Technetium-99 in the atmosphere - Environmental Science

Technetium-99 in the atmosphere. K. C. Ehrhardt, and Moses Attrep Jr. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1978, 12 (1), pp 55–57. DOI: 10.1021/es60137a006. Pub...
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Technetium-99 in the Atmosphere K. C. Ehrhardt and Moses Attrep, Jr.’ Department of Chemistry, East Texas State University, Commerce, Tex. 75428

w T h e technetium-99 and strontium-90 concentrations were measured from a composite rain sample (1015 L) collected in the spring of 1975. T h e concentrations were (4.5 f 1.5) X lop3 a n d 0.11 f 0.02 dpm/L, respectively. T h e results indicated t h a t 99Tc concentration decreased from those samples measured in 1961, 1962, a n d 1967, whereas t h e 99Tc/90Sr ratio showed a steady increase during this time period. All observed 99Tc/90Sr values were larger than the anticipated values from t h e neutron-induced fission of 235U or 239Pu, indicating sources of 99Tc other than fission.

Element number 43, technetium, was only a theoretical possibility until 1946 when Perrier and Segri. ( I ) first synthesized and isolated it. Jensen ( 2 ) had previously established t h a t technetium should have no stable isotopes. Hence, technetium is considered to be a n “extinct” element-no longer found on earth. However, in 1951, Merrill(3) reported technetium in type S stars, demonstrating the fact t h a t technetium existed outside the earth. Natural terrestrially occurring technetium, as 99Tc ( t 112 = 0.21 million years), was established by Kenna and Kuroda ( 4 , 5 ) when this fissiogenic isotope was isolated from African pitchblende. T h e origin of this trace quantity of technetium was attributed primarily to t h e spontaneous fission of *,W. This represented the first isolation and identification of terrestrial technetium. Immediately following this discovery, two rainwater samples were analyzed for 99Tc (6). In 1971, Attrep and coworkers (7) reported the concentration of 99Tc in 13 rainwater samples. Also in that year, Foti e t al. (8)reported a neutron activation method for t h e determination of 99Tc in air samples. Water samples of undisclosed origins were analyzed for y 9 T by ~ Golchert and Sedlet (9).More recently, Thomas ( I O ) reported on t h e concentration of atmospheric 99Tc in which the 99T~/137Cs ratio was measured. There is a n interest in t h e presence of long-lived radioisotopes in the environment such as 99Tc and 12gI.These nuclides are produced during nuclear testing and during reactor operation. Due t o their entry into the environment, t h e knowledge of t h e amounts of these isotopes is important as a baseline inventory as well as a monitor of their behavior in nature. Therefore, t h e purpose of this investigation was t o determine t h e 99Tc and 90Srconcentrations in rainwater at a later period than those reported, in order to observe the trends for these radionuclides in the atmosphere and speculate on t h e environmental origins of technetium.

Experimental Rainwater was collected in a 3 X 3 m rain collector located on t h e roof of the Science Building at East Texas State University, Commerce, Tex. (altitude, 170-m; 33’15’ north latitude; 95’53’ west longitude). T h e samples were acidified with nitric acid upon collection and transferred to containers in the laboratory for evaporation. T h e collection period was from April 1974 to J u n e 1974, representing eight rains. A total of 1015 L was collected and evaporated. All reagents used for the radiochemical analyses were the highest purity obtainable. All glassware, new or whose history was known, was washed thoroughly with soap and water, 0013-936X/78/0912-0055$01.00/0


Table 1. 99Tc and 90Sr Concentrations in Rainwater Year





f 2.0) X

90Sr (dpm/L)


f 0.6a

10-3 1962 (8.0 f 1.1) X 34 f g a 10-2 1967 (1.4 f 0.3) X 2.4 f 0.6a 10-2 1974 (4.5 f 1.5) X 0.11 f 0.02 10-3 a Estimated errors of 2 5 % .

