Teaching of chemical literature: A list of ... - ACS Publications

should be made to the list, or innovative uses of AV materials. Animated film traces the history of the scientifc journal and used in teaching of chem...
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Judlth A. Douvllle TRC Environmental Consultants, Inc. Wethersfield,CT 06109

Bernard S. Schlessinger Graduate L~brarySchool University of Rhode island Kingston. RI 02881

Teaching of Chemical Literature: A List of Audiovisual Materials

A number of reports (1-4) have discussed t h e value of audiovisual materials in t h e teaching of chemical literature. One such report by one of t h e authors (BSS)resulted in memhership on a n ACS Division of Chemical Literature Committee (5) a n d correspondence o n t h e subject (6). I n t h e literature cited, t h e comment was made t h a t although many chemists felt t h a t AV presentations would he helpful in teaching, t h e lack of knowledge of t h e availability of such tools prevented their use. T h e annotated list which follows was prepared t o provide an initial record of AV materials available. T h e authors would he pleased to receive news of any additions t h a t should b e made to t h e list, or innovative uses of AV materials used in teaching of chemical literature.

Audiovisual Materials for the Teachlng of Chemical Literature (1) AUard, M. Kay (Library Extension Service,Phoenix, AZ);Smith, Diane (Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, NY); and Somewille, Arleen (University of Rochester, NY). "An AV Workshop approach to teaching the use of CA indexes," Special Libraries, 62(10), 435-437 (1971 October). Describes an AV Workshop designed to train users at colleges and universities.in the systematic use of Chemieol Abstracts indexes. A slide-tape program was used based an the Ramsay Program (See below). (2) Case Western Reserve University. "Metals Information Center of Tomorrow." 16 mm color film 13 min, 1957. Center for Documentation and Research, School of Library Science, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106. Describes the American Society for Metals. Case Western Reserve University on-line information retrieval activities in the metallurgical area. (3) Coatas, Peter L. (Hartford, CT). "Intmduction to Patents" (ACS Audio Courses. 1974. No. C-23). 6 cassettes. 2 sides eaeh:.aoorox. 30 min eaeh aide. 'workbook. ~ m e r i c & Chemical Society, Washington, DC. Workhook for concurrent use with cassettes: contains renro~. ductiona of portions of patents and orher material pertinent to the study of patent literature. (4) Delks, Patricia J., "A Guide to Chemical Abstracts," Boea Raton, FL, J. Huley Associates/Science Media (P.O. Box 910, 33432), 1977.43 color slides (35 mm), and cassette. Index. Slide-tape presentation coordinated for use in automatic slide-changing equipment. Suitable for self-teaching. Not as elaborate as ACS course (See # 14) but effective for an overall view. A.


796 I Journal of ChemicalEducation

(5) Institute for Scientific Information. Science Citation Index. 41

35-mm slides with narration on cassettes in manual and automatie format. Institute for ScientificInformation, 325 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106. Slide-tape presentation describes SCI for potential users. Available free of charge from the publisher. (A companion version is available for Social Sciences Citation Index.) (6) Institute for Scientific Information. "Putting Scientific Informstion to Work." Sound film, 22 min, color. Institute for Scientific Information, 325 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA


Animated film traces the history of the scientifc journal and of ISI's efforts to meet the journal needs of scientists. Scenes of ISI's activities are included. Availahle without charge for short-term use (7) Jonas, Eva S., "How to Use Biological Abstraets." Slide-tape program. Haward University. Price $100.00. Sixty (60) slides, a 20-min coordinated tape and a script. (8) Keller, C. Warren. (Mansanto Corporation, St. Louis, Missouri). "Monsanto Information Center's Audiovisual Orientation Program," Special Libraries, 57 (9), 648-651 (1966 November). Describes the production of an audiovisualorientation device utilizing color slides and recorded sound track. The program, in two p a r k "Monsanto's Information Center-Central Library:' 74 slides, and "Monsanto's Information Center-Central Reports," 71 slides, can he borrowed from Monsanto headquarters in New York. (9) National Audiovisual Center. "MEDLARS Capabilities and Limitations." Order No. s-3136-x. National Audiovisual Center, Washington, DC. Slide-tape presentation on the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System (MEDLARS) of the National Library of Medicine. (10) National Audiovisual Center. "MEDLARS Oo-Line--MEDLINE." 23 min. Videocassettes. Order No. v-3008-x. National Audiovisual Center, Washington, DC. Presentation of the MEDLlNE system. (11) National Audiovisual Center. "MEDLINE in Context." Order No. s-3137-r. National Audiovisual Center, Washington, DC. Slide-tape presentation on MEDLINE (MEDLARS online). (12) National Audiovisual Center. "Principles of Indexing, Part 1." 53 min. Videoeassettes. Order No. v-3130xA; Part 2. 32 min. Videocassettes. Order No. v-3130-&. National Audiovisual Center, Washington, DC.

