TECHNICAL CHEMISTRY. - Journal of the American Chemical

Soc. , 1901, 23 (6), pp 107–113. DOI: 10.1021/ja02032a012. Publication Date: June 1901. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:J. Am. Chem. Soc. 23, 6, 107-1...
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Ted ?tical Chemis by.


boxes ; both rolls are operated by one crank ; a feed plate at the front facilitates the insertion of a small button and a second plate at the back, closely wiping the bottom roll, prevents the cornet from dropping on the floor. T h e net weight of the machine is 5 7 pounds and the weight, when boxed for shipping, is S j pounds.


The Chemistry of Insecticides. BY F. T. SHUTT. Canada Ex#. F a v m Rejt., 1899, 148-14g.-An analysis of a sample of Paris green indicated 44.2per cent. of arsenious acid, of which 4.56 per cent. was soluble in water. An emulsion of kerosene and crude carbolic acid with some soap, was found effective in destroying borers and bark lice. The addition of copper sulphate to the emulsion caused separation of the emulsion constituents and is not to be recommended. Addition of a strong tobacco decoction to Bordeaux mixture caused separation of the constituents, but only after standing some time. If used fresh, this would not injure the Bordeaux mixture. Comparative Hide-Powder Tests. BY W. H. KRUG. Leafher JOY., 12,10-1 I .-The hide-powder made by the Vienna Experiment Station having given unsatisfactory results recently, and being found acid in its character, the author and two others, undertook test analyses on quebracho extract, using the same sample, and Pmploying hide-powder of the above-named make. Trials were made with the powder as furnished ( i .e., acid), and also after neutralization with sodium carbonate. T h e tabulated results show close concordance with the unneutralized powder ; but after neutralization the absorption power of the powder decreases; the filtrate is turbid and contains tannin. After neutralizatton, twice as much powder is required in order that the filtrate may be free from tannin. A method of neutralizing and waihing the powder is also described. Comparison of the International Filter-Tube [lethod and t h e Official Hide-Powder Method. BY H. U'. WILEYAND IV. H. KRVG. Leathe?. Mfr., 12, 9-Io.-Test analyses on identical samples of oakwood extract, chestnut extract, mimosa extract, solid quebracho extract, valonia, and mimosa bark, were carried out by the filter-tube method in Prof. Procter's laboratory, and by the official method in the laboratory of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. The results of both series of tests are tabulated and show that the filter method gives lower non-tannins than the official method, and correspondingly higher tannins, Concerning Retene, 'Petrolene, and Asphaltene.

BY S. F.

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PECKHAM. J . F)miki‘i)&I i i s f . , 151,.p-cir.-’I‘he paper is a protest against the use of the terms retene or retitle, and petrolene. and asphaltene in reporting analyses of solid bitumens and bituiiiinous minerals. T h e author prefers to report the percentage soluble in petroleum ether as “ the petroleum ether soluble,” and not as “petrolene,” etc. X paper by Edward J . DeSniedt ( P a z ~ i u g 1893) -~ is discussed and several erroneous statements are shown ; particularly in regard to the sulphur content of ‘ I retine,” petrolene, and asphaltene. Retene is described in chemical literature as a body crystallizable from alcohol ; the author could obtain no crystallized solid from the alcohol extract of California and other asphaltums. T h e term ’ ‘ retitle he fails to find. T h e article by De Smedt contains references to researches by Le Bel and Muntz a?r authority concerning retene, but the author fails to find such memoirs. I n recent years, the terms petrolene and asphaltene have been loosely applied to the residues, soluble and insoluble, obtained with ethyl ether, petroleum ether, acetone, and other menstrua ; the author asserts that the material dissolved from one asphaltum by these solvents, may lie quite different from that extracted from another sample. A n asphaltum having but a trace of chloroform soluble and only a small amount of tnrpentine soluble, may not be distinguished by the eye from one that dissolves to the extent of one-third or one-half in chloroform. I t is stated that weathered asphalts yield a large percentage of chloroform soluble. X citatioii to 311 article by 0. Hesse (.gwh. d. P h l i w ~),>frequently quoted in the literature, is showii to he erroneous, the article being by Otto Helm (.41zh. d. Phnriit., 111, 13, 396). Analyses of grahamite by Miss Laura A. Linton shows it to contain about j o per cent., each petrolene and asphaltene ; according to De Smedt it should contain I r . q j per cent. of sulphur ; analysis showed 0 . 6 1 2 j per cent. sulphur present. Other discrepancies in the sulphur content of albertite and several bitumens, as calculated according to De Smedt, and as found on analysis, are pointed out. I t being admitted that the portions of different bitumens dissolved by petroleum ether inay riot be identical chemically, or even resemble each other, varying in their physical properties, the question is asked: Of what value is an analysis of asphalt by solution? T h e answer is that the value lies 0x13‘ in analyses made with the same solvents and under the same condftions, and especially as applied to different specimens from the same locality, as a means of comparison. It is useless to compare the results obtained from a Pacific coast asphaltuni, using petroleum ether made from California petroieuiii. Tvith those obtained from Trinidad or Beriiiudez asphaltum dissolved in ethyl ether, or petroleum ether from Eastern petroleum. -1uniform method by the same solventsshould he adopted b y a11 who are engaged in analyzing asphaltum. ”

Techizical Ckemisf ry .


