66(5), 369-269 - -- - - - . "Products of Neutron Irradiation". Philip H. Abelsan. 1989, 66(5), 364-366. 'Tadiachemistrv of the Fission Products". Ellis P. Steinbere. ~


Experiments "A Double Decay Experiment: Half-Life Determination in a Mixture of l*.o Independently Decaying Radionuclides". I. Houdaverdis; S. S. Kontis. 1991,68(21, 171-172. "The Delayed X-Ray Technique: Principles, Comparison with Other Techniques, Practical Applications". A. E; Pillay. 1991,68(21, 173-174. "AStudent Experiment lb Demonstrate the Energy Loss and Straggling of Electrons in Matter". M. deBruin; W. J . Huijgen. 1990,67(11,86-88. "An Isotope Dilution Analysis Experiment with Phase Isolation by Electrodepasition" R. A. Pacer; W. D. Ehmann; S. W. Yates. 1989, 66(71,603604. "Measurement of Radon in Indoor Air-A Laboratory Exercise". Danile M. Dawney; Glenn Simolunas, 1988,65(121, 1042-1044.




"An Overhead Projector Demonstration ofNuclear Beta Emission". John J . Fortman. 1992,69(21, 162-163. "Radioactive Ingrowth in a Natural Decay Series". K. Murray Matthews; Rachel M. Larkin. 1990,67(51,374-375. "Simulation of Rutherford's Experiment". Carl B. Bishop. 1990,67(10), 889-891. "Beta Decav Diamam". Robert Suder. 1989.66(3) . . . 231. "The Tasmanian Empire: A Radioactive Dating Activity". 1988, 65(1), 4748. "An Exercise to Teach Concepts of Half-Life without Using Radioactive Isotopes". Mary C. Christian. 1988,65(11,48-49. ~

Exam Question




"Determining the Solubility of Ca(OH12 Using 45Ca a s a Tracer". Michael D. Edmiston; Robert W. Suter, 1988, 65(31,279-280.


"Lise ~ e i k e&d r the Discovery of Fission". Ruth Lewin Sime. 1989,6661,373-376. "The Complementarity of the Bomb". Richard Rhodes. 1989, 66(5), 376979. "Nuclear Fission and Transuranium Elements-50 Years Am". Glenn T Seahore. 1989.66(5). 379384. "Somr Kcminiicrners of Mass Speetrometrj and the Manhat. ton I'rojcct" Alfrrd 0 Swr 1989, f i d 5 ,385-388. ~





Volume 71 Number 10 October 1994



"Nuclear Chemistry: Include It in Your Curriculum". Charles H. Atwaad; Raymond K Sheline. 1989,66(5), 389-393. 'The Discovery of the Electron, Proton, and Neutron". Barrie M. Peake, 1989,66(9),738. T h e Ideal Gas Law a t the Center of the Sun". David B. Clark. 1989. 66(101. 826. "Predicting Nuclear Stability Using the Periodic Table". Harvey F. Blanck. 1989,66(9), 757-758. What's the Use? Bewllium". Alton Banks. 1989,66(12), 1018 "Chernobyl-What Happened?" Charles H. Atwood. 1988, fiS(l2). 1037-1041 -~ "Marie Curie's Doctoral Thesis: Prelude to a Nobel Prize". Robert L. Wolke. 1988,65(7), 561-573. "Nuclear Waste, Glass, and the ~e'+/Fe~+ Ratio". James C. Fannine: R. Todd Hunter. 1988.65(10). 888-889. "ANew ~ r o & m to Teach Nuclear A d ~adioehemistryto Undergraduates". Gary L. Catchen; James Canelas. 1988, 65(8), 708-712. "Bowling Balls and Beads: A Concrete Analogy to the Rutherford Exoeriment". Maw V. Larenz. 1988.65(12). 1082. "The Role Chemistry i i Positron ~ m i s s k nTomography". Anthony L. Feliu. 1988,65(8), 655460.