(13) Ramsay. 0 . Bertrand (Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti). .'An audiwisual guide to the chemical lrterature." Journal of Chemirol Dorumcntation, 9 (2),92-95 (1969 May). Describes an audiovisual system consisting of 28 units, each approximately 10 miu long, which provides an audiotaped commentary synchronized with a visual display of 2 X 2 in. slides in color of chemical publications. Slides are advanced automatically by an electronic signal an the tape. Slide carousels and stereo reel-to-reel tape cassettes used in a rear-screen projection console unit allow individual use and control. The audiovisual system complements student assignments in the library. (14) Ramsay, 0. Bertrand (Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti). "The use of Chemical Abstracts." (ACS Audio Courses. 1973, No. C-09). 3 cassettes: 13 min., 24 min., 13 min., About 120slides. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC. Slides are accompanied by a script booklet and a workbook, containing questions and answers to supplementary prohlems. (15) Ramsay, 0. Bertrand and Collins, R. W., "Use of Computer Generated Assignments in an Audiovisual Chemical Literature course." Abstracts of Papera of the ACS. 197422. (16) Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc. "Using the Sadtler Spectra-Reference Lihrary and Indices." 30 35-mm color slides or 35-mm color filmstrip. Sound cassettes, 22 miu. narration. $30.00. Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc., 3316 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104. Reviews and instructs in the utilization of the Sadtler spectral system and indices to these spectra. Covers IR, UV, NMR spectra and explains use for identification purposes. (17) State University of New York (Albany). Biological Abstracts. 2 videotapes (1 in. IVC), 1hr. 35 min. Produced by State University of New York, Albany, in cooperation with Ann Farren, BIOSIS. Describes the use of Biolocical Abstracts for users. (18) State University of New York (Albany). Science Citation Index. Videotape. Produced by State University of New York, Albany. Descrihes the use of Science Citation Index. (19) Steven, Charles H. and Gardner, Jeffrey J., "Point-of-use library instruction," in Luhans, Jr., John, "Educating the Lihrary User," R. R. Bowker Co., NY. pp. 269-278. Describes nine short audiovisual programs on synchronized sound filmstrips, each discussing one reference source, varying in time from 2 to 10 min. in length, designed for on-demand use, and Located near the individual reference to be discussed. Developed by Model Library Program of Project Intrex, MIT, under a grant from the Council on Lihrary Resources, Inc. In 1973. the titles available were Barker Engineering Library

(AllTJSubject Cotolug: Borkvr Engtnuering 1.rbrar) Author. Title Catalog; Enginecnng index, NASA ST.4R: lntrrnolionol A o m s ~ a r e,\bsrracts,NASA STAH. Scwnre Citotion index: Chemical Abstracts; Government Reports Index; and Introduction to Intrex. (20) Vestling. Martha M. and Liehe, JaniceT., "A (hide u,Beiktein's Handburh der Organisrhen Chemre." Hoca Raton, FL: J. Huley AsswintedScience Media (P.O. Hux 910). 1975.32 color slides (35 mm). and cassette. $90.00. Glossary. Eighteen (18)-min. slide-tape explains "Beilstein's Organischen Handhuch." Coordinated for use in automatic slidechanging equipment. Practice problems appear on slides, with answers following. Suitable for self-teaching. (21) Young, Shirley M., (Ferris State College, Big Rapids, MI). "Chemical Reference Literature." American Chemical Society National Meeting, September 13,1971,Washington, DC. Division of Chemical Education paper. Describes a "laboratory experiment'' involving chemical reference literature to he done in the college library. In addition to the usual look-up material, there is a 39-slide presentation of various chemical Lihrary materials. (22) U n i ~ dS t a t e Depanment d Defense. "How u,Succeed without He-inventingthe Wheel -l?nginesrs Can Hetriwe Information." 30 mia. 16mm film. R&W 1965. Arenry - . k .. OSD-02.65. Hentnl $10.00. Price $79.00. Dramatizes the need for engineersto have access to data. Cites the use of a computer as the core of a workable information retrieval system. (23) United States Technical Information Division, NASA. "Access." 22 min. 16 mm film. col. 1975. Agency No. HQ-241. Price $100.00. Gives a general overview of NASA's scientific and technical information program. Shows the various announcement media and the on-line, interactive search access to the entire information store of over 1.2 million citations. Describes other products and services that also will assist a scientist or an engineer in solving information problems.

Literature Clted

College, 1974. (4) Martin, Dean F. and Robiaon, Dennis E.,J. Chem Doe., 9 (2).95 (1969). (5) T h e membersof tho Cornmilfee included Martha G h . EXXON, Lindm, NJ: J


Volume 57, Number 1I, November 1980 / 797