99T~/90Sr (activitylactivity)



1.1) X 10-3 (2.4 f 0.7) X 10-3 (6.0 f 2.0) X 10-3 (4.0 f 1.5) X 10-2


(6) (6)

(7) This work

soaked with chromic acid, soaked in dilute hydrofluoric acid, and finally rinsed with distilled water. T h e Tracerlab Omniguard low level gas flow proportional counter used for counting the samples had a background of 0.7counts/min. Evaporation of the rainwater was accomplished i n 3-1, glass beakers. Prior to evaporation, the following carriers were added: Re(VII), Mo(Vl), Cu(I1). Sr(II), and Ba(1l). T h e rainwater was then made basic to minimize the loss of technetium as TcsO; during evaporation. T h e analysis procedure used for the isolation of technetium from rain was essentially that described by Attrep and coworkers (7). A detailed description will not he given here since it has been previously reported. ‘I’he analysis included a series of hydrogen sulfide precipitations. o -benzoinoxine precipitations for the removal of copper and molybdenum. a methyl ethyl ketone extraction cycle. and ion exchange separations. T h e chemical yield for this sample (7.1%) was based on the recovery of rhenium as was done by previous investigations ( 4 , 5 , 7). Prior to the analysis of the actual sample, a reagent blank was analyzed using the technetium procedure. This reagent blank did not indicate any activity. It was then assumed that there was no contribution of activity from the rragents used. Strontium-90 was isolated from the coniposite portions of the initial separation steps of the technetium analysis. This analysis included the precipitation of carbonates. repeated removal of barium as barium chromate. precipitation of strontium with fuming nitric acid. and repeated ferric hydroxide scavenges. The strontium was finally precipitated as strontium carbonate. T h e chemical yield f o r the complete analysis was 11.8%. Time was allowed f‘or radioequilii-)riiim to he established for 9‘9’ which was milked using a ferric, 11ydroxide precipitation, mounted, and counted. T h e characteristic 64-h half-life was observed. ’I’he concent ration of %r counting data. was determined from the Counting efficiencies for both the estimated according to the method descri1)t.d by Hayhurst and Prestwood ( 1 1 ) and were 44 and 49%. respectively.

1978 American Chemical Society

K Pu 1~t s a n d Discussion T h e purified technetium >ample was u,uiited f’or over a year, and the activity average of these counts is 0.144 0.04‘7 cpm. T h e counting error is one sigma. ‘l‘hcl dverage counting time per count was 38 h. N o decay was obser\,ed during t h e counting period. This activity. corrected f o r chemical yield


Volume 12. Number 1 . January 1978


and counter efficiency, is equivalent to (4.5 f 1.5) X lop3 dpm/L rainwater. T h e activity for the rain sample is 0.11 f 0.02 dpm/L rainwater. These data and the other 99Tc and data from rain samples collected in 1961, 1962, and 1967 are given in Table I. T h e 1961 and 1962 samples were collected at Fayetteville, Ark. (6). T h e 1967 99Tc value is the average of 13 samples collected during t h a t year. T h e value is a n average as reported a t Fayetteville, Ark. (12),for the same time period of collection of our sample. Although our laboratory had a t tempted the analysis for those samples, there was some question as to the reliability of those values. Therefore, we chose t o use the Fayetteville data. These data are shown graphically in Figures 1 a n d 2. In Figure 1 the concentrations of each 99Tc and 90Sr in dpm/L of rainwater are plotted vs. time. T h e striking feature of this plot is the apparent similarities of concentration patterns of two nuclides. In Figure 2 the ratio of 99Tc/90Sr is given for the four samples. Also, the production ratios (activity) for 99Tc/90Srfrom three fissionable materials are indicated. The first observation is that the 99Tc/g0Srratio from 1961 to 1974 increases steadily. Secondly, the observed ratios are considerably higher than what would be anticipated from a nuclear device employing either uranium or plutonium. A 99Tc value of less than 0.012

dpm/lO" SCM surface air in 1970 was observed by Thomas (10). H e estimated in that report a possible sevenfold enrichment of 99Tcto 1 3 T Crelative ~ to the anticipated value from fission yields. This is consistent with our observations for 99Tc relative to 90Sr. T h e nuclear industry, which includes reactors and nuclear fuel reprocessing, can be considered as a source of 99Tcto the environment. Recently, Carr et al. ( 1 3 ) discussed an experimental reprocessing procedure for recovering uranium. This report indicated a release of fission products to the atmosphere during a molten-salt fluoride process from spent uranium-aluminum fuel elements. In a particular run, 120 mCi of technetium was lost. This would be expected since the vapor pressure of Tcp07 at 100' is 0.1 torr ( 1 4 ) .It is conceivable that given the proper conditions of temperature and oxidative conditions, technetium may be lost to the environment from such reprocessing procedures. Losses from reactors are not expected. I t is also interesting to note the release of the long-lived fission products, 1291, ( t l / P = 17 million years) into the environment. Recent reports by Ballard et al. (15) and Daly et al. (16) have indicated the presence of iodine-129 in the thyroid glands of grazing animals and in milk and water near nuclear fuel reprocessing plants. Technetium (as TcOd-), like iodine, will concentrate in the thyroid gland of mammals. These investigations suggest strongly that reprocessing plants are a source of environmental technetium-99. T h e steady increase in the ratio of 99Tc/g0Sr observed probably may be due in part to the increase of nuclear fuel reprocessing operations. Evidence to support this has been presented by the presence of such long-lived nuclides as lr91 and 99Tc in the environment. Many anomalous observed ratios of fission products in the atmosphere have been explained by the phenomenon of fractionation in the detonation process. In this case, the observed 99Tc/90Sr ratio does not fit the anticipated effect of fractionation. T h e mass 99 and 90 decay chains ( I 7 ) which lead to g9Tc and goSr are given below:

