Review o j Americaz Chemical Research.
quently and to titrate the contents of the flask soon after admixture with the ammonia. Methyl alcohol and acetone have practically no influence. T h e inaccuracy caused by the loss of aniniotlia led the author to niodify the process as follows: Dissolve two grams of pure neutral animonium chloride in 25 cc. of xvater and put into a flask provided with a well-fitting stopper. B d d 2 . 2 5 grams of the sample and run in from a burette 2 j cc. of potassium (or sodium) hydrate. Stopper the flask at once and let stand one-half hour. Then add a fen- drops of rosolic acid solution and determine the excess of ammonia with sulphuric acid, each cc. potassiuiii hydrate consumed indicating 0 . j per cent. of formaldehyde. A series of tests on commercial samples is tabulated and a list of tests to be folloned in the examination of them, together with the precautions to be observed, is given.
Alabama Coal in By-product Ovens. BY K . B. PHILLIPS. Avz. ;Vai2iLf.., 17, 44G.-The paper gives the results of coking washed coal from the Pratt seam in Otto-Hoffman ovens a t Jefferson C o . , Alabama. Four different runs of about 7 tons each were made. T h e results are as follon-s : Analysis.
Moisture ............................ Yolatile m a t t e r . . ..................... Fixed carboil ......................... Ash .................................. Su 1pli u r ..............................
5.95 32.69 54,.33 7.03 0.94
dry 0.9s 90.22
5.80 1.28
Yield of gas 9600 cu. it. per ton ; heating power 630 B.T.U. per cu. ft. ; candle polyer 11.4; coke 70.6 per cent. ; tar go lbs. per toil; sulphate of ammonia 23.6 lbs. per ton ; about 3000 c u . ft. of gas per ton are available.
The Explosive Properties of Acetylene. Proc. Eng. Sol. Western Pa.,13, 299.
Additional Notes on the Sugar-cane Amid. BY EDVUND C. SHORET.J . Am. Cheiiz. Soc.. 2 0 , 133. 137.-The author gives further experimental evidence that the amid described in a previous paper (this Rezr., 4, 34) is glycocoll containing a trace of leucine. Making Concrete in ilultiple Effects. Br I+. 11. SONIAT. La. Planfev and Sig-ar iVjr.,20, 248.-This is an account of experiments with the Lillie triple-effect in boiling clarified juice
T e c h ica 2 Chemistry.
directly to concrete. I n order to give the requisite hardening temperature the juice was run " backwards; " i. e., from the highest to the lowest vacuum-cell. T h e author believes that this process will prove a distinct economy over working centrifugal sugars especially where transportation rates are high. T h e steam saving is also thought to be considerable. An analysis of the concrete is given.
The llanufacture of Concrete in the llultiple Effect. BY S. M . LILLIE. L a , Planter and Sugar Mfg,,.20, 248-25 I .--This paper offers a further treatment of the subject on similar lines. A short history of the manufacture of concrete, and statistics as to the profits in this work as carried on twenty pears ago are given, as well as analyses. The vital point of the probable influence of this industry on the sugar market is also discussed. The Cambray Process of DoubleSulphuring. BYG.CAMBRAY. L a . Planter and Sugar Mfr., 20, 203.--X series of analyses are given of mill juices and clarified syrups of E l Puente Sugar House, showing an average increase of quotient of purity from 8 2 . 8 7 to 91.20 by this method of clarification. Sugar Beet Investigations in Wisconsin during 1897. Bull. Agr. Sta. Univ. of Wis., 64, 3-104. Sugar Beets in South Dakota. Bull. U. S.Expt. Sfa., So. Dakota, 56, 3-32. Sugar Beet Investigations. Bull. Cornell Univ. Agr. Expt. Sta., 143, 493-j74. The Sugar Beet in Illinois. Univ. of Zll. Agr. Expt. Sta., 49, 1-52, The Composition and Production of SugarBeets. BY L. L. VAN SLYKE, W . H. JORDAN A N D G . W. CHURCHILL. Bull. N . Y. Agr. Exjt. Sta., 135, 543-572.These bulletins give evidence of the continually growing interest in this subject. I n the main they deal with experiments in cultivation. Besides giving the results of analytical examinations of experimental crops, they are excellent manuals of beet culture. F. H. THORP, REVIEWER.