Aluminium at the Paris Exposition (1900). BY JOSEPH W. RICHARDS. J. Franklin Inst., 151, 107-1 14.-The progress of the aluminium industry as shown at the five international exhibitions held in Paris, in 1555, 1867, 1878, 1889, and 1900, is interestingly described. Up to 1900 the material was all obtained by the Deville process, using metallic sodium ; but in 1889 a great reduction in price with consequent large increase in the use of the metal was noticed, chiefly due to the cheap production of metallic sodium by the processes of Castner and Netto. At this time the Conles’ alloy products were first shown. I n 1900 all of the metal exhibited was made by electrolytic processes ; the production amounted to 7 , 0 0 0 tons and the price was 30 cents per pound. X list of the firms producing aluminium and a descriptioii of their exhibits in detail then follows. A Discussion of Recent Developments in the Fire-Pioofing of Wood. BY JOSEPH L. FEKRELL.J . Fra?zkliiz Inst., 151, 161-177.-The first seven pages of the article are filled with a rambling commentary upon the old methods of fire-proofing ” and the faults of the machinery used ; the time consumed and cost of the Chemicals are claimed to make the processes prohibitive. Then the author gives a very general account of the ‘‘ new process. ” Instead of low pressures and long time, high pressures for short times were tried ; steaming and vacuum are discarded. ( Coqbni-e this Rezi., 7, 64. ) Pressures from 50 to I , 2 0 0 pounds were tried and ‘‘ the results noted.” To the reviewer at least, the article would have had greater interest i f some of these results were stated. I t was, however, discovered that each thickuess of each wood had its exponent of resistance to compression, but the greater pressures were apt to overcompress and distort the wood.” This is obviated by the use of a hydraulic accuniulator by which uniform pressure and more rapid saturation are obtained. Some details and a drawing of portions of the apparatus are given. Concerning the chemicals available for fireproofing previous to this investigation, phosphate of ammonium is ranked first in efficiency and ammonium sulphate next. Both of these are too expensive, render the wood brittle, more hygroscopic and corrode metals with which they. come in contact. But now, after years of experiment, two formulae have been discovered, which will reduce the cost of chemicals to less than onethird of what it has been, and the saturated wood is free from the defects of the old process. It retains its color, does not corrode metals, is not hydroscopic nor brittle, will take paint and varnish and the chemical does not volatilize. The time of treatment is very short and penetration is complete. No hint as to the nature of these chemicals is given as the patents are not sufficiently advanced.” Large timbers, as well as boards, can be treated. Soine illustrations of a burning test applied to two I ‘

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Review ojP American Chemical A'cscaizh.

small buildings, exactll- alike, but oiie made of fire-proofed wood, are given, but the description is w r y meager. A Brief Sketch of the Essential Requisites of Powder " as Distinguished From Explosives." BY \I-. J . WILLIAJIS.J . Franklin Insf.,151, 194--207.-The author defines a * * ponder " as a means of propulsion for projectiles. An ' ' explosive " is a means or' producing pom-erful shattering effects. In a powder, the chemical changes are comparatively slow or progressix-e. so that the whole of the power is not released in the shortest possible period, but gradually ; an explosive develops its total energy i n the shortest possible period of time. A powder burns ; an explosive detonates ; a powder pushes while an explosive strikes a shattering blow. The requisites of a ponder are then sunimed up under the following heads : ( I j The velocitJ- developed : (~2 ) the pressure attained ; (3) specific gravity and gravimetric density ; 1 4 ) granulation : ( 5 ) temperature attained during combustion ; ( 6 ) susceptibility to ignition : ( 7 ) siiioke and ash ; ( 8 ) friability ; ( 9 ) sensitiveuess to shock : ( I O ) suitability for loading by machinery : ( I I ) sensitiveness to environment, such as heat, moisture, etc. ; ( 1 2 ) stability. Each of these headings is then taken up in detail and considered at length. 1)ut 110 COY:densed abstract can be made. High Explosives: Their Uses in Peace and War. 13y E. L. ZALISSKI. hternntz'o)ia( LTFo?Lfh&,I , 676-692 .-In this popular discussion is given a r6sum6 of some of the more coninioii high explosives, their composition, properties and the conditiolis under which they may be used. Nitroglycerine ; guiicottoii ; dynamites and their various coinbinations as blasting gelatine, explosive gelatine, and gelatine dynamites are briefly considered, and also the Sprengel group, T h e picric acid class is given some attention because of its public notoriety rather than intrinsic merit. I t is pointed out that the presence of small amounts of metallic oxides in these explosives constitute ail element of unusual danger. This class requires very powerful detonators to evolve their full power and when not fully exploded they evolve dense clouds of noxious fuines. The m e of lyddite in war has demonstrated that incomplete explosions are frequent hut in even a greater number of cases entire failure to explode occurs. The same result is likely to follow the use of melinite. Liquid air as an explosive is poKerful but the chances of its being used industrially or for war, are small. All high explosives are capable of several orders of detonation, froin mere ignition to the most powerful explosion ; these difference5 may be caused by the nature of the " tamping " or by the character and maimer of initial ignition atid explosion. With !all high explosives, mercury fulminate is hest adapted t o educing the 6'