33.s 99Zr


2.4.min %Nb

f ---f

0.87 6.0-h 99mTc

67-h %Mo


Figure 1. 99Tcand 90Sr activity concentrations, 1961-1974 Arrows indicate correction of decay of 90Srto 1961


Figure 2. 99Tc/90Srratios for 1961-1974


Environmental Science & Technology

Stable 99Ru


and 33-s 90Kr

I 4

21 X

1 , lO5-yr


2.7-min 90Rb



28-yr gOSr

T h e precursors to 99Tc are zirconium and niobium which have low volatility properties. Thus, immediately following an atmospheric detonation. these fission product precursors would be removed during the formation of larger particles as the surrounding area cools. Clark e t al. (18)have shown that this particle formation occurs in a relatively short time period following detonation. However, the precursor to 90Sr is a gas and would escape condensation during the initial large particle formation. Eventually, the members of the mass 90 chain would concentrate on/in smaller particles. T h e net result of this fractionation would be a high 99Tc/gOSr ratio in large particles which are deposited preferentially as local fallout and ~OS in ~smaller longer airborne particles. a low ~ ~ T C / ratio Therefore, it is anticipated that the 99Tc/90Srvalue should be lower than that estimated from the fissionable nuclides (*?Wor l39Pu). T h e opposite is observed, indicating more strongly that other significant sources of 99Tc are contributing to the total g9Tc atmospheric inventory.

Literature Cited

Nuclear explosive devices are probably constructed with small amounts of transition metals like ruthenium and, in particular, molybdenum in their steel casings. If this is correct, then the reaction and decay process

(1) Perrier, C., SegrB, E., Nature, 159,24 (1947). (2) Jensen, H., Naturuissenchaften, 26,381 (1938). ( 3 ) Merrill, P., Astrophys. J., 116, 21 (1952). (4) Kenna, B. T., Kuroda, P. K., J . Inorg. N u c l . Chem., 23, 142 (1961). ( 3 ) Kenna, B. T., Kuroda, P . K., ibid., 26,493 (1964). (6) Attrep, M., Jr., MS thesis, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark., 1962. ( 7 ) AttreD. M.. Jr.. Enochs. J . A,. Broz. L. D.. Enuiron. Sci. Techno/.. 5 , 344 (1971). (8)Foti, S., Delucchi. E., Akamian. V.. Anal Chem A c t a . 60. 261 (1972). (9) Golchert, N. W., Sedlet, J.: Anal. Chem., 41,669 (1969). (10) Thomas, C. W., USAEC Annual Rep., BNWL-1751. Vol 111, Pt. 1. 1953. (11) Bavhurst. B. P.. Prestwood. R. J.. Nucleonics. 17. 82 (1959) (12) Kuroda, P. K., USAEC Annual Rep., ORO-2529-13, 1967. (13) Carr, W. H., King, L. J., Kitts, F. G., McDuffee. W.T.. Miles, F. iV..USAEC Annual ReD.. ORNL-4574. 1971. (14) Smith, W, T.,Jr., CoGble, J. W., Boyd, G. E., J Am Chem Soc , 75,5773 (1953). 15) Ballad, R. V., Holman, D. W., Hennecke, E. W., Johnson, J. E., Manuel, 0. K. Nickolson, L. M., Health Phys., 30,345 (1976). 16) Daly, J. C., Goodyear, S., Paperiello, C. J., Matuszek, J . M..ibid., 26,333 (1974). 17) Hyde, E. K., “The Nuclear Properties of t h e Heavy Elements. Vol. 111, Fission Phenomena”, p 106, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N..J., 1964. 18) Clark. R. S., Yoshikawa, K., Rao, M. N., Palmer. B. D., Thein. hl., Kuroda, P. K., J . Geo. Phys. Res., 72, 1703 (1967). (19) Kuroda, P. K., Palmer, B. D., Attrep, M.? J r . , Beck, J. N., Ga~ 1?84 IlYR.5I nnnathv. R.. Qahii. D. D.. R a m M. N.. S r i ~ n r .147.