Paints, Painting Materials and lliscellaneous Analyses. BY H. H. HARRINGTON AND P. S. TILSON.Bull. N o . 4#, Texas Agr. Expt. Sta., r898.-The chief matter of interest in this bulletin is an investigation of the value of cottonseed oil to be used for paint as a cheap preservative for outside work. Tests of the drying properties of the oil were made with a view to its use instead of linseed oil. Two methods of testing were used : ( A ) Boiling the oil with different drying agents in order to increase its drying properties. ( B ) Treating the oil with gasoline or turpentine. Seventeen experiments were made under (A) using borate of manganese, chloride of lime, black oxide of
Review of American Chemical Research.
manganese (hlnO, ? ), nitrous acid, caustic soda, lead acetate and various mixtures of these substances. T h e time and temperature of the heating were varied. T h e prepared oils were mixed and ground with a good quality of white lead,” and the paint thus made applied to pine boards and dried in the sun. T h e best result was obtained with an oil which had been heated to I ioo C. for one hour, n-ith 0.3 per cent. of manganese borate. This paint dried in six and a half hours. T h e next best paint was made with an oil which was heated forty-five minutes to 70’ C. with I per cent. ofjsodium hydroxide and then treated with 2 . j per cent. of lead oxide, and heated several ( ? ) hours from 130” to 170’ C. This sample, as well as several others, also dried in six and a half hours. But in all cases, the films obtained were less hard and firm than those yielded by linseed oil. Many of the samples required two, six, and even eight days for drying. while others were entirely useless. T h e oils tested with turpentine and gasoline were less satisfactory. One sample, mixed with I O parts turpentine, dried in eight and a half hours, giving a fair paint. As a rule, cottonseed oil affords less gloss and hardness in the film, but somewhat more tenacity than linseed oil. T h e conclusion reached is that a properly made cottonseed oil may well replace linseed paints for cheap outdoor work. It is also suggested that the boiling of the oil might be done by I < anyone ; ” but in the opinion of the reviewer, this statement might well have been omitted, since if left to the care of an inexperienced person, the kettle is almost certain to boil over. T h e authors also devote some space to discussion of the tabulated analyses of thirteen comniercial paints. One ‘pure white lead ” consisted of 66.79 per cent. barytes (BaSO,), I j . 5 9 per cent. zinc oxide and 9.81 per cent. “white lead.” A4nothercontained 74.5 per cent. barytes. They also find that red and yellow ochres are most suitable for general use with crude cottonseed oil, but with well prepared ‘ ‘ boiled ” oil, it may pay to use the best white lead or white zinc. T h e remainder of the bulletin is devoted to tabulated analyses of mineral waters ( 3 6 samples) cottonseed meal, coals, clays, fertilizers, asphalts, ashes. ores, and a lignite tar distillate.
Estimation of Mineral Matter in Rubber Goods. B r I,.DE KONINGH./. A m . Chem. Soc., 19, gj2.-This is a method designed to remove all the soluble mineral matter by treating the rubber with fuming hydrochloric acid. T h e rubber plus the insoluble matter is weighed, and the ash determined by ignition as usual. T h e acid filtrate may then be analyzed separately. The Semet-Solvay Coke Oven and i t s Products. BY WILBLAUVELT.PYOC. of the A l a . Industrial a i d Scieii-
TechnicaC Chemistry . tific Soc., 7, 3g.-This
is a general description of the SemetSolvay oven as erected a t Ensley, Ala., and a discussion of the properties of the coke, gas, ammonia and tar obtained from it. T h e usual charge is 43 tons, and the time of coking is about 24 hours ; the time of discharging and charging is about 15 minutes. T h e amount of gas varies from eight to ten thousand cubic feet per ton of 2 0 0 0 pounds. T h e heat utilization is very perfect. T h e gases from the retort are cooled and passed through scrubbers and condensers to remove ammonia and tar ; a part of the gas is then burned with air to heat the retorts and the boilers, supplying steam for operating the plant ; the remainder is available for lighting, or other heating purposes. I n the retort oven the coking takes place without access of air, and a certain amount of the hydrocarbons distil off, are broken down, and some graphitic carbon is deposited on the coke. This increases the yield of coke over that obtained from the bee-hive oven, into which some air enters, so that the hydrocarbons are largely burned in the oven itself, together