Techne Incorporated

Offices in Montreal, Quebec; London. England and Waterford, Ireland. Circle No. 132 on Readers' Service Card the anxiety remover without your knowing,...
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New 2 Kg optical projection balance ...0.1g accuracy, fast, rugged New Torbal PL-12 top loader (2000g capac­ ity, tare to capacity plus 325g, O.lg accu­ racy) provides optical projection readout... fast, easy-to-read, foolproof weighing. Easy reading of optical projection with high-quality optics, coated first-surface mir­ rors, higli illumination. Easy-to-operate internal weight handling to achieve weighing by substitution with 100 gram increments to 1 kilogram. Long-lasting accuracy—Tagged, thanks to superior friction-free torsion-band weighing

mechanism; no knife edges to dull or chip. Fast weighing—with no friction to over­ come or to build up over the life of the bal­ ance, dash pot can be adjusted to attain rest point immediately without undue oscillation. As is typical in Torbal optical balances, minor changes in level do not change the zero point. Long-lasting accuracy of the Torsion construction has been proved by continuous weighings (over 1,750,000 oper­ ations) 24 hours a day for 6 months. Also available in an explosion proof model.

THE TORSION BALANCE CO.Dept.A Main Office and Factory: Clifton, N. J.; Sales Offices: Birmingham, Ala.; Chicago, 111.; San Mateo, Cal.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Plants and Offices in Montreal, Quebec; London. England and Waterford, Ireland Circle No. 132 on Readers' Service Card

the anxiety remover

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a single sample or special group of samples for repeated counting. Tritium efficiency is rated better than 60%, and carbon-14 efficiency is better than 90%. The basic price is under $11,000. Beckman Instruments, Inc., 2500 Harbor Blvd., Fullerton, Calif. 92634. 714871-4848 416

Minigraph recorder is inkless. It uses a special stylus, firmly positioned against pressure-sensitive paper by an impact plate. A cammed assembly on the 2-rpm drive motor activates the im­ pact plate, which, in turn, causes the stylus to write a record consisting of dots. Dotting speed is one dot every 2 sec. Fourteen chart speeds from 1 / s in. to 60 in./hr. are available. Accuracy is ± 2 % and full-scale response is 1 sec. Sensitivity is 10 μΑ full scale. $99.50 and up. Esterline Angus, P.O. Box 24000, Indianapolis, Ind. 46224 417

without your knowing, the new Tempunit adjusts an overheat cutout to trip at 3°C above any temperature you select. Tempunit TU-12 constant temperature unit for water and oil baths low water level cutout—zero voltage switching —time proportioning control to + 0.01°C —separate indicating and setting pointers — powerful circulating pump-new large clear scale. -stainless steel construction Also from Techne water baths, oil baths, lids, covers, trays, test tube racks, cooling coils and high powered bath coolers

Tecam Techne Incorporated 661 Brunswick Pike Princeton New Jersey 08540

Telephone (609) 452-9275

Circle No. 146 on Readers' Service Card

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Model RC recorder-controller combines a pH meter, a strip chart recorder, and controls with upper and lower adjustable contacts for " o n / o f f " control of ex­ ternal equipment to maintain pH levels within preset limits. Recorder scale is 2 to 12 pH; other ranges and sensi­ tivities are available. Chart speed is 1 in./hr; other speeds up to 15 in./hr can be supplied. $545 with long lead polyethylene-protected pH probe unit, buffer solutions, and operating instruc­ tions. Analytical Measurements, Inc., 31 Willow St., Chatham, N. J. 07928. 201-273-7500 418