PITTCON 9:10 (1309) New Applications of Near-Infrared Spectrophotometry for Polyols—P.J BRIMMER, Pacific Scientific Instru. DiV. 9:30 (1310) Analysis of Surface Moisture by Near Infrared Spectroscopy— K.J. RASHMAWI, Henkel Corporation 9:50 (1311) Applications of FT-IR Photoacoustlc Spectroscopy to the Near Surface Characterization of Chemically Modified Textiles—CO.. YANG. Marshall University, J.M. Freeman 10:10
10:25 (1312) Surface Analysis Studies of Chemically Modified Polymer Films—C.L. JUDY, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, R.W. Linton 10:45 (1313) Applications of Potassium Ionization of Desorbed Species (K* IDS)—W.J. SIMONSICK, JR., E. I. duPont de Nemours & Co., Inc. 11:05 (1314) Identification of Pyrolysis Degradation Products ol Polydimethylsiloxane and Polysilarylenesiloxane by Serial On-Line Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry—L.D. HOEY, Hewlett-Packard Company, P.C. Uden, W.P. Duncan 11:25 (1315) Structural Features of Resins, Asphaltenes, and Kerogen by Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Spectroscopy—A.A. CHRISTY, University of Bergen, O.M. Kvalheim, B. Dahl, R.A. Velapoldi 11:45 (1316) Analysis of Gelled Melamine-Modifled-Phenolic Resins KOBAYASHI, Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd., Y. Mukoyama, T. Sakata
POSTER P R E S E N T A T I O N S Poster Papers will be on display from 9:30 AM-4:00 P M . Authors will be available from 2:00 PM-4:00 PM. Gas Chromatography, Gas Handling and Analysis, Supercrit ical Fluid Separation, Atomic Spectroscopy
T.P. McNEAL, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, H.C. Hollifield (1319) Degradation and Regeneration ol the Crosslinking Agent AZO-T-Butane—B.A. JONES, Lee Scientific, T.J. Shaw, ES. Francis (1320) Free Standing Automatic Analytical System lor Trace Deter mination ol Natural or Anthropogenic Substances In Atmosphere by Means of Preconcentrationand Gas Chromatography—L. C0BELLI, DANI, S.p A.. F Poy, F. Fossati (1321) Absorption ol a Toxic Gas on Aerosol Particles: Influence ol an Acoustic Field—J.-P. GLATZ, European Institute for Transuranium Elements, J.-F. Babelot, J.-C. Closset, T. Huber (1322) Chemical Manufacturing Plant Safety Ensurance by Contin uous Monitoring of Volatile Organic Compounds—M. LAANE, Chrompack International B.V. (1323) Unambiguous Determination of Pesticides Using Multi Column Multl Detector Configurations—D GRUBBS. HBI/Carlo Erba, A. Bashall (1324) Simultaneous Measurement of Hexamethylene Blsacetamide and Its Acidic and Basic Metabolites In Plasma and Urine—J. A. KELLEY, National Instiiutes of Health, J.S. Roth, H.G. Chun, FT. Ward (1325) A New Bonded Phase lor the Analysis of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)—J. DE ZEEUW, Chrompack International B.V., D. Zwiep, J. Buyten, J. van Dalen (1326) Qualitative Determination ol the Omega-3 Fatty Acid Content in Wild-type and Land-based Salmon by Gas Chromatography—J.H MacNEIL, Penn State University, G.E, Bartos (1327) Analysis ol Air, Water, and Soils Using a Single Instrument— J.W. WASHALL, Autoclave Engineers, Inc., T.P. Wampler (1328) Gas Analysis with Medium and Wide Bore PLOT Columns—J. DE ZEEUW, Chrompack International B.V. (1329) Determination of Volatiles in Water Using a Process Headspace Gas Chromatograph—S. BANFI, DANI, S.p.Α., L. Cobelli, F. Poy (1330) Quantitative Analysis of Volatile Priority Pollutants In Soils— JE. GRIFFITHS, Tekmar Company, T.C. Gast, A.K. Sensel
Thursday, Rooms 260/261 H.L Retcofsky, Presiding U.S. Dept of Energy-PETC (1317) Finite Difference Calculation of Non Equilibrium Broadening in Open Tubular Column GC—W.L. SWITZER, North Carolina State University (1318) Characterization ol Volatiles from Polyethylene-Terephthalate Microwave Susceptor Food Packaging Using Headspace Gas Chromatography—
(1331) The Simultaneous Determ nation of Aromatics and Total Hydrocarbon Fuels in Environmental Samples with Wide Bore Capillary Columns and In-Series Detectors—N. KIRSHEN, Varian Instrument Group. W. Holmes (1332) Di- and Triglyceride Analysis Using Apolar and Medium Polar High Temperature Stable Phases and Fused Silica Capillary Columns—J. DE ZEEUW, Chrompack International B.V., D. Zwiep, J. Buyten
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