Scientific American Bibliography List T h e following list consists of articles published in Scientific American over t h e last five years that concern nuclear topics. There a r e a variety of topics including nuclear warfare, cosmology, nuclear medicine, a n d applied nuclear topics. The format for t h i s list is article name, author(s), volume, number, date, a n d beginning page of t h e article. "The Compton Gamma Ray Ohsemato$. Neil Gehrels; Carl E. Fichtel; Gerald J . Fishman; James D. Kurfess; Volker Schanfelder. 1993,269(December), 68. "Edwin Hubhle and the Expanding Universe". Donald E. Osterhroek; Joel A. Gwinn; Ronald S. Brashear. 1993, 269(July), 84. 'Xow the Milky Way Formed". Sidney van den Bergh; James E. Hesser 1993,269(January), 72. "Eliminating Nuclear Warheads". Frank von Hippel; Marvin Miller; Harold Feiveson; Anatoli Diakov; Frans Berkhaut. 1993, 269(August), 44. "The Mast Distant Radio Galaxies". George K Miley; Kenneth C. Chambers. 1993,269(June), 54. "The Great Radium Scandal". Roger M. Macklis. 1993, 269(August), 94. "Extremely Cold Antiprotons", Gerald Gabrielse. 1992, 267 (December), 78. "How Casmolgy Became a Science". Stephen G. Brush. 1992, 267(August), 62. "The Expansion Rate and Size of the Universe". Wendy L. Freeman. 1992,267(Novemher), 54. "The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor". Robert W. Conn; Valery A. Chuyanov; Nobuyuki Inoue; Donald R. Sweetman. 1992,267(April), 102. %xtures and Cosmic Structure". David N. Spergel; Neil G. Turok. 1992,267(March), 52. "Trends in Astrophysics; Catching the Wave". Russell Ruthen. 1992,267(March), 90. "Tracking and Imaging Elementary Particles". Horst Brueker; Hans Dreverman; Christaph Grab; Alphonse A. Rademakers; Howard Stone. 1991,265(August), 58. "The Number of Families of Matter". Gary J . Feldman; Jack Steinherger. l991,265(Fehruary), 70. "The Nuclear Equation of State". Hans Guthrod; Horst Stocker. 1991,265(Novemher), 58. "Nuclear Power in Space". Steven Aftergood; David W. Hafemeister; Oleg F. Priiutsky; Joel R. Primaek; Stanislav N. Rodionov. 1991, 265(June), 42. "Quantum Cosmolgy and the Creation of t h e Universe". Jonathan J. Halliwell. 1991,265(Decemher), 76. "The E a r l y Life of Stars". Steven W. Stahler. 1991, 265(July), 48. "The Tevatron". Leon M. Lederman. 1991,265(March), 48.


Journal of Chemical Education

'Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for Cancer". Rolf F. Barth; Albert H. Soloway; Robert F. Silverberg. 1990,263(0ctaber), 100. 'The Cosmic Background Explorer". Samuel Gulkis; Philip M. Lubin; Stephan S. Meyer; Robert F. Silverberg. 1990, 263(January), 132. "Energy from Nuclear Power". Wolf Hafele. 1990,263(September), 136. "Black Hales in Galactic Centers". Martin J. Rees. 1990, 263(November), 56. "What is Happening a t the Center of Our Galaxy?" Charles H. Townes; Reinhard Genzel. 1990,263(April), 46. "New Radioaetivities". Walter Greiner; Aurel Sandulescu. 1990,263(March), 58. "Advanced Light Water Reactors". Michael W. Golay; Neil E. Todreas. 1990.263(Aoril1. 82. . "The s o l a r - ~ e u k i n o~ r o b i e m " .John N. Bahcall. 1990, 263(May), 54. "Trends in Cosmolom: Universal Truths". John Hargan. 1990.


"Plasma Particle Accelerators". John M. Dawson. 1989, 261(March), 54. "The Channeling of Electrons and Positmns". Allan H. Sorensen: Erik U ~ e r h o i 1989.261(June). . 96. "Douhle-Beta D;ay".-~icha& K. Moe; Simon Peter Rosen. 1989,26I(Novemher), 48. "Creating Superheavy Elements". P e t e r Armhruster; Gottfried Munzenberg. 1989,26l(May),66. "The Great Su~ernovaof1987". Stan ~&xlev:, Tom Weaver. 1989,26l&ugust), 32. "Gravity and Antimatter". Terry Goldman; Richard J. Hughes; Michael Martin Nieto. 1988,259(March),48. "Particle Accelerators Test Cosmological Theory". David N. Schramm:.Gaw . Steiwan. 1988.2596June). 66. "A Fourth Family of Particles ~ e y b n dTruth and Beauty". David B. Cline. 1988,259(August), 60.