Techtical Chentistry ,


maximum power of the explosive ; and it is also important that the proper quantity of fulminate be used. T h e more insensitive the explosive the greater the charge of fulminate required. T h e position of the exploder cap in the charge is also very important. A table of the relative force of various high explosives is given, based on gunpowder as unity ; in this, nitroglycerine stands at 1 2 ; blasting gelatine, 16 ; dynamite No. I , at I O ; and lyddite and melinite, 3 each. The influence of the specific gravity in obtaining results from explosives is discussed briefly, and it is then shown that the time element in the explosion governs the energy realized. The actual energy secured seems to be more or less independent of the chemical constitution. T h e methods of using high explosives are then considered somewhat at length. Rubber in Guatemala. BY JAS. C. RIcNALLY. U. S. Coizsular Rep., 65, 37 1-37 j.-This is a general description of the cultivation and collection of crude rubber in that country. Planting and cultivation of the Casfilloa elastica is now well established ; the tree develops in from seven to nine years, and then may be tapped twice a year. T h e yield is from two to four pounds of milk yearly, and the resulting rubber is worth from one to two dollars. The method and precautions to be observed in tapping are stated, and also the process of coagulating the juice. The Condition, Prospects, and Future Educational Demands of the Chemical Industries. BY Wbf, MCMURTRIE. J . Am. Chem. SOC. , 23,7 r-8g.-This article is the presidential address delivered at the Chicago meeting of the Society, December 2 7 , 1900. I t contains an excellent review of the progress of the chemical industries in this country, especially during the last two decades. Tables showing the values of chemicals imported and exported during this period are given, from which it is seen that in certain lines an enormous growth in our domestic industries has taken place ; but in other directions there is still necessity for further developments of our own sources of crude materials. T h e question of the proper education of technical chemists is also ably discussed. A Comparative Method of Determining the FusingPoints of Asphalts. BY CHAS. F. MABERY A X D OTTO J. SIEPLEIN.J . Ant. Chem. Sor., 23, 16-~o.-The method consists in heating the specimen in a narrow beaker which is supported in a glycerine-, water-, or air-bath. T h e diniensionsof a convenient apparatus are given and by maintaining certain constants the results are reasonably close. The page number given for this article in the index on the cover is incorrect.

Ilanufacture of Rubber in the Philippines. BY G. D. RICE. Westem Electrician, 27, 332.--A description of the methods of preparing crude rubber.


Rezsienl of’ .-Inzericau Chemical h’eseuvch.

The Manufacture of Uranium Compounds. B Y J . OHLY. Miiz. and Sci. Pvpss, sa, 12j-134.--X complete analysis of carnotite (potassium-sodium vanadio uranate) by Hillebrand is quoted, and determinations of U,O, in six samples by the author are the only special features to note i n the article. The author finds that Hillebrand’s analysis was of a selected ore sample, and that the arerage value in uranium oxide is seldom above 6 per cent.! although two of the author’s analyses shon- 8.68 arid 17.06 per cent. U,O,, respectively. The uranium is extracted by treating the ore with dilute nitric acid, and precipitating the uranium with caustic soda when a sodium uranate, Na,U,.6H20, contaminated with iron, alumina and lime, separates as crude . ‘ uranium yellow,” From this the refined uranium oxide, or sodium urauate is obtained. The methods of extracting uranium from pitchblende are also explained. Uranium compounds are employed for making a fluorescent, greenish-yellow glass, for orange and black glazes on porcelain and in china painting. The carbide of urauiuni is employed as a substitute for platinum in pyronieters owing to its high melting-point, and as an addition to steel for improving it,