May 18, 2012 - TECHNICAL MEASUREMENT CORPORATION. Anal. Chem. , 1964, 36 (6), pp 97A–97A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60212a789. Publication Date: May ...
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Sample a Varying Analog Signal (0 to 10 kc)

With a Trigger Pulse (0 to 50 kc)

Convert it to Digital Signals for Storage, Display and Data Reduction

WITH THE NEW TMC 401M PULSE HEIGHT ANALYZER The Mode! 401M pulse analysis system permits on-line sampling of varying analog signals where immediate analysis of the information is required in a digital form. Measurements on radar return signals to determine charged particle densities in space and Mossbauer effect experiments are typical of the many applications requiring this type of analog-to-digital conversion. Operation The 401 M is provided with two inputs. A varying analog signal is applied to one input. The second input accepts pulses which determine the sampling rate. These pulses allow counts, proportional to the instantaneous amplitude of the analog signal, to be stored in a corresponding channel in the magnetic core memory. These counts may then be displayed for visual study or read out through a variety of data handling units for a permanent record. Optional data reduction units permit scaling, addition, subtraction and integration of information stored in different portions of the memory.

Built-in Capabilities: • • • •

Mossbauer Operation • Coincidence — AntiMultiscaling coincidence Counting Pulse Height Analysis • Automatic Routing Analog Signal Sampling • Live and Static Display • Automatic Operation Specifications—Sampling Input Modulation Input Signal Frequency 0 to 10 kc (sine wave) 0 to 1 kc (square wave) Amplitude 4.5 volts peak-to-peak for maximum channel selection Trigger Input Signal Sampling Rate 0 to 50 kc Amplitude 0 to 50 millivolts Polarity Negative

Pulse Analysis Systems are available with 256, 400 and 1024 channel memories. For complete details contact your nearest T M C office or write Dept. T I S , Technical Measurement Corporation, 441 Washington Avenue, North Haven, Conn.

TECHNICAL MEASUREMENT CORPORATION Circle No. 159 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 36, NO. 6, MAY 1964


97 A