98Mo ( n ,7 ) 9 0 M ~99Tc can occur because of t h e intense neutron flux a t detonation. Molybdenum-98 has a n isotopic abundance of 24.4%;the thermal neutron capture cross section is 0.5 barns. With molybdenum in the vicinity of the nuclear explosion, there would be activation of this isotope to provide the excess amounts of 99Moand eventually 99Tc. In two reports, Clark e t al. (18) and Kuroda and coworkers (19) studied two separate Chinese detonations and did not observe anomalous amounts of 99Mo. In these two tests t h e Chinese may not have used the transition metals in these devices. We would suggest t h a t atmospheric technetium-99 has three origins: fission technetium from the fissionable materials in nuclear devices; activation of molybdenum in the nuclear device itself; and influx into the atmosphere from nuclear fuel processing plants. It is impossible to ascertain the contributions of these sources from the d a t a available t o date. I t is desirable to sample in the vicinity of reactor sites and fuel processing facilities for the environmental impact of technetium. I t is just as important to observe the overall mixing and atmospheric behavior of this nuclide in areas or regions unaffected by local contamination. T h e latter demonstrates t h e importance of global effects.

Nonferrous Smelter Studies: Theoretical Investigation of Role of Multihearth Roaster Operations in Copper Smelter Gas Blending Schemes for Control of SO2 Ben H. Carpenter Research Triangle Institute, P.O. Box 12194, Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27709

rn A possible technology for meeting t h e Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed New Source Performance Standards for copper smelting is to blend lean SO1 gas streams from reverberatory furnaces with stronger gases to obtain a SO2 concentration sufficient to produce sulfuric acid without use of supplementary fuel. In such an approach, a high concentration of SO:! in t h e roaster gases is necessary to counterbalance low concentrations in t h e reverberatory furnace gases. An analysis is made of the calcining of copper concentrates in multihearth roasters. T h e oxygen concentration of the exit gas is identified as the primary process control variable for maintaining a high level of SO:! in the exit gas stream. T h e SO2 concentrations in the exit gas t h a t can be attained by controlling the exit gas oxygen concentration at 12 vol oh,a value that has been achieved in practice. are

estimated for removal of from 0.1 to 0.65 of the charged sulfur, to cover the extent of roasting that might be elected. T h e effect of arsenic as an impurity in the concentrate on the attainable SO2 concentration is also shown. T h e results indicate that with proper control of the oxygen level therein, exit gases from U.S. multihearth roasters could be held a t a n SO2 concentration of 5 vol%, dry basis, or higher. T h e analysis involves four assumptions t h a t appear t o be reasonable based on available information: iron present in the charge can be regarded as iron pyrites; the proportion of FeS2 converted to Fe r04is constant relative to that converted t o FezO.3 a t given roasting conditions; the portion of the arsenic that is volatilized and burned is constant for given roasting conditions; and the fraction of copper oxidized is proportional t o t h e fraction of dissociable sulfur removed.

Concentrate Roasting. Figure 1 shows t h e general characteristics of a multihearth roaster. Charge is fed onto the uppermost hearth. T h e solids are moved by rakes inward or outward on alternate hearths until they reach openings and drop through the next lower hearth. Hot gases move upward and contact the solids, bringing them to ignition temperature. On the lower hearths the charge may burn with a dull or bright glow as controlled by t h e operations. According t o generally accepted opinion, about 40% of the total sulfur removed is

burned while the charge drops from one hearth to another, and about 60% is burned as the charge moves along the hearths ( I ) . T h e calcined solids are removed from the furnace into conveyers for transfer to smelting furnaces. T h e roasting conditions are adjusted to produce a calcine t h a t will yield the desired grade of matte in subsequent processing. T h e desired grade of matte is in turn determined by considering the need for removal of impurities in the converter to which the matte is fed. T h e multihearth roaster has been

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1978 American Chemical Society

Volume 12, Number 1, January 1978