Books T h e following is a very short list of books t h a t have appeared i n recent years concerning a variety of nuclear topics. T h e first book i s a compilation of nuclear articles pres e n t e d at t h e l l t h B i e n n i a l c o n f e r e n c e o n C h e m i c a l Education. T h e initial printing of t h i s book h a s been exhausted, b u t more copies a r e being m a d e a n d c a n b e obtained by writing Patricia Baisden a t t h e address given below. Articles in this book a r e s e ~ a r a t e dinto sections o n Nuclear Medicine a n d t h e ~ i o l o g i c aSciences, l t h e Chemist~ of Nuclear Power. Radioactivitv in Science a n d Indusa n d Nuclear a n d ~ a d i o e h e m i & y a t t h e Forefront of Science. T h e book b y Rhodes is an excellent narrative historical perspective of events from t h e discovery of radioactivity t o t h e explosion of t h e first thermonuclear weapons. This book not onlv ~ r o v i d e historical s overviews of this a e e but also m a n y interesting vignettes about scientists that-make excellent classroom discussions. The finalbook in this list is full of activities t h a t can be diredlv used in t h e classroom to demonstrate radioactive d e cay, nuclear power generation, half-lives a n d other nuclear t a ~ i c sC . o ~ i e os f i t mav be obtained from t h e New York State ~ i u c a t i o ; ~ e ~ a r t m eati t h e address given below.


lbpics in Nuclear and Radiochemistry for College Curricula and High School Science Programs; a Symposium for the l l t h Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, August 5-9, 1990 in Atlanta, GA, organized by the American Chemical Society Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology and National Academy of SciencesiNational Research Council Committee on Nuclear and Radiochemwrry Sympoiium organizer: I)r I'ntricin A Ihisdcn, S u clear Chrmistq Division, I.awrrncc 1.ivrrmorc hrlonal hhornmr): 1'0. llov ROR, 1.-231, i.lvcrmore, C',\9.1551 The M a k i of ~ the Atomic Bomb: Richard Rhades. Simon and ~ehuster:.NewYork. 1986

Nuclear Energy Student Aetiuities; New York Energy Education Project. NYS Education Department: RM 232M EB, Albany, NY,12234,1988.


A series of mononanhs on a varietv of nuclear tonics has been published ye&y'since 1959 by the National ~ e s e a r c h Council, Committee on Nuclear and Radiochemistry, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington, DC 20418. A list of the entire collection of monomanhs and individual monoeranh copies may be obtained g o 4 the National Research Coincil a t the address given above. Nuclear Reaction Demonstration Wdeotape

A paper by Atwood, Paul, and Todd in preparation for

this Journal that nrovidesn these nroceedines. - . the exneri-

mental details of constructing a mock particle accelerator that collides water dronlets are eiven. The water-droplet collisions were filmed &th a higK speed videocamera and then reviewed in a frame-by-frame format. Those frames

that showed interesting collisions were then copied, and a videotane that can be run in a normal VCR a t r e m l a r speed was generated. The videotape shows details of water-dron collisions that mimic nuclear reactions. This tape can be used by teachers to explain the dynamics of nuclear reactions in a visual format that is easily accessible and understandable. Copies of this tape can be received by writing the author of this paper a t the address given on the cover page. Conclusion

I t is hoped that this list of articles and other resources that describe nuclear phenomena will provide teachers with a n extensive array of resources to use in their classrooms. This list, in conjunction with the symposium proceedings, is a fairly complete set of modern nuclear education tools for a teacher. When properly used in your classroom, they should make your nuclear chemistry discussions very modern and relevant to your students.

Volume 71

Number 10 October 1994