Teaching aids - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS Publications)

Publication Date: January 1945. Cite this:J. Chem. Educ. 22, 1, XXX-XXX. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first page. Click to incr...
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Teaching Aids HARRY F. WILEY Laeonia High S e h w l , Laeonia, New Hampshire

THE following teaching aids are used successfully in the chemistry classroom. 1. Formula practice sheets A, B, and C in graduated degrees of difficulty. The names of nine negative ions are printed in a row across the top of the sheet, and the names of eight metallic ions in a column a t the left. The sheet is ruled into 72 rectangular spaces in which the pupil writes the formulas of the appropriate salts. 2. Bookmarks bearing legends. The legends include classical quotations as well as terse saws of local origin. "In the name of the gods I beg you to think."Demosthenes, 350 B.C. "Learning without thought is vain; thought without learning is a danger."-Confucius 551478 B.C. "Fifteen minutes a day keeps low marks away." "A problem understood is a problem largely solved." 3. Personal questions for my students. A little printed sheet has the following introspective inventory:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Is my attitude good? Do I try to make good use of the classroom? Is my attitude active or passive? Am I superficial or critical? Am I persistent or easily discouraged? Is my study regular? Are my ideas clear? Am I a mere lesson-getter? Am I governed by the letter or by the spirit? Do I organize my knowledge?

4. Reaction sheet.



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