with a portion of the coke. I n a bee-hive oven with Connellsville coal, yields of 65 per cent. coke are considered good; but from the retort oven 75 per cent. coke is obtained. In the bee-hive the coal lies in a layer about 24 inches deep, over a broad surface ; the bottom of the oven being cold, from the quenching of the previous charge and contact with new coal, the coking begins at the top and extends downward, the coke swells and develops the characteristic cellular structure. This texture is thus entirely beyond control and dependent upon the character of the coal ; hence many coals do not yield a good coke in the bee-hiveoven. I n the retort oven, the charge lies in a tall narrow mass, about 5 feet high by 2 0 inches wide, while the retort, having been quickly emptied by mechanical means and recharged while very hot, the coking and distillation begins at once and the gases formed at each side, penetrate to the center of the mass, where they meet and rise to the top ; thus a cleavage plane is formed midway between the walls. T h e coke in contact with the hot wall is denser. and that in the center more spongy than the main mass. T h e cellular structure is more compressed, since the narrow retort allows no expansion in the direction of the flow of the gases and because of the depth of the charge. T h e cellular structure depends somewhat upon the size of the oven, the temperature, and the time of coking. Owing to the rapid heating of the charge, coals may be coked in these ovens which cannot be used in the bee-hive form, since the bituminous matters are decomposed before they can escape. Tests have been made with retort and with bee-hive cokes, both produced from Connelsville coal, during a year’s running of a blastfurnace, the fuel charge being changed a t times from all
Reuicw of American Chemical Research.
retort coke to all bee-hire coke, or to a mixture of both, and yet no indications of difference in the fuel was observed in the working of the furnace. I t is not claimed that the retort product is superior to the Connelsville bee-hive coke, but that certain other coals, which are unfit for bee-hive coking, will yield a fair product when coked in retorts ; eveii from impure coal a coke good enaugh for brewers. malsters or domestic uses, may be made. T h e retort coke is harder and is thought to withstand the exposure to the furnace gases in the upper part of the furnace better than bee-hive coke : but it has not the silvery luster or glaze ot the latter, and is sometimes too wet. owing to improper quenching after drawing. T h e effect of nioisture in the coke is not decided, but tests have been made indicating that it protects the coke from the furnace gases by its cooling action, and by thus allowing more fuel to reach the zone of fusion, should decrease the fuel consumption. I t is shown that chemical analysis is of little value in indicating the coking power of coal. But a method devised by Louis Canipredon and used in the T'ignac TT'orks, in France, is explaitled. Weighed portions of the finely powdered coal are mixed with varying quantities of sand and the mixtures heated to red heat in closed crucibles until t h e coal is carbonized. TT'hen cold. a pon-dery or more or less coked mass is left ; from the test portion showing the maximum quantity of sand that the coal can bind together, the coking qualities are estimated : the n-eight of the coal being unity, the binding power is shown by the weight of agglomerated sand. T h e most binding coal tried was found equal to 17,while pitch showed a power of -?o.-The ammonia is given off most rapidly about ten hours after charging but ceases entirely before the coking is complete, leaving in the coke about one-quarter of the nitrogen originally in the coal. T h e yield of auinionia is calculated as sulphate and from Pittsburg coal arerages about 16 to 2 2 pounds per ton of coal. T h e tar is of good quality and owing to the increased manufacture of water gas, it now finds a ready market. T h e yield of tar from Pittsburg coal varies from 70 to So pounds per ton T h e by-product oven gas will probably have to be used a s fuel, since it contains less illurninants than that from gas-house retorts ; but from good gas coal it xrould furnish a fairly good illuminant. Formaldehyde Tannin. C'. S. Pat. h'o.598,914. Abstract iu Lenther .Ifanlzu.actzwer, 9, 39.-This is a new substance patented by H . C. Durkopf, and called methylene digallotannic acid. I t is made by the condensatioii of tannin with fornialdehyde in the presence of hydrochloric acid. T h e formula asTannin radical. signed to it is CH,/ \Tannin radical.